EXOPOLITICS: To the HeraldTribune.com & Billy Cox, with Forgiveness
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
VANCOUVER, B.C. - Since the HeraldTribune.com reporter Billy Cox was the recipient of the 2005 X-Conference Courage in Journalism Award, and I was privileged to be the recipient of the 2007 X-Conference Lifetime Achievement Award, and since we are both Exopolitical journalists (I host EXOPOLITICS RADIO www.exopoliticsradio.com), I will try to be more the gentle but firm teacher rather than the caustic critic to the Herald Tribune’s and Billy Cox’s uninformed, unexpected, and shall I say – transparently biased - attack on Exopolitics.
Wanted: Sharper graphics, brighter colors
By Billy Cox
On my recent USA trip to speak at the 9/11 Anniversary conference in New York (Sept 8-9, 2007), I was savaged in a similar “uninformed, unexpected, and shall I say – transparently biased - attack article” (See below) by the Weekly Standard, the NeoCon magazine with deep PsyOps disinformational connections, through its Neo-Zionist Editor William Kristol, Chairman and Co-Founder of the Project for a New American Century. The Project for a New American Century is responsible for the intellectual infratstructure of the New World Order, ranging from the weaponization of space; the War against Islam; War in Iraq, and possible War against Iran (read possible World War III).
Project for a New American Century
The Truthers Are Out There
Leftwing causes converge with the 9/11 denial movement.
by Sonny Bunch
09/24/2007, Volume 013, Issue 02
The next weekend (Sept 13-17, 2007), based on the following Press release, Washington Post reporter and Skull & Bones member Dana Milbank falls into a now familiar journalistic pattern first laid by the Weekly Standard.
Dana Milbank is asked about his Skull & Bones membership in this BBC documentary.
BBC Radio 4 Report on Skull and Bones
See Also: Fleshing Out Skull & Bones (Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society) by Kris Millegan (Trineday: 2003) for more detail on the relationships between the Rockefeller, intelligence, and permanent war economy and the forces that have kept the Extraterrestrial Truth Embargo in place since the late 1940s.
I should say that I was in Torch & Talon at Yale, not Skull & Bones, but then I do not think that Billy Cox understands the relationship between the Brotherhood of Death – Skull & Bones secret name - and the Extraterrestrial Truth Embargo…… yet. Torch & Talon was a now defunct underground society which met weekly in a rented beach house to do encounter groups, '60s style. Dana Milbank writes an article that – curiously like the Weekly Standard article (and now the Herald Tribune article) attempts to focus on – Alfred Webre – distorting his presentation in order to write a “uninformed, unexpected, and shall I say – transparently biased - attack on Exopolitics.”
Here is that Press Release I gave to Skull & Boneser Dana Milbank. Compare it to the content of Dana Milbank’s article.
There's the Red Vote, the Blue Vote . . . and the Little Green Vote
By Dana Milbank, Washington Post Sept 18, 2007
WHEN: Monday September 17, 2007 10:00 AM EDT
WHERE: Lisagor Room, National Press Club
13th Floor, 14th & F Street, NW, Washington, DC
X-Conference Lifetime Achievement Award Winner, Leader of Carter White House Exopolitics Study To Call for Truth-Amnesty Process & Disclosure of ET-derived, Environmentally safe New Energy sources.
WASHINGTON, DC - The leader of a proposed Extraterrestrial Communication Study in the 1977 Jimmy Carter White House will call for a Truth Amnesty process to facilitate public release of advanced, fuel-less non-polluting New Energy sources, now held within classified projects of the U.S. military-intelligence establishment.
The Truth Amnesty process has a precedent the a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) process, which successfully followed the end of the Apartheid regime in South Africa.
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, who was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award at the X-Conference by Stephen Bassett, Director of X-PPAC, the Extraterrestrial Phenomenon Political Action Committee in Washington, DC, stated, “Truth-Amnesty Disclosure process is a promising avenue for Exopolitics because the embargo on the Extraterrestrial presence is based upon U.S. military-intelligence wanting to keep its top secret human-Extraterrestrial liaison programs sequestered from public scrutiny.”
