The lies about vaccines, floating the idea of imprisoning parents who do not want their children vaccinated, the coercion by doctors, the bullying of media, even taking people's children from them. seems not to have been enough to overcome people's concern about vaccines. As this brute approach to vaccines backfires, pharma becomes more totalitarian in its methods. If lies won't get you to vaccinate and if threats won't, then removing your right to decide what can or cannot be injected into your child, is the ticket, apparently.
Congress probably believes it would be removing exemptions from the current vaccines.
But if one looks at what Big Pharma put in place at the FDA a few year ago, it's clear they have gamed everything about vaccines.
A little rule change Pharma got inserted at the FDA (which they control) "allows" the FDA to add any ingredient to vaccines, without any testing, and by the approval of only one person.
Look at that again. They can put anything into vaccines, anytime. This means that a tested vaccine that have been approved, becomes a different vaccine by virtue of being changed. But it doesn't have to be tested and would go out to doctors and the public as though it were a tested vaccine.
What ingredients might be added?
And they can keep adding ingredient after ingredient, all they want. They could make any sort of vaccine to do anything.
And though they may be fundamentally changing the vaccine, they could continue to call the vaccine the "measles" vaccine or the MMR vaccine but no one would know they were actually a different vaccine. And those "new" untested vaccines would be forced on every child in the US, with parents believing they were getting the regular vaccine. And the "new" untested vaccine could be forced many times - for pharma sets the "ideal" schedule - and if exemptions are lost, there is no means to stop them.
To achieve total sterility in animals, three of one kind of vaccine are given over a few months. Interestingly, Gardasil, already associated with destruction of the ovaries, is also given in threes, in a similarly short time frame. Currently, many girls refuse to get the full series because they become ill after one or two. But if there are no exemptions, the pharmaceutical industry can force such things, including even on infants who are more easily harmed.
Again, the name of the vaccine would remain the same, but the vaccine itself would be very different.
For a very, very small look at what pharma has been doing with vaccines that mainstream media is not covering, and to get a sense of how many children Pharma is crippling or killing with vaccines without suspending the vaccines in question, but rather denying any problems and pushing the suspect vaccines harder, look here.
FDA Proposes Dangerous Vaccine Rule Change
by Barbara Loe Fisher
This past spring, the FDA took a hands-off approach to Merck’s admission that DNA from a lethal pig virus is contaminating doses of RotaTeq vaccine being swallowed by millions of newborn babies.1 Now the agency responsible for making sure pharmaceutical products do not hurt people is proposing a Rule Change to give one staff employee the sole authority to allow “exceptions or alternatives” when drug companies want to change vaccine ingredients, such as preservatives (like thimerosal) or adjuvants (like aluminum) or the amount of residual protein and antibiotics in vaccines.
The FDA’s proposed change to Requirements for Constituent Materials was quietly published in The Federal Register on March 30 and the deadline for public comment is only days away - on Monday, June 28. 2The FDA is arguing that the rule change is necessary to “reduce burdens on industry” and to provide “greater flexibility and reduced regulatory requirements.” It gives one FDA staff Director the power to give drug companies the green light to “employ advances in science and technology as they become available” when companies want to make new vaccines really fast and get more bang for the buck.If the proposed Rule Change is put into effect, a vaccine manufacturer could request a change in the content or amount of vaccine ingredients by simply writing a “brief statement describing the basis for the request and supporting data” as part of the original license application or for a pending or approved application. There is no information about how much scientific evidence the drug companies will have to submit to prove the new ingredients are safe; or whether the FDA’s Vaccine Advisory Committee will be able to review that evidence; or whether the American public will have a chance to comment before vaccine ingredients are changed.This does not look like the transparency, public participation and collaboration in government that President Obama said he supports. 3 It removes the checks and balances necessary for good government.
Last year when federal health officials declared a pandemic H1N1 “swine flu” national emergency, drug companies put a full court press on the FDA to fast track licensure of highly reactive oil based squalene adjuvants 4 and the use of new technology, like insect cells, 5 to make pandemic influenza vaccines. During meetings of the FDA’s Vaccine Advisory Committee, the National Vaccine Information Center opposed both the quick licensure of squalene adjuvants, 6 which hyperstimulate the immune system and have been associated with autoimmunity, 7 8 9 10 and the use of insect cells, 11 which could be contaminated with insect viruses. 12 13 14Neither technology was licensed by the FDA last year 15 16 but there are tens of thousands of doses of squalene that the federal government bought and is stored in warehouses waiting to be used. 17 If the proposed Rule Change goes into effect, will drug companies be able to put those doses of squalene in flu vaccines by getting only one FDA employee to say “yes?” This and other risks to health are waiting for the American people if drug companies can get quick approval from one person to raise the amount of mercury, 18 19 aluminum 20 21 22 23 or residual protein in vaccines, 24 25 which have been associated with chronic inflammation, brain and immune system damage. 26This summer the American people are watching the horrifying consequences of inadequate federal regulation of the oil industry play out in the oil soaked Gulf coast. There are legitimate questions being asked about the cozy relationship and financial conflicts of interest between federal agency regulators and big oil companies partnering with the U.S. Government to generate billions of dollars for the U.S. Treasury. 27 Calls for an independent federal safety oversight agency to monitor offshore drilling are being made in congressional hearings.NVIC has been calling for an independent vaccine safety oversight agency free from financial and ideological conflicts of interest 28 since Congress passed a law in 1997 allowing drug companies to pay the FDA to fast track licensure of new vaccines and drugs. 29 30 During the last decade, that fast track system has seen scores of risky drugs like Vioxx and reactive vaccines like Gardasil quickly licensed, only to be followed by tragic reports of deaths and injuries. 31 32While federal health officials are spending millions of dollars of taxpayer money to persuade every American from infancy through the last year of life to take a flu shot every year, 33 and hundreds of new vaccines are now in clinical trials, 34 35 it is no time for the FDA to make it easier for drug companies to put whatever they want in vaccines. Giving absolute power to one FDA employee, who reports to unelected political appointees, who could be subjected to heavy pressure from Big Pharma lobbyists, is not the way to regulate vaccines for safety. ....It’s your health, Your family. Your choice. Help send a strong message to Washington that it is time for government to stop partnering with the pharmaceutical industry and RAISE the safety bar for drug companies enjoying congressionally mandated liability protection while making big profits from selling government mandated vaccines.Click here to watch the video