by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
EDITOR’S NOTE: Originally published on November 1, 2000, a full week before the disputed 2000 U.S. Presidential election of George W. Bush on November 7, 2000. Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd is the International Director of the Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS), based in Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA. This essay is adapted from his presentation at the UFO/Disclosure Town Hall Meeting in Santa Clara, California, on Oct. 13, 2000. Alfred Webre’s message seems particularly poignant, as it came just prior to a disputed, fateful U.S. Presidential election.
VANCOUVER, BC - We should remember there are many cycles to what we are doing tonight. We are building on the spiral of a long planetary history. We are winning back our Universe citizenship, lost aeons ago and intentionally kept hidden from us over the years by terrestrial governments and power-greedy groups. Now, all that is about to be transformed.
Nearly a quarter century ago, in 1977, a U.S. White House administration was open enough to acknowledge its ignorance about a wider Universe reality in our midst. The highest democratically elected authority in this land sought the most creative of our sciences to understand the open approaches of Universe society. An anti-Universe information war scuttled that Carter White House study of
extraterrestrial communication.
We are also here because of other, longer cycles. Historically, the fundamental rights of humankind, hard-won in political struggle and revolutions against old repressive orders of reality, are here tonight as well. Some say that in ages past Earth was once a member of an interplanetary society. I will leave it to each one of you to decide whether this possibility is worthy of your consideration.
What matters now is that we are here tonight in our bodies politic. Politics is a process of mediating among our various interests within a larger framework. Politics is more than an academic, analytic exercise. It is about the freedoms of our bodies from want, and the freedom of our minds from fear. Politics is about mutual empowerment. And our Universal heritage is the ultimate empowerment in our known reality.
Yet a narrow military-intelligence-plutocratic clique – hosted in the United States of America – has attempted to lead our entire generation of Earthlings into believing a planetary lie, that we are alone in the Universe.
The political process and governmental structures we have on Earth do not stop at Earth’s geo-stationary orbit. Politics, government, and individual freedom extend throughout the interstellar and interdimensional Universe we inhabit. Government on Earth is derived from exo-government in the Universe,and we all have inalienable rights in the Universe.
Tonight we know that the era of terrestrial politics is over. The age of Universe politics has now landed. How this new exopolitical age will unfold – whether violently and repressively, or expansively in freedom – is in some sense up to us.
We are a nucleus of politically sensitive terrestrials who are aware that the playing field is vast. We are a new dimension of Universe government as it dawns on Earth.
We should not be surprised that secret networks in some terrestrial governments continue to keep the people in darkness and ignorance of Universe government and Universe politics.
Who are those governments? Just look to your own government here in the U.S. for the answer. The Anglo-bloc – the governments of the U.S., the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada – carries on a secret information war against our right to Universe participation. How do we know this? These are same governments that manage Echelon, a global surveillance network.
The Echelon governments seem to have the largest participation in waging the anti-Universe information war. France, on the other hand, is suing the Echelon countries for espionage. French officials have also created COMETA, a study that validates an extraterrestrial presence
around Earth.
Why do the Echelon countries, including the U.S., continue this anti-Universe war? It is for global power and global wealth.
These government networks exist to protect a petroleum-nuclear civilization, a military- industrial complex. These military-intelligence networks are a private army; the anti-Universe war is a private war, committed to prevent the era of free energy and expansive Universe citizenship from dawning on Earth. Not being content to merely participate in a future, they are attempting to own the future and keep us in an oppressive past.
Every citizen of Earth is a victim of the information war against Universe integration. This planetary war exists in order to perpetuate the concentration of wealth and justify the mind control technology of a narrow, brutal, retrogressive elite. Some of us have suffered
more directly than others, but our entire planetary reality suffers: environmental suicide, species extinction, war, disease, crime, and poverty, and a pervading ethic of selfishness.
The very act of making public the information that we are part of an organized, interstellar, multidimensional society makes real our new Universe citizenship. Knowledge itself will begin to evaporate the power of our selfish and destructive civilization. Our so-called terrestrial power structure will no longer be big fish in a small pond, but micro-personalities in an infinite ocean of reality, the Universe itself.
Now I come to an essential message: We are all the exo-government, the Universe society. Here in the U.S. alone, 100 million adult Americans are aware that Universe society visits Earth. Seventy percent of the U.S. population disbelieves the official government information war. In other countries where governmental mass mind control is not as great, such as Brazil, even larger percentages of the population knows we are Universe citizens.
Terrestrial government is a hollow shell game. The evaporation of terrestrial government and the birthing of Universe government is inevitable. There is no "take me to your leader" scenario. The entire cosmos knows that the leaders of the Earth's information war are corrupt and unworthy to lead us further. Their perspectives are all about profit and control.
We call all land a new Universe reality and Universe society into our terrestrial dimension from the inside. Our own inner awareness can shift its allegiance from terrestrial-based reality to a Universe-based reality. Ignorance and war are no longer acceptable problem-solving alternatives.
There are many tactical and strategic roadways we will be taking over the coming years. About 25 years ago, the U.S. White House under Jimmy Carter antedated the French COMETA study validating extraterrestrials in our environment. That prophetic effort was brutally terminated by the information war, using the mind control technology of the military.
Here we are again after 25 years, this time to prevail. Not too bad, in the cosmic scheme of things. Let us set aside a special Decade of Contact to assimilate extraterrestrial contact. In all countries, let us push for legislative hearings, congressional studies, and official announcements. There is no doubt that our present terrestrial fabric - educational, constitutional, scientific, entertainment - needs to be transformed as part of a new Universe-based reality.
Tonight we are entering a new domain of politics - Universal exopolitics. We shift tonight from a terrestrial-bound "UFO community" to a Universe-directed body politic, which is our fundamental cosmic entitlement. Fundamentally the transformation starts within all of us – for we are the transformation. We are the exo-government. We are the new Universal human.
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Posted by: Martin Phil | 27 September 2006 at 18:17