Rockefeller, Johns Hopkins Behind Horrific Human Syphilis Experiments, Allege Guatemalan Victims in Lawsuit
"This seems like something right out of Dr. Mengele's notebook." That is how Bradley Stoner, MD, past President of the American Sexually Transmitted Disease Association, has described these Guatemala experiments in public statements, comparing them to the Nazi medical experiments inflicted upon Jews in Auschwitz during the Second World War.
"The details of the experiments were deliberately hidden from the world, and remained so until the Commission published its report in September 2011, confirming that barbaric human experiments constituting human rights violations occurred, for example: prostitutes were infected with venereal disease and then provided for sex to subjects for intentional transmission of the disease; subjects were inoculated by injection of syphilis spirochetes into the spinal fluid that bathes the brain and spinal cord, under the skin, and on mucous membranes; an emulsion containing syphilis or gonorrhea was spread under the foreskin of the penis in male subjects; the penis of male subjects was scraped or scarified and then coated with the emulsion containing syphilis or gonorrhea; a woman from the psychiatric hospital was injected with syphilis, developed skin lesions and wasting, and then had gonorrheal pus from a male subject injected into both of her eyes. Many of the Guatemalans developed venereal disease. Most were never treated.
Researchers subjected the Guatemalans to repeated blood draws, lumbar punctures and cisternal punctures of the suboccipital portion of the brain, gynecological examinations, touching and penetration of sexual organs, and forced or coerced sexual contact.
"Key Rockefeller and Johns Hopkins researchers involved in the Guatemala Experiments, were also behind the now infamous Tuskegee experiments, in which 600 impoverished African-American sharecroppers were never informed they had syphilis, and were given placebos rather than real medicine. The researchers watched while the experiment subjects wasted away and infected their wives and children with the disease. The Tuskegee experiments were halted after being exposed by a whistleblower."
The CDC ran the Tuskegee Experiment for many years, even going out of its way to defend it as late as 1970 when it was first exposed, and going to doctors in the area around Tuskegee to ensure that they would not treat the men who were suffering and dying from syphilis, they could have been cured of.But while they know that Auschwitz was the site of hideous forced human "medical experiments," most Jews believe that the horrors of Nazi experiments ended in Nazi Germany.
Rockefellers brought the Nazi doctors and researchers to the US
Most American Jews do not know that the Rockefellers and OSS (now the CIA) brought Nazi "doctors" and "researchers" to the US under a program called Operation Paperclip. Nazis were given new identities, false passports, and inserted into medical institutions, and bioweapons, aerospace, military, and spy agencies here, and also were helped to escape to and do similar work for other countries and global agencies. There is reason to believe based on the actions of those global agencies, that some also became part of the newly established UN - including WHO, UNICEF, and UNESCO.
Henry Kissinger, a Rockefeller protege, and Jewish, helped manage the program that brought Nazi murderers to the US.
"It was this operation that principally spirited the creation of the CIA as a cover agency for the powerful Gehlen Org, the German intelligence agency run by Reinhard Gehlen--an organization whose power superseded even the Nazi SS because of its prewar connections with German military intelligence. ....
"You may be interested to know who paid for the importation of Nazis into American central intelligence, the military, and industry? Three groups: The first was "The Sovereign Military Order of Malta" (SMOM), perhaps the most powerful reactionary segment of European aristocracy, that for almost a thousand years, starting with the crusades in the Twelfth Century, funded military operations against countries and ideas considered a threat to its power; Second was the Nazi war chest that was largely funneled through the Vatican and the Rockefeller owned Chase Manhattan Bank, whose Paris branch conducted business as usual throughout the Nazi occupation of France, and thirdly, some of us and our parents--American taxpayers. ....
"Eisenhower, you may remember, warned America that the gravest threat to world security, democracy, and even spirituality, was the growing military/industrial complex. And the Rockefellers and Kissinger played leading roles in its evil expansion."
- Abhorrent human experiments by Nazi scientists were conducted on large numbers of people by the German Nazi regime in its concentration camps during World War II.
Much overlooked in the large numbers of German scientists secreted into the United States were a sizable number of former Nazi chemists and biochemists brought into the country along with their families. Many of these scientists had been intensely involved in the conduct of human experiments for the Nazis, including horrific activities conducted under the auspices of the dreaded SS and its ultra-secret Ahnenerbe Institutes at several concentration camps.
