Toronto Ontario - November 8, 2005 -- TV Ontario’s acclaimed and thought-provoking program BIG IDEAS will present the address by former Minister of National Defense Paul Hellyer given at the Symposium on UFO Disclosure at U of T’s Convocation Hall this passed September.
TVO’s BIG IDEAS will air the Hellyer address beginning at 1:55 pm on Saturday November 12, 2005. The address will be re-broadcast at the same time on Sunday November 13, 2005.
TVO’s BIG IDEAS is in its fifth season of presenting provocative ideas that shape public debate.
The current lecture series on BIG IDEAS will feature Paul Hellyer the former Canadian Minister of National Defense as he presents his views on:
The policy implications and social impact of the 58 year-old UFO/ET cover-up, Peaceful contact with off-world civilizations, His perspective on the weaponization of space by the American government and its ultimate effect on the national security and defense of Canada, His assessment of the US military retrieval of technologies obtained from the crash site of an extraterrestrial craft near Roswell New Mexico in 1947, and The media’s newly acquired and unfolding responsibility to investigate information surrounding this issue of national security.
Not only will you hear Mr. Hellyer speak of his days in office but of his recent conversation with a retired United States Air Force General who stated, “It is all true and more…”
The political and social impact of such a broadcast aired by a Canadian provincial government television channel as presented by a former Canadian Cabinet Minister will no doubt be examined with great interest and be measured carefully today and in the future by journalists, politicians and members of the public.
This UFO/ET disclosure address and its broadcast sets in motion the most compelling convergence of politics, government and journalism available anywhere on this issue. Mr. Hellyer’s dramatic testimony and his acknowledgement that the UFO/ET issue is genuine, now provide the media and relevant Canadian government oversight committees with the necessary evidence and reliable foundations upon which to build their investigations.
Such investigations by Canadian media and government will permit Canada to break ranks with an American media and government staunchly enforcing an embargo on the truth behind the authenticity of the UFO/ET issue. Canada may then assume its own path towards a viable policy of understanding the nature and implications of contact with off-world civilizations visiting the planet.
Fundamentally this TV Ontario presentation of Mr. Hellyer’s address and the work done by Exopolitics Toronto at its recent symposium sends a clear message and invitation to Canadian media as well as to the government of Canada and its standing committees on National Defense and Security to work together in a co-operative manner to assess the nature of the UFO/ET presence and the threat posed to them and to our planet by the use of weapons in space.
Furthermore investigation by the media or government committees will reveal the validity of on-going NORAD Significant Event Reports indicating CF-18 jets have tracked and chased uncorrelated targets of unknown origin that perform intelligent flight maneuvers at speeds unattainable by conventional aircraft. These NORAD reports, RCMP officer reports and air traffic control reports acquired through Access to Information Act are in the possession of ZlandCommunications and can be made available upon request.
Witness history in the making on Canadian television; Saturday Nov 12 or on Sunday Nov 13 at 1:55 pm.
(NOTE: BIG IDEAS begins at 1:00 pm on Saturdays and Sundays – The Hellyer address begins at 1:55 pm. There is also a re-broadcast of BIG IDEAS at 2:00 am on Sunday.)
Read the book that has been strongly recommended by Canada's former Minister of National Defense, Hon. Paul Hellyer, during his historic speech at the Toronto Exopolitics Conference in September 2005.
Click here to watch his talk:
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Mail a Free Letter to the Canadian Senate for public hearings on relations with ETs.
Download ET Letter to Canadian Senate:
Posted by: larry damelio | 13 February 2006 at 15:23