'Fastwalkers' lock sensors on Rush Limbaugh
[Peace, Space]
By Judi McLeod
Friday, March 2, 2007
The "fastwalkers" and folk who want to fight Global Warming with Steven Spielberg ETs, have their sensors locked on to radio giant Rush Limbaugh.
On yesterday's show Limbaugh laughed at former Liberal Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer's notion to force governments, worldwide to disclose and use secret alien technologies obtained in alleged UFO crashes to stem climate change.
Today Fastwalkers' fast talker Victor Viggiani tried to have Canada Free Press (CFP) head off Limbaugh.
"Judi, I need to give you a heads up on this. The Hellyer thing and Fastwalkers has hit the Drudge Report. Millions of people and tons of reporters are on this as I write," wrote Viggiani. "Give me (a) call so this thing can go out in the right way."
Viggiani is head of Zland Communications, the publicity agent for Hellyer and Fastwalkers.
According to their latest media communiqué, "Fastwalkers reveals the truth about UFOs and Extraterrestrials that has been suppressed and hidden for centuries."
" 'Fastwalker' is a code word created by NORAD (North American Air Defense Command) to classify (UFOs) unidentified flying objects which approach our Earth from space and enter our atmosphere. It has been reported that from its subterranean facility deep inside Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, USA, the Air Force NORAD facility tracks a rough average of 500 of these "Fastwalkers" each year."
For folks whose heads are still not reeling that Titanic producer James Cameron found the tomb of Jesus Christ, the Canadian screening debut of FASTWALKERS takes place in Toronto next Wednesday.
Back to Hellyer and his elixir for Earth scorched by global warming.
"I would like to see what (alien) technology there might be that could eliminate the burning of fossil fuels within a generation...that could be a way to save our planet," Hellyer told the Ottawa Citizen.
Alien spacecrafts would have traveled vast distances to reach Earth, and so must be equipped with advanced propulsion systems or used exceptional fuels, he told the newspaper.
ET and Company would fall on their pointed little heads laughing if they heard the hullabaloo Canadian Kyoto architect Maurice Strong, Oscar-winning Al Gore and Canadian global warming guru and CBC television host David Suzuki are trying to cause in getting carbon credits for global warming.
Space aliens, who likely would have little time for space cadets, would laugh longer than an amused Limbaugh who said yesterday, "This is just as credible as "carbon offsets" It makes just as much sense as carbon offsets to fight global warming. You have to understand this. The best way to understand, is this is not strange at all when thrown into the mix of everything else these people believe. This is just a teaser for the Global Warming Stack. There's much more in it. (Laughing). I'm stunned. I literally am stunned. I shouldn't be, but I am, because it's so clear o me that this whole thing is a hoax and bogus. I'm stunned that so many people have bought into it. I understand the techniques, but it's frightening to me how many people buy this lock, stock and barrel."
Hellyer wants governments to come clean on what they know as "some of us suspect they know quite a lot, and it might be enough to save our planet if applied quickly enough," he said.
Two years ago, Hellyer was accusing President George W. Bush of taking pot shots at unsuspecting space aliens.
"The United States military are preparing weapons which could be used against the aliens, and they could get us into an intergalactic war without us ever having any warning," Hellyer said.
"Blame it all on the Bush administration, which Hellyer says has 'finally agreed to build a forward base on the moon, which will put them in a better position to keep track of the goings and comings of the visitors from space, and to shoot at them if they so decide,'" wrote CFP.
In 2004, Hellyer announced in a public speech at the University of Toronto "UFOs are as real as the airplanes that fly over your head."
Following the U of T address, Hellyer joined forces with three Non-governmental organizations to ask the Parliament of Canada to hold public hearings on a new kind of politics—Exopolitics, the kind that stars ETs.
We don't know if those are the kind of politics practiced by Al Gore, but we do know that one of the lobbying NGOs, the Vancouver-based Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS) through its international director, undertook a 1977 Extraterrestrial Communications Study for the White House when Jimmy Carter was President.
The Canadian Exopolitics Initiative, presented by the lobbying organizations to a senate Committee panel hearing in Winnipeg in March 2004, is also proposing that the Government of Canada undertake a "Decade of Contact".
The proposed Decade of Contact is "a 10-year process of formal, funded public education, scientific research, educational curricula development and implementation, strategic planning, community activity, and public outreach concerning our terrestrial society's full cultural, political, social, legal and governmental communication and public interest diplomacy with advanced, ethical Off-Planet cultures now visiting Earth."
Meanwhile, they wouldn't have to send for ET to solve global warming if only Al Gore would turn his lights off.
Canada Free Press founding editor Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years experience in the print media. Her work has appeared on Newsmax.com, Drudge Report, Foxnews.com, Glenn Beck and The Rant. Judi can be reached at: [email protected]