"Jacobsen opens Operation Paperclip in November 1944, .... two American bacteriology experts pore over a cache of documents in the apartment of Dr. Eugene Haagen, a German virus expert. Within hours they find a chilling letter from Haagen to a colleague:
“Of the 100 prisoners you sent me, 18 died in transport. Only 12 are in a condition suitable for my experiments. I therefore request that you send me another 100 prisoners between 20 and 40 years of age ... .”
"The letter proved that the Nazis were bent on creating biological weapons for use in warfare ....
"The people carrying out this barbaric work were no minor Nazi thugs: Before the war, Haagen held a fellowship with the Rockefeller Foundation ...."UNICEF, Sephardic Jewish Children and a remarkable similarity to Nazi experiments
In 1950, UNICEF, part of the UN and allegedly tasked with the welfare of children, immediately after WWII and the sadistic Nazi experiments, using 35,000 times the allowable limit for radiation, irradiated the heads of 100,000 Sephardic Jewish children from North Africa whose families had just immigrated to Israel. The justification was allegedly to treat ringworm, typically treated topically with vinegar. Screams of agony, even dying children, didn't stop the program from moving forward. Thousands of children died, most were sterilized and the survivors developed brain and other cancers and most have died early.
“The primary agent behind these ringworm eradication operations was UNICEF,[17] which even assisted in the purchase of x-ray machines for this purpose. It even supplied the two x-ray machines that operated in the immigrant intake and processing facility for immigrants in Israel – Shaar Haaliyah south of Haifa.” [Citation from an article that minimizes the number of children involved and attempts to normalize the procedure, though does not address rads of 35,000 times the normal amount.]
UNICEF appears on its website to be bragging of its control and the power of its partners:
"UNICEF is the driving force that helps build a world where the rights of every child are realized. We have the global authority to influence decision-makers, and the variety of partners [Rockefellers] at grassroots level to turn the most innovative ideas into reality. That makes us unique among world organizations, and unique among those working with the young." [Emphasis added.]
"... 263 cancer patients ... were secretly being experimented upon with “whole body irradiation.” [They and their] family, had ever been consulted about the experiments. Nor had [they], or anyone else, given the hospital [the University of Texas Medical School’s M.D. Anderson Hospital] permission to experiment on [them]. Nobody ever told [them], or anyone in [their families], that the German physician who saw him weekly was Dr. Herbert Bruno Gerstner, a former Nazi doctor who had been secretly brought to the United States in 1949. .... Even when they became deathly sick with constant vomiting, dehydration, skin lesions, and rapid weight loss, Gerstner’s patients did not suspect that they were being administered an extreme amount of X-ray dosages that would eventually kill them."
"It is well documented in Leonard Horowitz’s works that [Nazi bioweapons scientists) were settled in Fort Detrick, Maryland where they created biological & chemical weapons of mass destruction during the Cold War. They were part of our war machine until Nixon decommissioned the US Army facility at Ft. Detrick and recommissioned it on the same day (keeping all of its personnel) as The National Cancer Institute."
Rockefellers and unethical human experimentation in the US
Even those aware of Operation Paperclip or the grisly medical experiments that continued after WWII, may not realize how many experiments the Rockefellers were involved in.
Because the pharmaceutical industry and thus the Rockefellers as the leaders in vaccines in the world, are pushing strongly for mandated vaccines in the US for every man, woman and child, and because the Nazis always mandated vaccines as they occupied a country, it's important to look at Rockefeller funded human experiments since most involved vaccines used in a vicious, poisonous and virulent way (A note as readers look through the experiments: Sloan Kettering worked with the Rockefellers.)
"The experiments include: the deliberate infection of people with deadly or debilitating diseases, exposure of people to biological and chemical weapons, human radiation experiments, injection of people with toxic and radioactive chemicals, surgical experiments, interrogation and torture experiments, tests involving mind-altering substances, and a wide variety of others. Many of these tests were performed on children,[1] the sick, and mentally disabled individuals, often under the guise of "medical treatment". In many of the studies, a large portion of the subjects were poor, racial minorities or prisoners. ....
"Funding for many of the experiments was provided by United States government, especially the United States military, Central Intelligence Agency [i.e. the Rockefellers], or private corporations [including the Rockefellers] involved with military activities. The human research programs were usually highly secretive, and in many cases information about them was not released until many years after the studies had been performed.
Here is a list of some of the known experiments.
"In 1941, at the University of Michigan, virologists Thomas Francis, Jonas Salk and other researchers deliberately infected patients at several Michigan mental institutions with the influenza virus by spraying the virus into their nasal passages.[19] Francis Payton Rous, based at the Rockefeller Institute and editor of the Journal of Experimental Medicine, wrote the following to Francis regarding the experiments:
"It may save you much trouble if you publish your paper... elsewhere than in the Journal of Experimental Medicine. The Journal is under constant scrutiny by the anti-vivisectionists who would not hesitate to play up the fact that you used for your tests human beings of a state institution. That the tests were wholly justified goes without saying."[20]
To understand the scope of what occurred, one must begin with a simple fact: polio was a very rare virus and one that paralyzed only 1% of those infected.
The Rockefellers ran the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, made the polio vaccines and ran the March of Dimes.
"In 1955 Time Magazine wrote of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis blowing the danger of polio out of proportion. But why would anyone blow out of proportion something as serious as polio? Here is a snippet from that article:
“In retrospect, a good deal of the blame for the vaccine snafu also went to the National foundation (for Infantile Paralysis) [the Rockefellers], which, with years of publicity, had built up the danger of polio out of all proportion to its actual incidence, and had rushed into vaccinations this year with patently insufficient preparation.” emphasis added
Medicine: Vaccine Snafu. Monday, May 30, 1955,9171,866421-2,00.html#ixzz0lwMucUsM
"Henry Kumm worked at the International Health Division of the Rockefeller Foundation for Medical Research in 1928. During the Second World War, Kumm experimented with larvicides containing DDT, a known neurotoxin often related to polio-like symptoms, to control the spread of malaria in Italy. [21] The pesticide DDT is often implicated as a likely cause of the polio epidemic in the 1950s."
".... since the 1920’s the Rockefeller Foundation had funded the eugenics research in Germany through the Kaiser-Wilhelm Institutes in Berlin and Munich, including well into the Third Reich. They praised the forced sterilization of people by Hirtler Germany, and the Nazi ideas on race “purity.”
From Bill Gates talks about vaccines to reduce population’
"It was John D. Rockefeller III, a life-long advocate of eugenics, who used his “tax free” foundation money to initiate the population reduction neo-Malthusian movement through his private Population Council in New York beginning in the 1950’s.
"During the Second World War, Kumm [still working for the Rockefellers] experimented with larvicides containing DDT, a known neurotoxin often related to polio-like symptoms ....
The UNICEF radiation attack on Sephardic Jewish children occurred shortly afterward the UN and UNICEF were set up. The big question surrounding it was who funded, with money said to be coming out of the US. The Rockefellers were the likely source as the "partners" UNICEF refers to. What UNICEF did was certainly eugenic - they only irradiated darker skinned Sephardic children and did sterilize or kill any of the light skinned European Jewish children.
