We should remember there are many cycles to what
we are doing tonight. We are building on the spiral of a long planetary
history. We are winning back our Universe citizenship, We are also
here because of other, longer cycles. Historically, the fundamental
rights of humankind, hard-won in political struggle and revolutions.
matters now is that we are here tonight in our bodies politic. Politics
is a process of mediating among our various interests within a larger
framework. Politics is more than an academic, analytic exercise. It is
about the freedoms of our bodies from want, and the freedom of our
minds from fear. Politics is about mutual empowerment. And our
Universal heritage is the ultimate empowerment in our known reality.
political process and governmental structures we have on Earth do not
stop at Earth’s geo-stationary orbit. Politics, government, and
individual freedom extend throughout the interstellar and
interdimensional Universe we inhabit. Government on Earth is derived
from exo-government in the Universe,and we all have inalienable rights
in the Universe.
Tonight we know that the era of terrestrial politics is over. The age of Universe politics has now landed.
We are a new dimension of Universe government as it dawns on Earth.
very act of making public the information that we are part of an
organized, interstellar, multidimensional society makes real our new
Universe citizenship.
We are all the exo-government, the Universe society.
call all land a new Universe reality and Universe society into our
terrestrial dimension from the inside. Our own inner awareness can
shift its allegiance from terrestrial-based reality to a Universe-based
Let us [ ] assimilate extraterrestrial contact.
we are entering a new domain of politics - Universal exopolitics. We
[are] a Universe-directed body politic, which is our fundamental cosmic
The transformation starts within all of us – for
we are the transformation. We are the exo-government. We are the new
Universal human[e being]
Click to listen:
~ X ~
With acknowledgements and many thanks to Penelope Becker of Australia.
See also:"The end of terrestrial politics?"
by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
EDITOR’S NOTE: Originally published on November 1, 2000, a full week before the disputed 2000 U.S. Presidential election of George W. Bush on November 7, 2000. Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd is the International Director of the Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS), based in Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA. This essay is adapted from his presentation at the UFO/Disclosure Town Hall Meeting in Santa Clara, California, on Oct. 13, 2000. Alfred Webre’s message seems particularly poignant, as it came just prior to a disputed, fateful U.S. Presidential election.
Alfred, thank you for posting this dialogue. I look forward to any and all exchanges regarding this subject.
I wish you well.
Off The Grid Home Page
Posted by: Orflin G. Champion | 06 November 2005 at 09:01
Anonymous Weapons In Space Dialogue
This anonymous dialogue between the site creator of "Off The Grid Home Page" and several of the hundreds of thousands of visitors is devoted to a sober examination and response to advancing human development and preserving the human species. The names of an award-winning educator, author, leading aerospace executive, space and missile defense consultant, inventor, engineer and PhD philosophy student have been altered for privacy. I hope you enjoy this data sphere.
Dialogue #1
Weapons In Space
Sarah (award-winning educator, author, leading aerospace executive, space and missile defense consultant)
From: Sarah
To: Orflin
Dear Orflin,
Thank you so much for your thoughtful Internet sites regarding weapons in space. Informative and insightful. I agree with all you've said.
What our group is doing is something new...in the context of a whole new Space Age paradigm. We are rising above the things you are saying and focusing on the specific problems with weapons in space. It is clear that we cannot simply replace war with peace. That rhetoric is only worthy of the past.
We can move from a war mindset to a space mindset. That's where the war industry mindset is moving...escalating into that place about 110 kilometers above all our heads...for supreme dominance and control, they say, and for Armageddon, they don't admit. But that's just a part of the old Earth bound paradigm that has manifested itself in the form of weapons, suffering and destruction.
Having been originally involved in the movement to stop the SDI and ASAT's, I've learned the disclosing truths, facts like this, focusing on weapons and uncovering cover-ups is not going to cause second order change (real change).
Have you read the Space Preservation Treaty? (You can find it on peaceinspace.com). It's the vital missing element to the achievement of peace.Yes, we can redefine and define peace. Or we can go for it. We are going to get that literal lid put on the war machine and allow it to transform into a space industry via this Treaty.
The Treaty has an enforcement mechanism that was missing from all previous treaties. This Treaty incorporates the best of previously signed treaties, broken ones, and proposed ones, and it's companion to a bill. It's doable and we are working on raising the funds to convene a real Treaty-signing Conference soon. So if you are ready to rise above the rest, and to help get this done, this would be great.
Many can't hear that call. Some are stuck in the old blame statements, the uncovering of cover-ups, the depressing facts of the realities of today. Some have been carefully taught to hate and fear...to believe we need weapons to be more secure, or they just need the jobs created in the war gaming or spin-offs. Some just have cultural perspectives that are different...and some can't get into believing what we can, at one moment in time, get a ban on space-based weapons that will cause "second order" change, a shift in consciousness that will actually take us a huge step closer to the achievement of peace that has never been possible or manifested in human history. But for those who want to take action to change this situation on the Earth that you describe, this treaty will do the job.
And by the way, asteroids and ET's are going to be, after people get tired of the "terrorist" threat lies, the next so-called identified enemy excuses for building space-based weapons...so we don't buy into this.
For decades people have said the enemies are as you describe them, and the peace rhetoric along side of that conversation...along with protests etc...again, no real change...except some people are awakening, which is good, but no real change. But others are waking up to the fact that we need a whole new approach...a plan of action...and we've got it. Yes, peace is beyond what can be achieved by traditional means as you stated so eloquently on your Internet site. Maybe it's time to actually do something that will achieve peace on Earth and preserve the peace in space in order to make sure we can get to peace on Earth and in ourselves. Surely we can't, if weapons become operational in space.
So here are some thoughts for you...in talking points. If you are interested in working with us, we're about to get the treaty signed, shift consciousness, and cause "second order" change that will impact all issues and peoples. Hope you're ready...let me know. We have lots to do for everyone who wants to participate.
Thank you so much. Look forward to hearing more about you...and to our working together.
Peace & Love,
Notes for Orflin:
A forthcoming World Space Preservation Treaty-signing Conference promises to be one of, if not THE most important event of our time�at the one time in history when this can be, and must be done. It is urgent to move ahead now. A global movement is forming to get this treaty signed into law.
The current U.S. Administration plans to deploy a so-called missile defense system that is inexorably linked to the deployment of space-based weapons. This is being put into place at an accelerated pace. Ostensibly this system is to protect against incoming missiles. However, the real purpose is to �dominate and control� space. And, it is vital to remember, the nation which dominates and controls space, dominates and controls everything and everyone on Earth. From the military point of view, that nation has seized the ultimate �high ground.� In the context of the old Earth bound paradigm, this may seem to make sense. But as people awaken to the choice we have of embracing a new space age paradigm, many realize space-based weapons are incredibly costly, dangerous, destabilizing, and unnecessary.
We can rise above our differences, perspectives, and negative facts, to choose to preserve the space frontier as a weapons-free place that can provide an abundance of unprecidented benefits and opportunities to us on Earth that will cause "second order" change, real change. Not only would space-based weapons not protect anyone or anything, they will make all the peoples of the world infinitely less secure. Nevertheless, some people still either support this system or they protest it. Now, there is a feasible win-win alternative available to all nations that will create true �second order� change, real change that the world�s peoples desperately need and want.
Fortunately, the World Space Preservation Treaty is ready to be signed into law. Over 150 country leaders have expressed a desire to have no weapons in space. A U.S. Congressman has called on all world leaders to sign and ratify this Space Preservation Treaty. Several international cities have passed an official resolution in their municipalities that support this call to convene the Space Preservation Treaty Conference. This call has been officially presented on the floor of the Canadian Parliament.
And, also because of the work of ICIS, this treaty is companion to the Space Preservation Act, a bill that will be reintroduced in the U.S. House of Representatives and, for the first time, introduced in the U.S. Senate.
This is the time, now, that cries out for us to take the most important step of all, to organize a gathering of world leaders who will sign and ratify this treaty. When the first twenty countries sign and ratify this treaty, it is enacted into world law�and a new entity will be formed�an outer space peacekeeping Agency will be established and equipped to monitor outer space and enforce the ban. In other words, using the latest of space age technology and services, this treaty will produce a verification and enforcement mechanism that will be effective in space and on Earth�something we�ve long needed.
This treaty will also have a positive impact on the U.S. Congress, the administration, candidates for U.S. president, and will impact political processes and all issues around the world. This event is where and when consciousness awakens and shifts - when this literal lid has been put on the war industry. IMAGINE. The war industry can transform, Aikido style, into a Space Age industry that will stimulate a new kind of economy and security system, with Space Age technology and services that can and will be applied to solving urgent problems on Earth - as we evolve into space without the mandate to weaponize space.
For decades, this war game has been aimed at seizing the high ground. Enemies are continually identified, old weapons dropped, new ones tested, and budgets allotted for the next wars. But in space, there has been international cooperation for nearly 50 years. We, together, can preserve peace in space�and peace shall prevail on Earth as it is in space.
This is the only moment in time when space-based weapons can, and must be banned�that is, BEFORE operational space-based weapons are deployed (which can occur either under the guise of calling them �merely research� or �tests� of the missile defense system without any warning) and/or BEFORE the now accelerating momentum of funding, vested interests and technology that is so rapidly being put into place makes the weaponization of space impossible to stop. We have just enough time to convene the World Space Preservation Treaty-signing conference and summit.
We must, can, and will take the vitally important step to get the World Space Preservation Treaty and the companion Space Preservation Act signed into law as quickly as possible, because this ban of all space-based weapons makes it possible to:
*Prohibit the research and development (R&D), testing, manufacturing, production and deployment of space-based weapons and systems, and the use of weapons to destroy or damage objects in space that are in orbit (i.e. satellites). This prohibits the introduction of all operational weapons in space, and the escalation of war on Earth from space and in space.
*Permit space exploration, R&D, testing, manufacturing, production and deployment of civil commercial and defense activities (including communication, navigation, surveillance, reconnaissance, early warning or remote sensing) that is not related to space-based weapons or systems.
*Transform the war industry into a space industry and other industries by removing the mandate to weaponize space while simultaneously allowing the inexorably linked military-industrial-entrepreneurial-lab-university-intelligence-NASA (and other space agencies and organizations)-government(s) complex to continue to expand into space, but without space-based weapons.
