Legislators need to know something about the history of the pharmaceutical/vaccine industry to understand this irrational push for mandating a product that can kill so they can look at facts about vaccines and not be swayed by media or lobbyists
IG Farben - a name every US legislator must know
IG Farben was the pharmaceutical and chemical industry conglomerate that put Hitler into office. The Rockefellers had half interest in it and IG Farben had half interest in Rockefellers' Standard Oil.
"The Rockefellers monopolized American medicine in the 1920s. They, along with I.G. Farben, Germany's leading industrial organization, held the monopoly on the world's chemical and pharmaceutical industries. The Rockefellers and I.G. Farben worked together before World War II and during World War II. For all practical purposes, the Rockefellers and I.G. Farben were the Third Reich."
Under George W Bush, pandemic laws were put in place that arrange to mandate vaccines in the event of a pandemic "emergency" - as well as financial plunder of the US and the WHO and UN coming in to rule the country through crisis committees. "Ebola" Triggers George Bush's Bizarre Pandemic Laws
Tension Increases - Federal Judge Orders CDC to Produce Secret Documents...
The Rockefellers, connected to IG Farben helped bring Nazis here after WWII and used US intelligence services to serve their own interests.
Today, the CIA, which served IG Farben and the Rockefellers over US interests, is controlling mass media.
The CIA-controlled media has turned an irrelevant outbreak of measles into a ridiculously false national crisis yet one being used to promote vaccine mandates for everyone.
Merck is the lead lobbyist for vaccine mandates for every man woman and child in the US.
Merck was also the main recipient of Nazi flight capital and involved in bioweapons.
Merck Created Hit List to "Destroy," "Neutralize" or "Discredit" Dissenting Doctors
AIDS - Dr Maurice Hillerman, Lead Vaccine Scientist for Merck, Admits Merck Brought AIDS to America
Merck vaccine scientist Dr. Maurice Hilleman admitted presence of SV40, AIDS and cancer viruses in vaccines
Big Pharma Buying Congress $6million a Day (Video)
In addition:
And worse, one of the CDC researchers who put out a report that the MMR did not cause autism, is immunized to testify before a Congressional committee that in fact, the CDC hid the data and the measles vaccine (MMR) does cause autism and at a 300% greater rate among little black boys.
Buried under the flood of media fear stories about measles, is the disturbing reality that Merck's MMR vaccine is causing autism and killing children. What should Merck do?
They are doubling down. They are attempting via CIA-controlled media and intense lobbying of legislators to save their bottom line, by getting their defective MMR vaccine mandated.
Mercks' Gardasil vaccine is even more suspect, associated with infertility and with a high number of deaths of young girls. Based on greatly under-reported government numbers, it has killed 133 young girls (numbers only up to 2013 and drastically below lawyers' figures) and caused thousands of disabilities. The items in red show the vaccine to be doing the opposite of preventing cervical cancer.
It has now been confirmed in a peer-reviewed and published Abstract appearing in the prestigious BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL that the HPV vaccine can result in infertility and loss of menses, years AFTER you received the HPV vaccine.
In this particular case, the 16 year old girl received the Gardasil HPV vaccine, and had her whole life ahead of her:
A more recent peer reviewed and published study of 3 more teenage girls suffering extremely early onset menopause because of the Gardasil HPV vaccine was published on July 31,2013, confirming that both Gardasil and Cervarix HPV vaccines have resulted in "Primary Ovarian Failure:"
JAPAN Withdraws Support for HPV Vaccine
14 June 2013: Merck’s Gardasil and GlaxoSmithKline’s Cervarix took a hit as Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare told local governments to suspend their previous recommendation for HPV vaccine administration to the country’s 12 to 16 year old girls:- Click Here for English
The CIA which controls our media is also tied to the CDC which is in charge of the vaccine schedule and makes most public announcements about vaccines.
Right now, it is not only the Gardasil vaccine which may sterilize, Every single vaccine given to children in the US contains polysorbate 80, a known sterilizing agent effective enough to be listed as a preferred ingredient in an international patent for a "Fertility Impairing Vaccine."
And such covert sterilization by vaccines was recommended by Kissinger, a protege of the Rockefellers.
National Security Council Document 20506: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests -
This is genocide by vaccine.
The WHO, run by Bill Gates, and the Rockefellers and the pharmaceutical industry that once made up IG Farben, was infamous for genocide. The only difference now is that the WHO, the CDC, and other agencies are operating on global scale and are in disguise as health agencies. But they are without question committing genocide in the millions.
