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you write

> A human upgrade program orchestrated by extraterrestrial contact

this sounds very exciting, but: at least here in the southwest of Germany, where I live, my daily experience unfortunately shows quite the opposite: people getting more superficial, aggressive, and--stupid, at a rate I personally find quite alarming. More and more weird people on the street, more noise (music in every second store) ...

But this is over here, and of course I am aware of spiritual movements as well, but I'm talking about the *general* state of the society (here in Germany, that is, of course).

Particularly younger people are having increasing difficulites to even read a book; instead they play computer games & watch television. It seems that the "Star Children" are a minority.

I also perceive a big gap between what I read on English sites (like this one) on the one hand, and on German sites on the other hand, where things like the ones mentioned here are *rarely* discussed--let alone, taken seriously.

So, my hope is, that if anything positive is supposed to happen, it won't take much longer. ;-)

Seven Star Hand

Here's a little insight on the symbology of what you are alluding to.

You may not initially agree with everything I reveal, but be a little patient with my long-winded presentation of what I have waited a very long time to be able to say. I promise to amaze and enlighten.


Revelations from the Apocalypse




With all this talk of "Aliens" and their starships showing up and running around, etc., ever consider that these "spirits" that some of us see, that these "alien beings" that some of us have encounter, are..............

DISLODGED NATURE SPIRITS, those who have been shoved out of their SACRED homes without anyone kneeling down on the ground here and asking for permission to cut, thrash, slash and burn to provide one home for a few humans?

Me, Love humans too, really.

But I tell ya, if we don't -a- start-a asking for permission to "take" what we want for our use, the GRAND BEING who sustains all may blow a thundering quake our way.

Kindly, wood we all try to take the time to ask for permission AND SAY THANK YOU? At least once a day, for something?


Yes, it is certainly believable that the children being born now are truly our ancestors returning to help us keep this planet going in and with love, and may have many more DNA strands awakened, though they are not "better" than us, and my belief is they know this very well. They are here to help us heal, kneel, and listen.

They are here to remind us that there are THOUSANDS OF INDIGOS in the most PARCHED portions of the planet that have been STARVING TO DEATH.

These "Aliens" are simply, Displaced Nature Spirits and Indigo human souls from Africa, Middle East, India, Central America and all over this world, who have starved, and the reason why they look like creatures is because they have been SEVERELY UNDERNOURISHED.

INDIGO is a green planet used often for dyeing fabric and has been a long time healer for such conditions as hydrophobia, epilepsy, and also used as fertilizer. It gorws, ironically enough, in INDIA, CENTRAL AMERICA, and CHINA, where thousands of INDIGO CHILDREN have worked in slave labour under toxic conditions until they have died of an incredibly short, desolate life. NO, NOT ALL OF THEM. BUT MANY HAVE BEEN OVERLOOKED, USED AND FORGOTTEN. And yes, many of them look like creatures because of this.....

Now, after TRUTH SEROM, let's have fun!!! Here is a link to the INDIGO plant:


Wood we kindly CIRCLE and IMAGINE, PIPELINES and SHIPS OF CLEAN WATER and nutrition being MOVED to these areas of the world, rather than OIL?


In Love (as best as I can remember)

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