Progressive Talk Phoenix 1480 AM, Nova M Network Launch 'Exopolitics Radio' Weekly Extraterrestrial Politics Talk Show
Tue Mar 13, 3:01 AM ET
Progressive Talk Phoenix 1480 AM, Nova M Network's flagship station has launched Exopolitics Radio, a weekly program reporting on "Exopolitics" or Extraterrestrial politics, broadcast every Saturday at 8 PM MT (10 PM ET; 7 PM PT). Exopolitics Radio Host Alfred Webre was Principal Investigator of the proposed 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study. Nova M's Executives include Anita Drobny, CEO & President and Sheldon Drobny, CFO co-founders of Air America Radio; Joe Trippi, Media Communications Consultant, National Campaign Manager for Howard Dean's presidential campaign, and John Zogby, co-host of "The Pulse of the Nation." Exopolitics Radio will cover topics such as Exopolitics and the 2008 US Presidential campaign; New Energy based on Extraterrestrial principles; disarmament in outer space; Official Disclosure of an ET presence; Diplomacy with advanced, ethical Off-Planet Cultures. Click to Listen to Inaugural Program Now:
Phoenix, AZ (PRWeb) March 12, 2007 -- Political talk show hosts at Progressive Talk Phoenix 1480 AM are being joined by new on-air host with a celestial political beat. The Nova M Network flagship station has launched Exopolitics Radio, a weekly program reporting on "Exopolitics" or Extraterrestrial politics, broadcast every Saturday at 8 PM MT (10 PM ET; 7 PM PT).
Exopolitics is a new political science for outer space. The Associated Press reported in January 2006 that "Exopolitics" had been nominated for 2005 Word of the Year. According host Alfred Lambremont Webre, "Exopolitics is the science of relations between Earth and other intelligent civilizations in the Universe." Progressive Talk Phoenix 1480 AM's company motto is "We need to talk."
Exopolitics Radio's expert guests will, each week, deal with in-depth public affairs developments in Exopolitics, such as:
• New Energy- New, fuel-less, energy and propulsion systems, based
on Extraterrestrial principles, may have been developed using U.S.
taxpayer funds and may now be in use on large classified spacecraft. If
released into the civilian economy, these New Energy systems could
replace all petroleum and nuclear-based energy, triggering an era of
prosperity and transformation of the permanent war economy into a
sustainable, peaceful Space Age society.
• Disarmament in Outer Space - Former Canadian Minister of defense Paul
Hellyer has stated that the U.S. Space Command is now planning to place
weapons in space, under the cover of "Star Wars," with the intent of
starting an inter-stellar war with advanced Extraterrestrial
Civilizations now visiting Earth. In fact, there is no evidence these
advanced, ethical ETs are hostile. "Star Wars" may be the latest
corporate welfare hoax for the defense industry. Advanced ETs appear to
be here to help Earth transition into membership in organized Galactic
society. In October 2006, the UN General Assembly nations voted 166-1
in favor of a Space Preservation Treaty banning all weapons in space
(The USA was the sole dissenting vote).
• Disclosure - Following the Disclosure Project National Press Club
Press Conference in May 9, 2001, which brought together over 20 high
level military-intelligence and governmental witnesses to the
Extraterrestrial presence, disclosure initiatives are now active in the
U.S. Congress, Canada, Brazil, the European Parliament, the United
Nations and elsewhere.
• Diplomacy - Updates on a Decade of Contact including public interest
diplomacy with Off-planet cultures now visiting Earth, for mutual
Exopolitics Radio Host Alfred Webre has a long background in Exopolitics. As a Futurist in at Stanford Research Institute (SRI), he was Principal Investigator of the proposed 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study. In 2000, Alfred released an online treatise that was to become Exopolitics: Politics, Government And Law In The Universe (Universebooks), a book credited with founding the field of Exopolitics. Alfred is International Director of the Institute for Cooperation In Space (ICIS), based in Vancouver, BC, Canada and Vilcabamba, Ecuador.
Exopolitics Radio guests include distinguished Exopolitics researchers and activists, including Dr. Steven Greer (Director of the Disclosure Project); Stephen Bassett (Director of X-PPAC, the Extraterrestrial Activist Community Political Action Committee); Dr. Michael Salla (Former American University Professor and Director of the Exopolitics Institute); Paola Harris, MA; Dr. Carol Rosin, President of the Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS) and Dr. Rebecca Hardcastle of Phoenix, AZ.
About Nova M Radio, Inc.
Progressive Talk Phoenix 1480 AM is the flagship station for Nova M Radio, Inc. Jeff Farias is a key broadcaster and station executive responsible for developing Exopolitics Radio. Mike Thomas is the General Manager of KPHX. Nova M Radio, headed by Anita and Sheldon Drobny, is in the business of building a national progressive talk radio network. Based in Phoenix Arizona, Nova M Radio currently broadcasts in 10 cities nationwide including San Francisco, Seattle, Sacramento, Miami, Phoenix and Sirius satellite, with plans for additional affiliates throughout 2007.
Nova M Radio Executive Team
* Anita Drobny, CEO & President, is an executive with the
Paradigm Group investment firm based outside Chicago and founding
partner of Air America Radio. As an accountant and venture capitalist,
Drobny has a record of nurturing business ventures from early stages to
high growth.
* Sheldon Drobny, CFO is a co-founder of Air America Radio Network and
is the author of Road to Air America published by Select Books. He is
Chairman and Managing Director of Paradigm Group and has been the major
force in developing Paradigm to the status it has achieved today.
* Joe Trippi, Media Communications Consultant, was National Campaign
Manager for Howard Dean's presidential campaign, pioneering the use of
online technology to organize what became the largest grassroots
movement in the history of presidential politics.
* John Zogby, co-host of "The Pulse of the Nation" and President and
CEO of Zogby International, remains by all accounts the hottest
pollster in the United States today.
Exopolitics Radio is produced by Finis Productions of Phoenix, Arizona, Richard Romero, Sr. Executive Producer.
Exopolitics Radio
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Tel: 604-733-8134
Email: Exopolitics(at)
Finis Productions
Richard Romero, Sr.
Tel: 602-476-1502
Email: romero8500(at)
Progressive Talk Phoenix 1480 AM
Nova M Radio, Inc.
Finis Productions
Exopolitics Radio
Exopolitics Radio: Inaugural Episode (48 Minutes)
Click to Listen Online Now:
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