The National Institutes of Health, the Public Health Service, Bristol Meyer Squibb, John Hopkins and the World Health Organization are mentioned. The WHO was and is run by the Rockefellers. The institutions which participated in this hideous experiment did not do so by accident but at a minimum out of a fascist medical philosophy indistinguishable from Nazi experimenters. Since the Rockefeller Foundation worked with them, one might reasonably assume they were each infiltrated by Nazi scientists brought over from Germany by the Rockefellers.In a 1946 to 1948 study in Guatemala, U.S. researchers used prostitutes to infect prison inmates, insane asylum patients, and Guatemalan soldiers with syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases, in order to test the effectiveness of penicillin in treating the STDs. They later tried infecting people with "direct inoculations made from syphilis bacteria poured into the men's penises and on forearms and faces that were slightly abraded . . . or in a few cases through spinal punctures". Approximately 700 people were infected as part of the study (including orphan children). The study was sponsored by the Public Health Service [which morphed with the same staff into the CDC which continued the infamous Tuskegee Experiment], the National Institutes of Health and the Pan American Health Sanitary Bureau (now the World Health Organization's Pan American Health Organization) and the Guatemalan government. The team was led by John Charles Cutler, who later participated in the Tuskegee syphilis experiments. Cutler chose to do the study in Guatemala because he would not have been permitted to do it in the United States. In 2010 when the research was revealed, the US officially apologized to Guatemala for the studies.[29][30][31][32] A lawsuit has been launched against Johns Hopkins University, Bristol-Myers Squibb and the Rockefeller Foundation for alleged involvement in the study.[33]
"As touched upon in the article, livestock and crops were heavily sprayed with DDT in the 1950s. (After Kumm and the Rockefellers shifted from their WWII "work" to the US.)"According to the Medical Archives at John Hopkins, “In 1951, he [Kumm] resigned from the Rockefeller Foundation to accept a position as assistant director of research at the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. He conducted field trials in the study of gamma globulin and the Salk vaccine and became the director of research in 1954. Rejoining the Rockefeller Foundation in 1959, Kumm retired as an associate professor in 1964.” [22]
The Rockefellers controlled everything about "polio," through the Rockefeller Foundation creating the vaccines to and the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis being funded by the government for "polio research," and to the March of Dimes that brought in millions.
"Dr. F. R. Klenner, Reidsville, N.C.: It might be interesting to learn how polio-myelitis was treated in Reidsville, N.C., during the 1948 epidemic. In the past seven years, virus infections have been treated and cured in a period of seventy-two hours by the employment of massive frequent injections of ascorbic acid, or vitamin C. I believe that if vitamin C in these massive doses — 6,000 to 20,000 mg in a twenty-four hour period — is given to these patients with poliomyelitis none will be paralyzed and there will be no further maiming or epidemics of poliomyelitis."
"The empirical, clinical basis for Klenner's statement is found in his paper "The Treatment of Poliomyelitis and Other Virus Diseases with Vitamin C", published in the July 1949 issue of the Journal of Southern Medicine and Surgery." ....
"The Use of Vitamin C as an Antibiotic": "we have been able to assemble sufficient clinical evidence to prove unequivocally that vitamin C is the antibiotic of choice in the handling of all types of virus diseases. Furthermore it is a major adjuvant in the treatment of all other infectious diseases."
Klenner's discovery of vitamin C as a cure for polio and other virus diseases is the most significant discovery in medical history.
It was suppressed by the medical establishment.
And that medical establishment was the Rockefellers. They controlled the entire US medical industry - the medical schools, the hospitals, the research institutes, the pharmaceutical industry, the journals, ... And they were the National foundation for Infantile Paralysis and the March of Dimes.
Or "Where the polio money went and how the Rockefellers made certain that Vitamin C which was curing diseases would not pre-empt the coming birth of the Rockefeller's massive vaccine industry which would only claim to prevent diseases."
From The Origin of the 42-Year Stonewall of Vitamin C
"The National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis was founded in 1938 by polio's most famous victim, President Franklin Roosevelt, to raise money through the March of Dimes to combat the disease. Most polio research was funded by the National Foundation. There is no mention of Dr. Klenner's work or of vitamin C's possible benefits to polio victims in any of the Foundation's annual reports. Not one dime was spent to prove or disprove Klenner's claim. Before 1949 a claim of a cure was promptly looked into and money spent until it was proved false. But with Klenner's claim nothing happened.
"It was certainly not for lack of research funds that nothing happened. John M. Russell, in the 1960 book The Crisis in American Medicine, edited by Marion K. Sanders, described the glut and waste of money for medical research in the 1950s. Russell points out that the public clamor for a cure for polio was so great that in 1954 Congress appropriated $1,000,000 specifically earmarked for polio research. It turned out that there was so much polio money floating around that the recipient of this largess, the U.S. Public Health Service, classified such unlikely diseases as hepatitis as "polio like" so that none of this money would have to be returned to the U.S. taxpayer.
"Five International Poliomyelitis Congresses were convened every three years from 1948 to 1960 to deal with the polio epidemics around the world. In all of the voluminous reports of these conferences there is no reference to Klenner or to vitamin C. Only the first congress dealt briefly with the possible effect of nutrition, and this was dismissed by the statement of an expert "that no clinical evidence is known to me which justifies an increase in intake of vitamins beyond usual recommended allowances".