*Stimulate a new economic stimulus package based on creating a new marketplace as we evolve from Earth into space with more jobs and training programs, and more profits and contracts than during any hot or cold wartime. Space R&D and exploration programs are the foundation for a win-win platform that will produce only clean and safe Space Age technology, products and services that will be applied, with focus and intention, directly to solving urgent and potential problems of human needs, alternative energy, and a sustainable environment.We can transform the war-based economy, industry and mindset into a Space Age economy, industry, and mindset. This is a new Space Age paradigm vision.
*Build a strong national defense and a global security system based on bringing the world�s leaders in agreement to 1) ban all space-based weapons and 2) apply civil, commercial, military/defense, and entrepreneurial Space Age technology and information services to enhance worldwide cooperation in communication and information exchanges about all vital issues of human needs, alternative energy sources, and our environment.Space-based technology will no longer be used as "force multipliers� to enhance war capabilities but will now be used to observe Earth so that we can preserve our common environment and protect all life, to see where the sick waters are so we can clean them up, to see where suffering people are so troops can be sent in with food, medical supplies, clean water systems and alternative energy sources, to use satellite programs to provide education (healthcare, etc.) to eliminate poverty and suffering.Security will be based on cooperation with respect for our unity and diversity, with compassion for everyone on a different place on life�s path, and on our coming together to reap the abundance of benefits and opportunities that will better life as we recognize we are an interconnected Earth-in-space species in the universe(s). Peace on Earth as it is in Space = real security.
*Provide a new role for the military and military budgets, and for corporations and corporate profits, in order to focus their R&D, technology and info services to protect humanity, produce alternative energy and life saving resources, and to preserve our environment in the context of a whole new Space Age paradigm, a new way of thinking and acting will emerge as war on Earth becomes archaic and as humans evolve and transition into a higher state of consciousness as we live, work and travel in space.This is the time to create an exciting action program with a grand new vision with and for the people in the Complex in order to replace the war industry and replace the old mindset of war.
*Verify and enforce agreements, because when the first twenty U.N. Member Nations sign and ratify this World Space Preservation Treaty it will become law and a new entity forms: an international/world cooperative Outer Space Peacekeeping Agency will be established and equipped to monitor outer space and enforce the space-based weapons ban.This same equipment can and will be applied with intention not to enhance war fighting capabilities, but to verify agreements including the reduction and elimination of missiles (thus eliminating the need for �missile defense�), nuclear weapons, and other dangerous, toxic and polluting technology.
*Free budgets, brains, hearts and souls to live, work, and travel joyfully together on Earth, as well as peacefully in space while creating space habitats, schools, hotels, resorts, farms, labs, industries, elevators, and spacecraft instead of space-based battle stations, space-based weapons, and space bombers. Instead, imagine life filled with culture, music and the arts. We can evolve our intelligence, think and act in the context of a new Space Age paradigm with understanding, compassion, peace and justice for all, and respect for our diversity and different perspectives, while acknowledging our interconnectedness on all levels, with a love and caring that will provide a wonderful, healthy future for our children, for all the children and their children�and for all sacred life.
*Provide the time and place, in 2004, when world leaders will come together to sign the World Space Preservation Treaty, and the U.S. Congress and Administration will pass the companion Space Preservation Act.This will shift consciousness and have a positive impact on all issues and peoples because this will cause �second order� change, real change.Not only will the truth be revealed but it will be officially acknowledged, paving the way an Outer Space Peacekeeping Agency that will shepherd us to peace on Earth and in space.
From: Orflin
To: Sarah
Dear Sarah,
Thank you for your detailed reply. I have taken the time to review your materials.
When I looked at your all encompassing treaty my first thought was here is yet another great idea that will be lost in the void of legal interpretation and the beast of bureaucracy. Many new laws and treaties before yours, made it into the holy book of supreme American law only to end up out of sync with the times or filled with so much legal opened ended jargon that they could be endlessly debated without ever being enforced.
All law takes a back seat when it comes to national security and national security is ruled by those who the general public call "the hidden rulers." When you have a small group of individuals with unaccounted resources (estimated to be twice the annual Defence budget) veiled behind national security, then you have a special interest group without accountability within a self serving government that exercises its own special interest group doctrines.
My efforts over the last number of years have focused on global trends and alternative futures related to peace. This has been a full time personal quest to find a common ground for all inhabitants of planet Earth. After traveling many years throughout the world and seeing the reality and effects of American domestic and foreign policy, I find it very disturbing that so few people have been able to find the head of any nail and drive it home.
Food For Thought Examples;
1. One out of five people in America are employed directly or indirectly by the military industrial complex.
2. If each and every person exercised their respective voting rights as citizens, their government representatives would quickly respect their concerns for world peace and equality.
3. There is a total lack of serious human development in addressing issues like cross-cultural understanding, socioeconomic inequalities and poverty.
4. Complex existing laws that could quickly create world peace (e.g.; United States government could amend the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and reinstate the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof back to Congress in place of the Federal Reserve Corporation, which in turn would immediately reduce the true national debt and tax burden on American citizens).
Most people now find the world too complex to contemplate as their suppressed animosities are emerging as friend-against-friend or neighbor-against-neighbor, escalating and extending into hate against religions or peoples from different walks of life. Our tendency, traditionally, has been for melodramatic summations and predictions but reality, in spite of what is perceived as irreconcilable differences between cultures, is one of massive proportion. The masses of the world have been and are being woven together in a very fundamental way that provides power and prestige to the few and disregards the many. This phenomenon has exacerbated all existing problems, including the deterioration of the standard of living across the world for the masses.
In defending true freedom and peace we (collectively) need to openly repel and denounce to the whole world the outrages that special interest groups continually hamper us with, in "their" world of conformity, which adds difficulty and indignity to all lives.
As the world grows in knowledge, it fragments in its wisdom.
Stay well and best regards,
From: Sarah
To: Orflin
Hi Orflin, Thank you.
This won't get lost. We're going to produce the treaty-signing conference. And this is not about American law. This treaty incorporates treaties already passed into law, proposed ones, and dead ones. Over 150 countries already support the ban. This isn't our treaty...it's been written by members of many countries...all experts...some who wrote other existing treaties. It's being done on the highest levels. It's not jargon...it's in language that translates and has already been passed into law. This puts it together, that's all, and updates it for our time.
We are in favor of the large defense budget. We know about self-interests. The war industry transforming into a space industry without space-based weapons will employ and train more in the military industrial complex than would any hot or cold war time.
There is no sense complaining about the budgets or the complex, they aren't going to go away...we need to give them something to do that is feasible...space is it. They aren't going to just roll over and build schools and roads...until after the treaty is signed and consciousness begins to shift.
People haven't had a new paradigm leader to vote for...they've all been about the same. So telling people to vote is good but it's just rhetoric from the old paradigm.
I'm co-authoring a book with a Japanese expert on cross-cultural understandings. Americans are particularly ignorant in this area.
I agree with your American perspective...pathetic...sickening...so think above it...universal perspective to world.
There are no laws that are going to cause peace...as long as the game is aimed at "seizing the high ground". The ban on space-based weapons is the only law that will pave the way to peace. The rest didn't work, aren't working, and won't work. This one will.
Common ground for all on Earth is, of course, obvious on Earth...but to get it to be acknowledged officially, look up. The space above all our heads is to be preserved for all on Earth...it's doable because we aren't correcting something we are just preserving it.
You are obviously a great thinker and I appreciate your thoughts and correspondence. Wish I could help you rise above all the old conversation and see that there is a direction we are heading into that can change the whole situation. It starts with this treaty.
Let me know if you want to help get it signed into law.
Peace & Love,
From: Orflin
To: Sarah
Dear Sarah,
Your passion and commitment break through in your words. I only wish I could better convey to you my support for what you have done and what you are doing. My take at this point is, unless you use a direct plus indirect parallel, multi-threaded approach in, around and beyond your treaty, your efforts will be sucked into a corner and held in limbo doing the "wait and see what happens when the papers are signed" routine.
The beast that is before you has many faces and wears many hats.The materials that you recommended I read were very well organized and logical but the world in which I have experience, as it relates to you and your efforts, is not logical or predictable. The beast has only one stripe visible; chaos for control. The rest of the beast is driven by a well funded dominance without any regard for the well being of the masses.
Regarding you comment,"this is not about American law."
United States is a ten+ trillion dollar economy that is the engine of all world markets. I find it hard to think that any treaty worth the paper it is written on has any weight (other than Yankee bashing) in the global community, without the full support of the American government. Now, if this was the year 2015, I would not have placed so much emphasis on the weight and power of the American government (according to CIA Director George Tenant and his annual CIA report to the house). A good example in contrasting my point would be the impact of many nations signing documents in opposition to American policy at the United Nations. The intentions and conscience of the international community was humane and admirable in many cases but at the end of the day, America has and will continue to stand alone in justifying their "dominance" policies under the veil of "national security."
Taking this one step forward and two steps back, and after doing extensive research on the subject, all indicators point towards United States being 100% committed to continuous war and advancing weapons technologies, at any cost, anywhere in the world. The reasons are straight forward. The American business/economic infrastructure and psyche are completely geared towards weapons, war and support thereof.
Change this model and America is bankrupt (Current debt $9+ trillion US dollars - and it increases $2+ billion per day - each citizen's share of this debt is approximately $29,000 dollars). Put another way, in 1910 the American federal debt was only $1 billion, or $12.40 per citizen. State and local debts were practically nonexistent. When the Federal Reserve Act was lobbied and changed in favor of privatizing the act under the Federal Reserve Corporation - December 1913, everything changed. By 1920, the federal debt had jumped to $24 billion, or $228 per person. In 1960 the Federal debt reached $284 billion, or $1,575 per citizen and state and local debts were mushrooming. By 1981 the federal debt passed $1 trillion and was growing exponentially as the Federal Reserve Corporation disciples (bankers) tripled interest rates. Today, state and local debts are now more than federal, and with business and personal debts in excess of $9 trillion or 4+ times the value of all land and buildings in America, its no wonder nothing is logical in understanding the beast and its many faces.
Regarding your comment, "we are in favor of the large defense budget."
