- Electromagnetic radiation, including radio frequency, microwave, lasers and masers
- Particles with mass, in particle-beam weapons (technically a form of micro-projectile weapon)
- Sound, in sonic weapons"

Male to female frequencies
https://www.pinterest.com/pin/boobs--593771532104494856/ Pure feminizing and androgen blocking frequenciesFeminizing and estrogen frequencieshttps://www.pinterest.com/pin/male-to-female-transition-- 513128951295153886/
"Boston Children’s Hospital’s transgender insanity reveals how unhinged elites make money off our kids"
".... activist “Billboard” Chris Elston broke the story of videos promoting “gender affirmation” for kids as young as 2 at the hospital .... medics promoting the idea that kids young enough to be in diapers have a clear enough sense of their own identity to justify far-reaching changes such as “social transition,” in which everyone around a child agrees to pretend he or she is the opposite sex. A hospital psychologist even insisted in one video that “a good portion of children do know as early as from the womb.”
".... the US Justice Department came out in defense of the hospital last week, normal parents might be forgiven for thinking America’s rulers have taken leave of their senses. But what’s afoot isn’t insanity so much as a government-approved gold-rush. The “resource” these speculators are fighting over? The healthy bodies of American children.

"Data show that “socially transitioned” children are far more likely to go on to medical interventions. And perhaps this is the point: After all, transgender is big business. Gender-transition surgery can cost upward of $100,000. [$200,000 to $300,000 in California - which is going broke and has declared itself a sanctuary state for "gender-affirming" transitions, no parental permission required.] The US gender-surgery market was valued in 2021 at $1.9 billion, with predicted annual growth of more than 10%. And when hormone therapy costs $1,500 a year, for the rest of a patient’s life, no wonder entrepreneurial medics want kids on the treatment treadmill as young as possible. Clinics are popping up like mushrooms to take advantage of this new business opportunity: The first American pediatric gender clinic opened in 2007, and there are now more than 50 nationwide.
"This all comes with a federal seal of approval. Rachel Levine, a transgender individual born male and serving as America’s assistant secretary for health, recently declared on Twitter, “Gender-affirming care is medical care. It is mental health care. It is suicide prevention care. It improves quality of life, and it saves lives. It is based on decades of study. It is a well-established medical practice.”
"In reality, every sentence of this is contested. Several European nations have suspended or drastically restricted support for this supposedly “well-established medical practice” following new evidence.
"Research reveals, for example, that pediatric transition delivers poor or no mental-health improvements for those who undergo it. The cancer drug used off-label to halt puberty has been shown to cause shocking side effects, such as stunted growth, cognitive impairment, brittle bones and even blindness. And of course once a surgeon has cut your teen daughter’s healthy breasts off [or more to the sterilization point, removes her ovaries or cuts a son's testicles or penis off], they ain’t growing back — even if she changes her mind later on.
"I write from Britain, where the UK government recently shut down the Tavistock gender clinic for endangering kids — by taking exactly the treatment approach Levine approvingly promotes. .... "
[Doctors and the government, for sure, are highly interested in the huge sums of money involved, but we miss the true depth of evil of this if we ignore that the end result is ALWAYS sterilization. The Global elite - who were in involved in the Holocaust and are involved in the havoc of the current shots and in their nonetheless being mandated - want a drastic reduction in population. Money is a great prod with "gender-affirming treatment," as it was for the doctors, hospitals and the governments during the false pandemic, but the ultimate goal of those running the world is depopulation. If those evil people get to wreck the bodies and lives of children and youth and to destroy the American culture and family, also get a Satanic pleasure in having parents bring their own children to be sacrificed, that might all be a bonus.]
