Who is Bill Gates? Good guy? Philanthropist who cares about children?
For anyone who finds Monsanto disturbing, they might want to know how invested GATES is in them, but more that Homeland Security is tied to them.
Homeland Security is Working for Monsanto (i.e. GATES)
For those who care about the people in Africa and the earth, GATES' plans there might be a bit disconcerting.
Gates and Obama Share a Dark Secret
For those who don't trust the 1% who show up at the Bilderberger meetings, that GATES is involved and with the Bushes who were responsible more deaths than can be imagined, this meeting may not say a lot for him.
Mini Bilderberg? Bill Gates, Jeb Bush, Buffet, Bloomberg, and World’s Richest Meeting on Gated SC Island
GATES also Talks about Vaccines To Reduce Population, and is part of the "Good Club," that isn't.
Gates isn't terrible sympathetic to people.
Bill Gates interview: Yes, Robots Are About To Take Your Jobs
One can see below Bill GATES' reaction to anyone who questions his products' safety.
Bill Gates: Vaccine Safety Skeptics Kill Children (Video)
Or is GATES uncomfortable about vaccine safety questions because he has good and extremely large reasons to be?
While this cruel, immense lie is greatly positive for garnering billions in sales, it is also absolutely CRITICAL to mandating GATES' polio vaccine.
"There won't be anything we won't say to
people to try and convince them that
our way is the way to go."
Does that include the absurd inflation of a measles outbreak in the US into a fictional medical crisis that was used to trigger a pharmaceutical industry (i.e. GATES) push for mandated vaccines across the US?
Does that include getting a USA Today columnist who sounds suspiciously like GATES, to say that parents who avoid (potentially harmful or even deadly) vaccines for their children should be jailed?
We can see below how GATES feels both about dead children and about protective parents.
GATES killed 10,000 Pakistani kids with his polio vaccine.
Is his response?
"GAVI’s partners include certain countries, the Bill and Melinda Gates Children’s Vaccine Programme, International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, Rockefeller Foundation [GATES' partner in (GMO) vaccines and GMOs in agriculture], United Nations Children’s Fund [GATES is involved, World Health Organisation [GATES runs it with the Rockefellers] and the World Bank [another partner of GATES], the report says. ...."
"The commission also recommended launching an inquiry to find out facts leading to the agreement with GAVI without examining the safety of the vaccines. The report also established that the GAVI-funded vaccines are not only causing deaths in many countries but are also very expensive.
"There have been reports of deaths of a number of children and occurrence of other side-effects soon after the vaccination is administered in Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Bhutan and Japan.
"Geneva-based officials of GAVI, Jeffrey Rowland and Dan Thomas, were contacted by e-mail but they did not respond." [Emphases added.]
GATES did NOT pull his crippling and LETHAL vaccine off the market.
Even now,
Over 500 Pakistani Parents Arrested
for Not Vaccinating
With GATES' Polio Vaccine
That Killed 10,000 children
BILL GATES is so adamant about not asking about the safety of his vaccines, he's funded the tracking of whoever dares to question them.
Gates Foundation Funds Surveillance of Anti-Vaccine Groups
Perhaps he doesn't consider this wrong because he is fine with the US government spying on Americans.
Bill Gates Says Government Snooping Isn’t Always Bad
Gates has said there is nothing they won't say to sell their products.
"Microsoft does not innovate. It buys, imitates, or steals."
-- Richard Brandshaft, San Jose Mercury-New
"If you can't make it good, at least make it look good."
"Appeasement, said Winston Churchill, consists of being nice to a crocodile in the hope that he will eat you last. At the moment, the biggest crocodile in the world is Microsoft, and everybody is busy sucking up to it."
-- John Naughton, the London Observer
"Like medieval peasants, computer manufacturers and millions of users are locked in a seemingly eternal lease with their evil landlord (GATES), who comes around every two years to collect billions of dollars of taxes in return for mediocre services"
-- Mark Harris, Electronics Times
"[GATES moved from computers to vaccines. This is a paraphrase of the above:] Like medieval peasants, countries and millions of users are locked in a seemingly eternal lease with their evil landlord (GATES), who comes around every two years to collect billions for his vaccines."
" .... the huge bill of US$ 8 billion spent on the programme, is a small sum to pay if the world learns to be wary of such vertical programmes in the future.""GAVI support constitutes 7.8% of the total EPI cost of Rs26 billion. Pakistan will be spending Rs24.2 billion from its own resources on the purchase of new and under-used vaccines at much higher cost as compared to their equivalent vaccines. Consequently, the whole amount will be flowing back to the manufacturers who happen to be partners of GAVI,” says the report.“It is not the GAVI that has been supporting Pakistan. In fact, it is Pakistan which has been providing financial assistance to GAVI’s partner manufacturers,” the report concludes."
Mass media has been hiding the fact that Bill Gates is a mass murderer.
And he is much more. Anyone notice the big push in the US for mandated vaccines?
It's now utterly certain from what happened to thousands of children who died from vaccines in Pakistan and the vaccines then being mandated and parents arrested for not submitting to the possible death of their children, that if vaccines are mandated, even 10,000 deaths would not stop those behind the vaccines.