I agree with the $400 billion dollar annual defense budget. But that's not the true number. The number for general consumption is $367 billion + $87 billion - $20 billion for Iraqi infrastructure = $434 billion. Then again that's not the number either. The true number is is $367 billion + $87 billion - $20 billion for Iraqi infrastructure + $734 billion "hidden rulers budget"= $1.168 Trillion.( I wonder what the four hundred thousand homeless veterans in America think of these accounting principles especially after repeatedly being turned down for benefits and care due to lack of funds).
Regarding your comment, "there are no laws that are going to cause peace."
I disagree. The law of "cause and effect" is inevitable. The United States is heading down a narrow path and it's growing darker every day.
Sarah, stay well and best regards.
Note for Sarah:
The War and the Intellectuals
by Randolph Bourne (1917)
To those of us who still retain an irreconcilable animus against war, it has been a bitter experience to see the unanimity with which the American intellectuals have thrown their support to the use of war-technique in the crisis in which America found herself. Socialists, college professors, publicists, new-republicans, practitioners of literature, have vied with each other in confirming with their intellectual faith the collapse of neutrality and the riveting of the war-mind on a hundred million more of the world's people. And the intellectuals are not content with confirming our belligerent gesture. They are now complacently asserting that it was they who effectively willed it, against the hesitation and dim perceptions of the American democratic masses. A war made deliberately by the intellectuals! A calm moral verdict, arrived at after a penetrating study of inexorable facts! Sluggish masses, too remote from the world-conflict to be stirred, too lacking in intellect to perceive their danger! An alert intellectual class, saving the people in spite of themselves, biding their time with Fabian strategy until the nation could be moved into war without serious resistance! An intellectual class, gently guiding a nation through sheer force of ideas into what the other nations entered only through predatory craft or popular hysteria or militarist madness! A war free from any taint of self-seeking, a war that will secure the triumph of democracy and internationalize the world! This is the picture which the more self-conscious intellectuals have formed of themselves, and which they are slowly impressing upon a population which is being led no man knows whither by an indubitably intellectualized President. And they are right, in that the war certainly did not spring from hysterias, of the American people, however acquiescent the masses prove to be, and however clearly the intellectuals prove their putative intuition.
Those intellectuals who have felt themselves totally out of sympathy with this drag toward war will seek some explanation for this joyful leadership. They will want to understand this willingness of the American intellect to open the sluices and flood us with the sewage of the war spirit. We cannot forget the virtuous horror and stupefaction which filled our college professors when they read the famous manifesto the their ninety-three German colleagues in defense of their war.1 To the American academic mind of 1914 defense of war was inconceivable. From Bernhardi2 it recoiled as from blasphemy, little dreaming that two years later would find it creating its own cleanly reasons for imposing military service on the country and for talking of the rough rude currents of health and regeneration that war would send through the American body politic. They would have thought anyone mad who talked of shipping American men by the hundreds of thousands - conscripts - to die on the fields of France. Such a spiritual change seems catastrophic when we shoot our minds back to those days when neutrality was a proud thing. But the intellectual progress has been so gradual that the country retains little sense of the irony. The war sentiment, begun so gradually but so perseveringly by the preparedness advocates who come from the ranks of big business, caught hold of one after another of the intellectual groups. With the aid of Roosevelt, the murmurs became a monotonous chant, and finally a chorus so mighty that to be out of it was at first to be disreputable and finally almost obscene. And slowly a strident rant was worked up against Germany which compared very creditably with the German fulminations against the greedy power of England. The nerve of the war-feeling centered, of course, in the richer and older classes of the Atlantic seaboard, and was keenest where there were French or English business and particularly social connections. The sentiment then spread over the country as a class-phenomenon, touching everywhere those upper-class elements in each section who identified themselves with this Eastern ruling group. It must never be forgotten that in every community it was the least liberal and least democratic elements among whom the preparedness and later the war sentiment was found. The farmers were apathetic, the small business men and workingmen are still apathetic towards the war. The election was a vote of confidence of these latter classes in a President who would keep the faith of neutrality. The intellectuals, in other words, have identified themselves with the least democratic forces in American life. They have assumed the leadership for war of those very classes whom the American democracy has been immemorially fighting. Only in a world where irony was dead could an intellectual class enter war at the head of such illiberal cohorts in the avowed cause of world-liberalism and world-democracy. No one is left to point out the undemocratic nature of this war-liberalism. In a time of faith, skepticism is the most intolerable of all insults.
Our intellectual class might have been occupied, during the last two years of war, in studying and clarifying the ideals and aspirations of the American democracy, in discovering a true Americanism which would not have been merely nebulous but might have federated the different ethnic groups and traditions. They might have spent the time in endeavoring to clear the public mind of the cant of war, to get rid of old mystical notions that clog our thinking. We might have used the time for a great wave of education, for setting our house in spiritual order. We could at least have set the problem before ourselves. If our intellectuals were going to lead the administration, they might conceivably have tried to find some way of securing peace by making neutrality effective. They might have turned their intellectual energy not to the problem of jockeying the nation into war, but to the problem of using our vast neutral power to attain democratic ends for the rest of the world and ourselves without the use of the malevolent technique of war. They might have failed. The point is that they scarcely tried. The time was spent not in clarification and education, but in mulling over nebulous ideals of democracy and liberalism and civilization which had never meant anything fruitful to those ruling classes who now so glibly used them, and in giving free rein to the elementary instinct of self-defense. The whole era has been spiritually wasted. The outstanding feature has been not its Americanism but its intense colonialism. The offence of our intellectuals was not so much that they were colonial - for what could we expect of a nation composed of so many national elements? - but that it was so one-sided and partisan colonial. The official, reputable expression of the intellectual class has been that of the English colonial. Certain portions of it have been even more loyalist than the King, more British even than Australia. Other colonial attitudes have been vulgar. The colonialism of the other American stocks was denied a hearing from the start. America might have been made a meeting-ground for the different national attitudes. An intellectual class, cultural colonists of the different European nations, might have threshed out the issues here as they could not be threshed out in Europe. Instead of this, the English colonials in university and press took command at the start, and we became an intellectual Hungary where thought was subject to an effective process of Marginalization. The reputable opinion of the American intellectuals became more and more either what could be read pleasantly in London, or what was written in an earnest effort to put Englishmen straight on their war-aims and war-technique. This Marginalization of thought produced as a counter-reaction a peculiarly offensive and inept German apologetic, and the two partisans divided the field between them. The great masses, the other ethnic groups, were inarticulate. American public opinion was almost as little prepared for war in 1917 as it was in 1914.
The sterile results of such an intellectual policy are inevitable. During the war the American intellectual class has produced almost nothing in the way of original and illuminating interpretation. Veblen's "Imperial Germany;" Patten's "Culture and War," and addresses; Dewey's "German Philosophy and Politics;" a chapter or two in Weyl's "American Foreign Policies;" - is there much else of creative value in the intellectual repercussion of the war? It is true that the shock of war put the American intellectual to an unusual strain. He had to sit idle and think as spectator not as actor. There was no government to which he could docile and loyally tender his mind as did the Oxford professors to justify England in her own eyes. The American's training was such as to make the fact of war almost incredible. Both in his reading of history and in his lack of economic perspective he was badly prepared for it. He had to explain to himself something which was too colossal for the modern mind, which outran any language or terms which we had to interpret it in. He had to explain his sympathies to the breaking-point, while pulling the past and present into some sort of interpretative order. The intellectuals in the fighting countries had only to rationalize and justify what their country was already doing. Their task was easy. A neutral, however, had really to search out the truth. Perhaps perspective was too much to ask of any mind. Certainly the older colonials among our college professors let their prejudices at once dictate their thought. They have been comfortable ever since. The war has taught them nothing and will teach them nothing. And they have had the satisfaction, under the rigor of events, of seeing prejudice submerge the intellects of their younger colleagues. And they have lived to see almost their entire class, pacifists and democrats too, join them as apologists for the "gigantic irrelevance" of war.
We had had to watch, therefore, in this country the same process which so shocked us abroad - the coalescence of the intellectual classes in support of the military program. In this country, indeed, the socialist intellectuals did not even have the grace of their German brothers and wait for the declaration of war before they broke for cover. And when they declared for war they showed how thin was the intellectual veneer of their socialism. For they called us in terms that might have emanated from any bourgeois journal to defend democracy and civilization, just as if it was not exactly against those very bourgeois democracies and capitalist civilizations that socialists had been fighting for decades. But so subtle is the spiritual chemistry of the "inside" that all this intellectual cohesion - herd-instinct - which seemed abroad so hysterical and so servile, comes to us here in highly rational terms. We go to war to save the world from subjugation! But the German intellectuals went to war to save their culture from barbarization! And the French to save international honor! And Russia, most altruistic and self-sacrificing of all, to save a small State from destruction! Whence is our miraculous intuition of our moral spotlessness? Whence our confidence that history will not unravel huge economic and imperialist forces upon which our rationalizations float like bubbles? The Jew often marvels that his race alone should have been chosen as the true people of the cosmic God. Are not our intellectuals equally fatuous when they tell us that our war of all wars is stainless and thrillingly achieving for good?
An intellectual class that was wholly rational would have called insistently for peace and not for war. For months the crying need has been for a negotiated peace, in order to avoid the ruin of a deadlock. Would not the same amount of resolute statesmanship thrown into intervention have secured a peace that would have been a subjugation for neither side? Was the terrific bargaining power of a great neutral ever really used? Our war followed, as all wars follow, a monstrous failure of diplomacy. Shamefacedness should now be our intellectuals' attitude, because the American play for peace was made so little more than a polite play. The intellectuals have still to explain why, willing as they now are to use force to continue the war to absolute exhaustion, they were not willing to use force to coerce the world to a speedy peace.
