Robert Kennedy Jr. said we were at an inflection point.
He nailed it.
Yes, we're on the cusp of one of two permanent world changes - either total fascist control over humanity via a chipped vaccine from the pharmaceutical industry which funded Hitler, ran the hideous experiments in the concentration camps, ran the sadistic Tuskegee Experiment, ran the disgusting Guatemala experiments, and did so much more you'd be horrified at - OR .... mankind achieving freedom for fear of disease and from the control that has come with that fear).
Robert F. Kennedy Jr's inflection point is real and so is the core of the issue he pointed to: "There is nothing to fear but fear itself." (FDR)
So, let's slay fear of viruses right now, for good and all.
Please forgive the repetition here but we need to know a few biology facts and know them deeply to stop fear being used against us.
To destroy Pharma's power to promote terror around infectious diseases is simple. We only need to know one thing. Vitamin C is an absolute viricide.
It doesn't matter what kind of virus, or if it mutates or not, or even if it is man-made. Vitamin C kills viruses through the Fenton Reaction which also kills (some) cancer cells in the same way and just as simply.
If we truly understand that and how it works (quoted below), "medicine" as we know it will be changed utterly.
The NIH group has confirmed many of the results that Klenner achieved during his pioneering vitamin C treatments. They have also confirmed that the efficacy of vitamin C in this cancer treatment is related to generation of hydrogen peroxide, as originally concluded by Linus Pauling. [8-10] Perhaps most importantly, the study of the pharmacokinetics of vitamin C has greatly clarified how vitamin C destroys invading organisms, such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi. [11-12]
The next paragraph has been broken down so the reader will go slowly and take it in fully. This matters because, oddly enough, the largest threat to humanity have come, and is coming now, from the pharmaceutical industry, using viruses as its weapon. So understanding this one molecule's ability to destroy viruses is crucial not just to health but to human freedom itself.
1. "Diseased cells tend to accumulate iron."
2. "The ascorbate (vitamin C) ion contributes to the production of hydrogen peroxide."
3. "In a reaction called the Fenton Reaction, an iron ion reacts with a molecule of hydrogen peroxide molecule to produce free radicals (reactive oxygen species, ROS) that can oxidize and damage any other molecules in their proximity. "
4. "When this activity occurs inside the diseased cell, the inner workings of the cell are destroyed, and the cell is rendered inoperative." [13,14]
5. "A similar Fenton reaction mechanism can disable viruses before they invade a living cell." [15,16]
6. "Any cell types, for example some cancers, that lack normal levels of the catalase enzyme (that removes hydrogen peroxide) are susceptible." [17]
"The important point here is that:
"this anti-viral mechanism has nothing to do with the type of the target viral particle or its molecular antigens .... which is the strategy upon which modern vaccines depend."
Vitamin C's anti-viral mechanism has nothing to do with the strategy upon which modern vaccines depend.
Vitamin C's anti-viral mechanism has nothing to do with the strategy upon which modern vaccines depend.
How Vitamin C works to kill viruses has nothing to do with
- the type of the target viral particle or
- molecular antigens.
The Fenton Reaction of vitamin C bypasses all scientific complexity normally involved to deal with viruses.
- None of that complexity matters.
- One doesn't need to find out anything complex or anything at all about the virus in question.
- One doesn't need to come at the virus in complex scientific ways.
- One doesn't even need to know what virus it is.
- One doesn't need to develop anything to deal with it
- One doesn't need to track whether it mutates into a new virus.
- One doesn't need to do anything complex to try to deal with mutations before they mutate.
Why not?
Because Vitamin C is naturally and fundamentally, and always, anti-viral .... against ALL viruses. Vitamin C is simply built to destroy viruses.
"If the invading organism mutates, the Fenton reaction process will destroy the cell all the same -- without any need of appropriate antibodies. The diseased cells self-select, since it is they that are hoarding the iron. The increased availability of ascorbate and hydrogen peroxide leaves the healthy cells untouched."
What does this mean to us?
- We don't need scientists to figure out what kind of virus.
