Exopolitics Toronto
Institute for Cooperation in Space
The Disclosure Project
○ Members of the Canadian Exopolitics Initiative
Her Excellency
The Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, C.C., C.M.M., C.O.M., C.D.
Governor General of Canada
Victor Viggiani B.A. M.Ed.
Exopolitics Toronto
582 Drymen Cres.
Mississauga, Ontario
L5G 2P1
May 17, 2007
Based upon an analysis of a multiple set of circumstances within and outside of Canada, we as a nation are faced with an unprecedented crisis and a decision involving the examination and disclosure of information of the most extraordinary and unparalleled kind.
We therefore present our concerns to your Excellency, as our Canadian Head of State and, with the greatest of humility and non-partisan urgency, draw your attention to a matter that humanity must not and cannot ignore.
Our Request
In light of the decisions by the Government of France (March 2007) and the United Kingdom (May 2007) to release previously classified information on Extraterrestrial craft now visiting Earth, and of the imminent plans by a G7 ally of Canada to attempt open contact with the Extraterrestrial civilizations, it is important that two informed Experts, Dr. Steven Greer of the Disclosure Project, and the Honourable Paul Hellyer, former Minister of Defence of Canada, brief and apprise you as Governor General on this subject from a public interest point of view at your earliest convenience.
You may certainly receive briefings from the Department of Defence, for example. We would like to offer you the opportunity of an informed, expert Citizen's briefing on the subject of Canada's role with Extraterrestrial civilizations.
The information below described by many experts, scientists and
diplomats as the most provocative information ever released in the
history of humanity, possesses and subsequently will provide you with
an evidential prescience more far-reaching in its implications than any
other revelation in human civilization.
We trust this correspondence will:
♣ Illustrate these dramatic assertions for you in no uncertain terms;
♣ Provide you with a set of workable options to secure a more acute
perspective on this matter through specified briefings and;
♣ Allow Canada to join and engage in an international dialogue and
process of education with other nations about the reality, meaning and
global implications of this highly unusual but authentic phenomenon.
Understandably in such a brief correspondence, all aspects of this
highly complex knowledge cannot be completely explored. However in the
hope of laying a foundation for a continued and extended dialogue with
you about the deeper levels of this information and with a profound
sense of an elevated level of service to Canada, we provide you with
the following documented evidential material:
♣ April/May 2007 - Great Britain's Ministry of Defense has indicated that it will be releasing UFO sighting reports to the public for examination.
♣ March 2007 - The French national space agency, CNES, placed 1600 previously classified UFO sighting reports into the public domain on the Internet and for the examination of the scientific community.
♣ September 2005 - Paul Hellyer, Canada's Defense Minister from 1963-67 under Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson and deputy prime minister under Pierre Trudeau, publicly stated, "UFOs, are as real as the airplanes that fly over your head."
♣ September 2005 - Former Apollo astronaut, Dr. Brian O'Leary, wrote in a foreword to Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge, by Dr. Steven Greer, "These revelations underscore a long, sordid history of governmental and media secrecy and the acquisition of technologies such as microelectronics, anti-gravity propulsion and zero-point, or "free" energy, from our visitors. This massive cover-up has been going on for almost six decades since the UFO crash near Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947, an event which was certainly not caused by balloons, as alleged by the U.S. Air force. Such myths are only accepted by the ignorant or the powerful and their subjects."
♣ May 2005 - The Brazilian Air Force (FAB), entered into an agreement with civilian researchers to release information and jointly investigate UFO incidents.
♣ October 1998 – Edgar Mitchell Apollo Astronaut - "I am an American astronaut and a trained scientist. Because of my position people in high places confide in me. And, as a result, I have no doubt that aliens HAVE visited this planet. The American government and governments throughout the world have thousands of files of UFO sightings which cannot be explained."