Their forward vision is no more convincing than their past rationality. We go to war now to internationalize the world! But surely their league to Enforce Peace is only a palpable apocalyptic myth, like the syndicalists' myth of the "general strike." It is not a rational program so much as a glowing symbol for the purpose of focusing belief, of setting enthusiasm on fire for international order. As far as it does this it has pragmatic value, but as far as it provides a certain radiant mirage of idealism for this war and for a world-order founded on mutual fear, it is dangerous and obnoxious. Idealism should be kept for what is ideal. It is depressing to think that the prospect of a world so strong that none dare challenge it should be the immediate prospect of the American intellectual. If the League is only a makeshift, a coalition into which we enter to restore order, then it is only a description of an existing fact, and the idea should be treated as such. But if it is an actually prospective outcome of the settlement, the keystone of American policy, it is neither realizable nor desirable. For the program of such a League contains no provision for dynamic national growth or for international economic justice. In a world which requires recognition of economic internationalism far more than of political internationalism, an idea is reactionary which proposes to petrify and federate the nations as political and economic units. Such a scheme for international order is a dubious justification for American policy. And if American policy had been sincere in its belief that our participation would achieve international beatitude, would we not have made our entrance into the war conditional upon a solemn general agreement to respect in the final settlement these principles of international order? Could we have afforded, if our war was to end war by the establishment of a league of honor, to risk the defeat of our vision and our betrayal in the settlement? Yet we are in the war, and no such solemn agreement was made, nor has it even been suggested.
The case of the intellectuals seems, therefore, only very speciously rational. They could have used their energy to force a just peace or at least to devise other means than war for carrying through American policy. They could have used their intellectual energy to ensure that our participation in the war meant the international order which they wish. Intellect was not so used. It was used to lead an apathetic nation into an irresponsible war, without guarantees from those belligerents whose cause we were saving. The American intellectual, therefore has been rational neither in his hindsight, nor his foresight. To explain him we must look beneath the intellectual reasons to the emotional disposition. It is not so much what they thought as how they felt that explains our intellectual class. Allowing for colonial sympathy, there was still the personal shock in a world-war which outraged all our preconceived notions of the way the world was tending. It reduced to rubbish most of the humanitarian internationalism and democratic nationalism which had been the emotional thread of our intellectuals' life. We had suddenly to make a new orientation. There were mental conflicts. Our latent colonialism strove with our longing for American unity. Our desire for peace strove with our desire for national responsibility in the world. That first lofty and remote and not altogether unsound feeling of our spiritual isolation from the conflict could not last. There was the itch to be in the great experience which the rest of the world was having. Numbers of intelligent people who had never been stirred by the horrors of capitalistic peace at home were shaken out of their slumber by the horrors of war in Belgium. Never having felt responsibility for labor wars and oppressed masses and excluded races at home, they had a large fund of idle emotional capital to invest in the oppressed nationalities and ravaged villages of Europe. Hearts that had felt only the ugly contempt for democratic strivings at home beat in tune with the struggle for freedom abroad. All this was natural, but it tended to over-emphasize our responsibility. And it threw our thinking out of gear. The task of making our own country detailed fit for peace was abandoned in favor of a feverish concern for the management of war, advice to the fighting governments on all matters, military, social and political, and a gradual working up of the conviction that we were ordained as a nation to lead all erring brothers towards the light of liberty and democracy. The failure of the American intellectual class to erect a creative attitude toward the war can be explained by these sterile mental conflicts which the shock to our ideals sent raging through us.
Mental conflicts end either in a new and higher synthesis or adjustment, or else in a reversion to more primitive ideas which have been outgrown but to which we drop when jolted out of our attained position. The war caused in America a recrudescence of nebulous ideals which a younger generation was fast outgrowing because it had passed the wistful stage and was discovering concrete ways of getting them incarnated in actual institutions. The shock of war threw us back from this pragmatic work into an emotional bath of these old ideals. there was even a somewhat rarefied revival of our primitive Yankee boastfulness, the reversion of senility to that republican childhood when we expected the whole world to copy our republican institutions. We amusingly ignored the fact that it was just that Imperial German regime, to whom we are to teach the art of self-government, which our own Federal structure, with its executive irresponsible in foreign policy and with its absence of parliamentary control, most resembles. And we are missing the exquisite irony of the unaffected homage paid by the American democratic intellectuals to the last and most detested of Britain's tory premiers as the representative of a "liberal" ally, as well as the irony of the selection of the best hated of America's bourbon "old guard" as the missionary of American democracy to Russia.
The intellectual state that could produce such things is one where reversion has taken place to more primitive ways of thinking. Simple syllogisms are substituted for analysis, things are known by their labels, our heart's desire dictates what we shall see. The American intellectual class, having failed to make the higher synthesis, regresses to ideas that can issue in quick, simplified action. Thought becomes any easy rationalization of what is actually going on or what is to happen inevitably tomorrow. It is true that certain groups did rationalize their colonialism and attach the doctrine of the inevitability of British sea power to the doctrine of a League of Peace. But this agile resolution of the mental conflict did not become a higher synthesis, to be creatively developed. It gradually merged into a justification for our going to war. It petrified into a dogma to be propagated. Criticism flagged and emotional propaganda began. Most of the socialists, the college professors and the practitioners of literature, however, have not even reached this high-water mark of synthesis. Their mental conflicts have been resolved much more simply. War in the interests of democracy! This was almost the sum of their philosophy. The primitive idea to which they regressed became almost insensibly translated into a craving for action. War was seen as the crowning relief of their indecision. At last action, irresponsibility, the end of anxious and torturing attempts to reconcile peace-ideals with the drag of the world towards Hell. An end to the pain of trying to adjust the facts to what they ought to be! Let us consecrate the facts as ideal! Let us join the greased slide towards war! The momentum increased. Hesitations, ironies, consciences, considerations, - all were drowned in the elemental blare of doing something aggressive, colossal. The new-found Sabbath "peacefulness of being at war"! The thankfulness with which so many intellectuals lay down and floated with the current betrays the hesitation and suspense through which they had been. The American university is a brisk and happy place these days. Simple, unquestioning action has superseded the knots of thought. The thinker dances with reality.
With how many of the acceptors of war has it been mostly a dread of intellectual suspense? It is a mistake to suppose that intellectuality necessarily makes for suspended judgments. The intellect craves certitude. It takes effort to keep it supple and pliable. In a time of danger and disaster we jump desperately for some dogma to cling to. The time comes, if we try to hold out, when our nerves are sick with fatigue, and we seize in a great healing wave of release some doctrine that can immediately be translated into action. Neutrality meant suspense, and so it became the object of loathing to frayed nerves. The vital myth of the League of Peace provides a dogma to jump to. With war the world becomes motor again and speculation is brushed aside like cobwebs. The blessed emotion of self-defense intervenes too, which focused millions in Europe. A few keep up a critical pose after war is begun, but since they usually advise action which is in one-to-one correspondence with what the mass is already doing, their criticism is little more than a rationalization of the common emotional drive.
The results of war on the intellectual class are already apparent. Their thought becomes little more than a description and justification of what is going on. They turn upon any rash one who continues idly to speculate. Once the war is on, the conviction spreads that individual thought is helpless, that the only way one can count is as a cog in the great wheel. There is no good holding back. We are told to dry our unnoticed and ineffective tears and plunge into the great work. Not only is everyone forced into line, but the new certitude becomes idealized. It is a noble realism which opposes itself to futile obstruction and the cowardly refusal to face facts. This realistic boast is so loud and sonorous that one wonders whether realism is always a stern and intelligent grappling with realities. May it not be sometimes a mere surrender to the actual, an abdication of the ideal through a sheer fatigue from intellectual suspense? The pacifist is roundly scolded for refusing to face the facts, and for retiring into his own world of sentimental desire. But is the realist, who refuses to challenge or criticize facts, entitled to any more credit than that which comes from following the line of least resistance? The realist thinks he at least can control events by linking himself to the forces that are moving. Perhaps he can. But if it is a question of controlling war, it is difficult to see how the child on the back of a mad elephant is to be any more effective in stopping the beast than is the child who tries to stop him from the ground. The ex-humanitarian, turned realist, sneers at the snobbish neutrality, colossal conceit, crooked thinking, dazed sensibilities, of those who are still unable to find any balm of consolation for this war. We manufacture consolations here in America while there are probably not a dozen men fighting in Europe who did not long ago give up every reason for their being there except that nobody knew how to get them away.
But the intellectuals whom the crisis has crystallized into an acceptance of war have put themselves into a terrifying strategic position. It is only on the craft, in the stream, they say, that one has any chance of controlling the current forces for liberal purposes. If we obstruct, we surrender all power for influence. If we responsibly approve, we then retain our power for guiding. We will be listened to as responsible thinkers, while those who obstructed the coming of war have committed intellectual suicide and shall be cast into outer darkness. Criticism by the ruling powers will only be accepted from those intellectuals who are in sympathy with the general tendency of the war. Well, it is true that they may guide, but if their stream leads to disaster and the frustration of national life, is their guiding any more than a preference whether they shall go over the right-hand or the left-hand side of the precipice? Meanwhile, however, there is comfort on board. Be with us, they call, or be negligible, irrelevant. Dissenters are already excommunicated. Irreconcilable radicals, wringing their hands among the debris, become the most despicable and impotent of men. There seems no choice for the intellectual but to join the mass of acceptance. But again the terrible dilemma arises, - either support what is going on, in which case you count for nothing because you are swallowed in the mass and great incalculable forces bear you on; or remain aloof, passively resistant, in which case you count for nothing because you are outside the machinery of reality.
Is there no place left then, for the intellectual who cannot yet crystallize, who does not dread suspense, and is not yet drugged with fatigue? The American intellectuals, in their preoccupation with reality, seem to have forgotten that the real enemy is War rather than imperial Germany. There is work to be done to prevent this war of ours from passing into popular mythology as a holy crusade. What shall we do with leaders who tell us that we go to war in moral spotlessness, or who make "democracy" synonymous with a republican form of government? There is work to be done in still shouting that all the revolutionary by-products will not justify the war, or make war anything else than the most noxious complex of all the evils that afflict men. There must be some to find no consolation whatever, and some to sneer at those who buy the cheap emotion of sacrifice. There must be some irreconcilables left who will not even accept the war with walrus tears. There must be some to call unceasingly for peace, and some to insist that the terms of settlement shall be not only liberal but democratic. There must be some intellectuals who are not willing to use the old discredited counters again and to support a peace which would leave all the old inflammable materials of armament lying about the world. There must still be opposition to any contemplated "liberal" world-order founded on military coalitions. The "irreconcilable" need not be disloyal. He need not even be "an impossibilist." His apathy towards war should take the form of a heightened energy and enthusiasm for the education, the art, the interpretation that make for life in the midst of the world of death. The intellectual who retains his animus against war will push out more boldly than ever to make his case solid against it. The old ideals crumble; new ideals must be forged. His mind will continue to roam widely and ceaselessly. The thing he will fear most is premature crystallization. If the American intellectual class rivets itself to a "liberal" philosophy that perpetuates the old errors, there will then be need for "democrats" whose task will be to divide, confuse, disturb, keep the intellectual waters constantly in motion to prevent any such ice from ever forming.
