"Vaccination" surreptitiously changed to "genetic engineering"
The world has been duped at a level that's impossible to convey.
The World Health Organization, run by the Rockefellers, admits something big happened to vaccines.
DNA vaccines
"Vaccination consists of stimulating the immune system with an infectious agent, or components of an infectious agent, modified in such a manner that no harm or disease is caused, but ensuring that when the host is confronted with that infectious agent, the immune system can adequately neutralize it before it causes any ill effect. ....
"Recently, a radically new approach to vaccination has been developed ...."
That's DNA vaccines. That's vaccines that alter people's DNA. Or put more bluntly put, that is vaccines that genetically engineer people by altering their DNA.
The name - "vaccination" - remained the same, but the technology drastically changed, with no word to doctors or the public that the vaccines were now altering DNA
HEP B is a DNA vaccine
The first hepatitis B vaccine was approved in the United States in
[2] A recombinant version came to market in
Was the public informed of that profound change? Were parents told their newborns who were forced to get the vaccine, were having their normal, organic DNA altered?
To keep the word "aspirin" but change the chemical make up to heroin, would be horrible but it would be insignificant by comparison to the hidden change in vaccines, because the DNA vaccines alter a person permanently as well as their progeny.
On a global scale these hidden vaccines are genetically engineering the human race with no one having any idea, or in what ways.
The companies involved provided protection in advance for themselves.
In a 6-to-2 decision, the high court said Russell and Robalee Bruesewitz’s lawsuit was preempted under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. 1986.
The law grants drug companies immunity from certain lawsuits from injuries or deaths tied to vaccinations.
“We hold that the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act preempts all design-defect claims against vaccine manufacturers brought by plaintiffs who seek compensation for injury or death caused by vaccine side effects,” wrote Justice Antonin Scalia in the majority decision.
They knew they were pulling a fast one and were protecting themselves from lawsuits around changing the blueprint of the human race.
With the DNA vaccines, also called "genetic" vaccines, they began genetically engineering the human species, outside of humanity's awareness, outside of all oversight, outside of all control.
So, on the surface, vaccination continued as before but people didn't realize the vaccines were altering their DNA.
Also on the surface is what the vaccine companies claim the vaccines are for - disease prevention - but they have been using vaccines for many years to do covert and malevolent things. DNA vaccines gives them profound power over the human species itself
[As human trials begin? They are using them on the public.]
"We need to understand how these vaccines work in humans, and that work, I would say, is in its very early stages," Ciccarelli continues. "How is the DNA vaccine related to other types of vaccines? What do we need to know about doses in humans and immunization protocols? . . . Are formulations important? Is the concept of DNA delivery to specific cell types important?
One indication of the promise of DNA vaccines is that researchers seem to have few complaints about funding, which is coming from a wide variety of sources. NIAID sponsors a good deal of the basic research through its various disease programs.
"It is not well publicized or widely known that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) exercises oversight of infectious disease agencies including the National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), along with important investigations including the Pentagon's investigation in into Gulf War Illnesses." http://rense.com/general42/fefi.htm
Other support comes from such agencies as the World Health Organization (Rockefellers), DARPA, and the United States Department of Agriculture.
.... since the 1920’s the Rockefeller Foundation had funded the eugenics research in Germany through the Kaiser-Wilhelm Institutes in Berlin and Munich, including well into the Third Reich. They praised the forced sterilization of people by Hitler .... It was John D. Rockefeller III, a life-long advocate of eugenics, who used his “tax free” foundation money to initiate the population reduction .... through his private Population Council in New York beginning in the 1950’s.
The idea of using vaccines to covertly reduce births in the Third World is also not new. Bill Gates’ good friend, David Rockefeller and his Rockefeller Foundation were involved as early as 1972 in a major project together with WHO ....
The results of the WHO-Rockefeller project were put into mass application on human guinea pigs in the early 1990's. The WHO oversaw massive vaccination campaigns against tetanus in Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines. .... a Roman Catholic lay organization, became suspicious of the motives behind the WHO program and [found} vials of the vaccine .... to contain human Chorionic Gonadotrophin, or hCG. That was a curious component for a vaccine .... to protect people against lock-jaw .... from rusty nail wounds or .... bacteria found in soil. The tetanus disease was ... also rather rare. .... However, when combined with a tetanus toxoid carrier, [hCG] stimulated .... antibodies against hCG, rendering a woman incapable of maintaining a pregnancy, a form of concealed abortion. Similar reports of vaccines laced with hCG hormones came from the Philippines and Nicaragua.9
So there are levels of deceit.
There is what the vaccines have actually become with a radical change in biotechnology - genetic engineering.
And then there is whatever may be secretly being done to the
human body and to
animals and to
food, SEPARATE from alleged protection from disease. Given what was done with rabies and to the smallpox vaccine under the WHO, it is not preposterous to consider that diseases are being created intentionally
. Food is being turned into vaccines (that is viruses)
The bizarre results of DNA vaccination can be seen here.
"There are other dangers inherent in genetically modified vaccines that make rabies baits pretty dangerous stuff. Splicing rabies onto other viruses can carry many risks that we are just recently becoming aware of. .... rabies is starting to jump species .... with no bite required. .... Maybe somebody should figure that out before they go splicing that virus together with other viruses, creating one angry mutant virus.
".... Dr. Terje Traavik PhD (Centre of Biosafety), has written extensively about how genetically engineered viruses are creating new hybrid viruses through recombination. He cautions that the characteristics of some of these new hybrid viruses are similar to both of the parent viruses but also include traits from neither. Dr. Traavik specifically expresses concern about the stability of genetically engineered viruses.
He notes that cases of rabies infected humans could be due to a return to virulence of the genetically engineered rabies virus with the pox viruses.
"In addition to the danger of jumping species and return to virulence, there is another frightening way for these new viruses to spread: aerosolization. It used to be that we could feel pretty safe about rabies because the chances that our dogs would trade saliva with another animal were pretty slim. Nowadays, thanks to recombinant vaccines, there is no bite required. The Center for Disease Control acknowledges that rabies can be spread via aerosolization so you or your dog need only be in close proximity to a rabies infected animal to be in danger.
"Despite these gaps of knowledge and frightening possibilities, the US alone continues to drop tens of millions of genetically modified, rabies/pox spliced vaccines into your backyard. ..... the days of rabies being a simple but deadly virus with a simple mode of transmission are long gone. In their wake are questions of just easily how can these new mutant rabies strains be spread, can they just jump from one species to another and potentially jump to humans like West Nile Disease, and can the animals eating those baits actually get rabies? As we ponder these questions, the baits continue to drop by the thousands and
new genetically modified vaccines are being developed at a maddening rate."
They left off one overwhelming consequence of DNA (or genetic or GMO) vaccines:
Note here again, they never mention that these vaccines are already on the market or that they have never been approved for human use.