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February 19, 2005

"Collectively, the X-Conference speakers hold enough knowledge of extraterrestrial phenomena that the truth embargo could end tomorrow. All it would take is for the political leaders and the political media to pay attention."


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X-Conference II 2005

WASHINGTON, D.C. - PRG is pleased to announce the 2nd Annual Exopolitics Expo (X-Conference), scheduled for April 22-24, 2005 at the Hilton Washington, DC North/Gaithersburg, has begun assembling the speaker lineup for 2005. The X-Conference is a unique event which focuses on the political, governmental and social aspects relating to extraterrestrial-related phenomena.  It is more than a public conference - it is part of the disclosure process itself.   As was the case last year, all Congressional offices will be notified and Members or staff encouraged to take advantage of this convenient opportunity to become informed on an issue about which they have been misinformed for over five decades.

Conference co-moderator and executive producer    

Stephen Bassett - Executive Producer/Speaker/Host
is a political activist, founder of Paradigm Research Group, Executive Director of the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee (X-PPAC, pronounced expack), author of the Paradigm Clock website, and a political columnist, commentator and former Independent candidate for Congress.   He is the executive producer of the X-Conference.

Presently he is the only registered lobbyist in the United States representing extraterrestrial related phenomena research/activist organizations, and X-PPAC is the first political action committee to target the political implications of extraterrestrial related phenomena.  Between April 19 and November 5 of 2002 he conducted an independent candidacy in the 2002 congressional campaign in the 8th District of Maryland.  It was the first instance in which a candidate on the November ballot in a federal election openly addressed the matter of an extraterrestrial presence and the government imposed truth embargo.

On January 13 of 2003 he launched a new project, Citizen Hearing, which intends to conduct a week-long hearing in Washington, DC before former Members of the House and Senate.  The motto for this project is, "If Congress will not do its job, the people will."

Since 1996 Bassett has assisted a number of organizations and initiatives, which have been making the case for 1) an end to the government embargo on the truth surrounding an extraterrestrial presence and 2) open congressional hearings to take the testimony of former military and agency employees witness to extraterrestrial related events and evidence.  He has spoken to millions of Americans about the likelihood and implications of a formal disclosure event.

Special Presentation

Principal Websites
Paradigm Research Group: www.paradigmclock.com
X-PPAC: www.x-ppac.org
X-Conference: www.x-conference.com
Citizen Hearing: www.citizenhearing.org
Disclosure2003: www.disclosure2003.net

Lynne Kitei, MD - is an internationally acclaimed physician and health educator, a leader in early disease detection and prevention and Chief Clinical Consultant at the world-renowned Arizona Heart Institute's Imaging/Prevention/Wellness Center in Phoenix, Arizona. This highly accomplished professional is presenting at the X-Conference because she is a key witness to the still-unexplained mass sighting that took place throughout Arizona on March 13, 1997 - the "Phoenix Lights."    After years of private research Lynne has "come out" to talk about the challenges facing high level professionals who wish to address any aspect of extraterrestrial-related phenomena as well as the inadequate media and government response to this extraordinary event. Dr. Kitei has been recognized in the Who's Who of American Women, was chosen as the Woman of the Year in Pennsylvania, and has been featured for her innovative and ground-breaking work in publications such as the Philadelphia Inquirer, TV Guide magazine, Runner magazine, Phoenix magazine, and Physician's Management magazine.  She is an award winning producer, writer and director of health-related documentary films and was called the "woman pioneer of medical communications" in TV Guide after creating and producing innovative TV news health reports for NBC in Philadelphia in 1976.  She has dedicated over 25 years to global public awareness, wellness, and health education.  Her AIDS, Substance Abuse and Teen Pregnancy programs have won the Telly Bronze Award in 1995, the National Education Film & Video Festival Silver Apple Award in 1994, the New York International Film Festival Finalist Award in 1992 and 1993, the Chicago International Film Festival Silver Hugo and Finalist Awards in 1993, the Columbus International Film & Video Festival Honorable Mention Award in 1991, and the Arizona Hemmy Award in 1993 and 1994. Dr. Kitei receive her BS in Secondary Science Education from Temple University and an M.D. from the Temple University School of Medicine.

Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd -  a futurist, peace advocate and environmental activist, is the father of Exopolitics.  When "exopolitics" is formally (academically) recognized as the term describing the political and social intersection of the human race with extraterrestrial-related phenomena and ultimately extraterrestrial beings, the primary origin of this enormously important nomenclature will be attributed to Alfred Lambremont Webre.  Michael Salla subsequently worked to expand and develop content within the intellectual framework, and Stephen Bassett worked to bring this framework and terminology to a  larger audience. Dr. Webre is International Director of the Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS); a founder of the No Weapons in Space Campaign (NOWIS), a Canadian coalition to prevent the weaponization of space; and coordinates the Campaign for Cooperation in  Space.  He is a co-architect of the Space Preservation Act and the Space Preservation Treaty to ban space-based weapons.   He is also an on-air host on Vancouver Coop Radio CFRO 102.7 FM. Webre is a former Fulbright Scholar and graduate of Yale University, Yale Law School (Yale Law School National Scholar), and the University of Texas Counseling Program.  He was General Counsel to the NYC Environmental Protection Administration and environmental consultant to the Ford Foundation, futurist at Stanford Research Institute, and author.  He taught economics at Yale University (Economics Department) and Civil Liberties at the University of Texas (Government Department).  Alfred has been a delegate to the UNISPACE Outer Space Conference and NGO representative at the United Nations (Communications Coordination Committee for the UN; UN Second Special Session on Disarmament); elected Clinton-Gore Delegate to the 1996 Texas Democratic Convention; and a Member, Governor's Emergency Taskforce on Earthquake Preparedness, State of California (1980-82), appointed by Gov. Jerry Brown.  Mr. Webre produced and hosted the Instant of Cooperation, the first live radio broadcast between USA and the then Soviet Union, carried live by Gosteleradio and NPR satellite in 1987. He is a member of the District of Columbia Bar.  Webre's new book EXOPOLITICS, POLITICS, GOVERNMENT AND LAW IN THE UNIVERSE (Universebooks 2005) will be launched at this Conference.

Paul Davids is a leading expert on the history of the Hollywood connection to science fiction and extraterrestrial-related phenomena. He was executive producer and co-writer of the Showtime film “Roswell,” starring Martin Sheen and Kyle MacLachlan, nominated for a Golden Globe as Best Television Motion Picture of 1994.  Though always interested in science-fiction, the UFO issue is a matter of science fact for him, ever since a widely reported 1987 daylight sighting.  In 1996 he was guest speaker at the banquet for the 50th anniversary of the White Sands Missile Range Pioneers, where he spoke about The Roswell Incident, and he has produced numerous informational programs about UFO’s.   Paul earned a B.A. from Princeton University, where he won the university's three top creative writing awards all in one year (including the F. Scott Fitzgerald Prize), and afterwards he studied under full scholarship at the American Film Institute Center for Advanced Film Studies in Los Angeles.   

Bruce Maccabee, PhD

[Breaking News:  The January/February 2005 issue of the peer-reviewed Journal of the British Interplanetary Society (JBIS) published an article titled Inflation-Theory Implications for Extraterrestrial Visitation.   Dr. Deardorff was the lead author along with Bernard Haisch, Bruce Maccabee and Hal Puthoff.  The paper reassessed the ETH in light of the new physics and included references to the posture and actions of the U.S. Air Force.  It is an important event, and PRG is pleased that two of the paper's authors (Deardorff and Maccabee) will present on the implications of their findings.  It is notable a Space.com article, ET Visitors: Scientists See High Likelihood, Jan 14, 2005 by Leonard David, received millions of hits after the article was a top-story link at the Drudge Report website for several days.

PRG encourages all attendees to download or read this paper on line prior to coming to the X-Conference.  This will allow Drs. Deardorff and Maccabee to speak to the larger implications of their paper as opposed to just restating the findings.  [Download .pdf file here.  See file on line at: www.ufoskeptic.org/JBIS.pdf ]

Dr. Maccabee spent his early years in Rutland, Vt. After high school he studied physics at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, Mass (BS) and then at The American University, Washington, DC (MS, PhD, physics).  In 1972 he commenced his long career at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, presently headquartered at Dahlgren, Virginia. He has worked on optical data processing, generation of underwater sound with lasers, various aspects of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) and Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) using high power lasers and is presently involved in a program related to Homeland Security.   Bruce Maccabee has been active in UFO research since late 1960s when he joined the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) and was active in research and investigation for NICAP until its demise in 1980. He became a member of MUFON in 1975 and was subsequently appointed to the position of state Director for Maryland, a position he still holds. In 1979 he was instrumental in establishing the Fund for UFO Research and was the chairman for 13 years. He presently serves on the National Board of the Fund.

His UFO research and investigations (which are completely unrelated to his Navy work) have included the Kenneth Arnold sighting (Jun 24, 1947), the McMinnville, Oregon (Trent) photos of 1950, the Gemini 11 astronaut photos of September, 1966, the New Zealand sightings of December, 1978, the Japan Airlines (JAL1628) sighting of November 1986, the numerous sightings that occurred in the area around Gulf Breeze Florida between 1987 and 1997 (a period of time that includes his own sighting in Gulf Breeze in September, 1991), the Mexico City video of August, 1997, the Phoenix lights sightings of March 13, 1997 (the videos obtained at about 10 pm) and many others. He has also done historical research and was the first to obtain the flying disc file of the FBI (the REAL X-Files!).