From: Sarah
To: Orflin
Dear Orflin,
Yes, I do know it's complicated...happening on many levels. And with the greatest respect for you, having looked at your websites and all you've done...I'd like to present to you a bit of a challenge, perhaps...an idea, really...that I wonder if you'd be interested in pursuing.
Would you be open to drawing a scenario of what will happen when a Space Preservation Treaty is signed and ratified into law. Include the fact that once it is signed, the world comes together at a new level of consciousness and people realize what just happened...and the truth is not just revealed about who we are in the universe...it's officially acknowledged in a way that will impact all issues...positively. Just say this is possible...that the world's leaders will come to sign this agreement and make it real. Can you incorporate that into your scenario of predictions...perhaps parallel to the ones you've listed that will happen without such a treaty? Include, in the new Space Age paradigm scenario...that we probably won't even have a need for some of the immature or antiquated technologies that we've based our societies on...so we can base this scenario on the commitment to clean and safe R&D programs, etc..
At that point, it would be fine to study asteroids and prepare...but now, that's just an excuse carefully spread to cause yet more fear of now the asteroid enemy...against whom we need space-based weapons. That was part of the lie that Von Braun mentioned would emerge...after the public stopped believing in the "terrorist threat." After that, the ET threat is scheduled to emerge...a lie, of course.
I do so appreciate your intellectual and loving support...I can feel it in you. Thank you. And your thoughts represent a deep layered reality in which I've/we've somehow survived for decades...for me in focus on this issue. As you have probably read the surface summary of my bio...you've noticed I've been yanked around by the universe and put into all kinds of levels of positions where no woman has tread before me...or after, so far. With that knowing...I'm emerging after years of quiet. I still prefer to be quiet, but since this isn't about me nothing except getting this ban on space-based weapons is as important.
Years ago I quit...because I realized there really was no path out of this mess...and those of us who can see it now and who are willing to create it, can choose to participate or not. Right now, it's like being in the "Field of Dreams." Great people like you are connecting. Wow...what work you have done. I hope my part resonates with you...that I can articulate it well enough to touch/reach you...and maybe even connect in action with you in some way.
The drivers on which you have focused a lot of energy are real...and so is what I'm/we're doing. We don't ignore the Earth bound situations. And we see the huge potential problems. We have just chosen not to dwell there anymore...we have work to do.
The treaty is something we can truly do to help get us out of this. It's vitally important...not just wallpaper either. It's a tool and it's real...this planet functions on laws...we are connecting it to universal laws and principals...step by step...so that we can fit into the intergallactic phone book of the higher intellgencia...as von Braun mentioned in his notes.
We've got our hands on something really big and totally feasible to do, and we are doing it. When and if you are ready, we'll get into an action conversation. By the way, I also know there are no guarantees. But there are high minds in on this like yours...and there are more and more ready to go into action. Just waiting for a few steps to take place, and as we move forward those steps are rapidly being taken.
Yes, those ol' Earth bound indicators point to continuous war...but I can promise you...there are other very real indicators that most aren't aware of...universal ... that point in a new direction.
Again, did you read the paragraph about how the space program expansion, civil, commercial, military and entrepreneurial...inexorably linked with the military-industrial complex--- the war industry into a space industry? Re the defense budget...it's filled with lies and number crunching so the numbers mean virtually nothing to me, actually. Just more of the same...an exercise designed by some just to distract us.
Thank you...yes...laws are cause and effect. And I'm talking about the fact that peace on Earth will not be achieveable as long as there are no verifiable and enforceable laws (a mind grid) to prevent the weaponization of space from occurring. As long as the game goal is to "seize the high ground" for "dominance and control," which is only a part of the goal, second order change cannot happen.
And Orflin, part of what you are saying is based on logic...that is clearly where you have been. Your work is brilliant, and that's why I'd like to see you rise above it now in the context of a whole new space age paradigm that is based on ths signing of this treaty.
I'd like to add that since I come directly out of the military industrial complex where there is no real "logic" in that game, no matter how many ways you analyze it or think it through, it's based on lies. It's a logic based on lies. So forget trying to work with that logic...it won't work. Having worked with a movement with about 50 million people involved, I learned that much. And I know that's an argue point but it's a simple truth....not worth time. What is worth time is working to correct without dislocating or threatening...we've got a plan.
Your ways of analyzing, thinking, and presenting are brilliant...scholarly, and right-on in the current paradigm that exists on Earth. It's got a base of logic, and probably considers some random in it. And as you know, in the complex, where the powers that be are, there is no sophisiticated thought process going on.
Little moi was on a road tour debate with General Daniel Graham, for example, who introduced this issue to Reagan, which caused Reagan's SDI lines of March 23rd, '83 to be spoken. How did I qualify to debate a General like this? Because, in part, I realized way back then that you can't have a logical conversation about this war-peace issue at that level...there is no logic there! So I could just state facts, a new context for a vision and move above what he was saying. People were sometimes fascinated with my conversations with these generals and continually invited me to discuss this kind of topic. Mostly, why space-based weapons are a dumb, dangerous, destablizing, untestible, unworkable, unnecessary idea...the protest...but the intelligencia seemed to notice that I was talking on several levels, to those who could hear. I could win each debate...in terms of those who were open enough to hear. The programmed can't or they'd get confused by the facts and might lose their jobs.
Re the defense budget statement...we, among the higher thinking part of the species, can modify that to say, or mean, that we re-define what defense is, as you've presented before. If we ever said we want to cut it back, or stop it, we'd simply look foolish. So we don't. Too many people are involved and employed around that budget. But we can and intend to change the game, now. This treaty-signing is absolutely doable...and it is not being done at a low level...I can guarantee that. To reach the people who are sophisticated and intelligent enough, who also know we must not allow space-based weapons to happen. They are coming in at an accelerated pace.
The people coming in, again, like you, are amazing. And, once they think it through and wrap their minds around what we are actually doing, they decide whether or not they want to participate in this incredible endeavor. The choice is yours, etc.
Note; I receive so much support from the military industrial complex people...they mostly don't want space-based weapons or to be responsible for that system. So, we've worked together to establish a language...we use words like "modernize" the ground forces = OK. We don't talk about defense budgets as being a bad thing. Without confrontation, we are waking up those who can hear the call to keep space, weapons free...and we haven't begun. Not at all. Yet, parts are happening, as you see...people are calling to connect. You are here, for example...though where/if is still a quesiton you have not answered. I'm not here to convince anyone...and there are no guarantees. But things are about to happen to move us into the new space age paradigm with this treaty. Still, how you hear this is up to you...a choice...and I've learned it's different for each person with whom I communicate...as I see how we are all at different places on the path and that's just the way it is. We're all in a transitionary time, remember.
Yes, the US has walked away from treaties. Analyzing why is just more drill, to me. But the US won't stop at all unless the world comes together. And, the world has come together in a number of treaties relevant to this highest one of the land...the place above all our heads. The world won't come together if space becomes weaponized...that's for sure.
What's most different is the timing factor, the fact that the technology that is an extension of our mind is available to solve urgent problems on Earth, and the fact that there is one place where rather than have to change something, we can just prevent it...and that ban on space-based weapons will do all the things that are listed in those talking points (the win-win paper), and more. This is where and when real second order change can and must take place. Otherwise, all the suffering and destruction continues.
Most important of all, this is the time to do this...and, the greatest fact is that we do have a real treaty that is the best of our time. We have no time left to further negotiate...it's perfect for our time.
And, it is our generation's responsibility, our RESPONSIBLY to keep space free of weapons. Those who can hear this are gathering to play their part of the world game...to make it happen. As it goes...some will, some won't, so what---NEXT....
So for those of us who do get tapped and realize how this treaty is, that it is so important to focus now (words can't describe it and it's not about intellectual dialog anymore)...we are doing it. You are part of that if you want to be. There is no hierarchy and it's all organized...there is a program of work and action with vision of the magnitude not yet experienced by this species.
We just have some specific steps to take, and we are taking them. We are high professionals like you, so it takes a team of us to produce this treaty signing. Anyone can take part...some know and some figure it out....
As you said, there are many levels re what we have to do. And that is just why people like us are meeting to have the treaty signed into law.
Remember, it took only five countries to enact the '67 Outer Space Treaty into law. The Space Preservation Treaty requires only 20...it's then law. And the technology of today is what we need to verify and enforce it...without space-based weapons. That law isn't just on paper, as you suggest. This, as the hint of space itself provides, is on a much higher grid. You'll have to move just a bit further to get into it...your thoughts can go there and beyond, if you choose.
We get only one chance at this...there is no wiggle room for mistakes. The stakes are high. And we have a warped sense of humor about it all...because it's sooo serious. One thing for sure, if we wreck this chance we are all doomed. So we are very careful. And isn't it interesting that this treaty suddenly emerges...free and clear of ego...companion to a US bill.
But we know that nothing is going to happen in the US Congress or administration to agree to this...we aren't that dumb. So, listen, we have no choice but to move this to the world level...so that is to where we have moved. Treaty...world...technology...economics, politics, defense, problems, solutions...vision, choices...change. Space ... is where the collective consciousness moves into higher awareness ... so much to be aware of ... and comes together in a higher place than that place that it could on Earth - where it has collected to some degree but in scattered levels with a range of ignorance and intelligence that is only applied by ten percent of less of our brain cells.
I cannot get into the Democratic verses anything conversation...too antiquated for me. Old stuff. Boring, actually....it's just not about that. The Democratic definition is too scattered and molded to anyone's dinnertime conversation for me. And it's a divisive thought anyway...kinda like religion. It's just where some like to dwell.
OK, now I go into an in depth focus for the next two weeks so I won't have time to write so much...though I type faster than I talk.
Please keep me informed of your thoughts....and let me know when/if you'd like to take some action around this treaty and ban.
