and thrillingly
the most unusual,
most amazing and
the most important
ever held on earth
Our consciousness has been highjacked
With our consciousness entrained on suffering and pain, we have been generating emotional reactions that actually supports those very things.
We've been thinking of this all wrong.
We only have to know that things are somehow wrong - in whatever way we each might come to experience that - and that we want a good life for our planet and our children. That's it. We only have to share good intent in our hearts.
Our good hearts and a means to bring people together are all that are needed to change everything.
A simple means to bring people together will follow, but first it might be helpful to understand we really do have this power and how this all works.
Here's how it works
Dr. John Hagelin's, a physicist who's studied the impact of unified consciousness on peace, says unified consciousness is millions of times stronger than the nuclear force. Listen the huge multipliers he uses when talking about coherence of waves of consciousness when there is synchrony of waves and proximity.
Our consciousness doesn't just impact peace.
It can be explained through medical concepts as well - but the idea of our consciousness affecting world works exactly same.
In 1988, Dr. Dossey wrote a book called Recovering the Soul: A Scientific and Spiritual Approach, in which he introduced the term "non-local mind."
Dossey explains:
"The old idea that your consciousness is produced by the brain; that it's confined to your cranium and to the present moment and can't operate outside your own brain and body in the present, is an idea that just doesn't fit with the data anymore.
Studies, for example in remote healing -- where someone can affect the clinical outcome of someone else who is on the other side of the earth… are forcing us to create a new image of consciousness.
… Non-locality is the term borrowed from modern quantum physics. It's a synonym for the term "infinite."
If something is non-local with respect to space and time, it's infinite in space and infinite in time. Well, this is the way consciousness behaves in these experiments.
For example, it doesn't matter how far away from the object of your healing intentions that you happen to be. Healing intentions work as effectively at the bedside and the other side of the earth. Spatial separation doesn't matter.
We have evidence now that consciousness can work outside the present. It can anticipate things to come and it also appears to be able to work into the past."
One of these quantum physics concepts is Bell's theorem, which shows that two 'entangled' electrons will continue to operate as one, simultaneously, even when separated by vast distances.
Einstein is often quoted here, famously referring to this phenomenon as simply "spooky action at a distance."
Erwin Schrödinger introduced the term 'entanglement' in the 1930s, and as Dossey states, we do seem to have ample evidence that "things cannot be separated, even though they appear to be separated in space."
"We have to go with the data," Dossey says. "[W]e have profound evidence that there is some strange unity connecting people, even at a distance, and that unity seems to be mediated by concepts such love and compassion." ....
He also recommends not taking it, or yourself, too seriously.
"A lot of people really get serious about their spiritual work and their spiritual practices," he says. "I think this is one of the best ways to derail your efforts, that I know of. I just think a light heart and a serious discipline are the best combination."
Dossey recommends ... simple affirmations as a tool for opening up your consciousness to receive "more."
"If you just simply affirm to the universe, "I want to be open to this stuff," I think that helps your unconscious communicate with your conscious mind and makes these premonitions much more readily available to your conscious awareness," he says.
"Keeping a dream diary is yet another way to help you connect with your larger, subconscious awareness." ....
"Over the years, I have come to believe that even though these practices -- such as prayer, meditation and so on -- can give us a health advantage… I think the messages that are most important are what they imply about the destiny of human beings, and the nature of your own consciousness.
"… If you have some non-local quality in your mind which says that it is infinite in space and time -- which I firmly believe is pointed to by the data -- that's a way of saying that there is some quality of human consciousness that's immortal, that is eternal; that is not located specifically to a point in time…
"I think these studies in remote human functioning, psychologically speaking, point like an arrow to immortality.
"… I think it totally turns around the old materialistic notion we've lived with for the past 200 years in science, which says that when you die; when your brain dies and your body rots, that's the end of everything.
"These studies say that's not the end of everything. That's hardly the beginning. There is no beginning. There is no end… because we're not local with respect to time.
"In some sense, we have an immortal quality to our consciousness. I think that's the biggest lesson we can gain from this work."
[Emphases added.]
Consciousness is powerful enough to create peace and to create health in someone on the other side of the world, because everything is connected.
Just how connected?
Ask the plants.
No need to go to protests. One can avoid getting caught up violence or used by Soros in his canned "color revolutions" for regime change.
No need to confront anyone.
“If the protests are angry, aggressive and hostile they are doing exactly what the manipulators want – producing still more of the energy on which they depend.
“Imagine the power of replacing stand up angry protests with sit-down silent focus where thousands join their hearts together and send out the energy of love and peace which has been measured to be five thousand times more powerful than anger and resentment. [Emphasis added.]
The heart is the centre of everything – consciousness, health, emotional balance and so much more. This is why the heart is the constant target of the Control System. ….
