People are focused on exposing 9/11 and arguing about what brought down the buildings and planning arrests around that, but it's what Bush did after 9/11 that is critical. The Patriot Act was important for removing rights but more important in terms of life or death is what Bush signed without Congress - a coup and arranging for forced bioweapons (mass murder).
And that's where the Rockefellers come in, they who funded genocide in the millions during WWII brought Nazi scientists here, have not stopped insane experiments since, and are committing genocide now using WHO vaccine campaigns .
Those who did 9/11 aren't finished. Part 1 was bombs. Part 2 is bioweapons. That's what the banking/corporate take over of the US is planned to be accomplished with. Knowing that the Rockefellers control the CIA and funded IG Farben and ALL the gruesome, sadistic, murderous experiments there and brought Nazis scientists here and put Nazis in the CIA and never stopped funding appalling experiments after WWII, how many times do they need to say ebola (which the CIA controlled CDC created and patented) or that ISIS (which the CIA created) has weaponized ebola and will attack the US, before our penny drops?
And who's to argue with protection of the public through mandated vaccines?
This is many times better than the Rockefellers' tattooing prisoners and tracking their numbers. With embedded microchips from IBM and others (IBM being who handled the data on trains and Jewish ancestry for Nazi Germany originally), they've arranged RFID tracking and what's more - continous data collection.
And the crystalized vaccines they can spray are made with a virus from NIH and made into a sprayable and water-dispersible form by a Nazi bioweapons company called IDT and the WHO, which is run by the Rockefellers. It's an ebola-rabies mix. Ebola wasn't deadly enough.
The rigged Ebola outbreaks by the UN and WHO (Rockefeller controlled)was a false flag set up for the next part - the things listed by Bush as justifying a take over of the US - financial collapse, environmental disaster (drought?), civil unrest, and a pandemic "emergency." If those things happen, the president declares that things are out of control and Presidential orders 51 and 20 kick in under which - however insanely unconstitutional - he dissolves Congress and the Supreme Court and rules with DHS and FEMA. A coup. And Bush's family has not stopped trying for a fascist coup since 1933. Some say the Kennedy assassination was one, others that the rigged election of GWBush was one. But they didn't get all the details in place until GW Bush pushed through the pandemic laws from Hopkins and the WHO and UN inserted a national registry for imbedded medical equipment and got coding into Obamacare that essentially describes the Third Reich.
The "pandemic emergency" part of Bush's list of catastrophes that are supposed to justify an end to the Constitution and the installation of a pure dictatorship, is the much more dangerous part. The others - financial collapse, environmental disaster, civil unrest - would each have horrible consequences but a "pandemic emergency" comes with a military invasion.
““For me, in countless ways the Olson story is a New York City story,” said Albarelli, a former lawyer in the Carter White House, who has written extensively about biological warfare and intelligence matters. “The CIA itself was created and initially composed of wealthy men who came from Wall Street and New York City law firms.” [Rockefellers, Harriman, .... the original funders of the Nazis with the Bushes as part of that.]
"Olson was a research scientist assigned to the CIA’s Special Operations Division, at Ft. Detrick, Md. who was performing top secret research relating to LSD-25 .... [Olson had been working with anthrax, wanted to leave the CIA, and in 2014, it was proved by his son having his body exhumed, that he was murdered.] ....
"Albarelli spent more than a decade sifting through more than 100,000 pages of government documents and [claimed] that the intelligence community conducted aerosol tests of LSD inside the New York City subway system.
“ 'The experiment was pretty shocking — shocking that the CIA and the Army would release LSD like that, among innocent unwitting folks,' Albarelli told The Post."
[Emphasis added.]
By F. William Engdahl
Author of Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian
Democracy in the New World Order
- "[Albarelli's] book .... released in the United States, detailing exhaustive interviews with now-retired US intelligence personnel who had direct knowledge of the 1951 French events, charges that the until-now unexplained "mass insanity" in the remote village were, rather, a top-secret CIA experiment conducted under the code-name Operation Span. Operation Span was a part of Project MK/NAOMI, itself an adjunct project to the more notorious Project MK/ULTRA, as in "ultra-top secret."
- "The book, A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA's Secret Cold War Experiments, by investigative journalist H.P. Albarelli Jr. documents that the Pont-St.-Esprit outbreak in 1951 was the result of a covert LSD aerosol experiment directed by the US Army's top-secret Special Operations Division at Fort Detrick, Maryland.
- "Albarelli notes that the scientists who produced the bogus cover-up explanations of contaminated bread and or mercury poisoning to deflect from the real source of the events worked for the Sandoz Pharmaceutical Company, which was then secretly supplying both the US Army and CIA with LSD for research.
