April 30, 2005
Coop Radio: Was the Asian Tsunami Caused by a Galactic Superwave?
When: Monday May 2, 2005 at Noon – 1 PM Pacific Time
Where: Coop Radio: CFRO 102.7 FM Vancouver, B.C.
LISTEN LIVE: http://www.coopradio.org
Host: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Was the December 26, 2004 Indonesian Earthquake and Tsunami Caused by a Stellar Explosion 45,000 Light Years Away? Sound Crazy? Read Carefully Below.
Gamma Ray Bursts, Gravity Waves, and Earthquakes
On December 26, 2004 a magnitude 9.3 earthquake occurred in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Sumatra in Malaysia. It caused a powerful tsunami which devastated coastal regions of many countries leaving over 240,000 people either dead or missing. It was the worst tsunami to affect this area since the explosion of Krakatoa. The earthquake that produced it was so strong that it exceeded by a factor of 10 the next most powerful earthquake to occur in the past 25 years.
• Indonesian 9.3 Richter earthquake:
December 26, 2004 at 00 hours 58 minutes (Universal Time)
It is then with some alarm that we learn that just 44.6 hours later gamma ray telescopes orbiting the Earth picked up the arrival of the brightest gamma ray burst ever recorded!
• Gamma ray burst arrival:
December 27, 2004 at 21 hours 36 minutes (Universal Time)
This gamma ray blast was 100 times more intense than any burst that had been previously recorded, equaling the brightness of the full Moon, but radiating most of its energy at gamma ray wavelengths. Gamma ray counts spiked to a maximum in 1.5 seconds and then declined over a 5 minute period with 7.57 second pulsations. The blast temporarily changed the shape the Earth's ionosphere, distorting the transmission of long-wavelength radio signals. See stories on Space.com, BBC News, NY TImes.
It was determined that the burst originated from the soft gamma ray repeater star, SGR 1806-20, a neutron star 20 kilometers in diameter which rotates once every 7.5 seconds, matching the GRB pulsation period. SGR 1806-20 is located about 10 degrees northeast of the Galactic center and about 45,000 light years from us, or about twice as far away as the Galactic center. It released more energy in a tenth of a second than the Sun emits in 100,000 years. Other gamma ray bursts have been detected whose explosions were intrinsically more powerful than this one at the source of the explosion, but since those explosions originated in other galaxies tens of thousands of times more distant, the bursts were not nearly as bright when they reached our solar system. What makes the December 27th gamma ray burst unique is that it is the first time that a burst this bright has been observed, one that also happens to originate from within our own Galaxy.
Astronomers have theorized that gamma ray bursts might travel in association with gravity wave bursts. In the course of their flight through space, gamma rays would be deflected by gravitational fields and would be scattered by dust and cosmic ray particles they encountered, so they would be expected to travel slightly slower than their associated gravity wave burst which would pass through space unimpeded. After a 45,000 year light-speed journey, a gamma ray burst arrival delay of 44.6 hours would not be unexpected. It amounts to a delay of just one part in 9 million. So if the gravity wave traveled at the speed of light (c), the gamma ray burst would have averaged a speed of 0.99999989 c, just 0.11 millionths slower. There is also the possibility that at the beginning of its journey the gravity wave may have had a superluminal speed; see textbox below.
The 9.3 Richter earthquake was ten times stronger than any other earthquake during the past 25 years, and was followed just 44.6 hours later on December 27th by a very intense gamma ray burst, which was 100 fold brighter than any other in the past 25 year history of gamma ray observation. It seems difficult to pass off the temporal proximity of these two Class I events as being just a matter of coincidence. A time period of 25 years compared to a time separation of 44.6 hours amounts to a time ratio of about 5000:1. For two such unique events to have such a close time proximity is highly improbable if they are not somehow related. But, as mentioned above, gravity waves would very likely be associated with gamma ray bursts, and they would be expected to precede them.
