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did you know 'gullible' isn't in the dictionary?

Peter Hartmann

Hi Alfred,

Thank you for such a great program to-day, we needed this info on the coming galactic wave - March 2006. We have checked out your web-site and found the Paula Peterson connection - again, thank you. We were listening to-day expecting the "coming financial crunch" as announced a couple of weeks ago. What is the exact date of this program? And here is a question for your up-coming guest: Exactly where would he put his own money to keep it safe, i.e. gold reserves, treasury bills (of what country), THE BIG QUESTION.

So much love and gratitude.

Carolynne and Peter Hartmann
Blaine, WA

John L. Benson, Ph.D.

Excellent site.


I'm very much a laymen, and quite frankly am happy with that. As one I tend to distrust everything and look at the underlying facts.

I've seen that you like to quote the End of the Mayan as something significant in your theroies.

Which I would like to point out is blanant misinformation. The end of the Mayan calander signified a birth of some kind, not a destruction. In no historcal Mayan text that's been validated is there any reference to it being anything but cellestial allignment that the Mayan's belived heralded a birht of some kind.

I've researched the Mayan and Aztec calanders. They are very accurate being based on astronomicals configurations, accounting for the rotation of the earth with an accuracy almost akin to what we know today of 365.242036 days in a solar year.

Their version of leap days were added in every 20th year, and every 20 of 20th years. It was a mathmatically brilliant calandar. 20 days in a month, 18 Months in a year, and 5 spare days at the Winter Solstice (the rebirth ceromony, also considered the 19th unlucky month), every 20th year this ceromony was 10 days to add the missing 5 leap days, expect for every 5th 20th year in which they only added 4 leap days, unless it was the 20th 20 year in which case it was still 5 leap days added.

A 20 day month was subdivided into 4, 5 day weeks. (Anyone seeing the mathmatical simplisity and patteren's of it yet? (4, 5, 20, 1

There is even more to it but this is enough to match it the 365.2425 gregorian value.

The adoption of the 5 day unlucky month occured around the 4th century B.C. as did the adding 5 days each 20th year cycle (etc..)

One Sorce: http://webexhibits.org/calendars/calendar-mayan.html

There are many other sources on this calandar.

The main point is that when the calandar end's was a considered a time of birth. It occurs at the point where the sun durring summer solstice (southern) appears in the dark spot (dust lane) of the milky way (they called it the great birth canal).

They had -no- idea what this event meant, other then it was considered a time when something was supposed to be born.

It definately did NOT mean the end of the world like every doomsayer claims. I think it's getting old how people try to misinform and (yes i'll say it) -lie- about the meaning of the end of the mayan calander.

Might I suggest in the future that scientists that want to very from substatiated theroies, should atleast -try- and get thier facts strait.

It's not hard for even a simple person to check facts underlying contraversial writing like this.


The Asian Tsunami was man made. There is absolutely no doubt.


Very interesting material on the impact of on the earth superwaves from the centre of the Galaxy


What I believe it's important to find out the precise position of the magnetar that caused such a havoc recently. According to Paul A. LaViolette's theory, should the Galactic Superwave be the genuine cause of the recent gamma erruption, ths precise position of the magnetar would enable us to calculate the DATE of its passage through our Solar System... to the accuracy lineary corresponding to the one of calculations of the magnetar's position. Now, some scientists give approximation of 50 000 lyrs, and some others 45 000 lyrs, like they did not KNOW how important this information is. Were the magnitar be situated on a radius from the Galactic Core similar to ours... the consequences for us are instant - WE ARE ABLE TO CALCULATE THE DATE OF THE SUPERWAVE'S ARRIVAL HERE. LET'S THEN DO IT!... someone knowlegable please...!


While it's obvious that Exopolitics should have the big green light to go, there should be done something immediately to start organising underground hidings for those concerned. In case of the sudden comming of the Superwave, our organisation is ready to join minds and hands in common effort to mastermind a general escape plan for as many as possible. It's connected, of course, with a far fetched thinking of delocking our DNA, enabling us to live long enough to actually make sense of our underground life for, say, a century of night and disaster on our planet's surface...
why not organising a World's Forum on that... regardless of how politically incorrect it may sound or appear, but... it's our civilisation at stake here!


ALIENSHIFT Rules of Ethics in Contact:
Alienshifter is the one who takes the Oath in order to uphold and defend Humanity and their Rights in any contact with Alien or Extraterrestrial beings in addition to represent the Earth in contact and communication with Star Visitors from all other Planets or in the Council of the Worlds and Federation of Planets.

1-What distinguishes the Alienshifter from others is the Sense of Responsibility for the Future of Mankind especially in regards to the Alien Contact which is due any moment with mass UFO landing.
2-Alienshifter has many qualities, he or she lives on total Faith in himself and his Creator, Fears no one Loves all and believes that all beings are but one interconnected in the Matrix.
3-Alienshifter believes that he or she has a mission to save and Preserve Humanity from all disasters and critical moments such as Pole Shift or WW III.

4-Alienshifter respects all Beliefs and religions since they were given by the Creator to help Man in the search for freedom.

5-Alienshifter telepathically connects and communicates with Extraterrestrial beings on all different levels and Dimensions without even shifting between those dimensions and traveling thru the Star Gates.

6-Alienshifter welcomes all Star Visitors with open arms as an Emissary of The Planet Earth regardless of the Alien Race, Shape or form of the Visitor.

7-Alienshifter may upon agreement at any point in Time visit other galaxies with the help of Star Travelers or to move permanently and habitat other planets.

8-Alienshifter sees the past, present and future of humanity as only a Karmic Wheel of actions and reactions and finds no need to get involved but he or she stands aside and observes all Events pass by one by one and only act as an observer and not involved in the final World wide Conflict.

9-Alienshifter study daily and researches on UFOLOGY Alientology and meditates on the Truth and Light helps and defends all his Group members no matter where in the World or outer world they may be.

10-Alienshifter does not bare ARMS but only to defend.

11-Alienshifter does not join any Alien forces that are in service only to their own cause but Co-Operates with races who are visiting Earth in order to help Humanity.

12-Alienshifter is the Free Citizen of the World does not partake in any Nationalistic or Racial movement in order to help few and not others, Loves all as one.
May Force be with you!

Alienshift, Prepare for Contact the Shift has begun!

New Hope for Humanity

Allan Noble


On Dec. 26, 2003, a 6.6 quake hit the ancient city of Bam in Iran. While the quake was much smaller than the one that struck near the island of Sumatra Sunday, its epicenter was directly under the city.

On Dec. 26, 2004, the 9.0 quake struck in South Asia. While the death toll will be much higher, most of the destructiveness was the result of the giant waves triggered by the earth's movement under the India Ocean.

The 2003 quake hit at 01:56:52 UTC, while the 2004 quake struck at 00:58:55 UTC – exactly one year, 58 minutes apart.


maybe you might like to find some new ideas here

Allan Noble


One added piece of evidence to the view that the Asian Tsunami was caused by a gamma ray burst is that the Iranian earthquake of 2003 occured at exactly the same day and time one year before the Asian quake of 2004. This could mean, then, that the Earth was positioned in the same spot relative to where the gamma rays are emanating. The implication is that we could possibly see another huge quake on Boxing Day this year, somewhere in the world. No doubt, you astronomers might be able to predict with some accuracy where this might be, by correlating the 2003 Iranian data, the 2004 Asian data, and the data relating to where the gamma ray explosion is said to have occured. Please keep me informed on these developments.

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