Bill Gates who has controlling power at the WHO, paralyzed 47,500 children in India in 201 with his polio vaccines and killed 10,000 Pakistani children with that same vaccine. The WHO did not take it off the market. When there was resistance to that vaccine in Pakistan, the WHO got the lethal vaccine mandated.
"I asked Dr. Ngare why he believed that the WHO would do such a thing?
"He replied:
"WHO and other UN organizations together with eugenic organizations like the IPPF have had a population control agenda aimed at the lower developed countries (LDC) for a long time. Refer to the link below for a document called the NSSM 200 that will help understand more. National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200) – April 1974. This is a de-classified secret service document. .... [Emphasis added.]
"I asked him whether or not he had any final comments that he would like to portray to the public.
Dr. Ngare replied:
"1. The reputation of WHO has been called to question many times in the past but there is always inconclusive evidence and a great deal of media sensitization of information that they get away Scot free. The Catholic Church in Kenya has offered the world irrefutable evidence in this case of the Kenyan tetanus eradication campaign demonstrating clearly the forceful but secretive sterilization of a community.
"How much more damage and proof will the world demand before action is taken? [The problem has been that the world doesn't know what the WHO is really doing.]
2. "This is not an African problem; this is not a racial problem. It is a problem of good versus evil. Passivity allows evil to thrive and ever flourish. It is time individuals who stand for what is good understood that the only way to defeat evil is to confront it head on and took action in their area of direct influence e.g. at home, the work place and their local communities.
3. "This chance must not be squandered. The Catholic Church in Kenya has done its part and will continue to be vigilant. However, we appeal to the people and private organizations of good will from all across the world to come together and supported the Catholic Church in Kenya to fight the excesses of this organization." [Emphases added.]
"The reason for suspecting a vaccine campaign rather than an individual carrier is due to the fact that the ebola contagion did not start at a single geographic center and then spread outward along the roads. Instead. simultaneous outbreaks of multiple cases occurred in widely separated parts of rural Guinea, indicating a highly organized effort to infect residents in different locations in the same time-frame.
"The ebola outbreak in early March coincided with three separate vaccination campaigns countrywide: a cholera oral vaccine effort by Medicins Sans Frontieres under the WHO; and UNICEF-funded prevention programs against meningitis and polio:
– The MSF-WHO project administered the anti-cholera vaccine Shanchol. The drug producer Shanta Biotechnics in Hyderabad, India, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sanofi Pasteur based in Lyon, France. Formerly known as Sanofi Aventis, the pharmaceutical controlled by major shareholders L’Oreal and the Rothschild Group.
– The oral polio vaccine (OPV) drive funded by UNICEF was based on a pathogen seed strain developed by Sanofi Pasteur, which operates the world’s largest polio vaccine production facility.
– The meningitis vaccine MenAfrVac, was produced by the Serum Institute of India, owned by tycoon Cyrus Poonawalla, under development funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In 2013, a UNICEF drive in Chad with the same drug resulted in 40 child deaths from vaccine-linked symptom. MSF participated in the West African anti-meningitis project.
The Who and the UN have surreptitiously inserted coding into Obama involving "death by legal execution," with one item applicable to death by vaccine injury.
- This is an extremely bizarre and highly disturbing section to have in a "health" care bill.
- And these executions are explicitly not ones ordered after a trial by jury in a democratic country, for the coding explicitly states at the outside that:
- "All executions performed at the behest of the judiciary or ruling authority [whether permanent or temporary]"
- This is a description of a totalitarian government or totalitarian military order so the order would not be legal
- This section of Obamacare immediately misrepresents as legal, orders of execution given outside of any constitutional framework, implying a military coup in the US.
- Most of the items listed as forms of "legal execution" are NOT forms of legal execution used anywhere in the US or in almost any place in the world.
- What is listed as forms of "legal execution" are actually forms of murder and mass murder:
- murder one might see in war,
- forms of mass murder used under the Nazis,
- a form of killing used during the French Revolution,
- a form of terror and assassination used by Jihadists,
- killing that could occur through infliction of injury by vaccine/drug/chemical, or by torture, or by human experiment, or satanic ritual
- and "unspecified"
Here is the section in Obamacare:
All executions performed at the behest of the judiciary or ruling authority [whether permanent or temporary] as:
- asphyxiation by gas
[As was done in the Nazi death camps? What government legally asphyxiates people? How many people? Where? From the sky? In the new bricked up train buildings in Indiana, California, Oregon, Texas and in many other states, with tracks running into them? In subways? Is this an attempt to pre-legalize gassing people in gas chambers or in subways with Sarin or other gases and killing them, as "legal execution?]