Many have inquired if there might be a connection between these two events. Not thinking of the gravity wave connection, astronomers have been reluctant to admit there might be a connection since they know of no mechanism by which gamma rays by themselves could trigger earthquakes. They admit that the December 27th gamma ray burst had slightly affected the ionization state of the Earth's atmosphere, but this by itself should not have caused earthquakes. However, if a longitudinal gravity potential wave pulse were to accompany a gamma ray burst, the mystery becomes resolved. The connection between earthquakes and gamma ray bursts now becomes plausible.
In his 1983 Ph.D. dissertation, Paul LaViolette called attention to terrestrial dangers of Galactic core explosions, pointing out that the arrival of the cosmic ray superwave they produced would be signaled by a high intensity gamma ray burst which would also generate EMP effects (e.g., see Page 3). He also noted that a strong gravity wave might be expected to travel forward at the forefront of this superwave and might be the first indication of a superwave's arrival. He pointed out that such gravity waves could induce substantial tidal forces on the Earth during their passage which could induce earthquakes and cause polar axis torquing effects. In his book Earth Under Fire (as well as in his dissertation), he presents evidence showing that the superwave that passed through the solar system around 14,200 years ago had triggered supernova explosions as it swept through the Galaxy. Among these were the Vela and Crab supernova explosions whose explosion dates align with this superwave event horizon. He points out that these explosions could be explained if a gravity wave accompanied this superwave, it could have produced tidal forces which could have triggered unstable stars to explode as it passed through.
He wrote at a time when gamma ray bursts had just begun to be discovered, and when no one was concerned with them as potential terrestrial hazards. In recent years scientific opinion has come around to adopt LaViolette's concern, as can be seen in news articles discussing the SGR 1806-20 gamma ray outburst, e.g., see Space.com news story. They note that if this gamma ray burst had been as close as 10 light years it would have completely destroyed the ozone layer. By comparison, the Galactic superwaves LaViolette has postulated to have been generated as a result of an outburst of our Galaxy's core and to have impacted the Solar system during the last ice age would have impacted the solar system with a cosmic ray electron volley having an energy intensity 100 times greater than this hypothetical 10 light year distant stellar gamma ray burst. In comparision, SGR 1806-20 has been estimated to have a stellar progenitor mass of 150 solar masses, whereas our Galactic core has a mass of 2.6 million solar masses. In its present active phase, SGR 1806-20 is estimated to have a luminosity 40 million times that of the Sun, whereas during its active phase the Galactic center could reach luminosities of 400 trillion times that of the Sun. So it is understandable that if the Galactic center were to erupt, it would produce a gamma ray burst and a gravity wave far more intense than the outburst from this star.
If anything, the December 27, 2004 gamma ray burst shows us that we do not live in a peaceful celestial environment. And if the December 26th earthquake was in fact part of this same celestial event, we see that this stellar eruption has claimed many lives. For this reason, it is important that we prepare for the possibility of even stronger events in the future, the arrival of superwaves issuing from the core of our Galaxy. Like the December 26th earthquake and the December 27th gamma ray burst, the next superwave will arrive unexpectedly. It will take us by surprise.
It would have been possible to determine whether a Galactic gravity wave had indeed immediately preceded the December 26th earthquake by examining data from gravity wave telescopes. Since seismic waves from the Indonesian earthquake would have taken some time to propagate through the Earth to these gravity wave antenna, their signature could be distinguished from the gravity wave coming from SGR 1806-20. However, the major gravity wave telescopes were unfortunately not on line at that time. LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravity Wave Observatory), which consists of two correlated telescopes, one in Washington state and one in Louisiana, each having a four kilometer long laser interferometer beam path, was in the process of being made operational and unfortunately was not collecting data at that time. In response to an email se sent to the staff of the TAMA gravity wave antenna in Japan, Dr. Takahashi replied that their telescope was unfortunately not operating during that week since they were making modifications to the telescope at that time. So at present the gravity wave hypothesis remains neither confirmed nor disproven.