- We don't need vast sums of money for research and development.
- We don't need Pharma to create a vaccine to kill that particular virus.
- We don't need pharma vaccines to deal with any of the viruses (measles, mumps, polio, tetanus, rabies, etc, or the ones Pharma created itself - SARS, swine flu, ebola, Zika, etc.)
It means pharma just lost its power over mankind.
It is through our fear of "contagious" diseases and our trust in pharma's "scientific expertise and their caring about our health" that we allowed them to inject things into our bodies, things we knew nothing about.
Thanks to
work by Claus W. Jungeblut, it's been known since 1935 that vitamin C kills the polio virus and many other viruses as well. Why weren't we told? Didn't pharma know?
It was confirmed again in 1949 by Klenner, that vitamin C cures polio (in two days).
And it's here that the reality of Pharma is exposed. Klenner brought his wonderful,, "life-saving" cure for polio to the March of Dimes, the Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, the AMA. All were run by Pharma (or the Rockefellers, to be more exact), but they weren't interested. They were not interested in a cure. Instead, they had invested in the polio epidemic which they expected to lead to the mandating of vaccines they were producing.
In a situation very similar to the
1918 "Spanish flu" and the current CV "pandemic," they had concocted the epidemic. They had gotten
DDT (which causes the same symptoms as the quite rare polio virus) sprayed everywhere (pools, ponds, lakes, playgrounds, children's bedrooms, children's bodies). With it, they engineered a "seeming" polio epidemic (crippling and killing children in the process) and waited for enough terror to seize hold of the public, to move forward with MANDATED polio vaccines. They
rigged the numbers and hid that their polio vaccines actually caused polio.
And very much like with the corona virus and the chip that will be in it, the Rockefeller weren't just interested in the sale of their mandated vaccines but much more interested in the cracker jack prize inside their polio vaccines - SV40, a simian virus already known to cause cancer. They prepared fear on the front-end so authorities would call for mandated vaccines forced on the whole population (a fortune!), but the "little something" they'd tucked inside the polio vaccines on the back-end, after the vaccines were given, would be endlessly profitable because it would start a cancer epidemic.
The Origin of the 42-Year Stonewall of Vitamin C, Robert Landwehr calls 1949, "the year that will live in infamy." Had Klenner been able to get anyone to hear that vitamin C cured polio, the world would not have gone fully down the road to pharma's take over of "health" and their propagandized "miracle polio vaccine," setting the stage for the public's misguided but deep "belief" in vaccines as the answer to their fear of diseases. Instead of learning how easily vitamin C inactivates all viruses, Pharma generated fear and ignorance in people which opened the door to yet more rigged epidemics. Pharma has been creating them at will since then while putting in place state, national, and global
pandemics laws (hidden martial law) that would force unknown, untested, unlimited vaccines on people "to protect the public."
The public became so fearful of illness and slavishly dependent on "medicinal experts," they overrode all common sense to allow Pharma to inject
the most, filthy, outrageously anti-life, substances, into newborns, babies, children, teens, adults and vulnerable elderly, no just once but over and over and over again.
"The marketplace for the pharmaceutical industry is the human body – but only for as long as the body hosts diseases. Thus, maintaining and expanding diseases is a precondition for the growth of the pharmaceutical industry."
Now that the world, thanks to Pharma, is on the verge of
irreversible fascism via
a chip inside the CV vaccine (or wherever they may be putting it since people are suspicious) that can turn off bank accounts, control the mind, control the body, and kill people instantly. It may sound implausible but even
a cursory look at the history of the pharmaceutical industry, makes it clear that this industry has
always been a severe danger to mankind.
"The Rockefeller Foundation was the front organization for a new global business venture .... Donations from the Rockefeller Foundation went only to medical schools and hospitals [which] had become missionaries of a new breed of companies: the manufacturers of patented, synthetic drugs.
"This was also the time when the first vitamins were discovered. It soon became clear however that these natural molecules had live-saving health benefits and that they were able to prevent many chronic health conditions.