We're putting together the funding and the plan of action now. If this is real, it's going to be something of a magnitude not yet experienced by humans.
Thanks for all you are doing....talk about amazing stuff.
Peace & Love,
From: Orflin
To: Sarah
Dear Sarah,
Thank you for sharing some of your thoughts.
I'm not sure of the breath or depth of the challenge you have placed before me regarding a "post space preservation treaty scenario" but I will apply some serious thought and effort into presenting you with my views on the good, the bad and the ugly over the next week or two while your engaged elsewhere.
Stay well and best regards.
From: Sarah
To: Orflin
Look forward to hearing from you. Remember, we're past visualization and rhetoric...we are actualizing now. We're tapping to see who wants to get the Space Preservation Treaty signed into law as we are taking steps to produce that result. We know the obstacles...mostly egomania from the far left, from my experience, but that kind of thing is to be expected. And, of course, the far right who want space-based weapons, dominance and control, and/or Armageddon, etc. We do analyze ever day, but at this stage, it's focused primarily on action...with focus on specific action strategies and steps.
From: Orflin
To: Sarah
Post Space Preservation Treaty
After carefully reviewing your site, materials and related links, I would like to present to you my unbiased cursory view on the subject of discussion.
I have discovered an existing well funded infrastructure supporting space warfighting and weaponization of space within a mass of "space hawks" engaged in an all-out pursuit of US dominance of space which was often referred to as "the ultimate high ground."
This large group of "space hawks" (government and private sector) believe that by weaponizing space they can affect and control the decision making cycle of any adversary in every conceivable manner to achieve their war fighting objectives ( from global vigilance, to global reach, to global strike with power projection in, from and through space).
The over tones and posturing in most if not all the materials I reviewed were "offensive" in nature, not "defensive."The "space hawks" viewed space as the medium where the natural evolution of military operations will soon thrive. Their underlying motivation and justification was based primarily on the fact that if they don't control and dominate space with weapons today, their adversaries will tomorrow.
The current Bush administration continues to clearly pursue and fund an aggressive approach in supporting the militaries use of space with space weapons technologies (approx. $160 billion so far has been spent by the US government on weaponizing space). The forces driving United States being; vast reliance on space assets, ways and means to defend those space assets against hostile acts and more generally to help deter and defend against evolving threats at home, its forward deployed forces and interests abroad.
Today, most analysts are convinced that the current path being forged by the US places the military in space with capabilities far beyond the use of satellites for communication and surveillance. They also see this as a dream of never ending profits for the weapons industry.
The post Space Preservation Treaty may be a short lived building block for sustaining a weapons free space beyond 2005. It will eventually surface as a bargaining chip. Paralleling the evolution of the treaty will be a degree of tribalization among nations, creating a degree of suedo agreements among the signatories who will split into (democratic nations - regime nations - impoverished nations) lobby groups in dealing with the United States, Britain, Israel, France, Germany, Russia, China, Japan and Australia for goods, services and hand outs. In the absence of any back room special agreements between the "have" and the "have not" nations, there will actually be full permission to do anything to opposing members so that there will always be a perpetual threat of fear, uncertainty and doubt between two or more nations regarding the treaty, future space assets and opportunities. The existence of national self interest will always form a barrier between the development of a complete, robust and enforceable Space Preservation Treaty.
My Thoughts On Treaty Structure
A treaty must contain an explicit provision on whether national or international legal provisions take precedence. In the absence of such a provision, a problem should be resolved on the basis of legal doctrine.
The majority of experts consider that international treaties, once ratified and in force, have precedence over ordinary law. Treaties which have been signed cannot be incorporated into domestic law unless they are unanimously approved by a national governing body. Provisions contained in treaties are ranked below those contained in most democratic constitutions regarding national security. However, once ratified, international instruments should be in place by national authorities as mandatory domestic regulations.
Treaties must commit parties to initial tasks that will translate government-to-government relationships into more-efficient, improved and beneficial services to encourages and provide a foundation and framework for specific agreements among the parties outlining specific tasks to address or resolve specific issues. The ultimate purpose being the improved safety and benefits to the people by their governments. Immediately and periodically, governments shall establish goals to improve safety and benefits by identifying the obstacles to the achievement of those goals.
Implementation of treaties should include comprehensive educational efforts to promote understanding of the government-to-government relationships and with the public.
Each nation is unique with different management and decision-making structures. The collective governments should recognize the key principle of their relationships is working together to resolve issues of concern with accountability to act in a manner consistent with the treaty.
Each nation in the collective will need to establish a documented plan of accountability. Nations must recognize that their relationships with the collective needs to successfully address issues of mutual concern with clear communication. Each government needs to recognize that accountability is best achieved when responsibility rests solely within their nation. Therefore, it is the objective of all nations to realize that they are directly and individually accountable for the implementation of government-to-government relationships in dealing with issues and concerns. Each nation must also recognize that a system of accountability within their own borders is critical to a successful implementation of government-to-government relationships.
In order to accomplish these objectives, each nation must ensure that its current government, decision-making process and relevant personnel is known to each other with which the government is addressing an issue of mutual concern. Further, each nation should establish a detailed organizational structure, decision-making process, system of accountability and other procedures for implementing the government-to-government relationship model in subsequent treaty amendments or elements of there government. Finally, each nation should establish a documented system of accountability.
As a component of the system of accountability within each nation, a review and evaluation should be conducted at regular collective member annual meetings. A management report should be issued summarizing this evaluation, including joint strategies and any specific agreement, outlining tasks and how to overcome obstacles to achieve specific goals.
Each of the collective members should respect the sovereignty of each nation. In executing a treaty, no party waives any rights, including treaty rights, immunities, including sovereign immunities, or jurisdiction. A treaty does not diminish any rights or protections afforded other nations or entities under local or national law.
While the relationships described above provides increased ability to solve problems, it will not result in a resolution of all issues. Therefore, inherent in the collective nation relationships is the right of each nation to elevate an issue of importance to any decision-making authority of another nation.
The Earth (and off Earth human settlements in the future) need a means of defense to ensure stability and growth of assets and infrastructure. Space-based assets and lines of communication are now an everyday part of global commerce. They must be protected at all cost or the world will face the dire consequences of a destabilized global economy or the general population will revert back to tribal mentality.
Weaponizing space is considered by many nations an undesirable condition, and no matter how serious the weaponizing of space might become, efforts at making the world a safer place will continue to be made even if some countries continue to impose a system of despotism and perfunctory fighting as an excuse for ruthless suppression of all those who oppose them (the spirit of democracy is still strong among the people of the world).
Efforts to universally ban space-based weapons at this stage appears to be a major up hill climb if the United States is to be included as a signatory on any binding agreement. The primary reason being the existing investment in space development and infrastructure. Cursory estimates indicate the US has expended over three trillion dollars in space development since the 50's. As stated in my previous email, I also believe that the United States has no choice other than being 100% committed to continuous war and advancing weapons technologies into space, regardless of the cost. The reasons are straight forward. The American business/economic infrastructure and psyche are completely geared towards weapons, war and support thereof. Change this model even slightly and America heads into another depression like in the early 1930's or worse yet, declares bankruptcy. To understand this statement you only have to look at the following events as they unfolded with the terrorists attacks September 11, 2001. The stock markets dropped one trillion dollars the first week after the attacks. The United States declares an undefined war on terrorism. United States invades Afghanistan. The U.S. economy loses seven trillion dollars within the first twelve months after the September 11 attacks. United States invades Iraq.
In the past, multilateral weapons ban treaties have been more palatable when they specifically addressed and focused on policy areas on there own merits. Any universal or all encompassing weapons ban treaty, even if signed by every government in the world, would be unable to incorporate national civilian space programs under its controls and sanctions thereby creating a "Catch 22."
The rift between the international community and the US will continue to widen and what little influence the UN has on America, will shrink even more, should America abstain from participating in signing the Space Preservation Treaty. These types of international relation contractions aren't new but with the current state of the American economy and what drives it, all indicators point directly at America moving forward with globalization and military dominance. "There's no business like war business."
I believe that the Space Preservation Treaty will be signed by twenty or more countries. The eventual number will be between eighty and one hundred and twenty countries.
Stay well and best regards,
From: Sarah
To: Orflin
I greatly appreciate your thoughtful and critical analysis.You've given me much food for thought and consideration.
From a usual Earth bound paradigm, you are correct, far as I can see, in your conclusions. However, there is such a thing as awakening of the consciousness, shift of consciousness...and this is what will happen as the grid opens to more "truth" about who we are in the universes and in these bodies...a truth that won't be revealed until after the treaty is signed and ratified by the first 20 countries. That law fits into universal laws and principals that are different from those limited perspectives and man's ego-made laws on Earth. In other words, it's time to enter into a whole new way of thinking, into a new space age paradigm.
In the old Earth bound paradigm, indicators do point directly at America moving forward with globalization and military dominance and control and worse...Armageddonites are in charge...so war is the business at hand...especially in the man-made boundary called America.
In the new Space Age paradigm, which is an available choice that is a technologically, politically, economically, socially, psychologically and spiritually based chosen direction that will be made as consciousness does awaken to the treaty, consciousness will shift and a whole new vocabulary of phrases will emerge. THAT is what I'd like to see you develop, if you could. You could start with phrases like "peaceful uses of space for all humankind" "outer space peacekeeping agency" "continued R&D, testing, manufacturing, production and deployment of space venture of a non-space-based weapons nature" "space-based weapons-free zone" "space development initiative" "architects of peace on Earth as it is in space" "there is no such thing as missile defense" and re-define the roles of the "national reconnaissance office" "space command" "military uses of space" as they will be, once the Space Preservation Treaty has been signed and ratified into law. Is this possible for you to do? In other words, with your brilliance (and that is not hype) could you help to draw the "other" picture" as it relates to what is in space and what can be in space" once an agreement has been made to keep space weapons-free?