Superwave Monitoring Center
Those interested in monitoring earthquake, gamma ray burst, cosmic ray background activity, and gravity wave bursts may try the following websites:
• Current earthquakes: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/recenteqsww/Quakes/quakes_all.html
• Past earthquakes: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/activity/past.htmlpast.html
• Gamma ray bursts: http://grad40.as.utexas.edu/grblog.php?author=D.%20Gotz
• Cosmic ray radiation intensity: http://cr0.izmiran.rssi.ru/mosc/main.htm
• Gravity wave bursts (LIGO site: no posted data, just posted papers):
http://www.ligo.caltech.edu/ and http://www.ligo.org/results/
• Listing of various relevant events: http://www.earthchangestv.com
The December 27th GRB was not accompanied by any rise in the cosmic ray background, indicating that if it was accompanied by cosmic rays their intensity was unable to exceed the relatively constant extragalactic background flux arriving from distant galaxies. A Galactic superwave, on the other hand, would most likely produce a substantial rise in these levels.
Note that almost two months passed before the December 27th gamma ray burst found its way into news media stories. If unusually intense activity were to occur in the near future as the beginning stages of a superwave arrival, it is hoped that scientists will not keep this knowledge to themselves but rather allow the global news media to disseminate the story quickly to inform the world.
A Superluminal Gravity Wave?
Experiments carried out by Eugene Podkletnov show that a shock front outburst produces a longitudinal gravitational wave that travels forward with the burst. He has found that this gravity wave pulse has a speed in excess of 64 times the speed of light (personal communication). Also Guy Obolensky has produced spark discharge electric potential shock fronts and observed them to propagate forward at speeds as high as 10 times the speed of light. Observations suggest that the gravity wave from an expanding stellar explosion will decrease its superluminal speed and eventually approach the speed of light as the shock front expands. But meanwhile, the gravity wave will have obtained a headstart over the electromagnetic wave radiation component traveling in its wake (light waves, gamma rays, etc.). So one would expect that the gravity wave from such an outburst (and its resultant earthquake activity) would precede the gamma ray burst component.
Averting Impending Extinction of Our Civilization by a Recurrent "Superwave" from the Galactic Center
by John H. Bloomer
To: Fellow-denizens of planet Earth
Ladies & Gentlemen:
Evidently, we face the ultimate survival test for our civilization. Dr. Paul LaViolette has determined that indeed both our species' recent history and that of the crust of our planet, have been both gradual and catastrophic. However, the catastrophes are of first and most immediate concern, since they relate to periodic "superwaves" or volleys of cosmic rays from the Galactic Center itself. The Galactic Center is an incredibly superdense region only about as big as the sphere enclosing Jupiter's orbit: it is about 23,000 light-years away in the constellation of Sagittarius.
Superwaves appear normally to endure for up to hundreds or thousands of years, dating from the time of first arrival of superwave cosmic-ray showers in the Solar System, as shown by recent Russian ice-core samples from the midst of the Continent of Antarctica. As shown by LaViolette, they characteristically, result, in a chain reaction of violent events -- effects which in combination, it appears, can pose a serious hazard to human and most other crustal life on Earth.
Apparently, our civilization -- alike earlier ones -- could be destroyed by such an event, as matters stand, if we don't successfully defend ourselves. When? Evidently unknown. Tomorrow is possible. Or a hundred years from now. Or a thousand. We do seem to be somewhat overdue on an average scale.
It appears that cosmic-ray volleys travel at nearly light speed -- meaning we will have little or no warning, perhaps only minutes, of their imminent arrival. The volley or volleys with our civilization's name on it would already be well on its way from the Galactic Core. From the time a superwave hits, we should have about four months maximum warning before the first of a chain of irreversible worst effects strike -- an effect which inevitably will then precipitate all the others both singly and in combination.