"Thus in 1949 the polio experts at the Annual Session of the AMA [The Flexner Report: How John D. Rockefeller used the AMA to take over Western Medicine] knew of Klenner's claim, as did the many readers of JAMA's lead article of its September 3 issue, the many researchers who used the National Foundation's Bibliography, those that kept up with the titles in the Current List of Medical Literature, and the relatively few readers of the Journal of Southern Medicine and Surgery."All this exposure led to no official inquiry or follow-up of Dr. Klenner's work by U.S. government health authorities or the National Foundation. No one in authority anywhere stepped forward to insist that it be checked out. The strategy of medical leaders — conscious or unconscious, planned or unplanned — was clearly to ignore Dr. Klenner and hope his claims would be forgotten.
[Sabin worked for the Rockefeller Institute from 1935-1939 and may even have done this particular research there, so the Rockefellers would have been directly aware of the beneficial effects of vitamin C.]"It worked. Klenner's cure never became well known and today has sunk almost into oblivion. A synopsis of polio infection and research by Ernest Kovacs entitled "The Biochemistry of Poliomyelitis Viruses", published in 1964, makes no reference to Klenner. In 1985 Friedrick Koch and Gebhard Kock published The Molecular Biology of Polio virus. It contains in its opening chapter a history of the disease, but it says nothing about Klenner, or even about the extensive vitamin C research done by Drs. Jungeblut and Sabin with monkeys in the 30s. It's as though polio-vitamin C research never happened.
"To this day it is mainstream medicine's position that there is no cure for polio. The Encyclopedia American quotes Richard W. Price of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center of New York City: "No specific treatment is effective once neurological involvement becomes manifest."
"A thoroughly exasperated Klenner concluded a February 1959 paper in the Tri-State Medical Journal with these words:
"Should the disease be present in the acute form, ascorbic acid given in proper amounts around the clock, both by mouth and needle, will bring about a rapid recovery. We believe that ascorbic acid must be given by needle in amounts from 250 mg to 400 mg per kg body weight every 4 to 6 hours for 48 hours and then every 8 to 12 hours. The dose by mouth is the dose that can be tolerated. To those who say that Polio is without cure, I say that they lie. Polio in the acute form can be cured in 96 hours or less. I beg of someone in authority to try it."
Sabins' vitamin C study: The most disastrous medical study in medical history?"Today there are areas of the world where polio vaccine is still not used and where the incidence of polio is increasing. Polio remains The Crippler, and the only effort of the World Health Organization is to increase vaccination. The leading medical authorities — the editors of the leading journals, the heads of the AMA and the National Foundation, U.S. Surgeons-General and the heads of other U.S. governmental health agencies — were, and are, responsible for stonewalling for 42 years Dr. Klenner's simple, inexpensive cure for many viral diseases, including the dreaded polio. 1949 — a year in medicine which will live in infamy." [Emphases added.]
Klenner's historical discovery of vitamin C's ability to cure viral disease heralded humanity's freedom from infectious diseases.
From The Origin of the 42-Year Stonewall of Vitamin C
Sabin's study, done while working for the Rockefellers, was a historically consequential turning point away from a proven, natural and inexpensive cure for all viral diseases - a cure that could be used anywhere in the world - and toward centralization of global power and wealth into the hands of the formerly overtly Nazi pharmaceutical industry controlled by the Rockefellers. ."One of the reasons why Klenner's declaration at the AMA annual session was undoubtedly met with silence was that since 1939 polio experts were quite certain that vitamin C was not effective against polio. There seemed little doubt that Dr. Albert B. Sabin, a highly respected figure in medical research even before he developed his successful vaccines, had demonstrated that vitamin C had no value in combatting polio viruses. In 1939 he published a paper showing that vitamin C had no effect in preventing paralysis in rhesus monkeys experimentally infected with a strain of polio
virus. He had tried to corroborate the work of Dr. Claus W. Jungeblut, another highly respected medical researcher, who had published in 1935 and 1937 papers indicating that vitamin C might be of benefit. Sabin could not reproduce Jungeblut's results even though he consulted Jungeblut during the course of the experiments. It seemed to be a fair trial, and Sabin's negative results virtually ended experiments with vitamin C and polio." [Emphasis added.]