Using consciousness, we are taking a page from Gandhi's non-violence. But we see that non-violent protests are being made to "look" violent through the action of hired thugs, so we can avoid all violence by using consciousness instead of literal presence. In this, we would be making Gandhi very proud, because we'd being using what he called "soul force." It's more than sufficient.
You are 5000 times stronger than the Corporations and Bankers. When Are You Going To Use Your Power?
"Where attention goes, energy flows.
(What are they attempting to get us to imagine, and in vast numbers, about harm to the world’s children with such a monstrous display?)
“We have to break [their] circuit and transform the individual and collective energy field [we have participated unwittingly in] from the incoherence that the Control System depends upon to the coherence and harmony that will set us individually and collectively free. …. [Emphasis added.]
“We can manifest energetic harmony from the manipulated chaos. We will do this if enough people get involved ..."There don't need to be violent protests or protests at all. We can pour on consciousness. We can do it publicly or we can do it privately and a distance. Everyone can be involved now. The world's controllers can't stop it or keep it from changing everything.
What we’re looking at is our unified consciousness raising the vibratory frequency of the planet and easily and gently overwhelming propaganda, governments and even weapons.
Consciousness can do that.
And it will.
All we have to do is each deeply want things to be good for our earth and all the species who live on it and for all the children. When it comes to the details everyone is fighting about on "how" to make the world wonderful, those don't matter to a universe responding to our feelings to live in a beautiful world
At the level of our consciousness, we have no conflict We just bring our
hearts' feelings together for a wonderful new world .... and we're home free.
No instructional details to the universe are necessary.
And yet it's only those pesky details we've been fighting about, not the end result we all hunger for - good for humanity and for the natural world that supports us all.
As you watch the video below on the dissolution of bladder cancer in less than three minutes, using only consciousness, consider the political power we all have and the speed of change that's possible.
And we can walk away now.
"speaking to the forces of creation .... and empowering the field to mirror [what we are experiencing through our feelings] back to us in a way that will bring those changes about in our lives."
"So I say to you, Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you." Jesus
"Your planet is poised on the brink of utter transformation. The form of this transformation has multiple expressions, and it is you—the collective—that will affect these outcomes to a greater or lesser degree.
"Some of these outcomes, these possibilities, fulfill the prophecies of planetary destruction and purification. Other timelines, other expressions, reveal a different outcome. A sudden unexpected shift in human consciousness could bring the Controllers, who have so negatively affected your destiny, to their knees. And there are hundreds of other possible timelines between these two polarities. There are vested interests in your society who wish you to remain hypnotized, which wish for you to continue in the delusion that you are limited to one timeline, one experience of life as they so deem it.
"But you have, within your nature, the ability to change timelines and probabilities at the last moment of any event—whether it be personal or collective. We do not say this to be “positive.” We say this as a matter of fact concerning your evolutionary potential.
"The fundamental principle, for jumping timelines, involves the coordination of a few significant fields of intentionality.
1) You identify the timeline you wish to move into.
2) You shift your vibrational state to match the timeline.
3) You lock in the vibrational state so it does not waver.
4) You take an action that is an expression of the new timeline.
5) Persevere.
"In this fifth stage, you must hold the vibrational state of the new timeline you have chosen, making choices coherent with the new timeline and persevering with this despite sensory information to the contrary."
How many want something profoundly good instead? Come on! Everyone - except those doing the harm to us on purpose.
What's needed is a way to have them take their underused consciousness and apply it to fixing the world in timely manner.
And that's exactly what we're going to do. We're going to send out invitations with when and where on them.
Party Invitation with details:
and thrillingly
the most unusual,
most amazing and
the most important
ever held on earth
Time one: Noon, every day. For half an hour. Wherever you are.
Where? Everywhere!
Instead of protests, people can have consciousness get-togethers, meet in each others' homes, have picnics, create flash mobs, and simply enjoy feeling now the change they want.
People can FEEL that goodness exists now, that the world is at peace, that food is wonderful, that animals are happy, .... People don't have to be specific to feel our new world into existence.
Notice the lovable Russian military. Maybe we should we be scared of them .... because they can dance and are funny? Can our military guys dance, too?
And the glorious thing is - no one has to agree about gay rights or abortion or immigration or global warming or any other issue the elite have used so effectively to keep everyone in an uproar over. That uproar maintains a low frequency for mankind, keeping people depressed or angry or hopeless. And the division has kept people apart tso hat we don't "jump start [in Braden's words ]that consciousness, linked through the field."