Four months, as matters stand today, would not be nearly enough time to ward off a superwave's progressive, inexorable, devastation of our civilization and our environment (planetary surface):
We need to defend not only our planet, but logically the first line of defense is the Solar System itself. Because superwave-induced changes in the Sun will cause some of the worst damage to the human species unless we avert them by somehow shielding the Solar System. For example, due to drastic, superwave-caused, solar-flare activity increase, central electrical power all over the globe could immediately and permanently be cut off. Solar flares could increase by factors of many hundred times, covering the Sun, as cosmic dust invades the solar system and the Earth's atmosphere, initiating a permanent, everyday, day-long darkness along with great heat from dramatically increased infrared radiation. This heat will initiate great drying, conflagrations, sweeping the planet -- grass, trees, homes and forests will be burned -- while great ocean evaporation proceeds to return as torrential downpours then the snow and ice of a New Ice Age (this in fact seems to be the mechanism initiating Ice Ages -- they begin with, are precipitated by, cosmic dust brought in by Galactic Core superwave volleys). In the heating period preceding the Ice Age, mountain glaciers and the ice caps will undergo drastically increased melting rates, possibly initiating devastating floods.
Clearly drastic advances in the sciences of aeronautics and astronautics are not only desirable, but they are absolutely urgent and imperative.
Reference: Earth Under Fire, by P. A. LaViolette, 1997 (Starlane Publications, 6369 Beryl Road, #104, Alexandria, VA 22312).
Galactic Cosmic Ray Volleys: A Coming Global Disaster
core outbursts are the most energetic phenomenon taking place in the
universe. The active, quasar-like core of spiral galaxy PG 0052+251
(Figure 1-a), for example, is seen to radiate 7 times as much energy as
comes from all of the galaxy's stars. Most of this is emitted in the
form of high energy cosmic ray electrons accompanied by electromagnetic
radiation ranging from radio wave frequencies on up to X ray and gamma
ray frequencies.
"A study of astronomical and geological data
reveals that cosmic ray electrons and electromagnetic radiation from a
similar outburst of our own Galactic core (Figure 1-b), impacted our
Solar System near the end of the last ice age. This cosmic ray event
spanned a period of several thousand years and climaxed around 14,200
years ago. Although far less intense than the PG 0052+251 quasar
outburst, it was, nevertheless, able to substantially affect the
Earth's climate and trigger a solar-terrestrial conflagration the
initiated the worst animal extinction episode of the Tertiary period.
effects on the Sun and on the Earth's climate were not due to the
Galactic cosmic rays themselves, but to the cosmic dust that these
cosmic rays transported into the Solar System. Observations have shown
that the Solar System is presently immersed in a dense cloud of cosmic
dust, material that is normally kept at bay by the outward pressure of
the solar wind. But, with the arrival of this Galactic cosmic ray
volley, the solar wind was overpowered and large quantities of this
material were pushed inward. The Sun was enveloped in a cocoon of dust
that caused its spectrum to shift toward the infrared. In addition, the
dust grains filling the Solar System scattered radiation back to the
Earth, producing an "interplanetary hothouse effect" that substantially
increased the influx of solar radiation to the Earth. Details of this
scenario are described in Paul LaViolette's book Earth Under Fire,(1)
in his Ph.D. dissertation,(2) as well as in a series of journal
articles he has published.(38)
"LaViolette's research suggests
that the Sun also became highly active as dust and gas falling onto its
surface induced extreme flaring activity. Together with the radiation
influx from the Sun's dust cocoon, this caused the Sun's corona and
photosphere to inflate, much as is observed today in dust-choked stars
called "T Tauri stars." These various solar effects caused atmospheric
warming and inversion conditions that facilitated glacial growth which
brought on ice age conditions. On occasions when the solar radiation
influx to the Earth became particularly high, the ice age climate
warmed, initiating episodes of rapid glacial melting and continental
flooding. There is evidence that one particularly tragic solar flare
event occurred around 12,750 years ago during a period when the Sun was
particularly active. This involved the release of an immense coronal
mass ejection which engulfed the Earth and induced a mass animal
"Dr. LaViolette, who is currently president and
chief researcher of the Starburst Foundation, was the first to
demonstrate that cosmic rays from a galactic core explosion penetrate
far outside a galaxy's nucleus to bombard solar systems like our own
residing in the spiral arm disk. He coined the word "galactic
superwave" to refer to such a cosmic barrage. He has shown that
galactic superwaves recur at long intervals and arrive at Earth's
doorstep without warning because they travel at near light speed.
