Warnings are going out to Brazilians not to have children, claiming that the "new" Zika virus carried by mosquitoes is responsible for 2700 brain birth defects. https://www.rt.com/news/
Is this why no one is mentioning that Monsanto's GM soy paired with the pesticide glysophate, which cause precisely the birth defects being seen in Brazil or that Brazil is one of the world's major producers of GM soy?
And as this medical article shows, it should be. The catastrophe of GMOs and glysophate goes even beyond the nightmare of brain deformed newborns to a pervasive and deteriorating physiology for everyone . http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases II: Celiac sprue and gluten intolerance
The articles indicates that glysophate causes exactly the birth defects being described in Brazil.
It is well established that high RA levels leads to teratogenic effects both in human and experimental models. Brain abnormalities such as microcephaly, impairment of hindbrain development, mandibular and midfacial underdevelopment, and cleft palate are all implicated (Sulik et al., 1988; Clotman et al., 1998). Women with celiac disease are known to have higher rates of infertility, miscarriages, and birth defects in their offspring (Freeman, 2010; Martinelli et al., 2000; Dickey et al., 1996; Collin et al., 1996). Excess RA could be a significant factor in these complications.
".... A 1/5000 dilution of glyphosate was sufficient to induce reproducible malformations characteristic of RA exposure in frog embryos (Paganelli et al., 2010). Pathologies included shortening of the trunk, reduction in the size of the head, abnormally small eyes or the presence of only one eye (cyclopia), and other craniofacial malformations in the tadpole. Glyphosate's toxicity to tadpoles has been well demonstrated, as it killed nearly 100% of larval amphibians exposed in experimental outdoor pond mesocosms (Relyea, 2005).
According to official records, there has been a recent 4-fold increase in developmental malformations in the province of Chaco, Argentina, where glyphosate is used massively on GMO monocrops of soybeans (Carrasco, 2013). In Paraguay, 52 cases of malformations were reported in the offspring of women exposed during pregnancy to agrochemicals, including anencephaly, microcephaly, facial defects, cleft palate, ear malformations, polydactily, and syndactily (Benítez-Leite et al., 2009). ....
At a minimum, glysophate is applied to the following crops (table is from the glysophate article, above). Does your family eat any of these? Many are sought by health conscious people who assume they are safe - mangosteen, coconut, mints, avocadoes, aloe vera, teas, stevia, olives, etc.
Complete list of glyphosate tolerances for residues in food crops in the U.S. as of September 18, 2013, as reported in: EPA: Title 40: Protection of Environment.
Commodity | PPM |
Acerola | 0.2 |
Alfalfa, seed | 0.5 |
Almond, hulls | 25 |
Aloe vera | 0.5 |
Ambarella | 0.2 |
Animal feed, nongrass, group 18 | 400 |
Artichoke, globe | 0.2 |
Asparagus | 0.5 |
Atemoya | 0.2 |
Avocado | 0.2 |
Bamboo, shoots | 0.2 |
Banana | 0.2 |
Barley, bran | 30 |
Beet, sugar, dried pulp | 25 |
Beet, sugar, roots | 10 |
Beet, sugar, tops | 10 |
Berry and small fruit, group 13-07 | 0.20 |
Betelnut | 1.0 |
Biriba | 0.2 |
Blimbe | 0.2 |
Breadfruit | 0.2 |
Cacao bean, bean | 0.2 |
Cactus, fruit | 0.5 |
Cactus, pads | 0.5 |
Canistel | 0.2 |
Canola. seed | 20 |
Carrot | 5.0 |
Chaya | 1.0 |
Cherimoya | 0.2 |
Citrus, dried pulp | 1.0 |
Coconut | 0.1 |
Coffee, bean, green | 1.0 |
