Former Canadian Defense Minister Speaks Out!
Former Canadian Defense Minister Speaks Out on Extraterrestrial Visitors & Government Secrecy.
On September 25, 2005, Hon Paul Hellyer, the former Canadian Minister for National Defense gave a speech in Toronto at an event titled: "Exopolitics Toronto: A Symposium on UFO Disclosure and Planetary Direction" ( . Hellyer described his time as Minister for Defense from 1963 - 1967 where the occasional UFO sighting report crossed his desk.
He claims to never have had time for what he considered to be a "flight of fancy", but nevertheless retained an interest in the UFO phenomenon. While Minister for Defense, he was guest of honor at the opening of the world's first UFO landing pad at
Alberta, Canada in 1967.
He thought it an innovative idea from a progressive Canadian community willing to pay for his helicopter ride, but did not give much thought to UFOs as having serious policy implications. He also describes a private UFO sighting he later had with family and guests, but once again attributed it to a 'flight of fancy' rather than anything having serious policy implications.
Hellyer's position on UFOs dramatically changed after watching the late Peter Jennings documentary special, "Seeing is Believing" in February 2005. Hellyer decided to read a book that had been idly sitting on his book shelf for two years. Philip Corso's, The Day After Roswell, sparked intense interest for Hellyer in terms of its policy implications. Corso named real people, institutions and events in his book that could be checked. Intrigued by the policy implications, Hellyer decided to confirm whether Corso's book was real or a "work of fiction".
He contacted a retired United States Air Force General and spoke to him directly to verify Corso's claims. The unnamed General simply said: "every word is true and more". Hellyer then proceeded to discuss the "and more =85" with the general and claimed he was told remarkable things concerning UFOs and the extraterrestrial hypothesis that interplanetary visitors have been here since at least 1947. Finally convinced that the UFO phenomenon was real Hellyer decided to come forward and speak at Exopolitics Toronto about some of the "most profoundly important policy questions that must be addressed." The policy questions Hellyer addressed in his talk are both profound and vitally important for citizens of every nation of Earth.
First, Hellyer claimed that evidence concerning UFOs is the "greatest and most successful cover up in the history of the world". He confirmed that senior political officials even at the rank of Minister of Defense, a position he himself occupied, are simply out of the loop when it comes to information concerning UFOs and visiting extraterrestrials. From a democratic perspective, that raises many concerns about oversight, transparency and accountability of those in control of the
information, technology and projects concerning the extraterrestrial visitors.
A second profound policy question concerns the designation by the U.S. military of visiting extraterrestrials as an 'enemy'. According to Hellyer, this had led to the development of "laser and particle guns to the point that they can be used against the visitors from space." It is this targeting of visiting extraterrestrials that concerns Hellyer, and he asks "is it wise to spend so much time and money to build weapon systems to rid the skies of alien visitors?" Hellyer poignantly raises the key policy question: "Are they really enemies or merely legitimate explorers from afar?" Hellyer's question raises profound importance in understanding the relationship between visiting extraterrestrial civilizations and world peace.
The third policy question arose from the recent decision by President Bush to build a base on the moon. Hellyer believes this is the activation of a plan first launched by Col Corso's mentor, Lt General Arthur Trudeau to build a base from which visiting extraterrestrials could be monitored and possibly targeted as they approach the Earth. Hellyer outlined his opposition to the weaponization of space, something that the liberal government of Canada is currently opposed to. The weaponization of space remains a key policy issue clearly has profound policy issues from the perspective of extraterrestrial visitors to Earth.
Finally, Hellyer declared that the "time has come to lift the veil of secrecy" and to have an "informed debate about a problem that doesn't officially exist." Understanding the evidence concerning the UFO phenomenon is vital to fully preparing citizens around the world for the truth concerning extraterrestrials, despite official denial and secrecy by those "in the loop". He calls for major global initiatives to fully prepare global citizenry for the truth. He endorses a position taken by key exopolitical researchers such as Alfred Webre to prepare for a "Decade of Contact" where humanity is prepared for the truth about extraterrestrial visitors through informed debate and education.
Paul Hellyer is the first senior politician to openly come out and declare the truth about the extraterrestrial presence. He is blazing a trail that many other senior politicians are destined to take. It will be wise if the world's senior politicians quickly learn more about this remarkable Canadian statesman and heed his important advise about data on extraterrestrial visitors and the "profoundly important policy questions that must be addressed."
Note: The Hon Paul Hellyer has been invited to attend the forthcoming "Extraterrestrial Civilizations and World Peace Conference from June 9-11, 2006, on the Big Island of Hawaii. For more information and the list of confirmed speakers that include Brig General Steven Lovekin, Alfred Webre, J.D. and Michael Salla, Ph.D. please visit:
Video Stream
Hon. Paul Hellyer's address (31 mins)
Mr. Hellyer was Minister of National Defense under Canadian Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson; Deputy Prime Minister of Canada under Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau
Alfred Lambremont Webre’s odyssey into the realm of life in the vast Universe surrounding Planet Earth is indeed a fascinating journey if you read it with an open mind. He postulates a Universe that includes many planets sustaining life more advanced than our own – all subject to universal governance based on the rule of law.
Earth, he suggests, is an exception. Rather than being the center of the Universe, as our ancestors believed, we are the black sheep of the interplanetary community. We have been “quarantined” and isolated from the “highly organized, interplanetary, inter-galactic multidimensional Universe society,” presumably because our culture has been strongly influenced by rogue planetary leadership personified in the story of the Garden of Eden.
To end the “quarantine,” Earthlings must advance morally and spiritually, while re-establishing connection with inter-planetary society. Until recently, we didn’t have the technology to do the latter, but increasingly we do. Meanwhile, visits from our extra-planetary neighbours present opportunities for peaceful communication and collaboration.
Webre posits that some UFOs are natural phenomena, while some are top-secret military aircraft, but that others are quite real. He maintains that knowledge of their existence is being suppressed by military intelligence organizations in the five English-speaking countries known as the so-called “Echelon” group – the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
For me, this is the least credible of the author’s assertions. I strongly suspect that the US military holds information it has not revealed, but I very much doubt that it has shared this knowledge with its intelligence partners – certainly not Canada. The US only shares information with other governments when it is in its own best interests to do so.
Webre states that the alleged disinformation campaign about UFOs is due to the close relationship between the military and industry, the socalled “military-industrial complex” that President Dwight David Eisenhower warned us about in his farewell address. They are the chief beneficiaries of the oil economy. Tapping into the knowledge of the Universe would ultimately lead us to higher forms of energy that would be ecologically sustainable, but that would make the oil economy irrelevant.
God-fearing people will be relieved to know that there is nothing in Webre’s thesis, despite the considerable mind-stretch, that denies their fundamental beliefs. If there were, I would not be a party to it. Webre states, “Reunion with Universe civilizations will bring a closer relationship with God. The most advanced scientific reality in all creation is that God is Source.”
To turn us in the direction of re-unification with the rest of creation the author is proposing a “Decade of Contact” – an “era of openness, public hearings, publicly funded research, and education about extraterrestrial reality.” That could be just the antidote the world needs to end its greeddriven, power-centered madness.
Visit the Jerry Pippin Show's in-depth coverage of the 2005 Toronto Exopolitics Symposium, including video coverage of former Canadian Defence Minister, Hon. Paul Hellyer's historic speech at Convocation Hall, University of Toronto.