superwaves are a recent discovery. During the early 60's astronomers
began to realize that the massive object that forms the core of our
Galaxy (the Milky Way), periodically becomes active.(9) The cores of
all spiral galaxies cycle through a similar phase. During its active
period, our galactic core spews out a fierce quasar-like barrages of
cosmic rays, with a total energy output equal to hundreds of thousands
of supernova explosions.(10, 11) In some galaxies these active
emissions have been observed to equal the energy from billions of
supernova explosions.
"Until recently, astronomers believed
these eruptions were very infrequent, occurring every 10 to 100 million
years.(10) They also believed the interstellar magnetic fields, in the
Galactic nucleus, would trap the emitted particles in spiral orbits
causing them to reach the Earth very slowly.(12) For these reasons,
many did not believe that Galactic core explosions posed any immediate
threat to the Earth.
"However, in 1983 Paul LaViolette presented evidence to the scientific community indicating that:(2 - 4)
1. Galactic core explosions actually occur about every 13,000 -
26,000 years for major outbursts and more frequently for lesser events.
2. The emitted cosmic rays escape from the core virtually
unimpeded. As they travel radially outward through the Galaxy, they
form a spherical shell that advances at a velocity approaching the
speed of light.
"Astronomical discoveries subsequently
confirmed aspects of Dr. LaViolette's hypothesis. In 1985, astronomers
discovered that Cygnus X-3, an energetic celestial source of cosmic
rays, which is about the same distance from Earth as the Galactic
Center (25,000 light years), is showering Earth with particles,
traveling at close to the speed of light, moving in essentially
straight paths.(13) Later, scientists found the Earth is impacted, at
sporadic intervals, with cosmic rays emitted from the X-ray pulsar
Hercules X-1 (about 12,000 light years distant).(14, 15) The
intervening interstellar medium has so little effect on these
particles, that their pulsation period of 1.2357 seconds, is constant
to within 300 microseconds.
"These findings are reason to be
gravely concerned about the effects of a Galactic core explosion
because they imply that the cosmic rays generated can impact our
planet, virtually without warning, preceded only by the wave-flash from
the initial explosion.(1, 2, 6) Astronomical observations show the last
major Galactic core explosion occurred as recently as 10,000 to 15,000
years ago.(16, 17) Data obtained from polar ice core samples show
evidence of this cosmic ray event as well as other cosmic ray intensity
peaks from earlier times (Figure 2).(1, 18)
"Also Dr.
LaViolette's prediction that there is a residual flow of interstellar
dust currently entering the Solar System from the Galactic center
direction was later verified by data collected from the Ulysses
spacecraft and by AMOR radar measurements made in New Zealand.(8)
For a listing of related theory predictions and their verification click here.
tomorrow, next week, next year. . . sometime in the coming decades. . .
our planet could once again be hit by an intense volley of Galactic
cosmic rays. It will come cloaked and hidden from us, until the very
moment it strikes. We live on the edge of the Galaxy's volcano. Knowing
neither the time, the magnitude, nor the severity of the next eruption
or its impact on our environment, we stand unprepared to deal with this
event, much less anticipate its arrival.
Galactic Superwaves: Their Effects on Life and Society
"When cosmic rays from Galactic superwaves impact the Earth's
atmosphere, they produce "electron cascades." Each primary cosmic ray
generates millions of secondary high energy electrons. Many of these
particles scatter upwards and become trapped by the Earth's magnetic
field to form radiation belts similar to those created by high altitude
nuclear explosions. In just one day, a major Galactic superwave event
would inject into the geomagnetic field a particle energy equivalent to
1000 one-megaton hydrogen bomb explosions (1025 ergs). At this rate,
the energy delivered to the belts after one year would exceed 30,000
times the energy received from the most powerful solar cosmic ray
storms observed in modern times.