♣ November 1950 - Wilbert B. Smith Senior Radio Engineer - Canadian Department of Transportation Memoranda - "The matter is the most highly classified subject in the United States Government, rating higher even than the H-bomb. Flying saucers exist. Their modus operandi is unknown but concentrated effort is being made by a small group headed by Doctor Vannevar Bush. The entire matter is considered by the United States authorities to be of tremendous significance."
In the series of unprecedented events and statements such as the ones
presented above by witnesses and government figures over the last
several years and, specifically with reference to the remarkable
announcements by France and Britain to release their UFO files to the
scientific community and the public, it is now clearly apparent that a
coherent international movement towards Disclosure is underway.
It is no coincidence that this growing international acknowledgement and agreement to release UFO/ET information has reached major proportions; ascended to by two of the world's major democracies in order to end the secrecy and open the window of formal Disclosure. It is now also clear that governments who choose to condone secrecy about this issue are becoming increasingly isolated.
Given these facts and the recent series of international Disclosure events, several questions arise:
♣ How must/will Canada react?
♣ Is Canada willing to be left behind among other G7 countries as they begin to examine both the historical and future implications of contact with off-world civilizations?
♣ Will Canada, as a respected member of the United Nations, disavow or boldly sustain its role as an international leader in the pursuit of social justice and human rights concerns surrounding the educational, social, economic and environmental implications the Extraterrestrial matter holds for all citizens of the planet?
♣ Given that these off-world civilizations possess technologies and energy sources that allow them to engage in interstellar travel, will Canada become a leading proponent of and advocate for a promise of a new level of civilization with New Energy sources and radically new industrial, medical and environmental technologies?
♣ Will Canada join the wave of initiatives to engage a global dialogue and a process of international education concerning diplomatic contact with off-world civilizations that France and the UK and other nations are now undertaking?
♣ Given that Canada is in the midst of a deep political crisis for the survival of its sovereignty and; that Canada faces the real risk of going into deep integration with the USA military-industrial complex at this moment in history, will Canada choose to engage Disclosure over the sequestration of information in favour of Canadian sovereignty and independence from the USA, which has not chosen Disclosure to date?
These are among the many fundamental questions that must be addressed lest Canada too becomes isolated by elements of secrecy and the embargo against the authentic nature of what other nations are now stating is… the truth.
In light of the French and United Kingdom decisions to release previously classified information on this subject, and the imminent plans by a G7 ally of Canada to attempt open contact with the Extraterrestrial civilizations, it is important that we brief you at your earliest convenience.
Your Excellency, we at the Canadian Exopolitics Initiative sincerely hope you will entrust us with your confidence and avail yourself and any associated staff members of the opportunity for a personal and confidential briefing with two of our key figures: Dr. Steven Greer, Physician and Director of the Disclosure Project, and the Honourable Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of National Defence.
We thank you and extend our gratitude to you for taking the time to consider this most important matter and trust you will contact us.
We respectfully await your response.
V. Viggiani B.A. M.Ed. A. Lambremont Webre JD, M. Ed. S. M. Greer M.D.
Exopolitics Toronto Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS) The Disclosure Project
Members of the Canadian Exopolitics Initiative
Exopolitics Toronto,
Toronto, ON,
Victor Viggiani B.A. M.Ed.
Michael J. Bird - Directors
Tel: 905-278-5628 http://www.exopoliticstoronto.com
Institute for Cooperation in
Space (ICIS) Vancouver, BC
Alfred Lambremont Webre JD, M.Ed.
Tel: 604-733-8134
The Disclosure Project
Dr. Steven Greer,
Washington, DC
Tel: (540) 456-8302 (Office) http://www.disclosureproject.org
This land is my land.This land is your land.This planet is our planet, for all matter.This plan---ET has~ truth.Stop and look into our plights,of those unknowns that take flight.May it be that your might,will begin to fight--about moving in sight of TRUTH. ******* O Canda ******* WE STAND ON GUARD FOR THEE ~ Proud to be human
Posted by: paul shishis | 16 June 2007 at 19:53