“The motive of U.S. military-intelligence agencies has been to maintain a monopoly on advanced energy technology reportedly transferred and re-engineered for human use,” Webre said. “This advanced technology would virtually revolutionize the transport of people and goods on this planet, and would rejuvenate the biosphere.”
“As part of maintaining this secret sequestration, numerous constitutional and legal structures have been violated, and the constitutional decision-makers – the US President, the Congress, and the Courts as adjudicators, have been kept from knowledge of these secret liaison programs, as has the Fourth Estate – the Press - and our Scientific and Educational formal knowledge establishment,” Webre affirmed. “A well-funded U.S. military-intelligence disinformation campaign has been put into place to virtually destroy any knowledge about Universe society and advanced extraterrestrial sciences,” Webre said.
“Individual employees and officers within the national security state have over the course of six decades committed what would amount to a Tsunami of criminal acts under the U.S. Constitution and the U.S. criminal code against the U.S. government, the civilian population, and untold properties and enterprises”, Webre said. “I would argue that these acts rise to the level of war crimes under the Rome Statute of the International Court: Crimes Against Humanity; Aggressive War; Genocide; and War Crimes”, Webre stated. “That the acts were done in the course of a military-intelligence program of psychological warfare to protect secret human-Extraterrestrial liaison programs may or may not be a valid defense to criminal prosecution, depending on individual circumstances.”
“Disclosure must address this Gordian Knot – that individuals within the national security state who have knowledge of secret Extraterrestrial-human liaison programs, and of advanced energy technologies may want to disclose these, and cannot come forward for fear of criminal prosecution. Otherwise, we will continue to seek Disclosure as we have done in the past, with the same results, “ Webre stated.
“A complete amnesty is necessary so that the full technology and know how of the ET presence can be applied to restore the earth and move away from the permanent war economy. A Truth Amnesty Disclosure program is reportedly recommended by the participating Extraterrestrials themselves. We can now begin to create a framework to follow through on the original intent of the secret U.S. Government Extraterrestrial-human liaison programs – to restore the earth and transform the permanent war economy into a sustainable, peaceful Space Age society,” Webre said.
Webre will approach each of the Presidential candidates in the Democratic, Republican, Green Party and other parties to review and incorporate the Truth Amnesty Disclosure process into their 2008 Presidential platforms as an avenue to confront our environmental crisis with New, fuel-less non-polluting energy sources. Alfred’s EXOPOLITICS RADIO program, which supports Truth-Amnesty Disclosure, is heard weekly on KPHX Phoenix, Nova M Network.
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
ICIS-Institute for Cooperation in Space
3339 West 41 Avenue
Vancouver, B.C. V6N3E5 CANADA
TEL: 604-733-8134
FAX: 604-733-8135
Email: [email protected]
ICIS: http://www.peaceinspace.com
EXOPOLITICS – The New Political Science of Outer Space
As a fellow Award winner at the X-Conference, I find it alarming that reporter Billy Cox does not attempt to educate the reading public on the principles of Exopolitics. Namely that Exopolitics is the new political science of outer space, and the science of relations between our human society and advanced intelligent civilizations in the Universe. So the very FOCUS of Exopolitics includes Extraterrestrial civilizations – their nature, and perspectives – what are they like, what do they think, how are ETs approaching humanity.
2004 X-Conference – I did not attend the 2004 X-Conference, because of visa problems with Canada and the USA. My Canadian citizenship was pending and I could not leave Canada. However, prior to announcing the X-Conference, host Stephen Bassett called me and asked my permission to use the term “Exopolitics” in his conference, as the term had been originated in my book EXOPOLITICS: POLITICS, GOVERNMENT AND LAW IN THE UNIVERSE. I thanked Steve Bassett for his generous gesture. Thus the Awards that both Billy Cox and I won were, ultimately, premised on the concepts developed in the book EXOPOLITICS (and other books). Now, I hope Billy Cox has read my book EXOPOLITICS. Because if he hasn’t he has committed a cardinal sin against journalistic ethics. Which is to diss an author without reading his book. Maybe Cox should give his Award back, seeing as it was for Exopolitics reporting.
1. 2005 X-Conference Lecture - Billy Cox attacks me in his article for standing up for the Martians, as though that were a non-sensical and stupid gesture, and a particularly bad thing to do if I want to attract member of the USA media (supposedly like William Crystal of the Weekly Standard, Skull & Bioneser Dana Milbank of the Washington Post, and Billy Cox of HeraldTribune.com).
