Aloha, I highly recommend the following (draft) article by Grant Cameron which presents an exhaustive list of 65 reasons why the reality of extraterrestrial life has not been 'officially' disclosed by responsible government entities. The article helps considerably in giving a detailed understanding of some of the powerful public policy choices being faced by government entities dealing with the reality of extraterrestrial life. Most compelling are factors relating to the secret government's fear that official disclosure would lead to it losing power in deciding public policy issues, and the likelihood that UFO/ETI groups would gain great influence. 'Official' disclosure would mean real power shifts from the small secretly appointed committees dealing with ETI, to a larger democratic base of global society.
Grant Cameron's article is probably as close as we can get to a comprehensive understanding why "official" disclosure has not occurred. In contrast, we have only received officially sanctioned partial releases of information that maintain plausible deniability by withdrawing physical evidence, and including inconsistencies and disinformation. Thus the mainstream press avoids such officially sanctioned information leaks given the risk to professional reputations in running stories that can't be confirmed. Similarly, scholars, who study extraterrestrial life face significant challenges in getting articles published in peer reviewed journals, and even holding on to their academic positions as experienced by this author and others.
So while 'official disclosure is yet to occur, officially sanctioned leaks of information have been permitted so those that are ready for the information can develop a "situational awareness" of extraterrestrial life and the public policy issues it presents. In contrast, those not ready for the truth can maintain blissful ignorance or remain in a state of denial where they become skeptics/debunkers.
The following paper encourages us to develop an appropriate strategy that culminates in 'official' disclosure. Most critical in such a strategy will be a series of educational and political initiatives to stimulate informed public policy debate of extraterrestrial life, and of the evidence available in the public realm. Once an informed public dialogue is underway that includes policy professionals and scholars, then 'official' disclosure will be much more likely.
The good news is that the rapid increase of UFO sightings and experiences with extraterrestrial life, and mainstream press interest in Presidential candidate views, raises considerably the prospects of official disclosure. The wild card in public efforts to stimulate official disclosure, is the attitude of extraterrestrial civilizations monitoring the Earth. Ultimately, they may decide to precipitate official disclosure by unveiling themselves to the global public. This is something that should not be underestimated and indeed may result from informed public debate on extraterrestrial life.
In peace
Michael Salla, Ph.D.
The Reasons Why the Government Might Have Chosen not
to Disclose the ET Reality
I think there is a general agreement within the UFO community that UFO
disclosure on the part of the government would be a good idea. Many researchers are
therefore somewhat distressed that the government has made few open indications of any
disclosures any time soon. There is, however, a disconnect between what is viewed as
the apparent best course of action, and what is happening.
In the many lectures I have given on the President and his role in the
UFO cover-up I have been often asked, why the government has chosen to cover-up the ET
presence from the people.
To answer this question I looked back on the administration of Jimmy
Carter who came into the White House after making the promise that he would release
the UFO files once elected.
I have always believed that disclosure will come with extreme pressure on
the government. This is the way it has happened with all major political shifts of the
past. Rarely, if ever, has a politician come up with a good idea to advance society,
and then had all members of the House and Senate jump in and pass it. UFO Disclosure,
just because it is deemed a good idea for society, will not be given a free ride
inside Congress. Nor should it. It is in competition with many good ideas being
promoted by many public interest groups.
In viewing the actions of government I think it is important to remember
that the points below are talking about how the government (not a normal average
American citizen) might think. For example an average citizen would use logic and see
no threat where the government would. In Iraq the White House saw an imminent threat
to the United States from Sadam Hussein who had no weapons of mass destruction, no
planes, no water and electricity in most of the country. The American forces had high
tech fighters flying over the country many times a day shooting at anything they
deemed to be a threat. The military saw a bigger threat than the American populous or
other countries in the United Nations. Danger is a relative term.
A similar example would be the handling of the security situation in the
country following 911. Government security officials developed a system of yellow,
orange, red alerts. Based on the same intelligence agencies that produced bad Iraqi
War intelligence, the color of the light would be changed at wimp representing a
different level of security threat. There was no obligation to justify any change in
the color alert.
Historically, in almost every case, the government is dragged kicking and
screaming to ever important advance in society. Some examples would be:
Women’s Right to Vote
began in 1848 when the first Woman's Rights Convention was held, but it was not until
there were large demonstrations outside the White House, where 500 women were
imprisoned, that woman got the right to vote in 1920. Women were not handed the vote.
The vote came after 75 years of struggle.
Both large and high
profile demonstrations by Greenpeace activists have stopped US and French nuclear
testing, radioactive waste dumping at sea, and generated a general ecological
awareness by many nations. Our ideas of recycling and protecting the environment came
after years of pressure on politicians.
Gay rights was driven by
many large marches on the Mall in Washington DC.
Money for aids research
came after great pressure exerted from within the gay and Hollywood communities.
The decision to end the
Vietnam War came after years of demonstration on campuses and various U.S. cities.
Our present government is no more willing to make the move for disclosure
than our past leaders were to let African-Americans and women vote, or to recognize
gays. Enough people must support the issue until it becomes a powerful voting block.
Then politicians who must get reelected begin to listen.
The reason by the forces that control the cover-up might be one (or a
combination) of the following points.
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