GATES has made that clear.
Now GATES is jumping on the ebola bandwagon. But isn't he's late, you might ask? Not at all. Just because things have gone quiet in the media about ebola after creating the initial terror, doesn't mean those who created the ebola virus are finished. The US has now added rabies to the ebola virus and the vaccine corporations have been making an ebola-rabies vaccine to go along with it.
GATES knows for a fact that the ebola virus has been ramped up because the WHO he runs was involved. So, he's not being prescient when he says the following:
"ISIS Terrorist" Crosses U.S. Border Bringing Ebola Virus
Spanish Intelligence Intercepts Plot to Weaponise Ebola
As things stand now, with Bush's pandemic laws and WHO taking control of the US in the event of a pandemic emergency they declare (as well as set off), vaccines would be mandated to everyone as the alleged means to save them from deadly viruses - viruses which, of course, wouldn't exist if the US government hadn't created them itself.
And how did ISIS, which is supposed to be a bunch of random terrorists, somehow have the scientific where-with-all to set a level 4 bioweapons lab? And where? On the back of the trucks the US gave them? This is reminiscent of blaming Osama Bin Laden, in a cave in Afghanistan, of orchestrating the biggest and more technologically sophisticated attack in history. Which he didn't.
This is also reminiscent of the 2009 Baxter International flu vaccines which had been bioweaponized with live bird flu that couldn't have happened by accident and with the WHO, the only place Baxter could have obtained the weapons grade bird flu.
The charges against the WHO and UN in 2009, apply even more so, today.
Here are more details of plans for a coup in the US.
Injunction against mandatory vaccines
Evidence for Injunction against mandatory vaccinesGATES appears to be the lead weapons dealer for his "war," the weapons being his vaccines. We can see already he is not the least phased by killing children in huge numbers, because he has not stopped the vaccines that killed them but arranged for them to be forced on more children.
Is the urgency that GATES' vaccines are sterilizing vaccines?
They certainly came from the WHO he runs.
".... A campaign that aims at random women aged 15 – 49, regardless of whether they are pregnant or no, run in only some areas of the county would not eradicate neonatal tetanus!! [Emphasis added.]
"However, if the aim was to cause irreversible infertility and one used a fertility regulating vaccine disguised as a tetanus vaccine and claimed to be eradicating neonatal tetanus, one would be spot on! ....
"I asked Dr. Ngare why he believed that the WHO would do such a thing?
"He replied:
"WHO and other UN organizations together with eugenic organizations like the IPPF have had a population control agenda aimed at the lower developed countries (LDC) for a long time. Refer to the link below for a document called the NSSM 200 that will help understand more. National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200) – April 1974. This is a de-classified secret service document. .... [Emphasis added.]
"I asked him whether or not he had any final comments that he would like to portray to the public.
Dr. Ngare replied:
"1. The reputation of WHO has been called to question many times in the past but there is always inconclusive evidence and a great deal of media sensitization of information that they get away Scot free. The Catholic Church in Kenya has offered the world irrefutable evidence in this case of the Kenyan tetanus eradication campaign demonstrating clearly the forceful but secretive sterilization of a community.
"How much more damage and proof will the world demand before action is taken? [The problem has been that the world doesn't know what the WHO is really doing.]
2. "This is not an African problem; this is not a racial problem. It is a problem of good versus evil. Passivity allows evil to thrive and ever flourish. It is time individuals who stand for what is good understood that the only way to defeat evil is to confront it head on and took action in their area of direct influence e.g. at home, the work place and their local communities.
3. "This chance must not be squandered. The Catholic Church in Kenya has done its part and will continue to be vigilant. However, we appeal to the people and private organizations of good will from all across the world to come together and supported the Catholic Church in Kenya to fight the excesses of this organization." [Emphases added.]
When the doctor above speaks of the WHO and "irrefutable evidence .... demonstrating clearly the forceful but secretive sterilization of a community" and asks "How much more damage and proof will the world demand before action is taken? and says "This is not an African problem; this is not a racial problem. It is a problem of good versus evil, and urges that "This chance must not be squandered ... we appeal to the people and private organizations of good will from all across the world to come together ... to fight the excesses of this organization," his is talking about stopping BILL GATES.
In Africa, People are hiding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the WHO, GAVI - all of them GATES and Rockefeller groups.
131 African Children Vaccinated at Gunpoint
India Holds Bill Gates Accountable For His Vaccine Crimes
Mandating vaccines, given that some will always kill people vulnerable to them, and that GATES' vaccines absolutely do kill, makes about a much sense for anyone's health as mandating firing squads. Which, coincidentally is just what the WHO (Bill GATES and the Rockefellers) have essentially arranged inside Obamacare.
The WHO and UN coding is international so is likely inserted into laws in countries around the world, and just a hidden as it is in Obamacare. That coding appears to be an attempt to legalize (and hide) pre-arranged and insane outrages against any population of people. This would be useful, if the WHO and UN take power, for running a totalitarian world government.