No, Billy, it is not a stupid thing to do. It is a wise, far-seeing and moral decision to resist the “Bad ET False Flag Scenario”. I am the International Director of the Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS), whose President Dr. Carol Rosin was informed on his deathbed by Dr. Wernher von Braun, when both were at Fairchild Industries, that after the collapse of Communism, a false War on Terror would come (How many 9/11 articles have YOU written, Billy?), followed by a false “War Against the Asteroids” followed by a False Flag Invasion of Earth by the “Bad ETs – all as justifications for the permanent war economy. That is why I advocated a boycott of racist films like ‘War of the Worlds” and why I think propaganda films like “Mar Attacks” and “Independence Day” are designed to fill the same space-weapons agenda.
Wernher von Braun & Dr. Carol Rosin: False Flag Wars and Exopolitics
Moreover, Billy, as an “Award-winning Exopolitical journalist”, you should educate the public as to what Exopolitics really means. In Part IV of the book EXOPOLITICS, we set out a program for public interest diplomacy with Off-Planet Cultures. The initial case study we propose is that of an apparent advanced civilization living in cities under the surface of Mars, as suggested by replicated experiments using scientific remote viewing (RV). It is extremely accurate, under proper protocols, as an espionage technology. Thus, in Exopolitics, we construct active programs for liaison with advanced intelligent civilizations, such as those who may living be under the surface of Mars. I suggest you read the experimental design before dismissing it to the reading public. Otherwise, you are simply repeating the disinformational schema of the past under a new disguise, as an “Award-winning journalist”.
2007 X- Conference: There is nothing to me to apologize for or re-think in my Press Briefing at the National Press Club. I proposed a Truth Amnesty Disclosure Process, as one of seven or eight speakers. Truth Amnesty is logical and it is also a process reportedly recommended by the specific Extraterrestrial civilization that has been in secret human-ET liaison programs with the US military intelligence, as reported by Jim Sparks and others. Jim Sparks has been vetted by Exopolitical scholars like Dr. John Mack and Linda Moulton Howe. Jim Sparks has been a guest on EXOPOLITICS RADIO, which weekly now has been pushing for Truth Amnesty as the only way through to full Disclosure. All of this has been public record for over 10 months prior to the X-Conference.
EXOPOLITICS: Secret U.S. Government human-ET liason programs - Jim Sparks & Alfred Webre
Audio Archive: http://www.exopoliticsradio.com/5-26-07.html
The Keepers by Jim Sparks (2006: Wild Flower Press)
Moreover, my Canadian colleagues at Exopolitics Toronto think that Skull & Boneser Dana Milbanks’ article is a breakthrough for true Exopopolitics. The Washington Post and Dana Milbanks are now engaged. And it was by expressing the EXTRATERRESTRIAL’S VIEWPOINT (the whole point of Exopolitics) that we engaged them.
Open Letter to Dana Milbank
By Exopolitics Toronto
What do you say to the Canadian letter, eh? It punches through your superficial, ad-hominem, rather curious analysis, Billy. You would want us Exopoliticans to hide any references to actual Extraterrestrials so that the likes of you and Dana Milbank can write the Truth? I actually do not trust your analysis, or your motives at this point.
TRUTH & RECONCILIATION: Exopolitics, John Ashcroft & Truth Amnesty Reconciliation
The whole point of my National Press Club Press statement was the establishment of a Truth & Reconciliation commission that would be able to grant Amnesty and get our human civilization beyond the dualism of the permanent war economy into true mission of a sustainable, peaceful cooperative space Age society. Amnesty and reconciliation releases advanced technology meant for the benefit of the biosphere into the public domain.
Upon leaving the National Press Club on September 17, 2007, after a collegial lunch with Dr. Michael Salla planning a future Exopolitics Conference, I went to National Airport to catch my flight back to Vancouver Canada.
As I checked in my bags, I looked over and saw a classmate of mine from Yale Undergraduate, John Ashcroft, George W. Bush former Attorney General, who was A.G. on September 11, 2001, the day of a False Flag Operation coup against the USA. He was sitting waiting for a plane.