Rather than Klenner's work moving humanity forward from 1949 to health for all the world's people and freedom from fear of disease, humanity has been progressively moved toward terror around viruses that can be easily cured with vitamin C, toward more diseases, toward more deaths, and toward centralized corporate control over mankind.
Sabin's study turned the direction of medicine away from the health health of humanity and literally toward the Rockefellers and fascism.
"It is not in the financial interests of the pharmaceutical industry to prevent common diseases – the maintenance and expansion of diseases is a precondition for the financial growth of this industry. [Emphasis added.]
To protect the strategic development of its investment business against the threat from effective, natural and non-patentable therapies, the pharmaceutical industry has – over an entire century - used the most unscrupulous methods, such as:
(1) Withholding life-saving health information from millions of people. It is simply unacceptable that today so few know that the human body cannot produce vitamin C and lysine, two key molecules for connective tissue stability and disease prevention.
(2) Discrediting natural health therapies. The most common way is through global PR campaigns organized by the Pharma-Cartel that spread lies about the alleged side effects of natural substances – molecules that have been used by Nature for millennia.
(3) Banning by law the dissemination of information about natural health therapies. To that end, the pharmaceutical industry has placed its lobbyists in key political positions in key markets and leading drug export nations.
"The survival of the pharmaceutical industry is dependent on the elimination by any means of effective natural health therapies. These natural and non-patentable therapies have become the treatment of choice for millions of people despite the combined economic, political and media opposition of the world’s largest investment industry."The pharmaceutical “business with disease” is the largest deception and fraud business in human history. The product “health” promised by drug companies is not delivered to millions of patients. Instead, the “products” most often delivered are the opposite: new diseases and frequently, death.
"Both Albert Sabin and Jonas Salk were members of the National Foundation of Infantile Paralysis Committee on Virus Research. ....
Albert went to work at the Rockefeller Institute from 1935 through 1939. Albert Sabin created the Oral Polio Vaccine, which was tested on over tens of millions in the USSR between 1955 through 1960 – the largest [overt] medical experiment in world history. [25] Albert also tested his vaccine on federal prisoners in Chillicothe, Ohio and on mentally “defective” children. [26]
"In a cruel twist of irony, Sabin’s vaccine was causing paralysis; the very same thing he had criticized Jonas Salk’s vaccine of doing. [27]
"The Sabin and Salk feud appears to be a false “left/right” paradigm solution as the vaccine schedule shifts from the Salk vaccine to the Sabin vaccine several times. Sabin served on the Scientific Board for the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis."
"One last interesting fact about Albert Sabin; is that his cousin was Saul Krugman. [29] Krugman developed the Hepatitis B vaccine by experimenting on children at the infamous Willowbrook State Institution [along with Robert McCollum also involved in polio research].
"According to celebrated vaccinologist Maurice Hilleman, Krugman's studies on hepatitis in the mentally retarded at the Willowbrook State School in New York City "were the most unethical medical experiments ever performed in children in the United States".[2] [Emphasis added.]
In 1972, Krugman became the president of the American Pediatric Society.
‘There is hell on earth,’’ wrote Burton Blatt (Blatt & Kaplan 1966), ‘‘and in America there is a special inferno. We were visitors there during Christmas, 1965’’ (p. v).Blatt, then a professor at Boston University, had followed the controversy surrounding Senator Robert Kennedy’s unannounced visits to New York’s Willowbrook and Rome State Schools in fall 1965. Kennedy publicly denounced conditions at the institutions. In response, public officials and supporters of Governor Nelson Rockefeller accused Kennedy of painting a misleading picture of conditions at the institutions based on superficial tours. Blatt was aware that Kennedy had accurately portrayed the nature of conditions found at institutions
New York State Association for Retarded Children, Inc. v. Rockefeller, 1973
"According to Offit in the book The Cutter Incident, “In 1957 about sixty retarded children between three and ten years of age were fed hepatitis virus prepared from the feces of children known to have the disease (Hepatitis B), and Krugman watched during the next few weeks as they developed fever, nausea, vomiting, intolerance to food, jaundice (a yellowing of the skin and eyes), and liver damage.” [30]
Honors for Krugman were given by NYU
The symptoms of polio were indistinguishable from DDT's effects and the Rockefellers were involved with DDT. Outbreaks of "polio" occurred in areas where DDT was sprayed.
