First part - knowing some things
Second part - staying hydrated
Third part - viruses and poisons
Fourth part - gases
The First Part of Granny's home remedy - what's what or a pinch of knowledge
The blame government is playing games with viruses and things. FEMA and DHS in the last couple of years have been down into all the subways doing who knows what all for terrorism drills. Did they bring "drills" with them is the 64 dollar question because the government has sprayed people from the NYC subway, before, and other such nonsense.
And now Zika, Zika, Zika. These people lie so much, they must confuse themselves. They made those wicked GMOs and spray just tons of that horrible poison on it and hurt every living thing, including babies' brains. And now they want to say a virus did it Yes, just like little Thomas said his friend Christopher was the one that took the cookies out of the jar - Thomas, what with the crumbs all over his chubby little face.
We have eyes the Lord gave us to see and that Zika thing, my word, that is a falsehood. After it was Monsanto's spray that made those babies so deformed, now they want to spray everyone to kill their own weird mosquitoes? Who made that mosquito spray? Let's just guess. And is Monsanto making the chemicals they are spraying on everyone from those airplanes, claiming it's clouds? Well if it is, those airplanes are shitting clouds. Scuse my language, but really. What else you going to call all that nasty poo coming out of the behinds of those planes?
Wasn't it Monsanto that sprayed the Vietnamese and messed up their babies?
Oh, yes, let's spray some more to save us from all that spraying before. That makes about as much sense as giving someone who's dying from aspirin overdose, aspirin to save them.
No, those shots are more of the same and then some, likely chips and I don't mean potato ones, but the kind they can control after it's in you and hurt you with it or put thoughts in your head or worse, if you know what I mean.
These are sick folks that have spent too much time down in some awfully dank basements coming up with stuff that would make roaches faint.
They are certainly making nasty viruses and letting them loose on people.
Where is it? Oh, here it is. Seems how the FDA has made a shortage of those medical bags you see in hospitals
Now if you're good at math because you haven't had that common crap stuff Bill Gates is pushing on innocent kids, you should be able to put 2 and 2 together. They are making viruses and if people get real sick, a lot will need fluids, and they been working to get rid of the fluid bags hospitals use. You could say they've been doing preparedness backwards, un-doing preparedness. They have been going the boy scouts one better - Be unprepared! Well, that adds up to .... hell, you add it up.
Now, we can get started. They got bioweapons and they wanted to make sure we have squat. Well, they can take their ole bioweapons and spray them on their own selves because we are going to mix up a batch of bio-remedy right here.
The Second Part of Granny's home remedy - making sure everyone is always well-hydrated.
And besides what the government wants is all that chaos, everybody sick and crowding the hospitals and begging for help they ain't got, and people dropping down everywhere. Great for "news at 6" kind of thing with big stories like "23 states reporting shortages of fluid bags and shutting their doors." Great for scare-you-big-time.
Our little home remedy for dehydration is right here. . Emergency Re-Hydration Procedure via Enema
Does anyone know what an enema kit is? Or what you do with this tube and tip? Well, you might be making a face about now because you do know the tip goes in your pretty little backside, and maybe you are thinking "Ewww" but God didn't put your bottom hole there for no reason, children. it's there to save you from bioweapons.
You can get portable enema kits. If you don't have something and you need one quick, use what you got. A plastic bottle with a jerry-rigged tube and something to insert that's safe.
Anyway, you got your own enema bag or bottle and you just fill it up with water and a little bit of salt and sugar because you need those electric lights [some call them electrolytes] they give to the blood. Plain water won't do it.
- 0.75 liters of room temperature water
- 5 tablespoons of real sugar
- 1 tablespoon of real sea salt
Only this pie will kill ALL viruses and even take the kick out of ALL poisons.
How it Works
The mechanism of action of high dose vitamin C is known and understood. In normal healthy tissues it acts as an antioxidant. In other tissues, it generates hydrogen peroxide, the chemical that platinum blondes use to bleach their hair. This happens in sick and inflamed tissues, for example in a malignant tumour. The process is typically a form of Fenton reaction, generating free radicals. The oxidation and free radicals arising from the hydrogen peroxide kill bacteria and inactivate viruses. In other words, vitamin C acts as a targeted bleach and antiseptic.