[Nowhere in this article on the huge increase in transgender subjects do they mention the hidden military-level frequency equipment putting out transgender frequencies, suggesting that this giant new money-making scheme may have beencreated on purpose, just like pharma did in putting SV40 (Simian Virus 40, a known cancer-causing virus in the mandated polio vaccines in the mid 1950's AFTER first creating the "impression" of a polio epidemic by spraying DDT where children swam and played and getting parents to spray their children's bedrooms with it. (Polio had been proven easily cured by IV vitamin C in 1949 by Klenner, 6 years before the Rockefeller/Sabin/Salk vaccines. https://www.seanet.com/~alexs/
Transgenderism has suddenly warped the entire culture, twisted language (forcing false pronouns and making it impossible to discuss the issues that were showing up), twisted education out of all shape, torn families apart, and set about wrecking our wonderful children and young people.
Has the massive increase in transgenderism been "caused" and if so, by whom?
And at the heart of it all, and in the twisted name of a "compassionate" horror called "gender-affirming care," is sterilization. If military-grade equipment and Big Tech gadgets have been showering children with gender confusion, and the transgender curriculum in schools, Drag Queens shows, children's books, cartoons and games, could all support that confusion for even prompt it. The child would want relief and schools and medical clinics are in place to suggest "help," moving the child along toward sterilization. It is a bizarre genocide - perverted, politicized by LBGTQ groups, and heavily disguised .... but all of it heading toward destroying or removing what makes a child capable of creating new life - ovaries or testicles.
Puberty blocking drugs ARE sterilizing and that they are lying about that fact is significant.
The goal is sterility.
The Sterilization of Masses of children is Genocide.
If the venal doctors - or venal media, or venal teachers' unions, .... - jump at the money, all the better. Everyone profits from destroying the bodies of this generation of children and ending all their future progeny.
(If millions of other children are also psychologically damaged by it all, emotional and mental wreckage create yet more profit for professionals. And it looks suspiciously like the Frankfurt School's plan to destroy a country from the inside by destroying culture and family).
A small aside: The Rockefellers' (Big Pharma) creating their own patients was not a one time thing. (Ask embarrassed Pfizer.) The Rockefellers also funded the horrific experiments in the concentration camps, to create sterilizing vaccines. http://www.salem-news.com/articles/november072011/experiments-auschwitz-rg.php (Ask Pfizer whether their vaccines are sterilizing people.)
It's even more hidden and certainly slower, but the entire vaccine schedule for children controlled by the CDC (which is run by the Rockefellers) appears to be using sterilizing vaccines. http://salem-news.com/articles/april212014/sterile-vaccines.php
[Boston Children's Hospital has been in the lead of the push occurring for "affirming care" that is in fact mutilating children's bodies. But is this skimming the surface of even more horrific human experiments going on nationally, including creating human-animal hybrids? How much is occurring in Boston? Jeffrey Epstein ran human-animal hybrid experiments under the "temple" on his island. He also funded MIT and Harvard. Did he provide subjects for human experiments to them? https://www.wgbh.org/news/
The title of the article about Boston Children's Hospital refers to Unhinged Elite. "Unhinged" is polite for what BCH is doing, right now, out in the open, in mutilating and castrating children - an evil that surpasses Mengele's.
Biden, in pushing "gender-affirming care" in states across the country, is in functional terms promoting the sterilization of American children. Newsome is setting up California to be the heart of such "care" - the "sanctuary state" for children who may have been injured (mind-controlled) by military-grade weaponry beaming out transgender frequencies and by the collusion of Big Tech putting out those frequencies through all the children's gadgets.
California is now welcoming mind-controlled children from all over the country, and without needing their parents' consent, to be sterilized. Newsome is .... in essence .... arranging for mass genocide.
In exposing the transgender frequencies beamed out by military equipment and by children's gadgets, and that "gender-affirming care" is ALWAYS STERILIZATION, we can instantly see past all the sexually perverse distractions to a heavily and bizarrely disguised GENOCIDE.
Parents and all decent people who love children and young people and who want a wonderful future for them, for all families, and for our country - may through knowing of this hidden frequency assault on children, now be in a better position to stop it.