Was DDT used for that purpose? That is uncertain but it certainly created the false impression of "polio" outbreaks which were not caused by polio itself and the Rockefellers were involved with it.
Thus it would have been possible for the Rockefellers to use the same Nazi political formula:
"Problem" = the "impression of polio out of control"
"Reaction" = a public terrified by greatly inflated numbers of cases put out by the Rockefeller run National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis
"Solution" - Rockefeller polio vaccines and a false emergency under which the vaccines can be mandated
The political results with polio were remarkably similar to this political pattern. Polio may in fact by a false flag to acquire political power in the US, under the guise of "medical help." One can see that more clearly if one ignores the touted alleged that actually turned cancer to an fabulously profitable epidemic, and focus instead on the sudden increase in pharmaceutical industry control over the population that occurred.
In the classic Problem > Reaction > Solution formula, one causes the problem but attributes the threat to someone else (or to virus), stirs up great fear (of children being crippled and dying), and then comes in with the pre-arranged solution (a vaccine). DDT > Fear > Polio Vaccine within an emergency setting leading to government funding of the pharmaceutical industry plus pharmaceutical industry power over a public which now must take the polio vaccines.
Though the polio vaccine may have appeared as valuable to the public, the actual circumstances were of a false emergency (whether accidental or promulgated) being used for a coming together of corporate and government power over the people - the very definition of fascism.
This pattern is strikingly visible with the recent measles outbreak. Though no one in the county has died from measles in 12 years and though 108 people have died from the measles vaccine and it is even under investigation for causing autism, with pharmaceutical industry control and orchestration of media, "the impression" of a medical crisis was created and in its wake the pharmaceutical industry (the Rockefellers) immediately brought in laws to mandate their vaccines, aiming now to mandate vaccines to every person in the country. The country's lack of awareness of the Rockefellers' Nazi involvement and their continuation of Nazi medical experiments, makes it easier for the Rockefeller's to seek total power over the bodies of everyone in the population. Achieving it would be achieving extreme fascism in the US.)
The Rockefellers' miraculous polio vaccines
Today in Asia they are causing polio across India (nearly 48,000 children a year) and have killed 10,000 children in Pakistan. When parents in Pakistan stopped bringing their children to be vaccinated, the government of Pakistan, under tremendous political pressure by the WHO (run by the Rockefellers), mandated the polio vaccine and have been arresting parents unwilling to risk their children being killed by it.
This mass inoculation can be viewed as a forced human experiment.
The participants did not receive informed consent, were not told the vaccines contained SV40, a cancer virus, and were coerced or forced in bringing their children to be injected with it.
CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Received Polio Vaccine In An 8-Year Span When It Was Contaminated With Cancer Virus
"The Nuremberg code originated because of some of humanity’s darkest deeds. .... these principles — though now expanded several times in the Declarations of Helsinki (1964 and 1975, with further revisions in 1983 and 1989) and the Belmont Report (1979) — were created to protect people from inhumane treatment carried out in the name of scientific research. If these principles are fully adhered to, people should be protected from experiments without scientific merit and without full understanding and consent.""The chief, if not the sole, cause of the monstrous increase in cancer has been vaccination."
Dr. Robert Bell; V. President International Society for Cancer Research, British Cancer Hospital.
Thus, the medical establishment's much touted "saving lives" by polio vaccines is an especially false narrative. The Rockefeller polio vaccines set off an epidemic of soft tissue cancer which has killed innumerable people since the 1950s and people are still dying from those cancers. And in Asia and Africa children are being paralyzed and dying from the Rockefeller polio vaccine "miracle." In Pakistan where 10,000 children died, the WHO got the government to mandated. The WHO is the Rockefellers.