"Such energized radiation
belts could cause a global communications blackout by creating radio
static and by permanently damaging critical electronic components of
communication satellites. Air travel during such conditions would be
extremely hazardous. The resulting atmospheric ionization would destroy
the ozone layer, and increase skin cancer rates, due to high levels of
UV reaching the Earth's surface; the cosmic ray particles penetrating
to ground level would significantly increase cell mutation rates.
"Galactic superwaves may also produce an intense electromagnetic
pulse (EMP) whenever a cosmic ray front happens to strike the Earth's
atmosphere. Galactic superwaves such as those that arrived during the
last ice age could have generated pulses delivering tens of thousands
of volts per meter in times as short as a billionth of a second,
comparable to the early-time EMP signal from a high-altitude nuclear
explosion (see Figure 3).
"In addition, there is the danger
that a superwave could transport outlying cosmic dust into the Solar
System which could seriously affect the Earth's climate possibly
triggering a new ice age. Although there is a small probability that
the next superwave will be as catastrophic as the one at the end of the
last ice age, even the less intense, more frequent events would be
quite hazardous for the global economy.
The Frequency and Hazards of Minor Superwave Events
Galactic Center activity occurs frequently between major superwave
events. Astronomical observation indicates that during the last 6,000
years, the Galactic center has expelled 14 clouds of ionized gas.(19)
See Figure 4 for dates. These outbursts may have produced minor
superwave emissions with EMP effects comparable to those of major
superwaves. About 80% of these bursts took place within 500 hundred
years of one another (Figure 5). With the most recent outburst
occurring 700 years ago, there is a high probability of another one
occurring in the near future.
The four-second extragalactic
gamma ray burst that arrived in 1983, did have a measurable effect on
radio transmissions used for global navigation and communication.(20)
By comparison, the "minor" superwave events discussed above might have
total energies hundreds of millions of times greater than this.
At present little research is being done on this important
astronomical phenomenon. Nor are we prepared should a Galactic
superwave suddenly arrive. International channels of communication are
not in place to deal with the disasters that a superwave could bring
upon us.
Steps that Should be Taken
Currently, radio astronomers are monitoring the cosmic ray/synchrotron
radiation activity of the Galactic core on a daily basis. They report
their findings regularly in IAU (International Astronomical Union)
circulars. However, an early warning system needs to be set up so that,
in the event that signs of a significant core outburst and superwave
activity are detected, the proper organizations around the world are
notified and the proper precautions are taken. In this way, the impact
of such an event could be drastically reduced.
In regard to
the superwave EMP problem, there is a need to develop an awareness
about this phenomenon so that if it does occur, it does not
inadvertently trigger a nuclear missile launching. Also there is a need
to develop emergency plans to implement measures that will minimize its
impact on power and communications networks.
There needs to
be an increased awareness of the phenomenon and its potential threat to
the Earth so that ways might be found of minimizing the effects of a
superwave should one arrive. More scientific papers need to be
presented on research on this subject and media coverage of the subject
is needed. Astronomical and geological research needs to be conducted
to learn more about this phenomenon. For example, a more detailed
analysis needs to be made of the high concentrations of beryllium-10
and cosmic dust present in the ice age portion of the Earth's polar ice
record, remnants of the last major superwave event. Data on
interstellar dust composition that will be gathered with the Cassini
spacecraft will also be particularly useful.
Currently, the
Starburst Foundation is one of the few organizations researching this
important astronomical phenomenon. The Starburst Foundation is a
scientific research institute dedicated to discovering how Galactic
superwaves have affected our planet in the past, to implementing an
international early-warning system for future events, and to
investigating ways of lessening the adverse effects of superwaves on
our planet.
