MEDIA NOTE: On September 25, 2005, Hon. Paul Hellyer, former Minister
of Defence and Deputy Prime Minister of Canada, declared that “UFOs are
as real as the planes over your head.” Hellyer warned, "The United
States military are preparing weapons which could be used against the
aliens, and they could get us into an intergalactic war without us ever
having any warning.”
The Space Preservation Treaty bans all space-based weapons, and
establishes an independent Outer Space Peacekeeping Agency to monitor
outer space and enforce the ban.
The public opinion poll reported January 24, 2008 (See below) showing
that large majorities of Americans and Russians oppose all space
weapons in effect supports a public position against a weaponization -
or attempted weaponization - by the U.S. military-industrial complex
against ethical upper dimensional Extraterrestrial civilizations now
visiting Earth.
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD MEd

Large Majorities of Americans and Russians Oppose All Space Weapons
Strong Bipartisan Support for Unilateral Restraint
Large Majorities Favor Treaty Against Attacking or Developing the Capability to Attack Satellites
Full Report (PDF) Questionnaire / Methodology (PDF)
Americans and Russians agree that their governments should work
together to prevent an arms race in space. Large majorities in both
countries favor unilateral restraint and a treaty that would keep space
free of weapons.
A United States Air Force Defense Support System satellite used for infrared detection (Photo: USAF)
and Russians also support treaties that would prohibit countries from
attacking or interfering with each others’ satellites and from testing
or deploying weapons designed to attack satellites.
These are
among the key findings of a WorldPublicOpinion.org poll of 1,247
Americans and 1,601 Russians developed in conjunction with the Center
for International and Security Studies at the University of Maryland
(CISSM). Knowledge Networks in the United States and the Levada Center
in Russia conducted the interviews.
in both the United States (78%) and Russia (67%) say that as long as no
other country puts weapons into space, their own governments should
also refrain from doing so.
Most Russians (72%) and Americans
(80%) also favor a new treaty banning all weapons in space. Support for
such a ban was strong among Americans even when they were presented
counter arguments about the potential military advantages of deploying
such systems. The US poll revealed strong bipartisan
consensus on the issue. Majorities in both the Republican and
Democratic parties believe the US government should refrain
unilaterally from deploying space weapons. There is also bipartisan
backing for a treaty to ban these weapons, though support is higher
among Democrats.
Steven Kull, director of
WorldPublicOpinion.org, noted that there was remarkable agreement
within and between the two countries on the issue of space weapons.
is striking is the robust consensus—among Russians as well as
Americans, and among Republicans as well as Democrats—that space should
not be an arena for the major powers to compete for military
advantage,” Kull said.
John Steinbruner, director of CISSM,
added that “the observed consensus also reflects a robust conception of
security interest.”
use of space for common protection is, in fact, far more important for
all countries under the circumstances of globalization than the pursuit
of national advantage in performing traditional military missions,”
Steinbruner said.
Asked how high a priority their governments
should place on bilateral cooperation to prevent an arms race in space,
large maj
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