Announcement of 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal
I had not met John Ashcroft before, so I introduced myself. We talked about our residential colleges at Yale, and then I said that I had just come from the National Press Club, and has published a book EXOPOLITICS on the relations between our human civilization and other civilizations in the Universe.
Ashcroft asked, “You believe there are such?”
“I usually let others make up their own minds,” I replied.
“No, but do you believe there are”? Ashcroft asked.
“Yes”, I said. “And Paul Hellyer, the former Minister of Defence of Canada has written an introduction to my book, supporting it and believes the same. Some Extraterrestrials can have a more advanced view of God.”
John Ashcroft’s eyes opened with interest.
“I’ll send you a copy of EXOPOLITICS to read,” I said, as we parted.
If I had met John Ashcroft the weekend before in the 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal retributive justice mode (An Eye for An Eye), he would have been Public Enemy Number One.
This weekend, after announcing a Disclosure Truth & Reconciliation process, I felt that the principles of Restorative Justice had created an opportunity for me to present Exopolitics to former Attorney General John Ashcroft, and perhaps to open a dialogue leading to some Truth – maybe both in 9/11 and Disclosure.
Oh and Billy.....For the record, we have talked to Dennis Kucinich at length about the Expolitics issue, in person. What Dana Milbank in his article failed to mention is that he did not call the Kucinich Campaign staff for comment in his article. He called Dennis' Capitol Hill office. They are separate entities. Skull & Bonser Milbank did cheap Gotcha journalism and failed to reveal that to the public. Yes we are watching, closer than you might think.
Copyright 2007.
September 18. 2007 3:18PM
Wanted: Sharper graphics, brighter colors
In 2005, at the 2nd Annual Exopolitical Expo X-Conference in Gaithersburg, Md., Canadian attorney Alfred Webre urged his audience to boycott Steven Spielberg’s upcoming “War of the Worlds” because it was libelous — to Martians.
The director of the Institute for Cooperation in Space condemned the film for putting “more humans into fear and paranoia mode” of their alien brethren, at a time when Earthlings should be embracing their celestial neighbors with hope and optimism.
I remember thinking, despite some truly compelling speakers during that weekend in April, if the mainstream media were here (they weren’t), Webre’s theatrics would top the charts and overshadow everything else.
Two years later, during Monday’s X-Conference wrapup at the National Press Club, Washington Post political analyst Dana Milbank showed up. Front and center of his coverage? Webre’s contention that the extraterrestrials themselves are behind the push for disclosure hearings on Capitol Hill.
These are the same ETs, Webre said, who “approximately 60 years ago entered into a top-secret CIA human-extraterrestrial liaison program.” Webre didn’t stop there. He also accused New Mexico governer/presidential contender Bill Richardson of being a former “employee of a secret CIA extraterrestrial liaison program” with “inside knowledge.”
"Saturday Night Live," anybody?
It’s not Milbank’s fault that he went for the obvious. That’s what Beltway guys do. If Webre hadn’t handed him a loopy lead, Milbank would’ve found another.
The truth is, Richardson created his own UFO problem, which he has yet to account for (more on that next time). But for the Washington press corps, this subject has become such a longstanding pull-my-finger gag, showing more than a cursory interest amounts to a character flaw.
Milbank, for instance, can distance himself from a speaker’s mention of a documented (http://www.cufon.org/cufon/malmstrom/malm1.htm), UFO-related, nuclear-missile shutdown at a Strategic Air Command Base in 1967 simply by describing the listeners as fishheads:
“Not one of the participants or audience members cracked a smile.”
Like glints of silver in turbid waters, the details that most dazzled one of Washington’s most influential pundits were all about showbiz, such as a DVD cover, where “a mean-looking alien eyes the Capitol and saucers circle overhead.”
With coverage like this, even a spokesperson for lowly Dennis Kucinich — polling at 1 percent in the Democratic primary race — could blow off Milbank’s request for a response as an insult (online at http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/09/17/AR2007091701780.html?hpid=topnews).
Maybe what the disclosure movement needs are sharper graphics with brighter colors?
Copyright: Herald Tribune.com http://www.heraldtribune.com/article/20070918/BLOG32/70918036
URL of this article: http://exopolitics.blogs.com/exopolitics/2007/09/exopolitics-to-.html