A short list of areas where Hillary Clinton has been killing people.
The white working class rebelled because neoliberalism was literally killing them
"A year ago Anne Case and Angus Deaton, Princeton University economists, published a study with the startling finding that since 1999 death rates have been going up for white Americans aged 45-54. It is even worse than it sounds, since death rates were declining for the general population.
"One of the big reasons for this increased death rate has been increased use of opiods and other drugs, leading to overdoses, along with liver disease from drinking too much alcohol and increased suicide rates. The problems were especially acute among working class and rural whites with only high school or less, and later studies found that they extended to younger members of this social class in their 20s and 30s. Loss of good-paying manufacturing jobs was clearly a primary reason for this despair. ....
".... the Clintons were inextricably entangled in the very policies that white workers saw as having ruined their lives. And objectively speaking, they weren’t wrong. ...."
GMOs - fake "food"
The above article left off another way the Clintons are literally killing Americans. They brought the VP of Monsanto with them into office who unleashed their product - GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms which are profoundly abnormal substances which do not qualify as food but do meet the definition of bioweapons) on the country. Corporations, meanwhile, had redefined food as "stuff." The Clintons then kept this life-threatening danger unlabeled so the public would be forced to eat "stuff" falsely presented as food. Obama put the food-destroying Monsanto VP in charge of all food in the US, and Obama, too, kept GMOs unlabeled. Hiilary Clinton got big donations from Monsanto for her run for office both in 2008 and in 2016.
Here's what the Clintons did shown in graphs of diseases and deaths. Thanks to Obama and the Clintons, few know what is unsafe to eat or why so many people they know have died or are dying.
Study Shows Dramatic Correlation Between GMOs And 22 Diseases
The study also shows not just a correlation to GMOs but a skyrocketing rise in those deadly conditions and in deaths, all of which completely broke from previous datas projections for either.
The Clintons have been steadily murdering Americans and their families since the 1990s, all the while Hillary saying she is a champion of women and children. Obama joined in with this on-going mass murder, by keeping things unlabeled, while he says he cares about blacks who are kept from knowing why so many are dying of diabetes and obesity and cancers and more. In addition, his Monsanto-run FDA SWAT team raids on real food , on real milk, o organic farmers and on organic coops, and his faux promotion of gardens for the poor, while gardens in housing projects were ripped out.
GMO Crops
The Clintons also forced GMOs on India with the result that there have been ....
Nearly 300,000 suicides [by poor farmers] in India so far from GMO crops
To get some sense of the scope of deaths caused by Hillary's top donors, and just in Africa and just from one vaccine, this quote may help.
Polio vaccination a killer:
"I was told by this preacher that when the government introduced the National Immunization Days in 1997, most of the children after vaccination started dying. The preacher told me that they had so much death that his cassock, that he wears to go and conduct the burial ceremony, got old. He said "I buried the children and my cassock got old." In the same room there was one mother who had four children, and she hid one and took three other children for vaccination, and three children died and that one survived. Now when I went to do my presentation and I asked most of the people who were there - about two, three thousand people - each person had the same story. .........At the main hospital in Mbarara during that month of 1977 more than 600 children had died following polio vaccination. 600 children ! So even some of the timid medical practitioners who were initially afraid to come out, started coming out giving information and saying 'Oh, we knew this oral polio vaccine was trouble because as soon as the child receives it, they get a temperature and their health goes downhill and there is nothing that you could do.' "----Kihura Nkuba (Nov 2002)
WHO Admitted in 1987 that its smallpox vaccine caused AIDS in Africa and elsewhere but omits that the WHO had requested The Virus.
Relevant Database Sections
The CDC, controlled by Hillary Clinton's donors, the Rockefellers, will not allow this researcher turned whistleblower to testify to the truth - the MMR vaccines cause autism and they cause it at a 300% higher rate in little black boys, than for other children.
Here is the full documentary about the CDC whistle blower and the MMR vaccine.
The ebola outbreak in West Africa "coincided" with Hillary's donors' vaccine campaigns there. Ebola is patented by the CDC run by her donors.
Hillary Clinton's promotion of vaccines for her donors and for her own enrichment, is in the service of one of the most deadly and profitable medical lies in human history.
Sarin Gas
Hillary Clinton is directly responsible for Sarin gas deaths, having had sarin gas precursors shipped from Libya to Syria to be used against the population.
Start at 2:00 to understand how this was carried out.
Day 18 - Eric Braverman Still Missing
While that short video section is about the shipping of sarin gas, the whole video shows how the complex crimes were worked by Clinton and others, how profits were made at every step, and how the profits were hidden. 7:48 to 8:30: Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh was the one to expose that US arms and sarin gas were being shipped from Libya to Syria.
Though Hillary Clinton was responsible for the sarin gas shipment, the US State Department she headed blamed Assad in Syria for gassing his own people, used as a pretext for the US attacking Syria in an attempt to get rid of Assad.