Vitamin C is unique, because it has low toxicity and can be taken safely in massive amounts. Other antioxidants and supplements will not have a similar effect. Do not be confused and think that Echinacea, for example, will help. Yes, there may be supplements and herbs that provide a little immune system support, but this is Ebola we are talking about - get real!
Note, vitamin C is not some magical antitoxin ....Vitamin C nearly always acts by transferring electrons, as an oxidant or antioxidant.
Now, ebola didn't turn out to be that deadly or spread that good (wonder if those at the CDC who made it got fired?) so they (the same cussed biotech Rockefeller fellers) went and added rabies to ebola .... after they had messed with rabies and made it worse and also airborne.
"There are other dangers inherent in genetically modified vaccines that make rabies baits pretty dangerous stuff. Splicing rabies onto other viruses can carry many risks that we are just recently becoming aware of. In Arizona and other parts of the US, rabies is starting to jump species. For the first time, we are seeing rabies jump from bats to foxes to skunks with no bite required. .... Maybe somebody should figure that out before they go splicing that virus together with other viruses, creating one angry mutant virus.
"Dr. Terje Traavik PhD (Centre of Biosafety), has written extensively about how genetically engineered viruses are creating new hybrid viruses through recombination. He cautions that the characteristics of some of these new hybrid viruses are similar to both of the parent viruses but also include traits from neither. Dr. Traavik specifically expresses concern about the stability of genetically engineered viruses. He notes that cases of rabies infected humans could be due to a return to virulence of the genetically engineered rabies virus with the pox viruses. [Emphasis added.]
"In addition to the danger of jumping species and return to virulence, there is another frightening way for these new viruses to spread: aerosolization. It used to be that we could feel pretty safe about rabies because the chances that our dogs would trade saliva with another animal were pretty slim. Nowadays, thanks to recombinant vaccines, there is no bite required. The Center for Disease Control acknowledges that rabies can be spread via aerosolization so you or your dog need only be in close proximity to a rabies infected animal to be in danger.
"Despite these gaps of knowledge and frightening possibilities, the US alone continues to drop tens of millions of genetically modified, rabies/pox spliced vaccines into your backyard. What does this mean for you and your dog? It means the days of rabies being a simple but deadly virus with a simple mode of transmission are long gone. In their wake are questions of just easily how can these new mutant rabies strains be spread, can they just jump from one species to another and potentially jump to humans like West Nile Disease, and can the animals eating those baits actually get rabies? As we ponder these questions, the baits continue to drop by the thousands and new genetically modified vaccines are being developed at a maddening rate."
So, what can you do?
Carry a little ole battery-powered nebulizer with water and sodium ascorbate mixed together in it, and take some puffs if you feel bad. The lungs, just like the colon, got all those capillaries right there - so whatever goes in there is a direct shoot into the blood It's why the gases work so fast. So, get the C in to gas the gas). Is it a good way to get C into the blood safely? Makes sense, says a vitamin C researcher.
This method is a great boon for getting C into babies and little kids fast, and for anyone who is passed out.
Here's an example of a portable nebulizer but there's others. Worse comes to worse, use a small spray bottle or a cleaned out perfume atomizer filled with water and C. What matters is to get the C fast to where the gas is.
Given supplemental ascorbate, not merely from birth but also all throughout gestation, Klenner’s uniformly healthy, trouble-free infants were known by the staff as the “Vitamin C Babies.” (12)
It was a regular ole southern GP who found out what C could do. You want to know how it works? Might make you mighty happy knowing.
Want to see an example of the kind of help it can give?
The Rockefeller cusses are who've kept you and the world from knowing. Same ones running the World UN-Healthy Organization and saying all that guff about Zika. Back in the early 50s, they stopped Klenner from letting the world know vitamin C kills viruses. Instead, they went into making disease scares and vaccines big time and became the True Angel of Death.
Look after each other. Nurse each other. Love each other.
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