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This Week on EXOPOLITICS RADIO: Exopolitics - Experiencing Close Encounters of the First Kind: James Gilliland on the ECETI Portal at Trout Lake WA.

Progressive talk Phoenix Nova M Radio Network



Exopolitics Radio  With Alfred Webre

Saturdays at 8 PM (Pacific Time)


This Week : Saturday April 28, 2007 @ 8:00 PM Phoenix Time/PDT (11 PM EDT)

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EXOPOLITICS: Direct Experience of Close Encounters

Experiencing Close Encounters of the First Kind: James Gilliland on the ECETI Portal at Trout Lake WA.

Alfred Webre on a Decade of Contact: Disclosure; Decade of Contact; Disarmament; & Diplomacy.

James Gilliland is author of ReUnion with Source and Becoming Gods.  He lives at the ECETI Ranch in Trout Lake, WA, a 70 acre mountain retreat located at the base of Mt. Adams.   This Sanctuary has been in operation since 1986.

Website: http://www.eceti.org




Exopolitics Radio with Alfred Webre is a weekly Exopolitical public affairs talk show, exploring the evidence and impact of intelligent, organized life in the Universe on our human society.

Exopolitics Radio airs  on Saturday nights at 8:00 P.M. PST (11:00 P.M. EST) on 1480 KPHX Nova M Radio. The show can be heard live on the air in the Phoenix area, or you can stream the show live online from anywhere in the world.



2008 Presidential Candidates - Contact Information

Contact the presidential candidates and ask them what they would do about secrecy and Disclosure! Go to their town meetings and rallies, write or fax letters, email, or call them!  Thanks very much to Eric T. for calling the candidates and for getting us the contact information! Please email [email protected] if you find other helpful links.

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