Two threats in the CV shots are:
1. the spike protein and
1. Spike protein antidote - Pine needle tea
PINE TEA: Possible Antidote for Spike Protein Transmission
Below is an abbreviated version of the article. Read the full article by clicking here.
"There is a potential antidote to the current spike protein contagion which is called Suramin. It’s found in many forests around the world, in Pine needles. Suramin has inhibitory effects against components of the coagulation cascade and against the inappropriate replication and modification of RNA and DNA. Excessive coagulation causes blood clots, mini-clots, strokes, and unusually heavy menstrual cycles.
"Pine needle tea is one of the most potent anti-oxidants there is and it’s known to treat cancer, inflammation, stress and depression, pain and respiratory infections. Pine tea also kills parasites.
"Possible Antidote for the V-Serum and the Current Spike Protein Contagion
"Dr. Judy Mikovits has revealed that the medical establishment has known all along about the antidote to the contagion – a contagion that is now being seen today by thousands of people who have not taken the serum, but have merely come in close proximity with others who have taken the jab. ....
"This antidote to the contagion, that has been known of by the upper levels of the medical establishment and insiders of the elitist class for almost 100 years, is called Suramin, an isolated compound originally derived from an extract of pine needle oil.
"Suramin further decreases the activities of a large number of enzymes involved in DNA and RNA synthesis and modification: DNA polymerases (103, 104), RNA polymerases (103, 105, 106), reverse transcriptase (18, 103), telomerase (67), and enzymes involved in winding/ unwinding of DNA (107, 108) are inhibited by suramin, as well as histone- and chromatin-modifying enzymes like chromobox proteins (109), methyltransferases (110), and sirtuin histone deacetylases (111)
[The tea inhibits] the inappropriate replication and modification of RNA and DNA.
"This comment in the PDF also reveals Suramin’s ability to inhibit micro-clots:
Suramin also showed inhibitory effects against components of the coagulation cascade (71, 130)
.... "The whole herbal source (needles) is superior to the single compound extract (Suramin) – because the needles possess a full complement of phytonutrients providing numerous additional benefits that the extract is incapable of.
.... "Pine needles are high in vitamin C and A among numerous other compounds which provide a long list of benefits:
A 2011 Korean study demonstrated using pine needles in tea was the best way to access the antioxidant benefits from pine needles.
The study demonstrated that the hot water extract of pine needle proanthocyanidins and catechins offer the highest levels of antioxidant benefits compared with chemical extract processes.
There are other known benefits that pine needle tea and the tea made from other conifers share, which include:
- Analgesic
- Antibacterial
- Antifungal
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antimicrobial
- Antioxidant
- Antiseptic
- Antitumor
- Antitussive
- Antiviral
- Aromatic
- Astringent
- Decongestant
- Detoxifying
- Disinfectant
- Diuretic
- Expectorant
- Immuno-modulating
- Improves circulation
- Invigorating
- Lymphatic
- Relaxing
- Relieves nervous exhaustion and fatigue
- Relieves sore muscles
- Restorative
- Tonic
Herbalists the world over have known all along about the benefits of this simple natural tea. Pine needle tea has been used medicinally worldwide for thousands of years.
Pine Needle Tea Video (3 min)
In addition, black slaves used turpentine (from PINE TREES) as "the cure" for everything. Many, many people in the south remember being given turpentine as children when they were sick or regularly to keep them well.
Does it include Suramin? If so, it is another antidote to the spike protein.
This video with Dr. Jennifer Daniels, describes her experience with it and how to use it.
2. Two Antidotes to Nanobots: Degaussing Bucket and Alfalfa Bath
The injected nanobots are meant to be part of a digital operating system downloaded into the body to connect to a person's DNA for control over them. It's almost too evil and scifi to believe but it's real and covered by Microsoft patent #060606.
If you did not know about or consent to this take--over of your DNA and would like these nanoparticles out of your body, here is a means to get rid of them. You'll be stronger then to join the largest class action lawsuit in the history of the world being filed by Reiner Fuellmich and other international lawyers.
Here are two verified means to remove them from the body.
