Part 2 of the Perilous Pronoun: How To Wreck Childhood With A Single Question
What is childhood?
And how is it being wrecked with this single question:
"Are you sure you are a boy (or girl)?"
To begin to grasp what that question may be doing to small children or young people, we have to begin by thinking about what childhood is and its essence. Is it naivete? Innocence? Is it play? Is it children a-lit with curiosity or joy?
Unless we can feel in ourselves what it is, we can't experience deeply what is being done to children with that one question "Are you sure you are a boy (or a girl)?
“Every child has known God, Not the God of names, Not the God of don'ts, Not the God who ever does Anything weird, But the God who knows only 4 words And keeps repeating them, saying: "Come Dance with Me." Come Dance.”
I am full of Light even before the sky Can greet the sun or the moon."
Borrowing from Hafez:
When I think of children I see great parades with wildly colorful bands Streaming from their minds and hearts, Carrying wonderful and happy messages To the birds and animals and sky
Little children go to school.
What happens there?
Hafez says
“O thou who are trying to learn
the marvel of [Life]
through the copybook of reason,
I am very much afraid you will never see the point.”
is Hafez in The Gift talking about what we hope will happen for children at school?
“For we have not come here to take prisoners Or to confine our wondrous spirits,
But to experience ever and ever more deeply Our divine courage, freedom, and Light!”
Now, having thought and felt about childhood and its wonders and "the copybook of reason" and taking no prisoners, and experiencing being free, it's possible to talk now about what may be going on in children that is changed when they go to school.
Children are predominantly using their right brain before they go to school.
Guided by emotions
Loving arts and creativity
Contextually aware
Visually skilled
Having emotional intelligence
Seeing the bigger picture instead of focusing on the details
And to help you feel that world again, the questions posed above about childhood were right-brain oriented - visual or poetic.
Children are aware of the world, even in love with it. Who hasn't seen a child stop and become mesmerized by some little thing we go past without noticing?
“There is no end to the beauty
for the person who is aware.
Even the cracks between the sidewalk
contain geometric patterns of amazing beauty.” – Matthew Fox
Left brain characteristics are different:
Thinking in words
Linear thinking
We all know how it feels to color versus how it feels to take tests. Coloring is right-brain pleasure, tests depend on left-brain thinking and often include anxiety about doing "right."
Now, to "the question" children are currently asked in school:
When a teacher asks a child whether they are a boy or a girl, the right-brain child is confronted with a perception-obliterating, entire-life-context shaking, sense-of-self upturning, challenge.
And on what can children fall back on in that moment?
Because the blow to their previous healthy narcissism is immense.
The child has (Ideally) been lovingly mirrored his or her whole life by parents who reflect back to them even without words that they are a boy or a girl. The parents does so based on seeing the child's external genitalia at birth which are an biologic expression of either a boy's xy or or a girl's xx chromosomes. The child by the age of 5 (kindergarden) has non-verbally integrated into themselves that they are male or female and are aware that their male or female genitalia "means" that. And they would know that their clothing would be in sync with that or not be.
So, who and why is this big person, suddenly asking them what they are and offering them words to use (pronouns) that go with something else?
And what are they to do?
They are at the moment of that single question being forced to question their core being. And the question is being asked of them in a setting of power and authority where their parents left them, urging them to "be good and listen to the teacher."
As a predominantly right-brain functioning child, they must suddenly shift to their left hemisphere to answer a spoken question which completely violates their right-brain non-verbal understanding of their very being, and may disturb their unconscious which certainly would be aware of the sex of the child. The question may even violate the child's soul.
Do they go along? How do they feel? How do they even begin to "think" about such a question since that aspect of their life has not be about thought but contextual knowing or awareness?
The teacher (or whoever invented this curriculum) just imploded the child's means of normal functioning - living in a predominantly non-verbal awareness that does not depend on language or logic - leaving the child only confusion and perhaps floundering based on a sudden shock to something absolutely foundational in his or her world.
The child, asked if it's really the opposite sex (and the word "really" may have been emphasized which the child would surely pick up on) is supposed to do what, having just in that moment lost the whole known, comfortable, non-verbal, gestalt of his or her life? And that gestalt is and was utterly congruent with what he or she sees of their own body as well as with their parents relationship with them and their activities, clothing, and all social relationships up to that moment.
To call that question - "Are you sure you are a boy (or girl)?" a narcissistic blow is a vast understatement.
And for any who believe right-brain dominance in a child is informationally weak in some way and should be gotten past for the sake of learning, one has only to look at art work done using the left brain and art done by the same person moments later using the right brain, to question which part of the brain is "aware" of more.
The images drawn using the left-brain are on the left and the images drawn using the right-brain images are on the right
School curriculi pushing transgenderism on children based on questioning the unconscious self-awareness of a child or young person of their own sex, take a sledge hammed to each child's developmentally natural, built-in, immensely rich, neurologic functioning.
It takes a sledge hammed to the gloriousness of childhood itself which rests on a marvel - creative, imaginative, non-verbal whole-world awareness that is neurologically lushly functioning.
And offers instead, extremely painful confusion and distrust in who one even is, and would make it almost impossible for a child to recapture the utterly natural and rich world of knowing.
Parents who think their children have somehow passed safely through such experiences have reason to sue based on the neurologic assault on the miraculousness of their children and the loss of their indescribably, rich childhood.
When we speak of childhood "losing its innocence," are we actually describing something that is occurring neurologically? Does a serious loss occur with the imposition of developmentally inappropriate demands on a child neurologically that then impacts a child's normal neurological functioning?
Is our gut sense of a "loss of childhood innocence" our way of describing a loss of a magical level of functioning in children? Are we feeling a loss of children's wondrous love for and natural awareness of the world, and attempting to describe, in a non-biologic way, the impact of neurologic clobbering?
We know that clobbering occurs in sexual abuse of children or physical abuse.
Are schools forcing transgender curriculi on children (as young as 3 and up to the teens) who arrive inchoately solid in themselves and filled with wonder about the world, actually physically assaulting their brains? Are the children being quite literally clobbered by questions and material that is impossible to process neurologically since it violates what the mind innately knows is true?
These curriculi are wrenching normal childhood away from its grounding in right-brain functioning and intimate knowledge by attacking children's minds repeatedly with inescapable and impossible questions about whether they are a sex that is perfectly visible and known to the child (and teacher). Are the curriculi designed to damage the child's thinking processes by forcing him or her to accept what their own brain tells them is not real?
Who designed this mind-damaging situtation: children trapped in classes and asked questions that violate their inherent knowlege of the world and which harm their brain-functioning?
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