Dr. Maccabee is the author or coauthor of about three dozen technical articles and more than a hundred UFO articles over the last 30 years, including many which appeared in the MUFON Journal and MUFON Symposium proceedings. He wrote the last chapter of The Gulf Breeze Sightings by Edward and Frances Walters (Morrow, 1990). He wrote the UFO history chapter of the book UFOs: Zeugen und Zeichen, published in Germany in 1995.  He is co-author with Edward Walters of UFOs Are Real, Here's The Proof, (Avon Books, 1997), he is the author of The UFO/FBI Connection (Llewellyn Books, May, 2000) and the author of the novel, Abduction in My Life (Granite Publishing, 2001).  He is listed in Who's Who in Technology Today and American Men and Women of Science.

Dr. Maccabee is one of the most interviewed researchers in the entire field including print, radio and TV media since 1978.  He has also appeared in a number of documentaries.  A partial list of appearances includes: Good Morning America, Larry King, A Current Affair, Unsolved Mysteries, National Public Radio, Sonya Live on CNN, Encounters TV, Dreamland Radio, Central TV London, Sightings, Italian TV San Marino, A&E TV Where are all the UFOs, The Learning Channel, History Channel, Fox TV, Fox4 News, ABC Nightline, Transmedia Productions, London Weekend Television, Discovery Channel UFOs Down to Earth, 20th Century Radio w/ Zoh and Bob Heironimus, Radio South Africa, Unexplained Mysteries, WHAG Hagerstown, American Freedom News Radio, SIRIUS Satellite Radio Hilly Rose, Good Day USA, WHPK Chicago, WMTR Julie Briggg,  WKVL Knowxville, Canadian Broadcasting Company Coast to Coast Morning TV, WMC AM 790 Enigma Connection, WSBA Gary Sutton Show, WLW Scizone w/ Bill Boshears,  WGY, Don Weeks, CJAD Holder Overnight, WABJ John Sebastian, X-Zone Radio, WFAD Middlebury VT, KMMS George Carter,  XZONE Radio w/ Rob McConnell, KTOX Needles Dave & Dave, KOTK Portland Clyde Lewis, WBAL Baltimore Chip Franklin, KOMA Lan Lamphere.

Michael Salla, PhD (Australia)

Dr. Salla lost his status at American University and his projects were denied renewal as a direct result of his participation in X-Conference 2004.  This is just one more disgrace in a long history of head-in-the-sand denial by the entire American academic community regarding extraterrestrial-related phenomena.   Michael has the courage and integrity to follow the information wherever it leads.  American University is perfectly situated to be a leader in the development in exopolitics.  The opportunity was and is there to break new ground, to make a difference.  American University took a pass.

Michael is a pioneer in the development of exopolitics, the scholarly study of the main actors, institutions and processes associated with an extraterrestrial presence that is not acknowledged to the general public, elected officials or the mass media. His interest in exopolitics evolved out of his investigation of the sources of international conflict and its relationship with the undisclosed extraterrestrial presence. He cites evidence extraterrestrial races are currently engaging humanity and the planet in a variety of ways.  His book Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence (Dandelion Books, 2004) presents a comprehensive study of the political implications of the extraterrestrial presence. His forthcoming book, The Challenge of Exopolitics (Dandelion Books 2005) analyses challenges in educating the general public about exopolitical issues.

Michael is the author/editor of an additional four books in international politics including The Hero's Journey Toward a Second American Century (Greenwood Press, 2002); Essays on Peace (Central Queensland University Press, 1995); Why the Cold War Ended (Greenwood Press, 1995); and Islamic Radicalism, Muslim Nations and the West (1993). He has also authored more than seventy articles, chapters, and book reviews on peace, ethnic conflict and conflict resolution. He has held academic appointments in the School of International Service & the Center for Global Peace, American University, Washington DC (1996-2004); the Department of Political Science, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia (1994-96); and the Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, Washington, DC, (2002). He has a PhD in Government from the University of Queensland, Australia, and an MA in Philosophy from the University of Melbourne, Australia. He has conducted research and fieldwork in the ethnic conflicts in East Timor, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Sri Lanka, and organized peacemaking initiatives involving mid to high level participants from these conflicts.

Michael has conducted extensive interviews for both his exopolitical and international conflict research on Coast to Coast AM; the Jeff Rense Program; the Gary Null Show; the Hickman Report; Mysteries of the Mind; KDKA (Radio), Pittsburgh; BBC World Service, (Radio); 3ER (Radio), Melbourne, Australia; ABC TV, Canberra, Australia; 2CN, ABC Radio, Canberra; 2XX (Radio), Canberra; SBS (Radio), Melbourne; KSRO (Radio), Santa Rosa, CA;  KRLA (Radio) Los Angeles.  And in the Washington, DC metro area: Voice of America Television & Radio, ABC Radio, ABC Online; Religion & Ethics News Weekly (TV), WTOP (Radio), Hearst-Argyle Television, CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corp.) TV News, MSNBC (TV) News, America's Voice (TV) and WMAL (Radio).

The X-Conference is produced by
Paradigm Research Group Stephen Bassett, Executive Director


February 19, 2005 at 12:55 PM | Permalink


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