NOTE: I not sure if you have seen the BASHAR/Darryl Anka channelings on the Phoenix Lights, which mention 2008 and 2010 as key dates in the unfoldment of first contact (see below).
While I am not sure what measure of objectivity to assign Bashar's
information, Darryl and I had a good conversation in Hawaii at the
Dolphin-ET conference and we support his ET Contact Initiative.
Phoenix, AZ
> Bashar's 'official' communique regarding phoenix lights and 1st contact
> The Shalania transcript
> In your traditional way:
> Once upon a time
> there was
> many of your years ago,
> but yet to you, still many of your years in the future
> a world, which was fashioned
> for the purpose of continuing
> a civilization that had brought itself to the brink of destruction.
> And this world was fashioned
> so they could have a second chance
> at perpetuating their culture, their civilization.
> These are the ones who made us.
> The ones who made us found your parallel reality
> and other parallel realities,
> and fashioned from their own genetic material and your,
> several hybrid species,
> of which we are one.
> I began my incarnation in my civilization
> 137 of your years ago
> but yet still 2700 years in your future.
> As I was born in my society
> and allowed to be telempathically connected,
> I did not forget my connection to my spirit, my higher mind, my oversoul,
> in which was made an arrangement, an agreement,
> wherein I would have,
> also what to me is a past life on your world,
> which is the channel before you.
> And in that arrangement
> was set out certain parameters
> for how that communication would occur, would evolve.
> And it was taught to me at age three
> that I would contact my past self also at age three
> and form the bridge and the link
> that would connect us through this life.
> And I was taught the way of doing these things
> for I knew and I remembered
> that this would be my expression, my passion,
> to open gateways and open doorways
> for the consciousnesses for those on the threshold
> of new awakening and new realities and new experiences.
> And I was filled with great joy
> to realize my becoming.
> And as my orbits around my central star progressed
> and I became, what you know, as the seventh year of life,
> thus then was I also introduced to another
> who was to be a counterpart
> in this endeavor,
> who as a female of my society
> would also be an initiator
> of the opening of the gates,
> and the opening of the doors.
> And as such I would eventually take upon myself
> the apparation that you have come to know as Bashar.
> So she would take on the apparation known as Anima.
> And in this way together we would work
> to initiate contact and open many doors
> so that those civilizations with whom we would interact,
> would eventually be those who would join
> the Alliance of Worlds.
> And in this way did we grow, and train, and learn and explore together.
> And before my time
> there was the creation by those that made us
> of a repository of knowledge on our world.
> And not only upon our world,
> which in our ancient language is Essassani,
> place of living life,
> but on all the other worlds they had fashioned
> and also placed thereupon other hybrid races,
> each of whom would play a part in a variety of ways
> of opening up remembrance, contact and continuance
> with the ancestors, which are you,
> Annani, in our ancient language, the ancestors, the ancient ones,
> who are in that sense from whom we are made.
> We are in that sense – all the hybrids --
> your extension and your children.
> But each plays a different role
> in the remembrance and rejoining of family.
> We play our part in initiation
> but there are those who will be the first
> to make open contact with you,
> who have begun to show their ships to you.
> As we have named them, those encounters,
> you have come to know as the Phoenix lights,
> being represented of one such group
> who shall be the first,
> and are now through us allowed to represent,
> that as we are Essassani and you are Annani,
> they are the Shalania,
> which means "those who will come first."
> The Shalania are our cousins and brethren
> and your immediate children
> from those experiences you have labeled "abduction" on your planet,
> which is for the further perpetuation of the species
> of those who made us,
> your counterpart, humans, in a parallel reality,
> who have mutated beyond the recognition of the human form
> and in so doing prevented themselves
> from continuing in the same manner as which you do, through reproduction,
> but in contacting their parallel selves,
> of which you are parts of the same oversoul,
> to, shall we say, initiate the idea of contact
> through what you have called the abductions
> did form BONDS that were unexpected in their oversoul,
> to allow them to glean and glimmer,
> a new sense of emotionality,
> and the potential of what
> you can become as a parallel reality
> that take a path unlike the path they took.
> They recognized that you are similarly heading down
> the same road of destruction,
> but know that for you there is a fork
> that they did not take.
> And in so creating the hybrid races,
> such as ourselves,
> did put upon us the task
> of assisting our ancestors, the Annani,
> to aid and assist in waking you up
> as you travel down that path
> so that by the time you arrive at that fork in the road
> you will take the one they did not take,
> and you will take the one that will allow you to continue,
> and you will take the ONE
> that will allow you to rejoin the family,
> which they have taken from you in perpetuating themselves,
> the family that shall return,
> the first of which, being the Shalania.
> As they return,
> as they open contact,
> they will bring gifts of knowledge and awareness.
> They will remind you of your true history,
> -- not history in the singular, but history --
> all the way back to the origins of the DNA
> that has plowed its way through space
> finally arriving in the solar system you call your own
> and setting up incarnations
> on the planet that has been destroyed, Mardouk,
> on the planet that has been destroyed, Mars,
> on the planet that has yet to be seen as whether it will live or die, the Earth.
> But which we know you WILL continue on with
> for we would not at this point be speaking with you
> had you not taken the fork that will allow for the family reunion.
> We thank you for taking that fork.
> And even though we know
> these are still what you would recognize as the dark days of confusion,
> when it does not always seem as if you are moving toward the light,
> from our perspective, the gift you have given to us of life,
> allows us to reflect our knowing back to you,
> that that is the road you are on,
> for we are on it with you,
> and we will never, EVER, leave your side..
> Though we may present ourselves
> in various ways at various times
> and express our beingness with you
> in a variety of endeavors,
> that shall take different forms,
> that shall transform,
> always it will be with the essence of ourselves,
> lest within that endeavor,
> that shall continue side by side with you,
> the Annani, our ancestors.
> For we thank you for the gift of life,
> and I thank you
> for my experience on my world
> and on yours, simultaneously.
> I am enriched, and we are all enriched,
> by each and every experience
> you allow us to have of you,
> for we not only discover more of ourselves
> on our own world, in our own reality,
> but we discover more of ourselves through you,
> through the aspects of you that are within us,
> as your ancestors, as your descendants, as your children.
> Fear not! Worry not!
> You will become what you desire to be.
> For we see you as you are in our time,
> and in our time you are among the stars,
> and you know who you are.
> And in our time,
> there is another form of life on Earth,
> learning its lessons, creating its experiences,
> but you will leave behind
> a few things they will ponder
> and they will wonder about you,
> and where you went.
> And in spirit you will guide them,
> even as in body you will explore other worlds,
> and assist others as we assist you,
> other star systems evolving,
> other cultures evolving,
> and you will contact them much as we have contacted you,
> and you will be their entities,
> and make them wonder what lies beyond.
> And you will bring them up the ladder with all of us,
> as you take your place as a full-fledged member
> of the Interstellar Alliance.
> That gathering which together synchronistically expands,
> and enriches all who participate, all who harmonize within it,
> because the core is the freedom to be
> the fullest individual,
> and to learn that by being such,
> that this is what creates the harmony of unity,
> that diversity and that strengthening of your diversity,
> your true nature,
> is what allow for the harmony
> of the unification to express itself perfectly,
> and allows for continued expansion within All That Is.
> We share with you our beating heart
> for it is with the unconditional love of All That Is
> that we speak with you
> and that we remind you
> to know yourself
> fully.
> One moment, one moment, one moment, one moment, one moment, one moment..
> Look to your Arizona area in your year of 2010.
> There shall be another opportunity
> for contact with the Shalania.
> Look to your Arizona area in your year of 2010
> There shall be another opportunity
> for contact with the Shalania..
> In your year of 2008
> you shall have an opportunity to set in motion
> the circumstances in your society
> that will allow for the initial
> re-cog-ni-tion
> to occur in 2010.
> In 2012 there shall be
> in a variety of what you call sacred sites
> another opportunity for recognition of the Shalania.
> Five years hence, what you would call your year 2017
> there shall be the first broad awakening
> of the memories of contacts that HAVE occurred
> in and around various cities
> people will awaken to dream that memory.
> There will be at first psychological confusion at that,
> but at your year of 2020
> the dreams will explain themselves sufficiently
> so that all of these that remember
> will communicate with all others that recall
> and there will be the establishment of communication vehicles,
> centers, sites on your Internet
> for those that remember the encounters
> that will reveal themselves in the dreams.
> After your year of 2025
> there will then begin
> a series of limited open contacts
> in isolated areas
> pre-determined, pre-selected, pre-chosen
> on your planet.
> In and around your year 2030
> there will be preparation for
> large scale open contact in your year of 2033.
> These events are
> as we read your energy now..
> You have the ability in year 2008
> to put exactly this time-line in motion.
> You also have the ability to extend this time-line
> depending on what you do in your year of 2008.
> NOW more than EVER before.
> Begin request of open discussion
> of what your government knows of extraterrestrial existence.
> Strong these opportunities that exist in 2008
> for the change of your American government.
> Infuse that change with recognition
> not only of what must accelerate to aid and assist
> the environment of your world,
> but simultaneously with the idea of contact
> with higher, different other intelligence.
> Begin in whatever way in representative of your passion
> these dialogs, this infusion, these ideas.
> Use your imagination.
> Come from The Knowing You.
> Do not be afraid of the dream.
> Do not be afraid of the dream.
> Do not be afraid of the dream.
> The dream is what will AWAKEN you.
> That is the paradox.
> Dare to have the dream that will awaken you.
> Know yourself.
> And as you know yourself
> and give off more of the frequency
> of your true, essential nature,
> the Shalania shall recognize you by that sign,
> and shall gravitate towards those they must meet
> when the time comes,
> when the reunion happens.
> This is simply our opportunity to share these ideas with you,
> to share these possibilities of unfoldment with you.
> One moment, one moment, one moment!
> (soft whispering)
> Mammy, Daddy,
> we will soon no longer be just in your dreams.
> Mammy, Daddy,
> if you will help us
> we will live side by side
> on a new world
> that will be both yours and ours home.
> Until then, we will be in your dreams.
> Good night, mammy, good night daddy.
> We will see you soon.
> One moment.
> Your world is preparing to experience
> a level of unconditional love
> in the near future
> unprecedented on your planet.
> Even in ancient times with other civilizations
> that were far more connected,
> far more in remembrance
> of their connection to spirit,
> never before on earth
> have you gone
> THROUGH the darkness
> TO the light
> in this way!
> And the remembrance shall be profound
> by having taken that path.
> And the love, once regenerated,
> shall never be lost again.
> And in one thousand of your years
> you will no longer incarnate at all as humans on your world,
> but will – as we said – leave it for others to use
> for their own journeys, their own experiences, their own discoveries of Self.
> And you will guide them,
> you will aid them.
> You will be their spirit.
> You will be their entity.
> You will be the ones to whom they turn for guidance.
> This is your legacy,
> even as it is rapped up tightly with our,
> for we are one family,
> and as family we are inseparable.
> We love you,
> all of you,
> each one of you,
> for ever and ever and ever
> and ever.
> (audience laughing of joy and love)
> We are going to
> remind you now
> to know yourselves.
> Remember the simple things we have shown you here,
> the simple way, the I AM, to be in knowing,
> -- the dot on the paper --
> that's all it takes.
> Know what you know.
> You don't need to know what you don't know right now.
> That is sufficient
> for you to be all you need to be
> in this moment.
> Enjoy yourselves,
> as we enjoy you.
> Once again, take a deep breath,
> let it out,
> take another deep breath.
> Let it out and let all the anxiety go,
> no worries, no anxiousness.
> Take another deep breath,
> and hold it, and hold it, and hold it.
> And as you let it out,
> release and say out loud "I AM"
> Audience: "I AM"
> and that's ALL I need to be
> Audience: "and that's ALL I need to be"
> and so it is!
> We will extend to each of you
> at this time in perfect timing
> our deepest heartfelt unconditional love
> for the co-creation of this interaction,
> and simply we remind you
> that no matter in what form it comes,
> there are more surprises ahead,
> more excitements around the bend.
> Your imagination is limitless.
> Let it be your guide.
> And it will always lead you into the perfect place and the perfect time,
> and the perfect surprise
> to discover more of your knowing self,
> and we will see you
> in and in between your dreams.
> Our unconditional love to you,
> and Good Day.
> Copyright Darryl Anka 1984-2008
Dude if you want a quicker timeline, which i dont blame ya, you are problly gonna hafta kill your self cause that definatly will speed things up for you and humanity and could be the choice for many people who cant handle to see there little soap box reallity compleatly hit them in the face and kick them in the ass and send them flying towards god knows what. but.... if you arm yourself with truth,as much as you can handle, and get in the right ball game......your gunna love it.
I can guarantee it.
Oh and dont forget "We are not human beings having a spiritual expirience, rather we are spiritual beings having a human expiriance.^
To suffer, die, and to rise again.
Posted by: AD | 08 October 2008 at 03:11
Thanks for the very stimulating article...It brought me joy.
Posted by: edward oday | 21 June 2008 at 10:16
I'm sure many of us were working out what age we'd be in 2033!!
I think the key point is that much of this is in our own hands. We could have direct, formal communication tomorrow if we wanted. We need to amplify the feedback loop with the ET presence as a whole... as we do this, things could suddenly shift.
Posted by: Exopol UK | 09 May 2008 at 17:57
That timeline is terrible! 2033, it is far too long! Thats 25 more years of pain suffering death and misery before a significant societal change. No thanks, lets go for a much quicker timeline. Humanity has had enough.
Posted by: Tone | 04 May 2008 at 18:56