"Thus, in its first years of existence, the pharmaceutical investment business already faced a mortal threat .... The elimination of this unwanted competition from natural [and thus unpatentable] micronutrients therefore became a question of life and death for the pharmaceutical business.
"The Rockefeller Foundation uses the Spanish flu epidemic [
which it caused]– and the media (that it already controlled by this time) – to start a witch-hunt on all forms of medicine that were not covered by its patents.
"Within the next 15 years, all medical schools in the U.S., most hospitals and the American Medical Association all essentially became pawns on the chessboard of Rockefeller’s strategy to subjugate the entire health care sector under the monopoly of his pharmaceutical investment business."
To put it mildly, it seems critical to outflank this. It is not enough to take on vaccines one at a time. Pharma can just ramp up the fear with a new "horrifying" virus with more inflated numbers put out by the WHO and CDC and media, all controlled by Pharma.
Humanity MUST overcome its fear of disease, NOW.
A cure for ALL viruses could help that happen. And vitamin C is exactly that.
The reality must be said:
"Vitamin C makes ALL virus-related vaccines OBSOLETE."
Thanks to the Fenton Reaction, vaccines for viruses are exposed as an absolute absurdity. The vaccine paradigm is about to hit a scientific brick wall of truth.
Vaccines for viruses often don't work or very poorly, can cause the disease they claim to prevent, can cause other diseases and even death, are given to healthy people as merely a "promise" of preventing future viruses, and come with zero liability. for harm or death.
Vitamin C simply kills ALL viruses on contain. Healthy cells are untouched. Its side effects are beneficial.
Vaccines come with mind and body destroying ingredients.
Vitamin C does not include a single harmful ingredient, plus is needed and greatly beneficial for organs and endless processes in the body.
Vaccines for viruses are unneeded and can cause harm, including deaths.
Vitamin C kills viruses automatically, and does immense good, including healing illnesses and preventing deaths.
It is natural to fear what is dangerous, but if we are going to fear, let us at least choose our fears wisely.
Or we can do the opposite.
We can TRUST nature(God)'s goodness in providing humanity with a vast array of healing substances, including vitamin C, a safe and absolute viricide, and FEAR a still fascistic Pharmaceutical industry..
That pharmaceutical industry has blocked, censored or demonized effective treatments for the corona virus, even going so far as to shut down the world, destroy economies, cut people off from elderly family and a social life, and cause suicides from hopelessness, while telling everyone they must wait for their vaccines as the only way to be free again.
Though with HCQ or
vitamin C, people could have been well and free all this time.
All this for a virus that doesn't even meet the "deaths outside of normal" definition of an epidemic?
No, all this for a chip that can control people's bank accounts, control their bodies, and control minds, and can even kill them. Pharma which funded Hitler, has come up with a hidden means to do what Hitler and the Nazis dreamed of - a means to rule Humanity for all time.
They've come up with
Injectable Fascism. Human freedom will be lost
Bill Gates is behind the CV vaccine and the chip. Despite the endless debunking articles on the internet calling that conspiracy theory, there's no denying his spending a fortune to set up contact tracing .... 6 months
before the CV existed, or his massive investment in
7 CV vaccine factories. People know the truth. All his hand flailing doesn't convince anyone, which is why he is followed everywhere by
truck loads of really poor denial. There is so much smoke about this, it's like Portland, where the protests are peaceful and there is no fire.
"The key to the entire project, to succeed on a massive scale, would be access to all humans’ bloodstreams, which would be forced by widespread, mandatory, no exclusion, adult vaccinations.
US Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) has said he believes governments are acting to continue imposing lockdowns based on new cases until a mandatory vaccine can be rolled out.
"DARPA is funded by the taxpayers, and has a checkered past of experimenting with humans in ways that can only be labeled insane"
Because of our fear, we are on the verge of selling our birthright and our souls as free people to those who are still seeking Hitler's dream of total world control over every single human being.
Our fear is the ultimate threat to human freedom.
RFK Jr was right to cite FDR. The only thing to fear is fear itself.
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