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The idea that Our lady of Fatima's visits in 1917 to the three children, and the miracle of the sun were UFO sightings is the most absurd theory I've ever heard. To denigrate the Catholic Church's position on this, one of the most profound appearances of Jesus' mother, is unbelievable. I was in college in the 1950's. At that time I knew that the Catholic church teaching was not against believing in life on other planets in the universe. This is nothing new. To link the above story with a cover-up is more stupid than the silly stories about Jesus and Mary Magdalene being married and having a child-the DaVinci codes. Reputable scholars and artists have debunked that repeatedly. I guess as long as the Catholic church perdures (until the end of time) there will be misguided, or perhaps evil-intended people intent upon damaging the Faith and Beauty of the Church

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