- "A French newspaper at the time of the bizarre events wrote, "It is neither Shakespeare nor Edgar Poe. It is, alas, the sad reality all around Pont-St.-Esprit and its environs, where terrifying scenes of hallucinations are taking place. They are scenes straight out of the Middle Ages, scenes of horror and pathos, full of sinister shadows." The US Time magazine, whose publisher, Henry Luce was closely tied to CIA propaganda activities in the 1950's wrote, "Among the stricken, delirium rose: patients thrashed wildly on their beds, screaming that red flowers were blossoming from their bodies, that their heads had turned to molten lead. Pont-Saint-Esprit's hospital reported four attempts at suicide."
- "As Albarelli notes, a Department of Justice website on the dangers of LSD states that in the early 1950s, "the Sandoz Chemical Company went as far as promoting LSD as a potential secret chemical warfare weapon to the US Government. Their main selling point in this was that a small amount in a main water supply or sprayed in the air could disorient and turn psychotic an entire company of soldiers leaving them harmless and unable to fight."
- "He claims that the CIA entertained a number of proposals from American scientists concerning placing a large amount of LSD into the reservoir of a medium-to-large city, but, according to former agency officials, "the experiment was never approved due to the unexpected number of deaths during the operation in France."
- "Indeed, Albarelli has discovered once secret FBI documents that reveal that the Fort Detrick's Special Operations Division, a year prior to the Pont St. Esprit experiment, had targeted New York City's subway system for a similar experiment. States an August 1950 bureau memo, "[The] BW [biological warfare] experiments to be conducted by representatives of the Department of the Army in the New York Subway System in September, 1950, have been indefinitely postponed." The memo goes on to cite FBI concerns about "poisoning of food plants" and the "poisoning of the water supply" of large cities in the U.S.
- "In an interview with this author, Albarelli described how he developed the shocking details of the CIA secret drug programs: "My first tip-off was a 1954 CIA document that detailed an encounter between an official of the Sandoz chemical company (the producers of LSD) and a CIA official in which 'the secret of Pont St. Esprit' was referenced. The Sandoz official went on to say, 'It was not the ergot at all.'"
- "Albarelli says he then obtained through the Freedom of Information Act a partially redacted 1955 CIA report entitled, A CIA Study of LSD-25. "That seemingly comprehensive report contained detailed information on the manufacture, supply, and use of LSD and LSD-type products worldwide. However, nearly its entire section on France and Pont St. Esprit were blacked out." Albarelli requested an un-redacted copy but CIA officials refused to provide one.
- "He continued, "Then I came across a letter written by a Federal Bureau of Narcotics agent who was working secretly for the CIA; this was George Hunter White, who ran the CIA's New York City safe house in 1951-1954. White's letter referenced the Pont St. Esprit experiment. At that point, 5 years into my investigation, I began interviewing former Army biochemists who became very evasive and refused to talk about their work in France. Finally two former intelligence employees confirmed the experiment took place under the auspices of the Army's Special Operations Division and with CIA funding."
- "Lastly, Albarelli explained, "I was given an undated White House document that was part of a larger file that had been sent to members of the Rockefeller Commission formed in 1975 to investigate CIA abuses [the Rockefellers investigated themselves]. The document contained the names of a number of French nationals who had been secretly employed by the CIA and made direct reference to the 'Pont St. Esprit incident,' linking the former OSS head of secret research projects and the chief of Fort Detrick's Special Operations Division," Said Albarelli. "This, along with one other document, comprised the smoking gun."
- "In its quest to research LSD as an offensive weapon, Albarelli claims, the Army drugged over 5,700 unwitting American servicemen between the years 1953 and 1965, and, with the CIA, experimented widely with LSD and other drugs through secret contracts with over 325 colleges, universities and research institutions in the U.S., Canada and Europe, involving about 2,500 additional subjects, many of them hospital patients and college students.
- "In 2005, Scott Shane, a reporter with the Baltimore Sun newspaper, wrote, "The Army has no records on MKNAOMI or on the Special Operations Division." Asked formally for such records, the Army replied they "could find none." In 1973 the CIA destroyed all of its records on MKNAOMI and its work with Fort Detrick's Special Operations Division. When Shane asked a former top ranking Special Operations officer to speak about the division's projects in general, Andrew M. Cowan, Jr. said, "I just don't give interviews on that subject. It should still be classified-if nothing else, to keep information the division developed out of the hands of some nut."
- [Emphases added.]
Ebola vaccines from AMRIID at Fort Detrick, which did the anthrax murders and possibly the French and NYC subway spraying of LSD?
Ebola vaccines from Tulane University that bioweaponized the polio vaccine with the CIA and is linked to the JFK assassination?
Ebola-rabies vaccines from a literal Nazi bioweapons company - IDT - which in conjunction with the WHO and NIH, made the ebola-rabies vaccine able to be sprayed or dispersed through water systems?
What will it take to stop this?