Originally published in the year 2000.
Earth's Inter-Stellar Quarantine is Being Lifted, says Vancouver Futurist
EXOPOLITICS Links Earth to Universal Politics
by Graham Simms
reprinted from The Gazette (University newspaper - Halifax, Nova Scotia)
VANCOUVER, BC - America’s military will suffer “ignominious defeat” by extraterrestrials if it continues to pursue its agenda of weapons proliferation into space because it is contrary to the laws of the universe to militarize space, says Alfred Lambremont Webre, a Vancouver based futurist; author; Yale educated eco-lawyer and White House liason.
Webre’s new book, entitled Exopolitics, describes a new branch of human knowledge- exopolitics, which is the politics of the universe. “Exopolitics provides the institutional framework for earth’s integration into Universe society. That process is now ongoing and will accelerate as exopolitical realities are awakened in humankind. Exopolitics is the study of law, government and politics that will liberate human society.” Webre explained in an interview this week.
Webre believes that the proposed ‘Star Wars’ missile defence system is actually an offensive weapon to be used against extraterrestrial UFO’s in an attempt by earths ruling elite to stall man-kind's merger with the rest of the universe. He explains: “Star Wars and the militarization of space is part of the information war against the integration with Universe society. Star Wars is an “inside code word” for this war among the military planners. The issue is whether our space technology will be in accord with Universal principles, or controlled by a military empire. The USA will ultimately suffer ignominious defeat by Universe society should it persist as a space military power.”
In 1977 President Carter attempted to discern and disclose the reality of the UFO phenomenon to the public and Webre, then a futurist with the Center for the Study of Social Policy at Stanford Research Institute <SRI>, was tasked with formulating and developing the proposed study with the Carter White House on extraterrestrial communication. According to Webre, if that study had not been “brutally terminated” by the intervention of the SRI-Pentagon liason in September 1977, “We would most probably be now acting under 25 years of open disclosure. The differences could be incalculable, with the degree of power and authority to open up interaction and get beyond the zero-sum game of the death forces that now enforce the embargo against <disclosure>.”
Open contact with advanced non-terrestrials could quickly advance human society says Webre, through the resolution of our ecological crises, by allowing world peace, and by releasing mankind from the inter-stellar and information quarantines imposed by earths secretive rulers. “New energy non-polluting energy sources- of human design and application could at last be made available without their inventors fearing assassination by petroleum and nuclear interests. Our petroleum civilization would be stalemated and obsolete. Universe society’s laws and institutions prohibit war as a conflict resolution mechanism. The ruling terrestrial elites- and their lower non-terrestrial allies have historically used war as a key means of production and power.”
With between 25% and 50% of adults in North America believing in the reality of extraterrestrial presence on earth <Gallup and Zogby polls>, Webre does not think that humanity will have trouble absorbing the new post-reality shock. However the disinformation war being waged against extraterrestrials and disclosure is slowing things down.
He expects an eventual grassroots exopolitical movement like the Peace movement of the 1960’s-80’s that will bypass the usual power channels. ”The difficulty is not the human population- it is the networks of human governments and ownership of petroleum and nuclear that are in the hands of retrogressive forces. The ruling terrestrial elites...are actively carrying out a fifty year information war against our integration with Universe society... The task of our generation is to make exopolitics at the grassroots level.
"Where are the concerts on behalf of integration with the Universe? Where are the artists, the activists, the students, the writers, the militants? Answer- they are coping with the effects of the information war and the embargo against even thinking that non-terrestrial civilizations <exist>.’The only way out is through’ the saying goes. Well, we didn’t get through under Carter, so now we must get through at the grassroots.”
You can read EXOPOLITICS at www.exopolitics.com. Also check out www.extraterrestrial.ca and ecologynews.com
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Posted by: Sharika Raman | 28 July 2007 at 22:33