We have been entrained to believe that things are bad and getting worse and we are going over a cliff. If the FEMA camps don't get it us, the fracking will, or some new gross virus they've made, or drones, or surveillance, or militarized police, or terrorists they've created, or bombs, or now - are they kidding? - a false alien invasion using Bluebeam, so we would supposedly, if we follow the yellow lines on the road like chickens, beg for a one world order to rescue us, which would come a single world religion meant to control our hearts and minds. Whatever. This programming is very much like people being told by their doctor that they have 6 months to live and their cooperating and dying to the day six months later.
There's fear or there's joy. Take your pick!
We've got an invitation now, and a time. It's an on-going party, a daily imagining and experiencing of happiness, slipping into that each hour as we let go of our training in fear and anger and our consciousness and powerful vibrational states trapped into dismal images and outcomes.
Instead, the party is an invitation to a daily practice in joy as we get better and better at it and our hearts' vibrations meet and we start to amplify each other.
This is an invitation to what is truly the most astounding party in human history, to shift the existence of mankind from centuries of war and human and animal suffering and environmental destruction and insane greed .... to a beautiful planet blessed with human kindness, generosity, and love.
To this party, we aren't asked to bring wine or dessert. We are asked to bring our hearts and deepest feelings of happiness and our friends and family.
We are asked to come feel joy and happiness and gratitude which is a powerful amplifier of good, so we can welcome in an entirely new kind of world.
We should be able to bring many more.
When we see the following photo from Wake Up, London, of so many people meditating, how many of us realize they are actually influencing the electromagnetic field of the earth? Or that the energy they are generating is good for each of us, for the earth’s health, for peace.? Such peacefulness and unified consciousness is not good news for psychopaths who require chaos, including a chaotic magnetic field, to operate, just as diseases thrive on pollution. With enough loving consciousness, they, too, can be affected.
The fun of it
While we have been sitting ducks after centuries of being trained to be terrified and depressed, that's over now. They can't get us. (One should, in politeness and love, avoid saying, "Nyah, nyah, nyah.") Not now. Not when we're happily creating another world. How can they instigate violence and arrest us, or spray us or run us over with the tanks (or they joking?) or shoot at us (what?) or taser us or jump on us or whatever the idiocy de jour, when we are happily busy with something special for everyone?
We'll be partying and FEELING the new world we are vibrating into existence through our consciousness. And as it joins with others, at 5000 times the power of the bankers and corporations, our dream of the new world will be gently dismantling the old system. We can party singing This Land Is My Land, This Land is Your Land, knowing it's already true, not in anger, not in fierceness, in felt joy of it.
We'll be at work or at home or in the park or on a bus or any of the places we are at noon or at the top of each hour. A little alarm will go off and we'll smile and take a deep breath and start picturing the world we have longed for - one without evil or war or taxes or bombs or cruelty. We'll have a blissful 5 minutes at the top of each hour, feeling that reality NOW, opening the universe up to mirroring back to us what we are feeling.
Those frequent times during the day become a form of practice - a pleasure to return to - picking up our happy images and expanding on them in one hour, embroidering on them in the next hour, feeling the sheer joy of life.
And we'll also have a half hour at noon, pouring out our prayers, meditating peacefully, or jumping those time lines like all get out - knowing AND feeling that untold numbers of people will be doing the same, and that this never seen before connection between people all over the US and world will be growing and growing each day as others get the invitation - picked up and put out in multiple languages - and begin to show up.
Mae Wan Ho, a geneticist and physicist agrees.
Discovery of The Unified Field (Part 1)
What is Consciousness? (Part 2)
Experience the Unified Field (Part 3)
The Unified Field Is Consciousness (Part 4)
Human Potential is Unilimited (Part 5)
Delousing Illuminati symbolism and negative messages
And we have humor!
Just remember there is someone's unhappy son under all that hot, miserable equipment.
The economy is supposed to collapse. Everyone is supposed run out of food and suddenly turn into robbers, thugs and vampires, steal everything from everyone and bite them, and then murder them in lots of ways. So, we've been told. Based on what's happened in the past, it's not quite like that:
"The most startling thing about disasters, according to award-winning author Rebecca Solnit, is not merely that so many people rise to the occasion, but that they do so with joy. That joy reveals an ordinarily unmet yearning for community, purposefulness, and meaningful work that disaster often provides. A Paradise Built in Hell is an investigation of the moments of altruism, resourcefulness, and generosity that arise amid disaster's grief and disruption and considers their implications for everyday life. It points to a new vision of what society could become-one that is less authoritarian and fearful, more collaborative and local."
An internet shut down won't stop it. It will only increase it because there is more time to focus consciousness and more reason to. Those harming humanity have no way around our loving consciousness. It pushes evil out of this world. We only need to be aware of our individual power and the exponential effect of our unified consciousness to do this work.
And you can take that to the bank and even get interest on it!
We can move any mountains for our kiddy-o's
Come play fair ball, it's good for all, o mi or my o