« April 21, 2008: Canadian Researcher at Washington DC Conference Shocks Media with Hillary Clinton’s UFO/Rockefeller Connection | Main | EXOPOLITICS MEDIA NOTE: An Open Letter to U.S. Presidential Candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) - & to Sen. Barack Obama (D- Ill) »



Dude if you want a quicker timeline, which i dont blame ya, you are problly gonna hafta kill your self cause that definatly will speed things up for you and humanity and could be the choice for many people who cant handle to see there little soap box reallity compleatly hit them in the face and kick them in the ass and send them flying towards god knows what. but.... if you arm yourself with truth,as much as you can handle, and get in the right ball game......your gunna love it.
I can guarantee it.

Oh and dont forget "We are not human beings having a spiritual expirience, rather we are spiritual beings having a human expiriance.^

To suffer, die, and to rise again.

edward oday

Thanks for the very stimulating article...It brought me joy.

Exopol UK

I'm sure many of us were working out what age we'd be in 2033!!

I think the key point is that much of this is in our own hands. We could have direct, formal communication tomorrow if we wanted. We need to amplify the feedback loop with the ET presence as a whole... as we do this, things could suddenly shift.


That timeline is terrible! 2033, it is far too long! Thats 25 more years of pain suffering death and misery before a significant societal change. No thanks, lets go for a much quicker timeline. Humanity has had enough.

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