Part 2 described the immense damage to a child of the question, "Are you sure you are a boy (or a girl)? Part 3 will look deeper into what is happening to the child mentally.
Who carries children forward into life? Is that responsibility not sacred?

And Joy is Everywhere;
It is in the Earth’s green covering of grass;
In the blue serenity of the Sky;
In the reckless exuberance of Spring;
In the severe abstinence of gray Winter;
In the Living flesh that animates our bodily frame;
In the perfect poise of the Human figure, noble and upright;
In Living;
In the exercise of all our powers;
In the acquisition of Knowledge;
in fighting evils…
Joy is there Everywhere.
– Rabindranath Tagore, 1861-1941
Is Tagore's description of joy, not our ultimate goal of education for our children - to enlarge their curiosity about and love of the world?
And do we not want our children to have whole and stable minds and personalites?
My mind to me a kingdom is,
such present joys therein I find,
That it excels all other bliss
– Sir Edward Dyer
1543 – 1607
Project MONARCH is an alleged government black program to create mind-controlled slave for use as spies, assassins, couriers, and prostitutes. Monarchs carry out their assignments and consequently have no memory of their actions. According to some estimates, there are over 2 million Americans currently under mind control.
Monarch slaves are taken as infants and are traumatized using electroshocks, drugs, sexual abuse, mind games, and hypnosis in order to force the mind to split and create an alternative personality to deal with the pain. The victim imagines that someone else is being tortured and the mind is forced to split.
.... Although, accounts vary on the exact methods used, the common key ingredient is trauma. ....
Walt Disney and Hollywood Mind Control
Disney, the man, the studio, and the theme parks are often cited by Monarch victims as an essential part of the government’s mind control program. Programmers use electroshock in combination with Fantasia’s imagery to induce dissociative personalities and for programming. .... [T]hey worked with Walt Disney in designing his theme parks to include facilities for mind control programming. Many of the rides are designed for use in mind control and to traumatize young children.
MGM’s Wizard of Oz and Disney’s Alice in Wonderland are favorites of Monarch programmers. Victims are told to go “over the rainbow”, or “there’s no place like home” to reach a safe place in Wizard of Oz programming or “go through the looking-glass” if using Alice in Wonderland. “Follow the yellow Brick Road.” or “Follow the White Rabbit” are triggers to follow the programmer’s commands.
Illuminati programmers designed Star Wars for use in trauma-base mind control programming.
Monarch programming is also used on the masses via movies, televisions, and music. They are used to desensitize the public or to trigger programs in mind-controlled slaves.
.... Researchers quickly forgot the notion of consent so-praised a few years earlier for its inclusion in the Nuremberg Code. Soon, apologists were using the same excuses as Nazis convicted as war criminals to justify their research. CIA doctors broke their Hippocratic Oaths in which they swore to abstain from doing harm.
.... Psychology professor George H Estabrooks was one of the early proponents of hypnosis. ....
"I can hypnotize a man — without his knowledge or consent — into committing treason against the United States."
"I will take a number of men and will establish in them through the use of hypnotism the condition of split personality."

Dr. Hammond spoke at a gathering of therapists held at the Radisson Hotel Plaza in Alexandria, Virginia in the summer of 1992. His lecture, entitled Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse [MPD - Multiple Personality Disorder]
Hammond publicized many of the elements that would later become staples of Monarch mind control survivor testimonies.
He talked on how infants are taken at around two and half year old and are made dissociative through sexual and physical torture. Five years later, the abuse is kicked up a notch until the end of their teenage years and reinforced periodically on adults.
Torture depends on people being entrapped. Students are.
How are 3 and 4 year olds to leave if they are disturbed by being asked "Are you sure you are a boy (or a girl)?" How are they neurologically handling that question that violates that whole life and sense of being, or its constant repetition, or the offer of different pronouns, or the books suggesting wearing opposite sex clothes? They are being flooded with questions and material that turn their world on its head. Is that not traumatic to them even if they are silent? Are their brain and unconscious not locked into impossible confusion and conflict?
Children are taken at very young ages to program through the Monarch system because at those ages their brain is easier to force to disassociate.
Experiments at Harvard were designed to psychologically break students, so clearly, questioning someone relentlessly (and aren't questions about what sex someone is repeated through the year and in subsequent years?) can create a breaking point.
Might the psyche's of children in preschool forced into situation that questions the most basic thing they know about themselves (their sex), not fragment to escape the situation?
Notice that the Monarch system relies on Disney figures and different story lines to aid in reinforcing the disassocation.
Are they are supposed to attract children as a substitute for the innocent imaginative world being ripped away from children?
This MKULTRA/MONARCH attack on our children has been right in our faces all along. We just have been so distracted by the sexual or grooming aspects of it all that we haven't stopped to think more literally - how would forcing questions on children that strip away their foundational knowledge of self, impact a child neurologically. And who came up with this reality questioning curriculum?
People have recommended taking children out of schools with transgender curriculi because they don't want them indoctrinated. But the situation is much, much more serious than that. Children are being broken down mentally and are unable to escape from it.
Once parents understand that Transgenderism was RIGGED and that the US government, the CIA, and others, have been breaking children's minds and even young adults' minds on purpose for years - through ceaseless questioning, or through trauma - parents will rescue their children from the mental torture they can't escape on their own.
Truth matters. The mind literally needs it.
Kindness matters. The mind and body literally need it, too.
Be good to each other. Our children need that kind of world.