Images beamed back from Mars would suggest so - although to sceptics, it could just be a strange rock formation.
Nasa's Mars Explorer Spirit sent back images from the surface of the Red Planet four years ago, and there was initial disappointment among scientists that they lacked any signs of life.
But space and science fiction enthusiasts are convinced there is more than meets the eye, and after years of studying the images, have found what appears to be an alien figure walking downhill.
The discovery of the life-like figure ambling across the surface of the planet is likely to further boost intrigue in our nearest neighbouring planet.
An earlier rock formation, dubbed "the face of Mars" showed what appeared to be a human head staring into the night sky.
The pictures, found on a Chinese website, are now creating a stir of excitement on the internet.
One keen stargazer said: "These pictures are amazing. I couldn't believe my eyes when I looked and saw what appears to be a naked alien running around on Mars."
Nasa's Mars Explorer Spirit is now starting its fourth year of exploration.

Painstaking: Space enthusiasts spent four years analysing this image, which on much closer inspection shows the 'alien'
Rovers are deployed because it has so far been too costly and difficult to achieve a manned mission to Mars, and because probes and satellites are too limited to explore the Martian surface.
The Spirit rover was launched on June 10, 2003.