"WHO and other UN organizations [Rockefellers] together with eugenic organizations like the IPPF [International Planned Parenthood Federation] have had a population control agenda aimed at the lower developed countries (LDC) for a long time. Refer to the link below for a document called the NSSM 200 that will help understand more. National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200) – April 1974. This is a de-classified secret service document. ....
citing Nurses and the sterilization experiments of Auschwitz: a postmodernist perspective:
"Auschwitz was the largest and one of the most infamous of the camps and the site of numerous ‘medical’ experiments. This historical study uses primary source documents obtained from archives in England and Germany to describe one type of experiment carried out at Auschwitz — the sterilization experiments ....
"The purpose of these experiments was to perfect a technique in which non-Aryans could be prevented from reproducing while still being able to work as slave laborers."
"The elder [Blockälteste] told us in general that Dr Clauberg intended to perform scientific experiments on us and if we did not obey, we would be sent to Birkenau [location of the gas chambers].
We said that we would then prefer to go to Birkenau and that we already knew that we would be killed. I cannot recall one woman who had agreed to any such experiments — to the contrary. Dr Clauberg performed sterilization experiments on my person without my consent. I did not protest because it would have been senseless. It happened anyway. Two nurses assisted him — the latter one was a prisoner herself ... The sterilization was done by injection ... As far as I can recall, the pain was the same after each injection and the injections were so painful that the nurses would sit on the victim’s arms (de Leon 1956)."
The focus of the Nazis was on a means to sterilize surreptitiously, and vaccines, under the guise of prevention or treatment of disease, offered that opportunity. They offer secrecy and medical control in a way that drugs do not.
"Dr Adolf Pokorny, a Nazi physician wrote to Himmler in October 1941: "Should we succeed in obtaining a method, permitting as quickly as possible to sterilize people without their knowledge, then we would get hold of a new, most effective weapon." [Emphasis added.]In 1933 Dr Clauberg had joined the Nazi party and was rapidly promoted to the rank of SS Gruppenführer (Lieutenant General in the Armed Forces (Michael and Doerr 2002)) by 1940. With this loyalty to the party, he decided to combine his specialization in gynecology with two of the goals of National Socialism: the cure of infertility in Aryan women and the sterilization of non- Aryans. These efforts would solidify his political position while also affording him lucrative pharmaceutical contracts (Aziz 1976).
"In July 1942 Lieutenant General Rudolf Brandt, Himmler’s personal advisor (Strzelecka 1996), contacted Clauberg, asking on behalf of Himmler, [how long it would take] to sterilize 1000 Jewesses. The Jewesses themselves should not know anything about it. As the SS Reich Leader [Himmler] understands it, you could give the appropriate injection during a general examination."
The WHO and UNICEF [Rockefellers] are currently sterilizing women in Kenya with tetanus vaccines which is a repeat of what the WHO did previously in Mexico, Nicaragua and the Philippines in the 1990s) and are sterilizing children in Nigeria with polio vaccines,
The Kenyan doctor who helped expose the WHO's sterilization program, points squarely at WHO which is the same as pointing to the Rockefellers. Then he says something that related to what the US prosecutor said, something very telling which brings things back to the true Angel of Death and the Nazis:
He's says this is a question of good versus evil and the WHO [IG Farben companies and the Rockefellers] must be stopped.
"1. The reputation of WHO [Rockefellers] has been called to question many times in the past but there is always inconclusive evidence and a great deal of media sensitization of information that they get away Scot free. The Catholic Church in Kenya has offered the world irrefutable evidence in this case of the Kenyan tetanus eradication campaign demonstrating clearly the forceful but secretive sterilization of a community.
How much more damage and proof will the world demand before action is taken?
2. This is not an African problem; this is not a racial problem. It is a problem of good versus evil. Passivity allows evil to thrive and ever flourish. It is time individuals who stand for what is good understood that the only way to defeat evil is to confront it head on and took action in their area of direct influence e.g. at home, the work place and their local communities.
3. This chance must not be squandered. The Catholic Church in Kenya has done its part and will continue to be vigilant. However, we appeal to the people and private organizations of good will from all across the world to come together and supported the Catholic Church in Kenya to fight the excesses of this organization."
[Emphasis added.]
Given the Rockefeller background in funding Nazi vaccine experiments in sterilization and their funding of eugenics and mass genocide, it is left to American Jews to ask if the vaccines are not for health, then for what?
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