'War crime': U.N. finds sarin used in Syria chemical weapons attacks
"It is the most significant confirmed use of chemical weapons against civilians since Saddam Hussein used them in Halabja in 1988, and the worst use of weapons of mass destruction in the 21st century," ....
"... And Samantha Power, the U.S. ambassador, said a preliminary review of the report points toward forces loyal to al-Assad. ....
"Britain, France, and NATO have also said al-Assad's regime was behind the attack. But Russia is Syria's leading ally, and Russian U.N. Ambassador Vitaly Churkin maintained Moscow's stance that Syrian rebels might be to blame. ....
"The August 21 attack led to U.S. calls for military action against Syria, which denies its forces unleashed chemical weapons and blamed rebel fighters for the deaths."
White phosphorus
Information o Hillary Clinton's "mega-deal" for phosphate with Morocco's king, starts at 1:50. Phosphate is used to make white phosphorus for weapons, a particularly hideous weapon of war. Start at 4:04
Braverman Connected to Death of Chris Stevens
The links above show mass deaths caused by Hillary Clinton - from job loss, intentionally abnormal non-food, vaccines, sarin gas, white phosphorus.
This omits her involvement in drug deals for weapon purchases and the subsequent deaths around the world from addiction and drug crimes. It leaves off the Clintons watering down AIDS drugs in Africa, deaths in Haiti after the Clintons collected millions for relief and delivered almost nothing.
Here are yet more deaths connected to Hillary and Bill Clinton and to Obama.
From John Pilger: Why the Rise of Fascism is Again the Issue
[What Hillary Clinton and Obama did to Libya:]
"Like the fascism of the 1930s and 1940s, big lies are delivered with the precision of a metronome: thanks to an omnipresent, repetitive media and its virulent censorship by omission. Take the catastrophe in Libya.
"In 2011 [when Hillary was head of the State Department and calling for attacks], Nato launched 9,700 "strike sorties" against Libya, of which more than a third were aimed at civilian targets.Uranium warheads were used; the cities of Misurata and Sirte were carpet-bombed. The Red Cross identified mass graves, and Unicef reported that "most [of the children killed] were under the age of ten". [Emphasis added.][Please note the lies were coming from UNICEF, which has been killing children, and the Red Cross, with both conducting vaccine campaigns in West Africa which"coincided" with the outbreak of ebola.]
"The public sodomising of the Libyan president Muammar Gaddafi with a "rebel" bayonet was greeted by the then US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, with the words: "We came, we saw, he died." His murder, like the destruction of his country, was justified with a familiar big lie; he was planning "genocide" against his own people. "We knew... that if we waited one more day," said President Obama, "Benghazi, a city the size of Charlotte, could suffer a massacre that would have reverberated across the region and stained the conscience of the world."
".... They told Reuters there would be "a real bloodbath, a massacre like we saw in Rwanda". Reported on March 14, 2011, the lie provided the first spark for Nato's inferno, described by David Cameron as a "humanitarian intervention".
".... For Obama, Cameron and Hollande, Gaddafi's true crime was Libya's economic independence and his declared intention to stop selling Africa's greatest oil reserves in US dollars. .... Gaddafi audaciously planned to underwrite a common African currency backed by gold, establish an all-Africa bank and promote economic union among poor countries with prized resources. ...."
[What Bill Clinton did to Yugoslavia:]
"The "humanitarian war" against Libya drew on a model close to western liberal hearts, especially in the media. In 1999, Bill Clinton and Tony Blair sent Nato to bomb Serbia, because, they lied, the Serbs were committing "genocide" against ethnic Albanians in the secessionist province of Kosovo. David Scheffer, US ambassador-at-large for war crimes [sic], claimed that as many as "225,000 ethnic Albanian men aged between 14 and 59" might have been murdered. Both Clinton and Blair evoked the Holocaust and "the spirit of the Second World War". The West's heroic allies were the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), whose criminal record was set aside. ...."
"With the Nato bombing over, and much of Serbia's infrastructure in ruins, along with schools, hospitals, monasteries and the national TV station, international forensic teams descended upon Kosovo to exhume evidence of the "holocaust". The FBI failed to find a single mass grave and went home. The Spanish forensic team did the same, its leader angrily denouncing "a semantic pirouette by the war propaganda machines". A year later, a United Nations tribunal on Yugoslavia announced the final count of the dead in Kosovo: 2,788. This included combatants on both sides and Serbs and Roma murdered by the KLA. There was no genocide. The "holocaust" was a lie. The Nato attack had been fraudulent."
From John Pilger: Why Hillary Clinton Is More Dangerous Than Donald Trump
".... In 2009, President Obama stood before an adoring crowd in the centre of Prague, in the heart of Europe. He pledged himself to make “the world free from nuclear weapons”. People cheered and some cried. A torrent of platitudes flowed from the media. Obama was subsequently awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
"It was all fake. He was lying.