- beheading, decapitation (by guillotine)
[This doesn't need a comment. It's illegality and horror speak for themselves.]
- capital punishment
[Capital punishment" is not a form of execution. Was this just thrown in so someone scanning the list quickly would see something familiar and not look further?]
- electrocution
- hanging
[Do US states hang people anymore for capital crimes? Is haning not considered cruel and unusual punishment now? ]
- poisoning
[The US does not execute using poisoning. In what country anywhere is poisoning a legal execution? Might this be an attempt to pre-legalize deaths by poisoning of water supplies as "legal execuations"? Or of food supplies? Or by assassination?]
- shooting
[Is this by firing squad as in a military execution? Does this cover mass shootings in front of pits as was done by the Nazis? Would it include shooting of protestors?]
- other specified means
[Where are those listed? This UN and WHO coding leaves this section referring to secret information.
What kind of legal coding is that?
What kind of medical coding is that?
Are drones such means? Or mandated lethal vaccines such as with weaponized ebola patented by the CDC? Is harvesting of organs included on the secret list of means?]
- Injury undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted
Under Bush, the US Supreme Court Gave Total Liability Shield to Vaccine Manufacturers[How can it be a "legal execution" if it is accidental?
How can it be a "legal execution" - distinct from all the choices above - if it is an injury that was purposefully "inflicted"?
Is that not a description of inflicted injury by mandatory vaccines - which are included in Bush's pandemic laws - that end up killing?
Is this vaguely worded section of Obamacare not an effort to define "accidental" or "inflicted" deaths by mandatory vaccines, as "legal execution"?
Is this also a description of deaths occurring as the result ofttorture?
Would rape not fit here? Would child rape, torture and satanic sacrifice by the criminal elite not fit here as well?]" [Emphasis in the original.]
" .... Amendments to the Chemical and Biological Warfare Act of 1949 in December 2007, state that under terrorist and riot control measures mass aerial immunizations may occur. Many of the new biological pesticides are made from various bionanotechnology materials that utilize the same technologies used in nasal vaccine technology."
" .... former President George W. Bush sparked much alarm by openly declaring himself to be a dictator in the event of a national emergency under provisions that effectively nullify the U.S. constitution, but such an infrastructure has been in place for over 70 years and this merely represented a re-authorization of martial law powers.
Legislation signed on May 9, 2007, declares that in the event of a “catastrophic event”, the President can take total control over the government and the country, bypassing all other levels of government at the state, federal, local, territorial and tribal levels, and thus ensuring total unprecedented dictatorial power.
The National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive, which also places the Secretary of Homeland Security in charge of domestic “security”, was signed earlier without the approval or oversight of Congress and seemingly supercedes the National Emergency Act which allows the president to declare a national emergency but also requires that Congress have the authority to “modify, rescind, or render dormant” such emergency authority if it believes the president has acted inappropriately.
Journalist Jerome Corsi, who studied the directive, also states that it makes no reference to Congress and “its language appears to negate any requirement that the president submit to Congress a determination that a national emergency exists.”
"The WHO’s IHR are the legal framework for quarantining and mass vaccinating people across the USA.
"The WHO"s IHR, signed by Bush without Congressional vote, arranges for a
foreign entity, merely on that foreign entity's declaration of an emergency, to subject the United States to martial law control by that foreign entity and backed up by foreign (UN) troops on US soil."
BILL GATES' Mandated Lethal Vaccines and His Call for War Preparedness
Legislators considering mandating vaccines have a great deal to take in.
Only some of the issues raised in the article include:the vaccines are all GMO-vaccines and are extremely unstable - already causing viruses to jump species and to spread easily by air;GMO-vaccines genetically alter anyone forced to take them - inserting insect or virus or pig or possibly even synthetic DNA, grossly contaminating human DNA and in a way that could never happen in nature;the GMO material is patented;no one has signed a legal contract agreeing to their or their children's invaluable IP property - their own human DNA - being damaged and with patented corporate property;GMO vaccines raise the issue of what happens when people with insect DNA (for example) have children and this insect DNA is increased in off-spring - what happens to human evolution?;who owns the blood, organs, etc. of any person if the pharmaceutical industry has patented the DNA injected into people?
A warning for US legislators from the US lead prosecutor at the Nuremberg War Criminal Tribunal
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