When we are facing a negative situation, we may be depressed or angry or scared about a reality we experience. Without knowing that everything is connected through an "energy field" we all live in, we don't know that our feelings are supporting the "energy field" to keep reflecting the negative situation. We don't know that we have power in our bodies, through our beliefs and emotions to send powerful messages to the energy field to reflect back a different reality.
Those heart-felt messages are not about asking for things to change because the energy field will hear "not yet changed, not yet changed" and reflect that. Instead the message is that what we want is already there and our emotions tell the universe, the energy field, just that, only that.
It is a form of praying that was actually taken from us in the 4th century by the Catholic church. Because we have not been aware of this form of prayer, we keep praying ineffectively, not understanding we have the ability to change reality through our bodies.
In the following video, you can see just such a change in reality.
How is it possible we can change reality? A nuclear physicist explains how we create a ripple effect in the field of unity. Hs is describing a quantum effect. It is not easy to take in because we are used to feeling powerless, but, in fact, we have quantum power to change reality. In combination with others, the effect is not additional or multiplied, it is exponentially larger. When we bring our consciousness together, human beings are actually a million times stronger than the nuclear force.
Native Americans have known affect the field of consciousness, the energy field, through what we would call prayer.
But western and non-indigenous people pray for something "please to happen." In doing so, they are telling the universe, this has "not happened yet, not happened yet, not happened yet," and that is what is reflected back to them.
Indigenous people don't do that. They engage the universe by FEELING that what they want is already there.
People who want a different reality need see it as "already there" and have the feeling and emotions that go along with that reality.
If we know how to speak to the universe in the language that it hears, and if we synchronized with others using this form of prayer, the effect would be powerful.
Gregg Braden says that two sentences which explain how to make prayer powerful were removed from the Bible. John 16 23-24 only shows part of what the original text was. In the 4th century, the Catholic Church removed those two sentences, which were the key instructions for effective prayer. The current Bible is an edited version, that mentions prayer but is absent the knowledge people need to pray effectively.
What the Catholic Church did is a bit like giving mankind a car to take it everywhere and then telling mankind "Go head and sit in it and ask it over and over again, to go." But those in power have removed the key.
Braden gives those two "key" sentences back to you. Begin at 5:28 minutes in.
Braden shows this, taking it from the Bible at John 23-24.
Whatsoever you ask the father in my name he will give it to you,
Hitherto have you asked nothing in my name.
Ask and you shall receive that your joy may be full.
Braden says, "This is so amazing to me because they took out the two sentences that tell us how to ask!"
(You can watch that segment starting at 12:34._
Now, here is the translation from the original Aramaic, with the two sentences included:
All things that you ask straightly, directly, from inside my name, you will be given.
So far you have not done this.Ask without hidden motive and be surrounded by your answer,
Be enveloped by what you desire.
Braden recommends for people who might consider that too religious to turn to Neville, a philosopher early in the 20th century who wrote in "The Power of Awareness":
"You must make your future dream a PRESENT fact NOW, by assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled."
We love and want to help each other and the world. In that sense, we are on exactly the right track to pray for the good we wish. We only need to understand how to do it and believe that it works (we've seen so in the first video). We can reach others to let them know that we truly have power to change reality with our prayers. Adding two sentences of instruction that were removed from the Bible in the 4th century, we can come together and FEEL the feelings we need to change the world - we only need "ask without hidden motive and be surrounded by our answer, and be enveloped by what we desire."
The prayer is for a PRESENT situation NOW, with our feeling the feelings that wish is already fulfilled.
With each additional person sharing in the feeling, the power of the prayer becomes exponential.
"As we can see below, 2 to the power of (i) within a range of one to ten has a wide range of significant figures:
(i) 2^(i)
1 2
2 4
3 8
4 16
5 32
6 64
7 128
8 256
9 512
10 1024
The effect is coming together is powerful and looks like this when graphed.
This exponential effect occurs when the intent is the same and synchronized. What does exponential mean? When 2 people pray, the effect is multiplied - 2 times 2 - or the power of 2 which is 4. When 3 people pray, the effect is to the power of 3, or 9. The power of 4 (4 times itself) is 16. The power of 5 (5 times 5) is 25. Etc.
We have much good to do in the world for each other and the animals and plants and the earth itself. With knowledge of how to pray to affect the energy field that connects everything, or "the Divine Matrix," as Braden calls it, we can change reality for the good through our love and joy.
The Hathors also see emotional vibration as the key to changing reality. Braden shows people how to pray, while the Hathors describe the change in reality as jumping time lines. They list 5 steps which give people direction to practice maintaining the appropriate emotional vibration all the time. http://tomkenyon.com/jumping-time-lines
The fundamental principle, for jumping timelines [that is, for achieving a different outcome] involves the coordination of a few significant fields of intentionality.
1) You identify the timeline you wish to move into. [A peaceful planet, a healthy family member, etc.]
2) You shift your vibrational state [your emotional state] to match the timeline.
3) You lock in the vibrational state [happy the world is already peaceful, the family member is already fine, etc] so it does not waver.
4) You take an action that is an expression of the new timeline.
5) Persevere.
In this fifth stage, you must hold the vibrational state of the new timeline you have chosen, making choices coherent with the new timeline and persevering with this despite sensory information to the contrary. [Emphasis added. "Sensory information" might include TV reports of war, or negative health assertions from doctors, for instance.] ....
"The information we are sharing can be used to address any timeline or expression in your life, down to the most mundane situation."
We can change reality with our hearts, for the good of our families and for the good of the world.
Native American even have a formula for this, explaining how crucial intention and synchronization are. They call this ceremony and say that ceremony is life and life is ceremony and recommend - as do the Hathors - that this become how we live our lives.