Yes, of course the US is the agressor nation and plans all the worst of what you describe. And that would definitely continue until the human species is not just dominated and controlled, but until it is obliterated, if the lid is not put on that industry and mindset. However, while one cannot simply "stop" this as you suggest, one can give the little boys something else to do. They are not going to stop this dominance and death/destruction machine just to build roads and schools... guns to butter. They do want those contracts and one of the excuses to get those weapons into space is "to protect space assets." But that's just the old game. A grain of sand or a paint chip could wreck a multizillion dollar technology in space...they know weapons are not being put into space to protect us from missiles, thrid world country/nations of concern/terrorist threats or asteroids...and they even know they are not being put into space to protect us against OPC's (Off Planet Cultures) which they know are not hostile. You obviously know...it's about dominance/control and don't forget Armageddon must happen in the culprit's minds...an unspoken goal.
But the industry you mention will continue in space, as will the military. There is nothing wrong with "globalization" in the new context...as we want a global/world system to emerge...profits and contracts are fine as they create jobs and comfortable homelife...the militarization of space has occurred and can continue (but space isn't and won't be militarized so you see the hint of the new military roles).
Bargaining chips is an old expression of the old Earthbound context, too. We aren't bargargaining here. We're creating the vision...actualizing the new paradigm...cooperatively, worldwide.
The perpetual threats and fear are also part of that old paradigm. It is possbile to evolve consciousness to a point that it matures past this illusion and lie.
We are addressing self-interests...it's a whole study that must be done...including somthing you mentioned earlier...an emphasis on crosscultural communication and understanding building.
The Outer Space Peacekeeping Agency needs to be designed by people who are deep thinkers, as you are, people who are able to rise out of the old Earth bound paradigm and to function in a whole new way of thinking. I'm not absolutely sure you can do it, as you've spent a lot of wonderful time focused on the old Earth bound paradigm...which is very real, of course. But I haven't quite seen you rise above it to help us transition, enough anyway, into the new Space Age place and time. This is where I'm wanting to see you experiment with your brain and help to transition this conversation...which would help me, all of us in the world. In the new context, enforcement will take place differently too...though it won't be real easy during the transition into it, this treaty is a first and vital step that must be taken.
I doubt the US and immediate allies will be the first to sign-on, but who knows re; the allies. I'm an official Advisor to China...have been to Russia countless times...and they certainly have said for decades that they want to ban all space-based weapons. Of course, the back room deals are clearly going on as you see "compromise" treaties that won't even prevent the weaponization of space from occurring emerging...such as the China/Russia proposed treaty in the UNCD that has been deadlocked for years (thank heavens). But that's all OK...again, we are just barely entered into the dialog that you and I are having at the world level. Actually, this dialog is not yet ready to emerge...yet....though over 150 countries have expressed they want no weapons in space.
In the new process, which is being done differently...domestic law will follow. Again, it's about consciousness shifting...a new grid opening that has been shut down through the entire evolutionary process of humankind, except to a few who have awakened along the way.
This is, as you suggest, going to take an enormous comprehensive educational effort. Fortunately, the technology exists today to get that done quickly. Minds work faster, even though we use so little of our brain cells. The human mind, except for a few exceptions, has not worked so quickly in the past. Some will still be slow or stuck...that's OK, too. We are searching for the most intelligent to connect with us to get this treaty signed, and then more done over the following years in the international offices...on all levels.
If you have a model system idea for accountability, please develop this for me as I'd like to see more. I agree that this is a necessary part.
We know this will not immediately impact all issues, but inevitably it will. The addition of the Outer Space Peacekeeping Agency and what it will do is a new element and a key to relationship building as it will blend cooperation and relationships into the context of this new consciousness that builds trust and love...highly missing factors in the current decision-making process.
The new definition of "defense" is important here..If one continues to speak of it in terms of weapons, focus on the same o' same ol' it will get us nothing but more of the same, needless to say. Enough. We aren't even going there. Volumes have been written, discussed, debated and concluded in volumes in that old context, which has existed right up to today and won't just change with the snap of a finger, as you say...the American business/economic infrastructure and psyche are completely geared towards weapons, war and support. But that is not the way of the new. And that is not just la la land talk.
This treaty points to a new space age economic stimulus package that will replace that old infrastructure without dislocating or disrupting it. No longer will there be a need to have a war driven economy or security system in America. Once people look up and see cross cultures instead of just down with the limited view point they are fed, they will see emerging the new space driven civil, commercial, military and entrepreneurial based economy that will relate to even greater and more exciting benefits and opportunities for all in the currently ignorant, immature and massive ego-driven US. All on Earth will see a faster than ever growing awareness of truth. The foundation for the new security system and dominating factor will be the space treaty.
Currently, Americans are sheltered and mind controlled by the media and Earth bound leaders who have that old infrastructure that keeps the truth out. At best, Americans get uncovered-cover-ups periodically by courageous individuals. But that uncovering of cover-ups doesn't change the game.
All who want to participate in getting this signed will answer that call to action. Those who can't, or won't rise to this occasion, who throw any blocks, skepticism, negativity or toxicity this way, will be acknowledged for simply being far back on the path as we move forward with what I anticipate will be the fastest growing movement in recorded history...once we unleash this to the world.
Right now, we are working hard each day to establish the foundation, including the people who are connecting...and much work has to be done to build the structure for our next phases of actions. So I am more than thankful to you for putting in so much of your time, energy, and ideas. Please continue if you can and want to...as, again, I'd like to see you further evolve this picture you have painted so eloquently into an every higher, more positive vision statement. A vision that can help lead us all above, even the mention of obstacles that we are all aware of...into the routes for getting this done.You have contributed greatly as I can read into your work some of those paths. Well, OK, maybe you have to mention some obstacles or negatives, but I'd prefer for you to now move into the arena where there are none...and speak from there just to see how it would look if there were no obstacles...how we get from here to the treaty signed and then what.
Now, if you could draw up that ideal...what would that look like...how to get from here to the signing and ratification of the Space Preservation Treaty and what it all looks like then...we're on our way into the entrance way to the new Space Age paradigm. Is there more in you that can do this again...an overlay...knowing we know the state of how it is now? Anything more you can contribute will be greatly appreciated. I somehow feel, in other words, there is an even higher version of what you've written here...that tops even this.
You are participating a very high intellectual capacity. Can you lean it towards the indicators that lead even more into the higher positive...making lemonade out of lemons, like dominance, globalization, military, corporate contracts, fear...and turning it into steps towards the treaty...what do you envision when I say this? What happens in your mind when you picture the steps to getting this treaty signed into law...and then as we move into space further...including to benefit Earth/humans/leaders/the US? Steal that language back, and use it for the positive vision. Help me, if you can, even more to transform the picture of the old paradigm into a whole new incredibly positive Space Age paradigm. I may not be articulating this clearly enough but I hope you get the idea. It's now 4AM and I am definitely not fully awake anymore. But perhaps more will come through you which will be welcomed if I've tapped into your every expanding consciousness and movement into an even yet higher direction and vision that will help us all actualize it - that may be in you. You house and apply so much...and I thank you.
Best of all, you feel my heart and soul as you support and envision the Space Preservation Treaty getting signed into law. As I said, and you know, it's simply a vital step towards a direction we all want and need.
Thank you. You, too, stay well.
Regards and appreciation,
From: Orflin
To: Sarah
Thank you for your very thoughtful comments. I accept your challenge. Any additional thoughts or insights into your vision would be helpful and appreciated on this journey of hope that we both share.
Stay well and best regards.
From: Sarah
To: Orflin
Thank you Orflin
I so value your energy. I feel your heart and passion for this world.
I do have a couple of quick thoughts cooking....just to let you know that I do have an under current that my ego and intelligence periodically throw in that says what I'm doing is impossible to do. I know the reality, in other words, exists on that level...and the game at hand is extremely powerful. So I just want to emphasize that it is a challenge for me, too, occasionally, to have to rise above that reality and remember that we absolutely can create another one...if we do it intelligently, with integrity and from our highest and deepest place. Thoughts/attitude are everything. So I periodically have to tweak my own thoughts to stay above the reality that would make it impossible to proceed if I dwelled there. I hope this makes sense. I do know that what we are doing is doable...if I didn't, I would be on an island inviting you to visit.
I also want to mention that what you are doing with me is not a waste of time or idle chatter, it's not just a conversation.You have done so much "homework" that when you apply this in the new Space Age paradigm...I think it's going to contribute to the masterpiece of a tapestry that we're all working on to create this new reality...the transition of which we are functioning in now. In other words, you have put in decades of selfless effort...as have we all who are gathering to focus on this. Others have, too, whom I've met...but only a few seem to be able to rise to the first round of the actualization process that will create this ban on space-based weapons and the transformation of that industry and mindset.
Finally, I kind of wanted to welcome you to this action-based challenge in which we are functioning together, and to thank you for participating with me. I'm a team player and so I appreciate doing this with you...and as you say, being on this journey, this incredible journey with you.
As we move along, you'll be hearing more about the rest of the team that is gathering...and more details after the first of the year, re how the actions will manifest. Very exciting stuff.
I look forward to your new layering of the vision at the highest.
My best,
From: Orflin
To: Sarah
Here is the vision statement you requested I endeavor to produce.
Seeing The Future
Human civilization now stands at the apex (utopia - dystopia) of total global awareness. The dawn of a new beginning of enlightenment and transcendence is awakening the human spirit with the advent of a new space paradigm and its many possibilities. The world is thriving with selfless beings that desire to transform and prepare this world for the future. These beings follow the purview of biological, physical and spiritual laws. They see themselves as subjects that can determine their own fate through will, consciousness, language, reason, subjectivity, purpose, morality and a direct spiritual connection to the light of the universe. They see what human beings have in common is more deeply embedded than what separates them. They believe that the future of humanity will be shaped by the spiritual well-being and existence of a single unified race that will reveal to humanity its true purpose and understanding of the intelligence behind the living universe.
Expanding cosmic consciousness will evolve humankind into beings of truth and light. Human minds will empty fear, uncertainty, psychic phenomena and mental waste from their consciousness. The battle between good and evil will no longer polarize the human mind into false judgments as these phantasms of deception and control will soon vanish from the forefront of human thought. The infection of addiction and consumption shall also pass, as will the disbanding, fragmenting, splintering and destroying of source knowledge and wisdom. Twisted knowledge and misguided wisdom shall no longer be used to control the human mind or spirit. Nothing shall be hidden. The human mind will move into a perpetual state of exploration, association and happiness within the infinite breath of the universe.
