The march was opposed to Trump's misogyny as expressed "verbally" and
maybe even (though never proved( his actions with women. A vast
amount of condemnation was stirred up in liberal women on behalf of
But all of the women there were obviously completely unaware of what the Clinton Foundation is doing in Haiti day in and day out that ensures the rapes and deaths of women and girls (as well as to boys and men) in huge numbers.
How does what Trump said about women compare to someone using a
"humanitarian" foundation as a international cover for industrial scale sex and
child trafficking and the murders of women and children?
Right before he left, Obama quietly pardoned every single person at
the Clinton Foundation, in advance of any charges. Why? For what?
The CF set up human trafficking of girls and women to Haiti via
Dyncorp - the very same paramilitary corporation that trafficked girls and
women during the Clinton-initiated bombing attacks on Kosovo and which has
also been trafficking children in Libya, Syria, and in every other
country the Clinton Foundation has been involved with "relief."
The Clinton Foundation raised millions for Haiti but the Haitians have not seen more than 2% which is why they have been protesting outside the CF in NYC every couple of month for years. What was all that money used for. A prison was built and filled with people from Africa and Haiti and Central or South America. A state of the art hospital was built, but it is far from the population. Wealthy people come in on cruise ships and go to the new hospital, seeking a new heart or liver or whatever. . The prison provides the organs.
Every single person and group mentioned here is connected to the Clinton Foundation.
If you don't understand what is going on, you can start earlier with Webb's youtube site -
Webb started the series about 7 days afterwards, asking "Where is Eric Braverman?" and has slowly been laying out what the CF has been doing - shipping sarin gas to ISIS in Syria (Assad was NOT gassing his own people, the CF was responsible, to clear territory for oil pipelines), toppling governments, blackmailing generals and politicians entrapped into pedophilia and filmed, who in the DOJ and FBI are bribed and quashing Clinton investigations for over 30 years, citing fact after fact, etc.
Braverman's advice was follow the money, Webb added oil and arms. At some later point he added child trafficking because the evidence was overwhelming. The vaccines and organ harvesting came after the CF connections to Dyncorp became more and more clear.
Cynthia McKinney, a feminist if ever there was one, has helped Webb (she asked Rumsfeld years ago why the US continued to give contracts to Dyncorp, since they were repeated sex traffickers) and so has Aristide's woman lawyer in Haiti. An American, Monica Peterson went to Haiti from Colorado to look into trafficking there for her thesis and was killed. But a woman named Laura Silsby caught taking 33 children across the Haitian border to (she said) an orphanage in the Dominican Republic, only there was no orphanage and it turned out the children were taken from their parents or kidnapped. Hillary Clinton emails to Huma Abedin about Silsby showed she was trying to protect her from prosecution. Why?
A million women marching on behalf of women and implicitly for Hillary Clinton and against Trump, with all of those women ignorant about the literal horrors that the Clinton Foundation has perpetrated on women and girls ever since Kosovo (40 years?) is a stunning indictment of educated women's naivete.
It was a march of frighteningly ignorant women. The tragedy is they could actually stop what is occurring in Haiti and in many other countries, IF THEY ONLY KNEW WHAT WAS HAPPENING. And they could work to make it hard for Trump to go down the same trafficking path that Hillary Clinton did, which he was maybe set to do in hiring Steve Feinberg, who owns Dyncorp.
Instead, they were marching in support of Hillary Clinton who was responsible for untold rapes and deaths of women and children (and men), and against Trump who, at least up to that point, had not trafficked or killed a single child or woman (or man).
If we weren't dividing ourselves up into identity politics, this incredible lionizing of a woman responsible for the murders of other women and of children, and this hatred of a big loudmouth but still a man profoundly innocent by comparison, could never have happened.
Women have been taken for idiots and used to give political support to someone who should be in prison or executed for what she has done to women and children. Women can't be fools any longer, not if they want to actually save women and children. They can't stop the horrors happening to women and children (and men as well) TODAY, RIGHT NOW, THIS MINUTE, unless they truly wake up.
Women were duped by pink washing with women actually giving up their role for millennia, as a trusted repository of knowledge of cures for diseases, including natural, effective cures for cancer, and directly helping family, friends and neighbors - instead they became pawns dressed in pink collecting money for corporations not the least interested in in giving up their cash cow of breast cancer.
Women were duped by Gloria Steinem who was working for the CIA and actively pulled women away from their profound role in stabilizing society, to destabilizing it, even admitting her work with the CIA (the side bar has many valuable videos on how women were used and how Steinem hurt black women).
Women were duped in the recent subtle pro-Hillary Clinton, anti-Trump women's march not just because it was arranged and funded by Soros backed groups and caused yet more divisiveness in the country, or because women literally sacrificed their invaluable political intelligence and energy to knit stupid pink hats and make fools of themselves.

The loss was much more serious. but because while women were knitting jokes as protests, had they been truly aware, those women marchers could have taken their authentic caring and exposed Hillary Clinton' direct role in human trafficking and the on-going mass rapes and deaths of women and children in Haiti, including through UNICEF's secret, forced vaccine experiments on the children in the mountains in Haiti.
Webb's series is a mind-boggling connecting of dot after dot, all of them proven facts, including from Cynthia McKinney and from Aristide's female lawyer in Haiti. They have just never been brought together like this before. Even if Obama moved to pardon all those involved, the evidence Webb is collecting - now being sent in from around the world - should be invaluable to prosecutors of war crimes and crimes against humanity at major courts outside of the US.
Rather than wearing the hats as a taunting, shaming, divisive symbol, let women wear pink hats as a sign of waking up and reclaiming their life-giving, nurturing role in the world - bringing their country back together as a family, and healing its country's rifts.