The Starburst Foundation is a 501(c)(3)
nonprofit U.S. corporation that is supported by charitable
contributions. Those interested in sending donations may make out a
check to the Starburst Foundation and send it to:
The Starburst Foundation
6369 Beryl Road, #104
Alexandria, VA 22312
email: [email protected]
1) LaViolette, P. A. Earth Under Fire. Alexandria, VA: Starlane Publications, 1997.
2) LaViolette, P. A. Galactic Explosions, Cosmic Dust Invasions, and
Climatic Change. Ph.D. dissertation, Portland State University,
Portland, Oregon, August 1983.
3) LaViolette, P. A. "The
terminal Pleistocene cosmic event: Evidence for recent incursion of
nebular material into the Solar System." Eos 64 (1983): 286. American
Geophysical Union paper, Baltimore, Maryland.
4) LaViolette,
P. A. "Elevated concentrations of cosmic dust in Wisconsin stage polar
ice." Meteoritics 18 (1983): 336. Meteoritical Society paper, Mainz,
5) LaViolette, P. A. "Evidence of high cosmic dust
concentrations in Late Pleistocene polar ice (20,000 - 14,000 Years
BP)." Meteoritics 20 (1985): 545.
6) LaViolette, P. A.
"Cosmic ray volleys from the Galactic Center and their recent impact on
the Earth environment." Earth, Moon, and Planets 37 (1987): 241.
7) LaViolette, P. A. "Galactic core explosions and the evolution of life." Anthropos 12, (1990): 239 255.
8) LaViolette, P. A. "Anticipation of the Ulysses interstellar dust findings." Eos 74(44) (1993): 510 511.
9) Oort, J. H. "The Galactic Center." Annual Reviews of Astronomy & Astrophysics 15 (1977): 295.
10) Burbridge, G. R. et al. "Evidence for the occurrence of violent
events in the nuclei of galaxies." Reviews of Modern Physics 35 (1963):
11) Burbidge, G. R. et al. "Physics of compact
nonthermal sources III. Energetic considerations." Astrophysical
Journal 193 (1974): 43.
12) Ginzburg, V. L., and Syrovatskii, S. I. The Origin of Cosmic Rays. New York: Pergamon Press, 1964, p. 207.
13) Marshak, et al. "Evidence for muon production by particles from Cygnus X-3," Physical Review Letters 54 (1985): 2079.
14) Dingus, B. L. et al. "High-energy pulsed emission from Hercules
X-1 with anomalous air-shower muon production." Physical Review Letters
61 (1988): 1906.
15) Schwarzschild, B. "Are the ultra-energetic cosmic gammas really photons? Physics Today (ll) (1988): 17.
16) Brown, R. L., and Johnston, K. J. "The gas density and
distribution within 2 parsecs of the Galactic Center," Astrophysical
Journal 268 (1983): L85.
17) Lo, K. Y., and Claussen, M. J.
"High-resolution observations of ionized gas in central 3 paresecs of
the Galaxy: possible evidence for infall." Nature 306 (1983): 647.
18) Raisbeck, G. M., et al. "Evidence for two intervals of enhanced
10Be deposition in Antarctic ice during the Last Glacial Period."
Nature 326 (1987): 273.
19) Lacy, J. H., Townes, C. H.,
Geballe, T. R., and Hollenbach, D. J. "Observations of the motion and
distribution of the ionized gas in the central parsec of the Galaxy.
II," Astrophysical Journal 241 (1980): 132.
20) Fishman, G.
J. and Inan, U. S. "Observation of an ionospheric disturbance caused by
a gamma-ray burst." Nature 331 (1988):418.
Copyright www.etheric.com
The Life Work of Paul LaViolette
PAUL A. LaVIOLETTE, PH.D, is author of The Talk of the Galaxy, Earth Under Fire, Genesis of the Cosmos (Beyond the Big Bang), Subquantum Kinetics, and editor of A Systems View of Man. He has also published many original papers in physics, astronomy, climatology, systems theory, and psychology. He received his BA in physics from Johns Hopkins, his MBA from the University of Chicago, and PhD from Portland State University and is currently president of the Starburst Foundation, an interdisciplinary scientific research institute.