"The Obama administration has built more nuclear weapons, more nuclear warheads, more nuclear delivery systems, more nuclear factories. Nuclear warhead spending alone rose higher under Obama than under any American president. The cost over thirty years is more than $1 trillion.
A mini nuclear bomb is planned. It is known as the B61 Model 12. There has never been anything like it. General "James Cartwright, a former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has said, “Going smaller [makes using this nuclear]weapon more thinkable.”
"In the last eighteen months, the greatest build-up of military forces since World War Two – led by the United States – is taking place along Russia’s western frontier. Not since Hitler invaded the Soviet Union have foreign troops presented such a demonstrable threat to Russia.
"Ukraine – once part of the Soviet Union – has become a CIA theme park. Having orchestrated a coup in Kiev, Washington effectively controls a regime that is next door and hostile to Russia: a regime rotten with Nazis, literally. Prominent parliamentary figures in Ukraine are the political descendants of the notorious OUN and UPA fascists. They openly praise Hitler and call for the persecution and expulsion of the Russian speaking minority."
Where was progressives and liberals as all these forms of mass murder were going on?
Why did Noam Chomsky never expose what Hillary Clinton was doing, who she is? By turning progressives away from questioning the Clintons, is he protecting neocons and their genocidal wars , just as he did with 9/11 ? H even came out in support of Hillary Clinton. Is he just a monumentally ignorant person or is something else going on? Ordinary people - the "deplorables" - were exposing Benghazi and Hillary's crimes, Hillary was blaming any criticism of herself on a "great right wing conspiracy," and Chomsky said vote for her.
Why did less educated people see the truth, and Noam Chomsky and the left didn't?
It is a most serious question - why didn't progressives and liberals see through her? Why did they not look into what others were saying? The left missed that Hillary Clinton has been a central organizing cog in the neocon war machine.
Many leftists oppose GMOs but who among them hold the Clintons responsible and understand the huge numbers people have died and are prematurely dying because of what they did?
Most liberals and progressives still believe vaccines protect children, taking that on trust from the CDC. Do they still not know that the CDC ran the Tuskegee Experiment and works for the CIA ? Have they not noticed that the same government reassuring them it is perfectly safe to inject a load of potentially deadly toxins into their children, is the same government murdering children daily with drones? Do they believe in vaccines just as they believed in Hillary Clinton - because they were told wonderful things but didn't investigate? If they had, it's not hard to find that she has been mass killing men, women and children in excruciatingly painful ways, and that vaccines from her top donors are sterilizing millions of women and killing children at a horrific level.
Will it be easy for progressives to face that they have been routinely supporting mass murderers? Will it be easy for liberals to take in that they turned on half the people in the US in fear and loathing - people whose families were suffering? Will they find it bearable morally that they saw other human beings as "deplorables," as Clinton called them? Of course, not.
It won't be easy for well educated liberal and progressives to realize less educated people actually knew much more than they did and had the most powerful reason in the world for not voting for her - she's a mass murderer. But there is great lesson in this.
We all need to listen to each other. Self-righteousness and contempt cuts us off from each other.
Progressives really care to help people who aren't getting a fair shake, and their compassion and sense of justice was played on to dupe them into getting embroiled in identity politics and culture wars. That may feel like fighting the good fight but the ruling elite arranged those divisive battles, hired violent thugs, and used media to keep the story line at a boil. Progressives were sold so much fear of racism and homophobia and misogyny, that they supported someone who said all the right words opposing those things. But they missed the biggest thing - Hillary Clinton has been pushing wars that threaten life itself on the planet.
Stopping Hillary Clinton is a first step in bringing down the military industrial investment complex. She and Bill Clinton and Obama, Bush, Cheney, Kissinger, Rumsfeld, and many, many others must be prosecuted for their war crimes.
The people who voted for Trump saved us all from an experienced war criminal - and her push for a nuclear war against Russia.
What this young woman below is saying could just as easily be directed to liberals and progressives who also have been manipulated. And while she might say blacks have been shucking and jiving and not paying attention, what was the progressive guru, Noam Chomsky, doing that he wasn't paying attention, going to yoga classes and jogging, that he could out and out support a war criminal and tell others to, too? Was he so busy going out for lattes he just wasn't paying attention and accidentally pointed progressives and liberals away from asking questions about 9/11 and Hillary Clinton, or is he seriously fuddled mentally?
Progressives and liberals could use someone who's got their number for having been so duped. Chomsky doesn't seem to know half what she does about Hillary Clinton. Imagine she's schooling Noam Chomsky.
If we respect each other, we can help each other. We need to because we have to all make sure this country is safe from a deadly elite which has seriously ugly plans for this country and all of us. They are counting on our continuing to be duped by rigged protests and bought and paid for violence, but if we look hard at Hillary Clinton's crimes and realize the stunning amount of lies we've been fed, we can wake up.
Forget the election.
We have to "Get Past A Wall of Mirrors" To Stop A Coup Already Underway
And vaccines are central to it.
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