Corn, pop, grain | 0.1 |
Corn, sweet, kernel plus cob with husk removed | 3.5 |
Cotton, gin byproducts | 210 |
Custard apple | 0.2 |
Dried fruit | 0.2 |
Dokudami | 2.0 |
Durian | 0.2 |
Epazote | 1.3 |
Feijoa | 0.2 |
Fig | 0.2 |
Fish | 0.25 |
Fruit, citrus, group 10-10 | 0.50 |
Fruit, pome, group 11-10 | 0.20 |
Fruit, stone, group 12 | 0.2 |
Galangal, roots | 0.2 |
Ginger, white, flower | 0.2 |
Gourd, buffalo, seed | 0.1 |
Governor's plum | 0.2 |
Gow kee, leaves | 0.2 |
Grain, cereal, forage, fodder and straw, group 16, except field corn, forage and field corn, stover | 100 |
Grain, cereal, group 15 except field corn, popcorn, rice, sweet corn, and wild rice | 30 |
Grass, forage, fodder and hay, group 17 | 300 |
Guava | 0.2 |
Herbs subgroup 19A | 0.2 |
Hop, dried cones | 7.0 |
llama | 0.2 |
Imbe | 0.2 |
Imbu | 0.2 |
Jaboticaba | 0.2 |
Jackfruit | 0.2 |
Kava, roots | 0.2 |
Kenaf, forage | 200 |
Leucaena, forage | 200 |
Longan | 0.2 |
Lychee | 0.2 |
Mamey apple | 0.2 |
Mango | 0.2 |
Mangosteen | 0.2 |
Marmalade box | 0.2 |
Mioga, flower | 0.2 |
Noni | 0.20 |
Nut, pine | 1.0 |
Nut, tree, group 14 | 1.0 |
Oilseeds, group 20, except canola | 40 |
Okra | 0.5 |
Olive | 0.2 |
Oregano, Mexican, leaves | 2,0 |
Palm heart | 0.2 |
Palm heart, leaves | 0.2 |
Palm, oil | 0.1 |
Papaya | 0.2 |
Papaya, mountain | 0.2 |
Passionfruit | 0.2 |
Pawpaw | 0.2 |
Pea, dry | 8.0 |
Peanut | 0.1 |
Peanut, hay | 0.5 |
Pepper leaf, fresh leaves | 0.2 |
Peppermint, tops | 200 |
Perilla, tops | 1.8 |
Persimmon | 0.2 |
Pineapple | 0.1 |
Pistachio | 1.0 |
Pomegranate | 0.2 |
Pulasan | 0.2 |
Quinoa. grain | 5.0 |
Rambutan | 0.2 |
Rice, grain | 0.1 |
Rice, wild, grain | 0.1 |
Rose apple | 0.2 |
S apod ilia | 0.2 |
Sapote, black | 0.2 |
Sapote, mamey | 0.2 |
Sapote, white | 0.2 |
Shellfish | 3.0 |
Soursop | 0.2 |
Spanish lime | 0.2 |
Spearmint, tops | 200 |
Spice subgroup 19B | 7.0 |
Star apple | 0.2 |
Starfruit | 0.2 |
Stevia, dried leaves | 1.0 |
Sugar apple | 0.2 |
Sugarcane, cane | 2.0 |
Sugarcane, molasses | 30 |
Surinam cherry | 0.2 |
Sweet potato | 3.0 |
Tamarind | 0.2 |
Tea. dried | 1.0 |
Tea, instant | 7.0 |
Teff, forage | 100 |
TefF, grain | 5.0 |
Teff, hay | 100 |
Ti, leaves | 0.2 |
Ti, roots | 0.2 |
Ugli fruit | 0.5 |
Vegetable, bulb, group 3-07 | 0.20 |
Vegetable, cucurbit, group 9 | 0.5 |
Vegetable, foliage of legume, subgroup 7A, except soybean | 0.2 |
Vegetable, fruiting, group 8-10 (except okra) | 0.10 |
Vegetable, leafy, brassica. group 5 | 0.2 |
Vegetable, leafy, except brassica, group 4 | 0.2 |
Vegetable, leaves of root and tuber, group 2, except sugar beet tops | 0.2 |
Vegetable, legume, group 6 except soybean and dry pea | 5.0 |
Vegetables, root and tuber, group 1, except carrot, sweet potato, and sugar beet | 0.20 |
Wasabi. roots | 0.2 |
Water spinach, tops | 0.2 |
Watercress, upland | 0.2 |
Wax jambu | 0.2 |
Has the Zika virus been created as a "fall guy" to distract away from the extreme birth defects already occurring from soy and glysophate in South America? Does it cause birth defects itself in addition to the soy and glysophate? Is it being spread by genetically engineered mosquitoes funded by Bill Gates? https://birdflu666.wordpress.com/2015/12/12/is-the-zika-virus-in-brazil-being-spread-by-genetically-modified-mosquitoes-funded-by-bill-gates/
Whatever the answer, thousands of badly deformed babies related to GMOs and glysophate is a PR catastrophe for Monsanto and GMOs, while a"new" virus and mosquitoes might steer the public away from Monsanto and the public's mass rejection of literally deadly products on grocery store shelves.