Paul LaViolette has an ongoing interest in metaphysics, mysticism, and music.
He has served as a solar energy consultant for the UN, Greek government, and Club of Rome Goals for Mankind Project and has also consulted Fortune 500 companies on ways of stimulating innovation. Research he conducted at Harvard School of Public Health led him to invent an improved pulsation dampener for air sampling pumps. Related work led him to develop an improved life-support rebreather apparatus for protection against hazardous environments and for which he received two patents.
Recognized in the Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engineering, Dr. LaViolette is the first to predict that high intensity volleys of cosmic ray particles travel directly to our planet from distant sources in our Galaxy, a phenomenon now confirmed by scientific data. He is also the first to discover high concentrations of cosmic dust in Ice Age polar ice, indicating the occurrence of a global cosmic catastrophe in ancient times. Based on this work, he made predictions about the entry of interstellar dust into the solar system ten years before its confirmation in 1993 by data from the Ulysses spacecraft and by radar observations from New Zealand. He also originated the glacier wave flood theory that not only provides a reasonable scientific explanation for widespread continental floods, but also presents a credible explanation for the sudden freezing of the arctic mammoths and demise of the Pleistocene mammals. Also he developed a novel theory that links geomagnetic flips to the past occurrence of immense solar flare storm outbursts.
He is the developer of subquantum kinetics, a novel approach to microphysics that not only accounts for electric, magnetic, gravitational, and nuclear forces in a unified manner, but also resolves many long-standing problems in physics such as the field singularity problem, the wave-particle dualism, and the field source problem, to mention a few. Moreover based on the predictions of this theory, he developed an alternative cosmology that effectively replaces the big bang theory. In fact, in 1986, he was the first to cast doubt on the big bang theory by showing that it makes a far poorer fit to existing astronomical data when compared to this new non-expanding universe cosmology. The subquantum kinetics cosmology also led him to make successful predictions about galaxy evolution that were later verified with the Hubble Space Telescope.
Dr. LaViolette is credited with the discovery of the planetary-stellar mass-luminosity relation which demonstrates that the Sun, planets, stars, and supernova explosions are powered by spontaneous energy creation through photon blueshifting. With this relation, he successfully predicted the mass-luminosity ratio of the first brown dwarf to be discovered.
In addition, Paul LaViolette has developed a new theory of gravity that replaces the deeply flawed theory of general relativity. Predicted from subquantum kinetics, it accounts for the electrogravitic coupling phenomenon discovered by Townsend Brown and may explain the advanced aerospace propulsion technology utilized in the B-2 bomber.
He is the first to discover that certain ancient creation myths and esoteric lores metaphorically encode an advanced science of cosmogenesis. His contributions to the field of Egyptology and mythology may be compared to the breaking of the Rosetta Stone hieroglyphic code. For a partial listing of these discoveries click here:
Mythology Insights.
He is also the co-developer of the Gray-LaViolette feeling tone theory which explains how the brain/mind forms creative thoughts. This has led to a new understanding of how the brain functions and to a novel approach in education.
Exopolitics: Has the Galactic Superwave of 2012 Begun?
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April 30, 2005 | Permalink
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Dear ALL,
Thank you for airing the extremely useful interesting and potentially dangerous to supporters of humans-as-a-major-cause-of-ecological-disasters case.
Solar radiation and space rays add significantly to a global reality where ozone depletion and climate change have been natural processes following the unstoppable deteriorating of the biosphere being accustomed:
Posted by: Michael Kerjman | May 1, 2005 07:44 PM
And planetary magnetism, gravity and mechanical forces are inextricably linked, mutually affect and alter each other:
Posted by: Michael Kerjman | May 1, 2005 08:09 PM