This odd militaristic section of Obamacare was put in place by the UN and the WHO.
Obamacare Section on "Legal Executions" Pre-legalizes War Operations In The US
Here is the list of 5 justifications Bush listed in presidential orders 21 and 50 as a reason to suspend the Constitution with no provision for reinstating it.
"Getting Past A Wall of Mirrors" To Stop A Coup Already Underway
And darned if it's not the UN and WHO which would be brought into the US to take control in the states in the event of a pandemic, and darned if it's not declared by the WHO which is darn, controlled by the Rockefellers who along with the Bushes were deeply involved with the Nazi funding, and the Rockefellers into gruesome human experiments.
The GW Bush Gang: IG Farben 2001
And darned if the pandemic laws set up by Bush don't include forced unknown, untested "treatments" (human experiments)and along with forced vaccines (classic Nazi action in each country they took over).
George Bush's Bizarre Pandemic Laws
Those vaccines will absolutely include microchips (Simon Parkes, who gets intel from MI5 and MI6 says they have stored millions already loaded with them.
And darned if Obama didn't write a presidential order last fall - Obama Quietly Signs Executive Order to Advance Globa Health Security - that brings in foreign help (might he mean UN troops and the WHO?).
And darned if his very last law didn't remove "Informed Consent" - the only decent thing to come out of WWII - a response to the Nazi pharmaceutical companies' horrific forced experiments on human being. "Informed Consent" became the standard medically and meant that human beings must give consent to being experimented on. But Obama just ended Informed Consent - a triumph for the pharmaceutical industry that caused WWII (and with the Rockefellers having 1/2 then and still central to it).
Obama's last law.
He ended informed consent around "investigational medical devices" and drugs - flat out opening the door on forced human experiments, as well as on implanting "devices" in people, setting the whole country up to be microchipped.
New Law Means You Could be the Subject of a Vaccine or Medication Experiment Without Your Informed Consent
“Clinical testing of investigational medical devices and drugs no longer requires the informed consent of the subjects if the testing poses no more than minimal risk to the subjects and includes safeguards.”
And darned if the pandemic laws which sound so urgently medical, aren't medical in any way but are just martial law hidden under health. And darned if beyond the forced microchip-loaded vaccines and the forced human experiments (apparently an obsession of the Rockefellers going back to Nazi Germany, Tuskegee Experiment, Guatemala), the pandemic laws aren't ALSO financial plunder, asset plunder, resource plunder, farms and food plunder, property plunder, infrastructure plunder and even forced human labor (another tip of the hat to Nazi Germany).
And darned if the Rockefellers, international bankers and involved in every possible resource, including control of and contamination of food through GMOs, wouldn't clean up. The pandemic laws are written to take everything, even what's nailed down, and to take complete control of people through microchips in forced vaccines, through forced drugs and through boundless human experimentation.
And darned if t he CDC didn't helpfully add new regulations before the election, jacking up the fines from $1000 a day in the pandemic laws (half to the judge, half to some unclear health group) for resisting forced detention, forced vaccines, forced anything, to $250,000 to $500,000 "per event."
And darned if the CDC isn't run by the CIA which is run by Rockefellers.
CDC and CIA: A Close and Sick Relationship
"The CIA has a sweet-heart relationship with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) which allows it to dictate what the CDC reports and even what data it supplies to researchers requesting it. That is, the CDC keeps several different "books" on morbidity and mortality to supply to different "consumers".
"In this way the CDC has helped the CIA and military cover-up incidents of Bio-warfare germs, released unintentionally or even intentionally, inside the US [and other countries as well].
The 1977 Congressional Hearing on MKULTRA revealed that the CIA was in the habit of keeping faked "cover files" to limit US liability and particularly liability of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers who were giving the CIA its orders behind the scenes, free of "democratic constraints".
The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (the basis of the Bush pandemic laws) were requested by the CDC (Rockefellers) and written by Johns Hopkins. What's wrong with it? It's fascist. The ACLU said at the time:
"The act is a throwback to a time before the legal system recognized basic protections for fairness; before public health strategies were rooted in voluntary compliance ....
Darned, why didn't the ACLU say that more bluntly? The MSEHPA is a throwback to no human rights and no informed consent.
