Exopolitics Toronto
Press Update Feb 28, 2007
The Ottawa Citizen and Toronto Sun Interviews of Paul Hellyer.
Exopolitics Toronto has also received two further enquiries about Mr.
Hellyer's challange to governments to fully engage this moral issue.
One enquiry from the BBC in Europe and another from the BBC in Columbia.
Contact Information:
V. Viggiani Director of Media Relations
Exopolitics Toronto
905 278 5628
Wednesday » February 28 » 2007
Alien technology the best hope to 'save our planet:' ex-defence boss
Governments must reveal what they know, says Paul Hellyer
Chris Lackner
The Ottawa Citizen
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
CREDIT: J. David Ake, Reuters
Not a real alien, Crystal Graham is shown wearing an extraterrestrial
costume in a 1997 contest at Roswell, New Mexico, where a UFO
allegedly crashed in 1947.
A former Canadian defence minister says be believes advanced
technology from extraterrestrial civilizations offers the best hope to
"save our planet" from the perils of climate change.
Paul Hellyer, 83, is calling for a public disclosure of alien
technology obtained during alleged UFO crashes -- such as the
mysterious 1947 incident in Roswell, New Mexico -- because he believes
alien species can provide humanity with a viable alternative to fossil
Mr. Hellyer has been a public UFO advocate since September 2005 when
he spoke at a symposium in Toronto. But with concern over global
warming at an all-time high, and Canadian political parties struggling
to out-green one another, Mr. Hellyer said governments and the
military have a responsibility to "come clean on what they know" now
more than ever.
"Climate change is the No. 1 problem facing the world today," he said.
"I'm not discouraging anyone from being green conscious, but I would
like to see what (alien) technology there might be that could
eliminate the burning of fossil fuels within a generation ... that
could be a way to save our planet."
Mr. Hellyer will be discussing his views at the upcoming screening of
a new UFO documentary called Fastwalkers, in Toronto's De La Salle
College Theatre on March 7.
Mr. Hellyer, a former Liberal cabinet minister, political turncoat and
one-time leadership candidate for the Liberal and Conservative
parties, said UFO researchers have amassed undeniable evidence that
aliens have visited our planet. Due to the distance such spacecrafts
would have to travel, UFOs must be equipped with some kind of advanced
fuel source or propulsion system, he said.
"We need to persuade governments to come clean on what they know," he
said. "Some of us suspect they know quite a lot, and it might be
enough to save our planet if applied quickly enough."
Michael De Robertis, an astronomer at York University and and member
of the Ontario Skeptics Society for Critical Inquiry, said there is
"little or no compelling evidence" that we have been visited by beings
from another planet.
"If (Mr. Hellyer) wants to broker some kind of communication, that
would be great," he said. "But I think the probability that there is
someone out there for him to make contact with is highly improbable."
But if aliens have indeed visited Earth, there is no doubt their
technical knowledge could benefit humanity, Mr. De Robertis added.
"To have travelled hundreds of trillions of kilometres, interstellar
visitors would, at a minimum, require a civilization that is thousands
-- if not millions -- of years ahead of our own. One would imagine
they went through their own fossil fuel era, and that they solved it
and didn't go through some kind of pollution holocaust.
"There is no doubt they would have different solutions, different
fuels and different energy sources."
Fastwalkers claims to feature more than 30 witnesses testifying to the
reality of alien visitations, including former military and government
intelligence personnel.
© The Ottawa Citizen 2007
Copyright © 2007 CanWest Interactive, a division of CanWest MediaWorks
Publications, Inc.. All rights reserved.
February 28, 2007
Paul Hellyer has a unique solution to global warming and the gas
shortage -- ask aliens what makes their saucers fly
Al Gore is the poster boy for global warming.
He sure is. Look at him.
There's a man who has never run for a bus.
All that gushing, honey love spread over him by other rich and famous
people at the Oscars worries me, too. Watch for a new hole in the
ozone 20 klicks above the Kodak Theatre.
Now the radio says Gore's mansion in Tennessee devours $30,000 a year
in hydro and gas, at a clip 20 times the U.S. average.
If this emperor has no clothes, why should he? His thermostat is set
on high.
So if not Al Gore, who will save us from drowning in glacial melt and
keep beach resorts from Nunavut?
I find one answer in the lakefront office tower where my mom happens
to hang her shingle.
Hon. Paul Hellyer. Remember him? Defence minister under Pearson.
Liberal leadership contender. Trudeau's transport minister. The
Belinda Stronach of his day. Grit. Tory. Grit. He even toyed with the NDP.
These days he dallies with another airy acronym. UFO.
"Open your eyes," he tells me. "Two days of research and you'll
believe it too."
I will ask the United Airlines workers who saw a big, metallic Frisbee
over Chicago's O'Hare airport last November.
I will not ask the air traffic controller who quipped: "To fly 7
million light years to O'Hare and then have to turn around and go home
because your gate was occupied is simply unacceptable."
What have UFOs to do with global warming, or the GTA gas shortage?
They're the cure, says Hellyer, 83. Here's how he sees it:
When a UFO crashed in Roswell, N.M., in 1947 (oh, stop being such a
cynic), it offered a techno treasure trove.
From that wreck, and 77 others, the military gleaned hardware that was
out of this world.
The micro-chip, for instance. Bullet-proof vests. Fibre-optics.
Tupperware. (Just kidding). Lasers. Star Wars weaponry.
"And particle guns."
"High voltage. They fire something like controlled lightning."
Aha. Ray guns.
"Yes. The U.S. air force probably has them by now."
The big prize, though, is what makes those saucers fly.
Imagine a vehicle that does 30,000 km/h or hovers on a dime,
regardless of whether Esso has any gas.
Best of all, no exhaust. No stench. No smog. No greenhouse gas. No ice
cap melt. No drowned continents. No Al Gore?
The U.S. must have figured out the aliens' propulsion by now, says
Likely it is zero point energy, an idea floated by Einstein, which is
infinite, pollution free and exists all around us.
Think of it as you queue for rationed gas.
The perfect fuel.
(Or is it? Why do flying saucers keep crashing?)
"That's why I've gone public. I want the Americans to tell us if they
have it. Or how close they are.
"The people of the world have the right to know, too. To save this
And if the Americans haven't figured it out?
"Instead of trying to shoot down those guys, we should invite them
down to tell us what we need to know."
Which guys?
"The aliens. I'm told there's more than one species."
How do we get them to come?
"I'm told there have been face-to-face communications."
I wait for him to cackle or make monkey sounds or jump on the desk of
his lakeview office. But Hellyer has unwavering, sane eyes, pale and
clear. He is 6-foot-3 and every inch a gent.
He will be on hand next Wednesday for the Toronto screening of the UFO
documentary Fastwalkers, so called for a military code name. (See
Hellyer has never seen a UFO. "I've never seen the Taj Mahal either,
but I know it's real."
Maybe he is right. Maybe oil execs are not the only slimy green men in
the energy business.
Beam me up, Scottie.
Anything's better than a buck a litre.