Each human being shall have a true and unique identity filled with unassailable integrity that will enable all human beings to interact with any on or off world cultures, no matter how strange. Human beings shall have a great guiding light of ancestral knowledge that will enlighten every experience as the revelations of the universe unfold. Human beings will accept the idea of life throughout the universe because they can recognize and cherish all life.
As we begin to understand who we truly are as a species, we start to understand the meaning of life. Our ultimate happiness will come from the knowledge of understanding that no part of our true essence can be seen by the human eye. All that is seen by human eyes is only our existence reduced to corporeal form. The real us is part of the intelligence behind the light of the living universe.
In understanding humanity, in accordance with the human way of thinking and in consequence with human principles, human beings are more than a system of floating ideas or causalities of conscious beliefs and fears. Collectively, humanity can grow in knowledge and wisdom to understand that there is a first mover unmoved. A first cause in the chain of causes. A rational designer of the universe who is the all encompassing, and absolute Alpha and Omega.
What we can see in this lifetime is life after life. As a collective, humanity will realize that it has become a beast of competitive egos, political separatism and endless ethnic divisiveness, compounded by religion and bad governments. The flow of human events will quickly arrive at a new destination, where human beings decide to depart from their old ways of material concern and move in a concerted new fashion to end global destructiveness and violence. This new realization will ripple through and change the mental circuitry of millions of minds around the world enough to correct the current flow of negative human events. Large numbers of people will become teachers of goodness and generosity through their compassionate deeds, actions and example. Filled with beliefs, and passionate dreams of true hope, reason and judgment shall make peace within all unattended human passions. Individuals will become peacemakers and lovers of life, able to contribute to the compassionate reasoning of the collective to allow mankind to live through its daily rebirth and rise above the ashes of yesterday�s destruction.
The future of humanity shall be filled with light. Human beings will realize the inextinguishable truth that will surface from a sudden paradigm shift in intellectual and spiritual capital. A new balance will emerge in societies around the world, providing collective ways to create growth through means of innovation and co-operative economic parity.
The reins of power shall be tightened by a more responsible and secure intellectual community as we begin to simultaneously address globalization, environmental change, widespread poverty and rapid human population growth within the context of one race, one planet. Human rights, political participation, economic productivity and scientific development will dramatically intensify, forcing existing political and economic models to be re-conceptualized, transformed and balanced. This reset will develop a more united, globally oriented human society to form a single, non-political world government with centralized powers that respect all cultures, languages and economies. New "share and sustain" global laws will emerge to include control of state raw materials, unnecessary importation and waste of materials. The primary driving force during this transition period will be the emergence of an intellectual revolution that will fuel self-reliant cultural and spiritual movements to transcend all systemic control mechanisms and environments currently ruled by a few "hoarded wealth" states and institutes.
A cosmic sense of purpose and belief in self enhanced critical and creative thinking is the only true way to see the possibilities of the future. It is clearly a question about the natural world and the intellectual adventure of pioneering fundamental truth into a broader model capable of appealing to the universal potentials of human understanding.
Stay well and best regards.
From: Sarah
To: Orflin
Orflin, thank you. This is perfect.You are remarkable, beautiful, articulate, extra-ordinary, so wise and such an amazing visionary...and right on time. This piece is brilliant, guided, and very very important. You are now reaching new depths and heights most don't touch, yet, and I have a feeling you have only just begun. Soon we'll know when and how all of this this will be presented. Your personal evolution into this presentation is also so interesting. Thank you!! I can only imagine how much time you spend on so carefully and artistically carving your thoughts and words with such a deep wisdom coming through.
I'm going to print this out and re-re-re-read it.
Next, as for our progress. Something relative and special seems to be happening related to what you and I are doing here. I feel it is important for me to tell you, to mention that it looks as though we are going to be able to produce the Space Preservation Treaty-signing Conference...help has suddenly arrived! In other words, it seems that more of us are suddenly showing up and gathering. I'll know for sure within days, but I just wanted you to be among the first to know that this is looking like a reality. If this is real, we won't tell the public for a few months.We have work to do first.
In other words, the exercise you and I are doing is going to have a special purpose/meaning. I'm not sure yet how this fits or will be applied but I do know what you say and how you say it is vitally important in this unique work to prevent the weaponization of space and to produce the transitionary and full vision of space, and the benefits and opportunities, the wisdom and new space age perspective that will emerge as the ban is put into place.
Now, if I may take a bit more of your time for another piece , may I further stretch your being into yet more of the cosmos vision you are given: Would you now address the moon? Yes, specifically, what is your vision for the moon? What comes to you when I ask this? Note:I'm leaving very early Wednesday morning for an international lunar conference in Hawaii...returning Sunday. I'll be the keynote banquet speaker for 20 minutes on Friday night. Senator Harrison Schmitt, astronaut, is the MC that evening. Seems some of the attendees consider weaponizing the moon a natural and desirable occurrence...so the conference coordinator wants the participants to hear our vision intention...to prevent the weaponization of space via the treaty and then re how to guild the global system that works....They won't be interested in the fallousies...they need the kind of powerful vision related to the development of the moon in us articulated in some way that they can relate, hear it and see it...feel it. If you have time, and can get whatever comes to you to me by Tuesday, perhaps I could use a quote from you...at least read them something from what you say...or at minimum just be inspired. If you don't have the time or inclination, I'll understand, too. But anything that might come to you would be greatly appreciated.
As more comes to you, in any case, anytime, please continue to send it. If more details about the space vision in you emerges, please write it down.
Questions: Do you have a vision of what you want to be doing right now...especially if it relates to preventing the weaponization of space and creating the positive vision?
Thank you so much for doing this, Orflin. Thank you.
Peace & Love,
p.s. Hope you can connect all worthy causes in which you come into contact with, especially those that can assist "second order" change, real change, the consciousness shift we all need. It's time to help everyone we can to move out of the Earth bound paradigm and into the space age paradigm...for world peace and enlightenment. Please send me anything you write. I'll cherish it all.
From: Orflin
To: Sarah
Sarah, I'm glad you enjoyed my vision statement "Seeing The Future". I hope it will provide you some assistance with your space efforts. I have recently committed to researching, writing and presenting a complex piece for another worthy cause to do with world peace. I wish you well on you upcoming trip. Stay in touch.
Posted by: Alfred Webre | 06 November 2005 at 07:54
We need to place our basic trust in the reality we exist within in order for us to trust even what we do not understand or approve of, unless we discover the basis of that trust to be harmful. In order to understand what we do not understand (becoming aware of our own individual limitations) is the essence of transcending knowledge (intellect) and the beginning of enlightenment. This will give us the confidence to embrace the fact that the universe is alive and intelligent. In other words, we only need to let the universe pass through us without trying to control or direct and we will begin to comprehend our own universal consciousness.
We are now witnessing the growth of universal consciousness as it awakens the unshaken truth of the eternal spirit of humanity. The proof is everywhere as we see the strength of this spirit disrupting all present forms of human communication and expression with enlightenment regarding the importance of the unification of mankind. It is now the task of those who see and understand to expand this new awareness into global attitudes of peace and divine purpose through their new vision and selfless acts of compassion, patience and understanding, in order for the walls of separation and of misunderstanding to come down.
The dismantling of the materialistic mindset of old ideas and concepts must begin to recognize the need for a more vital approach to peace and unity throughout the world. Those who have been touched by the spirit of universal consciousness shall announce their position and stand in the middle between opposing parties in order to provide a forum in which discussion and compromise can become the basis of dialogue between opposites. National and international dialogue will soon follow and focus solely on the harmony of humanity. This focus will be the signal and indication of the inherent universal consciousness of every human being recognizing this as a far greater importance, beyond any one group or single nation. It will signal the gathering and healing of all shattered cultures and religions to begin. Through this new transition a belief and trust will surface and sustain all people during the common struggle for a better reality. A belief that global harmony is possible, and a trust that life is worth living.
There is a danger here that some may not have the confidence to believe that now is the time. That maybe we are just confused between our desire to understand everything about our life, and the trust that there is some direction coming from the intelligence of the living universe. The foundation for this confidence (or lack thereof) in an intelligent living universe rest upon the universal conviction that human reality is divine reality once realized and that everything can be reduced to unity and peace (harmony and balance) which is ultimately the “oneness of the many” on planet Earth. The very words “oneness of the many” have a cordial or an existential core. “Oneness” in the literal sense of one inspiration as one spirit and “many” ultimately meaning to move in the same direction not have just one rational view. We do not want to reduce everyone to having only one voice. All this should not be taken as a mere metaphor.
At this time we are witnessing the very best and the very worst in human history as the distance between the two continues to polarize our species. But the law of cause and effect is bringing about change to all things, regardless of human resistance, for no human can stand in one place in the evolutionary process. We must forget that there is more to this existence than the visual reality we perceive. Our seemingly physical reality or material world is in fact not as material or as solid as we think it is because our material world, including ourselves, is composed of atomic particles that emerge from an invisible field of energy from the universe. Yet with this knowledge, how is it that humanity can be so polarized seeing that we all appear from the same field of energy and we all return to it every moment in our existence?
The subconscious mind filters the things an individual believes are not real and shapes its perception of reality according to one’s own beliefs. It is because of this difference in belief systems that our world is paralyzed in chaos. We can only be awakened when it is understood that the universe is living and operating independent of our individual beliefs. This is the basis or reason the human mind must choose to connect to the surrounding environment of nature. When the human mind accepts this, it has placed itself at the threshold of universal consciousness where God may be seen in all things. To be aware of this we only need to understand that each life is in harmony with all other life in the universe, since all matter is ultimately a quantum system (everybody and everything are simultaneously connected). That is also why quantum physicists equate the quantum dimension with a universal intelligence. All of the waves in a quantum system are either a negative, positive or neutral energy that converts into physical points with the help of the intelligence behind the universe. In conjunction with one another they are the basis of matter as well as spirit. This is our universal consciousness connection to everything and because everything is intimately interconnected, then the quality and integrity of all relationships is vital in bringing into balance all the key relationships in our lives (inner and outer, masculine and feminine, personal and global, intuitive and rational etc.). This perspective is the basis of bridging differences, connecting people, celebrating diversity and harmonizing global efforts into a unified approach that offers hope to a world facing deep material, social and spiritual fragmentation and depravation.
Posted by: Orflin G. Champion | 29 October 2005 at 11:04