And darned if right now - Johns Hopkins, along with the Rockefellers, isn't being sued by Guatemala for gruesome human experiments - or to use the tepid terms the ACLU did about MSEPHA - for non-"fairness," and non-volunatary compliance."
Guatemalans deliberately infected with STDs sue Johns Hopkins and Rockefeller Foundation
Now, if someone wants a pandemic, they need a scary virus to terrify the public into submitting to what they are told. Ebola apparently wasn't good enough, so the NIH helped out and patented ebola-rabies. IDT Biologik crystalized it for easy dispersal by air or water. And the WHO was involved in rabies, and we darned if we don't now have a recombinant (GMO, hybrid) rabies vaccine which mutates and has made rabies go airborne. Animals and humans don't need to be bitten.
And darned if the CDC hasn't done preparedness drills for Zombies (someone bleeding from varies orifices from ebola and thus ashen, and crazed by rabies, might look zombie-ish)
Vaccine Agencies Combined Man-Made Deadly Viruses To Create The Impression of "Zombies"
And some final darns.
Darned if DHS isn't listed as who will rule with president if the Constitution is suspended under Bush order 21 and 50.
And darned if DHS didn't go down into the NYC, Boston and DC subways to test the flow of gases (and into all the other subways in the country. Were they perhaps installing a cover sprayer as the CIA had done before in NYC, to spray LSD on people.
Who Is Checking? Have The US Water and Subways Systems Been Rigged To Disperse Bioweapons?
Well, that question bring things to perhaps the most interesting darn of all.
Darned if the Director of Technology at DHS isn't Mahammad Atif, a Pakistani operative who may have set up a remote control system for DHS down in the subways and darn if he isn't reconnected to the spy ring in Congress set up by .... guess.
And darned if he didn't go to Johns Hopkins.
Day 342.7. Paging Mahammad A Atif
And darned if from the safety of DHS's headquarters, he or whoever controls things, couldn't just puff whatever crystalized viruses or nasty-ass gases on people that are desired by the Rockefellers and Bushes, to try to finally pull off a successful fascist coup, their having failed at the last moment in 1933.
This new coup plan is a darn sight more clever - it's all hidden under protecting everyone's health!
And the Rockefellers, who run the WHO, the CDC, the vaccines and gob-stopping more, are totally in charge!
Spraying the subways would be a fine way for DHS to bring on the pandemic that would give DHS power to rule the country with the president, and to bring in the WHO and UN troops that would use the pandemic laws to rape the country's assets, chip the population and begin human experiments that Rockefellers seem unable to do without.
UN troops are currently bringing children in Haiti to 30 hidden UNICEF vaccine experiment sites to for forced human experiments in which the children arevaccinated to toxicity (to death), and then their bodies sent to Duke for further study, after their organs are harvested And General Grange, CEO of Aventis, is busy spraying Haiti with viruses, and darned if those hospitalized mostly don't recover because they become organ donors, too.
And darned if Aventis isn't Hoechst of good ole Rockefeller/Bush Nazi days!
I.G. Farben, which consisted of BASF, Bayer, and Hoechst (now known as Aventis), owned I.G. Auschwitz.
And darned if forced vaccines and sprayed viruses aren't going on right now in Haiti, set up there after the Clinton Foundation was funneled billions from USAID to help Haiti.
Day 86
Haiti hold onto hats again - thinks he solved puzzle for Haiti - gets worse than just kidneys - USAID funded gold mine - cruise ships - trafficking in Caracol - send 5000 peacekeepers around hospital with helipad - cholera near UN peacekeepers is a cover for organ harvesting - garage for parts and fancy hospital they are showing off to cruise people - peacekeepers go get the kids.
Day 87 part 3
We kind of invaded Haiti - 10,000 peace keepers been there since 2004 when Haiti overthrown - lots of disappearances of kids from area near peacekeepers -- wouldn’t let parents see kids, in body bags - Jeffrey Mcdonald was whistleblower about drugs in US body bags and his family killed - - Dyncorp has contract for police - Nepalese police - bodies missing and in body bags. same in Syria - 15,000 organs missing - a second map of how they walled off Haiti north and south with police.