Bucket with Degaussing Field
(Degaussing is the process of decreasing or eliminating a remnant magnetic field. The gauss, a unit of magnetism named after Carl Friedrich Gauss.)
How to Make the Anti-Nano Device
"Tony Pantallesco, a brilliant naturopath, herbalist, and researcher offers information on how to remove the tiny, invisible bits of nanotechnology/synthetic biology raining down on us everyday that lodge in our skin and organs and blood and alter our DNA, clog our blood, and deprive our brain of vital minerals, among other unsavory effects. “We are being genetically engineered.” is enclyclopedic in his information on nanoparticles."
Once you set up the bucket and use it, you'll be able to see the nanoparticles coming out of you.
Alfalfa bath: Excellent to pull nanobots (injected via the corona virus shots) out of the body.
From yet another person helping humanity by sharing his immense knowledge.
This protocol was originally developed to remove Morgellons which people acquire from chemtrail spraying (which includes nanobots) either by breathing them in or ingesting them from sprayed food. Like the nanobots in the shots, Morgellons are nano-particles that replicate and move inside the body.
"Items needed:
- Non-Chlorine Organic Soap (Sun was the kind this person used, but not
necessary) - Alfalfa – Use tablets or cubes. Pellets (like the kind for hamsters) are not as good since they contain chemicals.
"Here is this person’s amazing story and solution:
"I have been Morgellons sufferer for over ten years. … Well, one day … I was filling the bath and I was pretty dirty from housecleaning so I put some Sun powdered laundry detergent with colorsafe bleach into the water, just a tad, because it really cleans the skin.
"Anyway, I left the bathroom for a minute or two and heard a crash that sounded like one of my cats getting into something. When I returned nothing seemed amiss, so I slid into the water for a soak. Everything seemed normal until the bubbles parted, and I got the sight of a Morgellons sufferers’ lifetime dream: those black and grey specks MIGRATING OUT OF MY SKIN AS FAST AS THEY COULD IN DROVES BY THE HUNDREDS FROM EVERY SQUARE INCH OF MY BODY!!
"… I also noticed several large oblong things “dissolving” in the bottom of the tub. I picked one up, and it was an alfalfa tablet. Then I noticed the bottle on the counter next to the tub was overturned, and about 25 of them had fallen into the water! They were the cause of the migration of all things Morgellons out of my skin in a fantastic migration for about an hour!"
"This works because the Morgellons (or nanopbots) leaves the body to go to the alfalfa because it sees the alfalfa as a more vibrant source to feed on.
"Use the hottest bath water you can tolerate as nanotech does NOT like heat and
soak until the water turns. It’s also good in general to keep yourself warm and body
areas warm – even while you sleep to help it from gaining power while you’re sleeping!
"How long and how many times you soak depend on the intensity of the breakout.
Generally one soak a month until clear should be good. If you had the vaccine or the outbreak is severe, soak once per week until clear. After the soak, shower with Dr. Bronners (or other natural) peppermint soap and rinse the tub with a mudmix solution, about 1 tsp of the mudmix (all 4 ingredients) in 2 cups of water. Use paper towels or rags to wipe out the tub to prevent AI going down the drain, put in a garbage bag that you tightly seal before tossing it in the garbage."
- Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth – 1 teaspoon
- Food Grade Zeolite (powder, not liquid) – 1 teaspoon
- Food Grade Bentonite Clay (also known as Aztec Clay) – 1 Tablespoon
- Food Grade Activated charcoal – 1 Tablespoon
More information from another site with same protocol.
"Nano-bodies carried in the blood stream would be perfect targets for chlorine dioxide gas to destroy so a four-drop dose of MMS taken internally would be a perfect compliment for this bathing process. Note also that MMS can be used in swimming pools and also safely in a bathtub. MMS is a water purifier first and foremost. For a tub one might mix a 40 drop dose of MMS for bathing (not drinking).
"MMS, The Master Mineral Solution aka “The Universal Antidote”
"To understand more about MMS, how to use it, and for all of
Jim Humble’s protocols – including specific protocols for
viruses and more – [it is] STRONGLY encourage you read his
book in its entirety before using MMS.
"This video provides research details, testimonials and more: