Chapter Three – Electromagnetic, Environmental Weapons
Environmental weapons are designed to use a specific part of the
Earth’s natural system – weather, climate, tectonic movements – as a
military weapon, inflicting harm upon a population and economy
controlled by a perceived enemy. Environmental weapons use highly
charged electromagnetic energy, which can activate and manipulate the
electromagnetic fields of designated targets as large as the Earth’s
ionosphere. Environmental weapons are so designed as to trigger
mammoth amounts of natural energy – in an earthquake, or hurricane, or
storm – with a relatively low level of electromagnetic energy. They
can be a kind of Buck Rogers ‘death ray’, and the patents for
environmental weapons are based on Nicola Tesla's original patents for
a ‘cosmic energy machine’. Environmental weapons can affect weather
and climate systems, as well as the moods and consciousness of
individuals or an entire city’s population.
HAARP is an experimental prototype for environmental weapons, located
near Anchorage, Alaska. HAARP is designed to supercharge and superheat
the Earth's ionosphere for warfare: to turn the ionosphere into a
global antenna designed to track missiles and enemy movements; to help
create weather warfare events such as massive earthquake, drought, or
storms in enemy territory. Environmental weapons can also
inadvertently trigger large-scale tectonics movements, and Earth
Some say that some earthquakes and unusual weather patterns that
regions of the Earth are experiencing now may be caused, not only by
phenomena such as El Nino, but also by secret environmental warfare.
The US, Russia and other nations para-military groups may be developing
environmental warfare. Electromagnetic weapons are the newest
generation of strategic weapons, designed to replace nuclear weapons
that are considered strategically obsolete. Environmental warfare is
usually carried out as part of strategic psychological warfare (psywar).
HAARP, the U.S. military's top secret project in Alaska to turn the
ionosphere into a virtual military weapon by charging it with
electromagnetic impulses, is being tested as the 20th century ends amid
media and public complacency. By super-heating the ionosphere HAARP
could destroy the ionosphere resulting in potentially severe
environmental consequences
This highly secret American installation in Alaska is virtually unknown
to people in the United States and Alaska’s own residents and yet,
HAARP "marks the first step toward creating the world's most powerful
"ionospheric heater."
Over the years, HAARP has gone strangely unreported and unnoticed in
public debate. HAARP was voted one of the most underreported news
stories of 1995. The Washington Post, in an August 18, 1998 article on
congressional appropriations, still referred to HAARP as "research on
the aurora borealis in Alaska.
HAARP, under cover of being a project to research the Northern Lights
in Alaska, is actually a top-secret, military, electro-magnetic (EM)
weapons system. The now operational HAARP, the U.S. secret project to
alter the ionosphere for environmental warfare purposes, has initiated
drastic, environmental consequences.
HAARP has a destructive impact on wildlife, human life, and nature
itself by causing long-term modifications. HAARP may in fact violate
the 1977 Environmental Modification Convention, which bans all
"military or any other hostile use of environmental modification
techniques having widespread, long-lasting, or severe effects...." The
US ratified the convention in 1979.
One of the scientists critical of HAARP, Prof. Dick Williams, sums up
the dangers inherent in HAARP, “.... An unprecedented amount of energy
can produce an unprecedented reaction. Experimenting with [the
ionosphere] is a very delicate thing. A localized event can spread
around the Earth fairly quickly."
In 1995, when asked what a private citizen can do to halt HAARP, some
analysts suggested, “Write [the U.S. ] Congress to demand a review of
HAARP's environmental impacts. Request that the National
Telecommunications and Information Administration reject the HAARP
frequency/power request pending the outcome of a congressional inquiry.”
Anti-HAARP activists in the Yukon area in Alaska, near the site of the
HAARP installation, recently reported that the Alaska public is largely
unaware of HAARP, nor cognizant of its environmental and health
With major US media continuing to perpetrate the official US cover
story that project HAARP is “research on the aurora borealis in
Alaska,” obtaining responsive US Congressional oversight over HAARP
would mean first activating concerted public awareness both in the US,
and other nations. There is no nation that would not be inevitably
affected by an erosion or destruction of the ionosphere.
Electromagnetic (EM) weapons are a missing link that could cause the
coming Earth changes. The impact of fully operational electromagnetic
weapons systems would be to destabilize the Earth’s tectonic plate
system, causing cataclysmic Earth changes.
Military secrecy is the reason why the Earth sciences have not
predicted the Earth changes, as the psychic information has predicted.
Electromagnetic weapons programs are highly secret, and have not been
subjected to full analysis by the Earth sciences. A limited portion of
some weapons programs, such as HAARP, has been made public. Working
against conditions of extreme secrecy, the Earth sciences have only
begun to evaluate the potentially cataclysmic effects of environmental
Let us review one key electromagnetic weapons system: HAARP. HAARP,
the U.S. military’s top secret project in Alaska to turn the ionosphere
into a virtual military weapon by charging it with electromagnetic
impulses, has become operational, amid media and public complacency.
HAARP’s potential environmental consequences could destroy the
ionosphere by super-heating it. HAARP could also trigger a violent
disruption of the Earth’s tectonic plate system, thrown out of balance
by destruction of the magnetic bands and ionosphere about the Earth.
In a series of award-winning articles, Clare Zickuhr and Gar Smith of
Earth Island described some of the negative environmental consequences
of HAARP, the military's plan to alter the ionosphere.
“The Pentagon's mysterious HAARP project, now under construction at an
isolated Air Force facility near Gakona, Alaska, marks the first step
toward creating the world's most powerful "ionospheric heater."
Scientists, environmentalists and native peoples are concerned that
HAARP's electronic transmitters -- capable of beaming "in excess of 1
gigawatts" (one billion watts) of radiated power into the Earth's
ionosphere -- could harm people, endanger wildlife and trigger
unforeseen environmental impacts.
“The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP), a joint
effort of the Air Force and the Navy, is the latest in a series of a
little-known Department of Defense (DoD) "active ionospheric
experiments" with code-names like EXCEDE, RED AIR and CHARGE IV.
"From a DoD point of view," internal HAARP documents state, "the most
exciting and challenging" part of the experiment is "its potential to
control ionospheric processes" for military objectives [emphasis in the
original]. According to these documents, the scientists pulling HAARP's
strings envision using the system's powerful 2.8-10 megahertz (MHz)
beam to burn "holes" in the ionosphere and "create an artificial lens"
in the sky that could focus large bursts of electromagnetic energy "to
higher altitudes... than is presently possible." The minimum area to be
heated would be 50 km (31 miles) in diameter.
“The initial $26 million, 320 kW HAARP project will employ 360,
72-foot-tall antennas spread over four acres to direct an intense beam
of focused electromagnetic energy upwards to strike the ionosphere. The
Earth's ionosphere is composed of a layer of negatively and positively
charged particles (electrons and ions) lying between 35 and 500 miles
above the planet's surface. The next stage of the project would expand
HAARP's power to 1.7 gigawatts (1.7 billion watts), making it the most
powerful such transmitter on Earth. While the project's acronym implies
experimentation with the Earth's aurora, HAARP's public documents make
no mention of this aspect. For a project whose backers hail it as a
major scientific feat, HAARP has remained extremely low profile --
almost unknown to most Alaskans, and the rest of the country.
“A November 1993 "HAARP Fact Sheet" released to the public by the
Office of Naval Research (ONR) stated that the Department of Defense
(DoD)-backed project would "enhance present civilian capabilities" in
communications and "provide significant scientific advancements.
"However, while previous DoD experiments with smaller high frequency
(HF) heaters in Puerto Rico, Norway and Alaska were conducted to "gain
[a] better understanding" of the ionosphere, internal HAARP documents
obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) reveal that the
project's goal is to "perturb" the ionosphere with extremely powerful
beams of energy and study "how it responds to the disturbance and how
it ultimately recovers...."
“The public fact sheet describes HAARP as "purely a scientific research
facility which represents no threat to potential adversaries and would
therefore have no value as a military target." However, while
ionospheric experiments at the government's Puerto Rico transmitter
site are managed by the civilian National Science Foundation, the
Journal has learned that proposals for experiments on HAARP are to be
routed through the Pentagon's Office of Naval Research.”
“A February 1990 Air Force-Navy document acquired by the Journal lists
only military experiments for the HAARP project, including: "Generation
of ionospheric lenses to focus large amounts of HF energy at high
altitudes... providing a means for triggering ionospheric processes
that potentially could be exploited for DoD purposes...; Generation of
ionization layers below 90 km [56 miles] to provide radio wave
reflectors ("mirrors") which can be exploited for long range,
over-the-horizon, HF/VHF/UHF surveillance purposes, including the
detection of cruise missiles and other low observables." The document
concluded that "the potential for significantly altering regions of the
ionosphere at relatively great distances (1000 km or more) [621 miles]
from a heater is very desirable" from a military perspective.”
“One of HAARP's less-publicized goals is to find ways to disrupt the
global communications capabilities of adversaries while preserving US
defense communications. The Pentagon also wants to know if HAARP could
bounce signals to deeply submerged nuclear subs by heating the
ionosphere to trigger bursts of Extremely Long Frequency (ELF) radio
“Patents held by ARCO Power Technologies, Inc. (APTI), the ARCO
subsidiary that was contracted to build HAARP, describe a similar
ionospheric heater invented by Bernard Eastlund that claimed the
ability to disrupt global communications, destroy enemy missiles and
change weather (see sidebar). One of ARCO's patents identifies Alaska
as a perfect site for a transmitter because "magnetic field lines...
which extend to desirable altitudes for this invention, intersect the
Earth in Alaska."
“While HAARP officials deny any link to Eastlund's inventions, Eastlund
has told National Public Radio that a secret military project was begun
in the late-1980s to study and implement his work. In the May/June 1994
issue of Microwave News, Eastlund claimed that "The HAARP project
obviously looks a lot like the “first step" toward his vision of
surrounding the entire planet with a "full, global shield" of charged
particles that could explode incoming enemy missiles.”
“The military implications of HAARP were further underscored in June,
when ARCO sold APTI to E-Systems, a defense contractor noted for its
work in counter-surveillance.”
Electromagnetic Guinea Pigs
“HAARP surfaced publicly in Alaska in the spring of 1993, when the
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) began advising commercial pilots
on how to avoid the large amounts of intentional (and some
unintentional) electromagnetic radiation that HAARP would generate.
Despite the protests of FAA engineers and Alaska bush pilots (for whom
reliable communications can be a matter of life or death) the Final
Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) gave HAARP the green light.
Ironically, the FEIS also concluded that the project's radio
interference would be too intense to allow HAARP to be located near any
military facilities.
“On November 11, 1993, Inupiat tribal advisor Charles Etok Edwarden,
Jr., wrote to the White House on behalf of the Inupiat Community of the
Arctic Slope and the Kasigluk Elders Conference. "Many of us are not
happy with the prospect of ARCO altering the Earth's neutral
atmospheric properties," Edwardsen wrote. "We do not wish to be
anyone's testing grounds, as the Bikini Islanders have been...."
referring to Pacific Islanders subjected to radiation exposure from US
atomic bomb testing. Edwardsen has appealed to President Clinton to
deny further funding to HAARP.”
“In the past, the EPA has accused the USAF of "sidestepping" the
nonthermal hazards of electromagnetic pollution from powerful radar
transmitters. Over the past three decades, numerous US and European
studies have linked electromagnetic exposure to a range of health
problems including fatigue, irritability, sleepiness, memory loss,
cataracts, leukemia, birth defects and cancer. Electromagnetic
radiation can also alter blood sugar and cholesterol levels, heart-rate
and blood pressure, brain waves and brain chemistry.”
Clare Zickuhr and Gar Smith of Earth Island describe how HAARP, under
cover of being a project to research the Northern Lights in Alaska, is
actually a top-secret military electro-magnetic (EM) weapons system.
HAARP, the U.S. secret project to alter the ionosphere for (EM) warfare
purposes, has drastic environmental consequences, which are now
The following segment details HAARP’s destructive impacts on wildlife,
human life, and nature itself by causing long-term modifications. HAARP
may in fact violate the 1977 Environmental Modification Convention,
which bans all "military or any other hostile use of environmental
modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting, or severe
effects...." The US ratified the convention in 1979.
Anti-HAARP activists in the Yukon area in Alaska, near the site of the
HAARP installation, recently reported that the Alaska public is largely
unaware of HAARP, nor cognizant of its environmental and health dangers.
“HAARP’s Environmental Consequences - Wildlife advocates also have
cause to be concerned. The HAARP site lies 140 miles north of the town
of Cordova on Prince William Sound, on the northwest tip of Alaska's
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park. Since ordinary radar is known to be
deadly to low-flying birds, HAARP's powerful radiation beam could pose
a problem for migratory birds because the transmitter stands in the
path of the critical Pacific Flyway. In addition, HAARP's ability to
generate strong magnetic fields could conceivably interfere with the
migration of birds, marine life and Arctic animals that are now known
to rely on the Earth's magnetic fields to navigate over long distances.
“The HAARP fact sheet states that "most of the energy of the high-power
beam would be emitted upward rather than toward the horizon." Later on,
however, the fact sheet notes that care will have to be taken "to
reduce the percentage of time large signal levels would be transmitted
toward large cities." The closest large cities are Fairbanks and
“Even if HAARP's beam were to be directed primarily at the ionosphere,
people on the ground would still have reason to be concerned. According
to DoD consultant Robert Windsor, clear damp nights, downdrafts and
temperature inversions can cause "ducting" and "super-refracting" that
can send energy beams streaming back to Earth with "a significant -- up
to tenfold-increase in field intensity."
“In addition to their main beams, all electromagnetic transmitters
produce large swaths of "sidelobe" radiation along their flanks.
US-based PAVE PAWS over-the-horizon radars, for example, use
approximately one megawatt of power to send a 420-430-megahertz (MHz)
beam on a 3000-mile-long sweep. At the same time, the "incidental"
sidelobe radiation from these Pentagon radars can disable TVs, radios,
radar altimeters and satellite communications over a 250-mile range.
PAVE PAWS radiation can also disrupt cardiac pacemakers seven miles
away and cause the "inadvertent detonation" of electrically triggered
flares and bombs in passing aircraft. At peak power, the energy driving
HAARP could be more than a thousand times stronger than the most
powerful PAVE PAWS transmitter.
HAARP's High-Level Hazards
“HAARP project manager John Heckscher, a scientist at the Department of
the Air Force's Phillips Laboratory, has called concerns about the
transmitter's impact "unfounded." "It's not unreasonable to expect that
something three times more powerful than anything that's previously
been built might have unforeseen effects," Heckscher told Microwave
News. "But that's why we do environmental impact statements."
“The July 1993 EIS does, in fact, admit that HAARP is expected to cause
"measurable changes in the ionosphere's electron density, temperature
and structure," but argues that these disruptions are insignificant
"when compared to changes induced by naturally occurring processes."
“Subjecting the ionosphere to HF bombardment can ionize the neutral
particles in the upper atmosphere. The HAARP Fact Sheet notes that
"ionospheric disturbances at high altitudes also can act to induce
large currents in electric power grids" on the ground, causing massive
power blackouts. According to the 1990 Air Force-Navy document, power
levels of one gigawatt and above "can drastically alter [the
ionosphere's] thermal, refractive, scattering and emission character."
While the ionosphere over the government's smaller HF transmitter in
Puerto Rico is relatively "stable," the document notes that the
ionosphere above Alaska is "a dynamic entity" where added bursts of
electromagnetic energy could trigger exaggerated effects.
“Writing in Physics and Society (the quarterly newsletter of the
American Physical Society), Dr. Richard Williams, a consultant to
Princeton University's David Sarnoff Laboratory, denounced ionospheric
heating tests as irresponsible and potentially dangerous.
"Trace [chemical] constituents in the upper atmosphere can have a
profound effect" on the formation of ozone molecules, Williams stated.
It is known that altering the temperature of the ionosphere can affect
the chemical reactions that produce ozone. Referring to the Montreal
Protocol (the international agreement to protect the ozone layer from
ozone-depleting chemicals), Williams warned that activating HAARP's
ionospheric heater "might undo all that we have accomplished with this
"Look at the power levels that will be used -- 10**9 to 10**11 watts!"
Williams told the Journal in a recent interview. "This is equivalent to
the output of ten to 100 large power-generating stations. A
ten-billion-watt generator, running continuously for one hour, would
deliver a quantity of energy equal to that of a Hiroshima-sized atomic
"Of course," Williams added, "they will operate in a pulsed mode
[producing a series of short, powerful bursts], rather than
continuously." The HAARP fact sheet states that the HF beam, which
operates in the 2.8-10 MHz band, will only be used 4-5 times a year for
several weeks at a time over a 20-year period. Nonetheless, Williams
argued, to proceed without a full public discussion of HAARP's
potential impacts runs the risk of committing "an irresponsible act of
global vandalism. With experiments on this scale," Williams concluded,
"irreparable damage could be done in a short time. The immediate need
is for open discussion."
“Dr. Daniel N. Baker, director of the University of Colorado's
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, offered a less-alarming
assessment. "The natural input of energy to the magnetosphere from the
sun is very commonly 10**11 - 10**12 watts," Baker told the Journal.
"Thus, HAARP may be a small fraction of the energy that flows into the
region." Baker added that the ionosphere is, by nature, a "highly
dynamic and fluctuating" environment that is able to "flush" away
energy disturbances in a matter of hours or days.
“Of course, in nature, one cannot simply "flush" something away without
anticipating potential "downstream" consequences. Caroline L.
Herzenberg, an environmental systems engineer at the Argonne National
Laboratory, has suggested that, by "changing the chemical composition
of the atmosphere; [and] transporting plumes of particulates or plasma
within the atmosphere," HAARP may violate the 1977 Environmental
Modification Convention, which bans all "military or any other hostile
use of environmental modification techniques having widespread,
long-lasting, or severe effects...." The US ratified the convention in
"X-Raying" the Earth?
“On June 14, 1995, a Senate committee report noted that the Deputy
Secretary of Defense had called for increasing HAARP funding from $5
million to $75 million in the 1996 defense budget. The sudden increase
would be used to promote a disturbing new mission for HAARP.
“Instead of just pouring its vast energy into the skies, the
transmitter's power would be aimed back at the planet to "allow
Earth-penetrating tomography over most of the northern hemisphere" --
in effect, turning HAARP into the world's most powerful "X-ray machine"
capable of scanning regions hidden deep beneath the planet's surface.”
According to the Senate report, this would "permit the detection and
precise location of tunnels... and other underground shelters. The
absence of such a capability has been... a serious weakness for [DoD]
plans for precision attacks on hardened targets...."
"Visibility is a crude criterion for assessing environmental damage....
An unprecedented amount of energy can produce an unprecedented
reaction. Experimenting with [the ionosphere] is a very delicate thing.
A localized event can spread around the Earth fairly quickly." -- Prof.
Dick Williams
“Meanwhile, construction on the larger HAARP facility -- with a
potential effective radiated power of 1.7 GW (1.7 billion watts) – [was
begun] in 1995. This expanded version would require additional funding
from Congress. According to the 1990 project document: "The desired
world-class facility... will cost on the order of $25-30 million." The
Senate Committee's April report, however, predict[ed] that the cost
"could be as much as $90 million."
Presumably a federal Environmental Impact Statement of HAARP’s
potential impact would allow the Earth sciences to evaluate the
potential impacts of this electromagnetic weapons system. Such has not
been the case, however. Important issues regarding the effect of HAARP
operations on the ionosphere and on the ozone layer were dismissed in
less than a one page treatment in the HAARP environmental impact
statement drafted by the military.
The Earth Island article continues. “The Federal Environmental Impact
Statement (FEIS) reports that “the government commissioned a special
study” to determine the “bioeffects” of HAARP’s radio frequency
radiation (RFR). The report concluded that “chronic exposure to
RFR….did not result in demonstrable, detrimental health effects” to
humans. The FEIS admitted that RFR exposure could cause the human body
to heat up, but that this unwanted heat “can be easily accommodated
within the thermoregulatory capabilities of an individual [and] may not
necessarily be harmful.”
“The FEIS corroborated the Journal’s concern that “potentially
affected systems…[would] include cardiac pacemakers, electro-explosive
devices [EEDs], and fuel handling systems.” EEDs, including flares
carried by individuals or in vehicles, could be exploded 1300 feet from
HAARP’s Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI) transmitter – a quarter
mile away.
“Radio frequency radiation could be a problem since, as FEIS notes,
Gakona lies “within a major commercial air traffic corridor that links
Anchorage with the eastern and midwestern US. It is also within the
path of flights to and from the Orient and Canada. Twelve to 20
commercial flights a day utilize the airspace above the Gakona site.”
“The IRI’s 8.0 MHz and 10.0 MHz beams “could potentially pose a hazard
to occupants of aircraft flying nearby…in the unlikely event they
remain in the main beam for an extended period of time.” At aircraft
cruising altitude of 30,000 feet (5.7 miles) the inverted cone formed
by the sweep of the IRI beam is 6.8 miles wide.
“Countering assumptions that most of HAARP’s energy would be “lost” in
space, the FEIS reveals that “80-90 percent of the experiments would
employ the IRI in modes that refract fundamental radio frequency energy
Earthward from the ionosphere.
“The 440-page FEIS states flatly that “The ozone layer would not be
affected and ozone would not be depleted” as a result of HAARP
operations, but devotes less than a page to this critical topic. The
only study cited is a single 13 page “draft assessment” by the Mission
Research Corporation (MRC).
“The FEIS spends less than three pages on HAARP’s ionospheric effects
and bases its conclusions solely on “personal communications” between
officials at MRC and the consulting firm of Metcalf and Eddy. The FEIS
reports that IRI transmissions will cause the temperature of free
electrons in the Earth’s ionosphere to rise by 80 degrees F. Below 120
miles, the IRI would trigger a 20 percent increase in “electron
density;” above 124 miles, electron densities would decrease 10-15
percent. The effect could last “an entire polar night.”
“A second study, “Independent Assessment of HAARP’s effects on the
Upper Atmosphere” by R. Roble, also concluded, “there are no measurable
effects to the Earth’s ozone layer.” The FEIS identified this study as
having been provided by MRC. The study was described as consisting of
“The authors of the Journal’s HAARP story remain convinced that the
potential impacts of Project HAARP deserve a thorough scientific and
public hearing.”
The forces behind HAARP have thus used secrecy to prevent a public examination of its potential environmental consequences. Key issues such as HAARP’s impact on the ozone layer and on the ionosphere were disposed of in less than one page of analysis, based on verbal communications with a biased consultant. Not even the requirements of National Environmental Policy Act have been able to penetrate the armor of secrecy, deception, and evasion regarding HAARP’s environmental impact on the ionosphere, the magnetic bands surrounding the Earth, and ultimately on the tectonic plate system that makes up the Earth’s surface.
The forces behind electromagnetic warfare have used deception, not oversight or omission as a weapon to trick or lull public examination of HAARP’s potentially catastrophic environmental consequences. Presumably a federal Environmental Impact Statement of HAARP’s potential impact would allow the Earth sciences to evaluate the impacts of this electromagnetic weapons system. Again, important issues regarding the effect of HAARP operations on the ionosphere and on the ozone layer were dismissed in less than a one-page treatment in the HAARP environmental impact statement drafted by the military. This is not sloppy or incomplete work. The deliberate trivialization of HAARP’s true environmental consequences is large-scale deception, facilitating possible genocide of the human race.
Let us review some milestones in the development of electromagnetic
weapons. Jeanne Manning & Dr. Nick Begich have gathered these in
their pioneering book, Angels Don’t Play this HAARP: Advances in Tesla
Technology. In 1905, Nikola Tesla, inventor of Alternating Current
(AC) power source and transmission system, was granted a patent for a
device to transmit electrical energy through the natural mediums.
Thirty-five years later, Tesla announced the development of a “death
ray,” based on transmission of lethal electromagnetic energy. In 1968,
the Soviet Union announced it had isolated those magnetic field
frequencies that harm humans, as well as those frequencies that are
beneficial to their health.
In 1974, the United Nations banned environmental warfare. The same
year, the United States and Australia began high frequency wave
experiments in Colorado, Puerto Rico, and New South Wales to heat the
bottom side of the ionosphere. The mid and late 1970s saw a series of
important developments on the effects of electromagnetic energy. In
1975, Robert Helliwell of Stanford University reported that very low
frequency (VLF) waves from power lines are altering the ionosphere;
Research findings were released indicating that extremely low frequency
(ELF) waves altered human blood chemistry and nerve cells. Project
Woodpecker of the Soviet Union that same year started sending extremely
low frequency (ELF) wave pulses into targeted US cities, such as
Eugene, Oregon. The ELF pulses were at key brainwave rhythms,
affecting unwitting civilian populations in those cities.
During the Soviet regime, interest in electromagnetic weapons hit a peak.
The Soviet view was that electromagnetic fields are profound influences
on health and behavior. Their scientists were also concerned, however,
that the acceleration of electromagnetic radiation on the Earth could
contribute to a cataclysmic reversal of shift of the Earth’s poles.
Weather modification has been a consistent capability for
electromagnetic weapons. In 1958, the US Defense Department began a
program of methods to manipulate electromagnetic characteristics of the
atmosphere, and thus modify the weather. By 1975, the US Senate
unsuccessfully sought to place weather and climate modification under a
civilian agency, with the oversight of the Senate.
Secret development of electromagnetic weapons continued in the 1980s,
including U.S. Navy experiments on the harmful effects of VLF pulsed
fields. The CIA and Defense Department screened developments in
particle beam weaponry from then US President Jimmy Carter. By the
early 1990s the patents necessary for a large-scale electromagnetic
weapon were acquired by a US military contractor, and the HAARP project
was begun. The patents themselves cited the work of Nikola Tesla as
prior art. Although the US Congress froze the funding for HAARP, the
project continued. HAARP became operational in 1998.
The New Strategic Weapons
Bear in mind that military policy makers see electromagnetic (EM)
weapons as the new generation of strategic weapons, taking the place of
thermo-nuclear weapons as a strategic weapon of choice. Nuclear
weapons are considered relatively rigid in response – they can only
produce utter devastation of a targeted area. By contrast the
top-secret, new generation of electromagnetic weapons can achieve a
variety of modulated, strategic objectives:
Degree of destructiveness – Unlike nuclear weapons, the degree of
destructiveness desired can be modulated by controlling the intensity,
scope, and duration of the electromagnetic energy.
Destruction of global communications – Environmental weapons can be
used to selectively destroy all or portions of the global system of
communications – military communications; civilian telecommunications.
Manipulation of weather and climate – Environmental weapons can alter
weather and climate over enemy or targeted areas, denying populations a
food base, and causing havoc in a targeted economy.
Destruction of ecosystems – Environmental weapons can destroy the very
ecology of a targeted area, or of the Earth itself, including depletion
of the ozone layer and of the ionosphere; destruction through climate
warfare of the ecosystems of habitable lands; forests; water systems.
Earth changes – Environmental weapons can cause ionospheric and
magnetic changes in the Earth’s atmosphere, which in turn can trigger
destructive earthquakes, or if the tectonic plate system is affected,
massive Earth changes. Early research has already suggested a causal
relationship between earthquakes and changes in the ionosphere. For
example, ionospheric disturbances detected and ascribed to earthquakes
such as the Alaska Earthquake of 1964. New research suggests that
electromagnetic weapons could bring about a destructive shift in the
Earth’s poles; both by altering the electromagnetic content of the
atmosphere, and through climatological change.
Population and mind control – Environmental weapons can be used to
alter the moods, mental states, and perceptions of entire populations,
be they of a targeted city, region, nation, continent, or indeed
global. Environmental weapons can stun an entire enemy, targeted, or
domestic population into submissive acceptance of government actions.
Controlled electromagnetic stimulation of the brain at specified
frequencies can cause the brain to lock into phase with an external
source. Your thoughts, impulses, emotions, fears can be controlled.
This can be done on a mass scale, by pulsing a region or region with
electromagnetic weapons. An entire population can be manipulated, be
it an enemy population, or a friendly or domestic population. In the
United States, electromagnetic population control weapons have already
secretly been tested on the populations of West Coast cities, in
California and in the Pacific Northwest.
It is easy to see now why the Earth sciences have missed the
possibility of coming Earth changes. The very cause of those Earth
changes lies in the top secret military arena, the area of military
planning and visions of a world conflict carried on by various sides
using electromagnetic weapons. It is clear why the military has been
deceitfully avoiding a full public environmental impact analysis of
environmental weapons.
Were electromagnetic weapons to be fully and publicly evaluated as to
their catastrophic ecological impact, they could never become
operational. It is likely that environmental weapons would be outlawed
by international treaty.
Let us match the capabilities of electromagnetic weapons with the Cayce
predictions of cataclysmic Earth changes. In the first two decades of
the twenty-first century, development and deployment of electromagnetic
weapons by multiple sides will, if not halted, take place: By the
United States; the Russians; the Japanese; the Australians; the
In any bloc warfare scenario among these parties, a collective use of EM strategic weapons would plausibly result in:
Destruction of the ionosphere, ozone layer, and magnetic bands about the Earth.
Climate and weather changes, resulting in drought and mass famine.
Earthquakes brought about by drastic changes in the ionosphere.
Earth changes, if extreme EM is used, resulting from a violent
disruption of the tectonic plate system of the Earth. These Earth
changes could include great earthquakes the length of the seismic
belts, rising and subsidence of land and coastal nations.
Pole or axis shift brought about by the effects of the electromagnetism
of the environmental weapons on the magnetic and atmospheric fields of
the Earth.
Look! These cataclysmic outcomes are a science-based statement of the
probable environmental impact of global environmental warfare.
These EM outcomes are also a re-statement of the specific psychic predictions of Edgar Cayce of coming cataclysm.
They are one and the same: the environmental impacts of environmental weapons, and the psychic predictions of Edgar Cayce.
What Cayce foresaw was an Earth cataclysm brought about by human
environmental warfare; not a series of Earth changes brought about by
nature alone.
Well there we have our introduction to the technical dimensions of
electromagnetic warfare. We also have seen the mechanistic
cause-and-effect by which environmental warfare can create the
cataclysmic Earth changes of the type psychics like Edgar Cayce foresaw
while in precognitive trance.
But why are electromagnetic weapons (EM) being developed at all?
Whatever could be driving this new generation of strategic weapons?
Why would any sane entity want to intentionally alter the weather and
climate, create destructive Earthquakes, and possibly bring on
cataclysmic devastation?
I cannot mince words, and must tell you that electromagnetic (EM)
weapons appear to be diabolical in conception, and the product of an
insane mentality, driven by greed and intoxication with absolute power.
Now what entity or individuals would produce such a weapons system?
Well, if weapons systems are a psychological projection, a reflection
of their creators, we can hypothesize that the creator of environmental
warfare might possess the following characteristics: diabolical;
insane; driven by addition to power and greed.
Who or what could possess such characteristics?
One answer – a clandestine command and control network and mentality
which cuts across institutional boundaries in military, governmental,
political, financial, and cultural organizations. This network is
sometimes called the secret state or the shadow government.
The secret state is the embodiment of evil and oppression in the human
species. Optimists call the secret government sociopathic. I call it
psychopathic. Environmental weapons are the ultimate weapons of a mind
that wishes to play Devil to God’s natural creation.
One key goal of environmental weapons is to appropriate Gaia, the
planet Earth, and convert her life-giving systems into weapons of
destruction. The ionosphere is superheated and turned into a global
missile tracking system. What is more, the very atmosphere of the
Earth, its weather and climate systems are turned into instruments of
destruction of a target population. Weather warfare creates storms,
hurricanes, cyclones, and tornadoes to smash a human society. Climate
warfare creates droughts, floods, and starvation to bring a human
population to its knees before an insane conqueror. Tectonic warfare
plagues an enemy with destructive Earthquakes and tidal waves: all
courtesy of electromagnetic warfare.
Electromagnetic warfare is also the tool by which our war-based culture
and economy plays God with the minds of humanity. Environmental
weapons can be deployed against an entire population, inducing
devastating mood swings from fear to terror to disorientation to
apathy. They are the ultimate instruments of psychological warfare.
A paranoid schizophrenic mind consumes itself. Environmental weapons
can be deployed clandestinely against its own society, to take over
that society and impose a totalitarian social order.
Translation – a secret network can wage psychological and Earth-event
warfare against its own people. Natural disasters can be deployed
against a nation, displacing the population and its economy. Emergency
measures like martial law can be imposed to undermine democratic
traditions and institutions. Concurrently, electromagnetic
mind-control warfare can be waged against the population, to confuse
it, and disperse the rise of organized resistance, to wear a population
down psychologically and morally.
Over-imaginative? Perhaps not so imaginative when we consider that a
primary target of electromagnetic strategic warfare may be the
population of the very host-nation which has greatly enhanced, if not
given functional birth to electromagnetic warfare.
That host-nation, of course, is the United States of America. If you
were a secret global network with Environmental weapons pre-eminence,
would you not want a host-nation as a base for global assault on the
Earth and on minds of diverse human nations?
But if the traditions of that host-nation were nominally democratic,
how would you overcome the resistance of the host-nation to serve your
strategic aims?
One answer – Strategic deception of the population, integrating
psychological warfare with anti-population electromagnetic bombardment.
You will soon have a confused and submissive body politic.
In the United States, the foundations for the domestic application of
electromagnetic mind control weapons – euphemistically termed
“non-lethal weapons - were laid with a 1994 interagency agreement on
their use by domestic law enforcement agencies.
“From National Defense to the Justice Department
“On July 21, 1994, Dr. Christopher Lamb, Director of Policy Planning, issued a draft Department of Defense directive which would establish a policy for non-lethal weapons. The policy was intended to take effect January 1, 1995, and formally connected the military's non-lethal research to civilian law enforcement agencies.
“The government's plan to use pulsed electromagnetic and radio frequency systems as a non-lethal technology for domestic Justice Department use rings the alarm for some observers. Nevertheless, the plan for integrating these systems is moving forward. Coupling these uses with expanded military missions is even more disturbing. This combined mission raises additional constitutional questions for Americans regarding the power of the federal government.
“In interviews with members of the Defense Department the development of this policy was confirmed. In those February 1995, discussions, it was discovered that these policies were internal to agencies and were not subject to any public review process.
“In its draft form, the policy gives highest priority to development of those technologies most likely to get dual use, i.e. law enforcement and military applications. According to this document, non-lethal weapons are to be used on the government's domestic "adversaries". The definition of "adversary" has been significantly enlarged in the policy:
"’The term 'adversary' is used above in its broadest sense, including those who are not declared enemies but who are engaged in activities we wish to stop. This policy does not preclude legally authorized domestic use of the non-lethal weapons by United States military forces in support of law enforcement.’
“This allows use of the military in actions against the citizens of the country that they are supposed to protect. This policy statement begs the question; who are the enemies that are engaged in activities they wish to stop, what are those activities, and who will make the decisions to stop these activities?
“An important aspect of non-lethal weapon systems is that the name non-lethal is intentionally misleading. The Policy adds, ‘It is important that the public understand that just as lethal weapons do not achieve perfect lethality, neither will 'non-lethal' weapons always be capable of precluding fatalities and undesired collateral damage’. In other words, you might still destroy property and kill people with the use of these new weapons.
“In press statements, the government continues to downplay the risks associated with such systems, even though the lethal potential is described in context of their own usage policy. In Orwellian double speak, what is non-lethal can be lethal.”
Chapter Four - Earth Changes and Environmental Warfare
The Earth is a complex, interactive ecology, from its core, to its
tectonic plates, to its atmosphere. The Earth’s ecology is nestled
within a larger solar and galactic ecological system. Earth events are
at the effect of celestial alignments within our solar system and our
galaxy. The Earth is at effect of solar electromagnetic activity,
galactic electromagnetic activity, as well as the movement of celestial
bodies, such as comets, asteroids, and meteors, which can be on
collision trajectory, and decimate Earth. The K-T event 65 million
years ago may have been such a collision event, bringing about the
extinction of the dinosaurs.
Prophesized Earth changes may have caused by other forces than
environmental weapons. Prophesized Earth changes, should they occur,
could be caused by solar and galactic alignments, creating
electromagnetic disruptions and tidal forces, tilting Earth’s tectonic
plates as to trigger earth events. Prophesized cataclysms could be
caused by Earth’s collision with a giant astronomical body, such as a
comet, meteor, or asteroid. The lateral effects of our fossil fuel
civilization – global warming, global cooling, a depleted ozone layer -
could trigger prophesized Earth changes.
And prophesized Earth changes could be caused by a combination of
astronomical forces, and electromagnetic (EM) weapons. For example,
electromagnetic (EM) weapons could trigger Earth changes, which have
been made more probable by solar and galactic alignments and
electromagnetic beam-waves.
The end of a giant solar activity cycle – 1,344,040 days in length –
may coincide with the end of the Mayan 26,000 year galactic cycle in
2012 AD. This Mayan end-cycle may coincide with our solar system’s
entering into a mammoth electromagnetic beam-wave, emanating from the
galactic core or Sun, the Center of the Milky Way galaxy. Vast
distortions of the Sun’s magnetic field may occur, triggering Earth
changes of cataclysmic scale. These Earth changes may be initiated or
triggered by human environmental warfare, acting upon an Earth’s system
already distorted and deteriorated by the Sun’s magnetic reversal.
Let us meander through the various operative parts of our startling
hypothesis. The hypothesis holds that cataclysmic Earth changes
predicted by a substantial body of psychics and prophets may occur.
Prophesized cataclysm may be triggered by the interactive effects on
the Earth’s magnetic fields and tectonic systems of vast solar
activity, and human Environmental warfare, converging in a time window
around 2012 AD.
The “psychics” part of the hypothesis can be addressed through the
modern disciplines of parapsychology and the Earth sciences, to
determine if the psychic predictions have accurate psychically derived
information, and whether predicted cataclysmic events may occur. This
is a modern exercise in “hermeneutics” theory, as the science of
prophecy analysis was formerly called.
Likewise, the “ environmental warfare” part of the hypothesis can be
addressed through the disciplines of public interest
counter-intelligence, to determine if electromagnetic weapons can
trigger Earth change, and whether tectonic warfare may become reality.
Public interest counter-intelligence is a cross-disciplinary field
developed under pressures to analyze the impacts of hyper secret
military-industrial projects like HAARP and other electromagnetic
I do not advance the hypothesis that environmental warfare may trigger
prophesized Earth changes in vacuum; quite the contrary. The
environmental-warfare part of our theory – that electromagnetic (EM)
weapons can cause Earthquakes - fits squarely into the conceptual
framework of modern conspiracy analysis.
There is already a substantial body of public interest research on
electromagnetic (EM) weapons. There is already preliminary research on
the possible use of environmental weapons to trigger Earthquakes. Our
Environmental warfare-Earth changes theory adds a further, vital logic
to existing research. The Earth changes that environmental weapons
might trigger are those cataclysms which the high psychics and prophets
Consider what the Conspiracy Theory Literature: Frequently Asked Questions has to say about HAARP:
“A theme of [conspiracy theory literature] is that governments are
developing horrible secret weaponry without knowledge of their
citizens, such as biological warfare, earthquake weaponry,
electromagnetic weaponry, HAARP (High Altitude Auroral Research
Project), mind altering and control techniques…, etc. A particularly
famous experiment is known
as the Philadelphia Experiment that was supposedly developing time
travel as a means of radar evasion during WWII in the "Philadelphia
Experiment" related to research at Montauk Point in New York.”
See? Environmental weapons, and their possible application in causing
earthquakes, are already established parts of modern conspiracy
analysis. If you can contemplate that public interest
counter-intelligence analysis on environmental weapons might have a
basis in reality, you can also hold the possibility that the
environmental weapons part of our hypothesis might be true. There just
might be some reality to our concept that environmental weapons are
being developed with the capability to trigger earthquakes, and by
extension, may trigger Earth changes.
But first, let us pause and take a few questions from the Internet. They might answer concerns that have come up in your mind.
“Date: 99-02-10 20:29:18 EST
“In a message dated 99-02-10 15:19:24 EST, you write:
“> Thanks for your questions. First, our resident
> list HAARP info specialists are the Ecotoday
> duo, and I will leave that definition for them
> to briefly craft for you and how it affects Earth
> changes.”
Again, HAARP stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project.
I first became aware about HAARP and Environmental weapons systems in
the summer of 1998, when my wife and I were in the Yukon leading an
intuition workshop for the Liard, a First Nations tribe. HAARP's
facility is located near Anchorage, Alaska. The Liard Plain in Yukon
is home to the Aurora Borealis, the northern lights. One of HAARP’s
cover stories in the appropriations process was that it is a research
project on the Aurora Borealis. One indication of the lack of
legislative oversight over HAARP was the Washington Post’s reporting,
which still reported HAARP as a Northern Lights research project even
as late as the summer of 1998.
We'll try and summarize a complex area with these highlights. HAARP is
one of many electromagnetic (EMP) pulse weapons systems that are
deployed or planned. It is the most publicly known, and in the common
parlance, "HAARP" has become synonymous with electromagnetic (EM)
warfare. HAARP is a specialized, multi-purpose environmental weapons
system, with specific targets and capabilities. HAARP sends highly
charged electromagnetic energy into the ionosphere, super-heating it
and turning it into a global military antenna monitoring submarine,
ship, and other military movements and missiles worldwide.
Environmentalists have asserted – on good grounds - that the Earth’s
ionosphere could be damaged or destroyed by HAARP.
Serving as a global antenna is but one application of HAARP and other
electromagnetic weapons. There are other electromagnetic weapons
applications, in operation or in development. Let’s list them first,
and then explore each. First is weather warfare, using environmental
weapons to create destructive storms, tornadoes, hurricanes against a
target country or region. A second environmental weapons application
is climate warfare, creating drought and consequent crop failure, food
shortage, and economic destabilization in a target country of region.
Of immediate interest to our hypothesis that environmental weapons may
trigger prophesized Earth changes is tectonic warfare. Tectonic
warfare involves the creation of Earthquakes or volcanic eruptions in
target countries through electromagnetic weapons. There are various
possible mechanisms through which tectonic warfare operates. Nuclear
weapons also create electromagnetic energy of destructive size.
Interestingly, electromagnetic waves are themselves precursors of
earthquakes, and are the basis of new methods of earthquake prediction.
Finally, perhaps the best know and most documented use of
electromagnetic weapons is in anti-population mind-control.
Electromagnetic mind control techniques include blasting a target
individual or population with electromagnetic weapons to create
delusional thinking or mood swings such as fear and panic.
Electromagnetic mind control can also be coordinated with harassment of
the targeted individual by state security or undercover forces. The
mind control properties of environmental weapons, and the existence of
electromagnetic mind control programs such as MKULTRA are well
established scientifically.
Now, how do electromagnetic weapons such as HAARP relate to prophesized
Earth changes? Joseph W. Duggan states the case that HAARP can cause
Earth changes very succinctly.
“Researchers familiar with Nikola Tesla’s work are very concerned about
a resonance effect reported by experimenters. Energy pulses directed at
the ionosphere could trigger resonance frequencies within the Earth’s
crust, causing Earthquakes and massive shock waves. A series of these
building upon one another could cause cataclysms or worse.”
Well, an analysis of current seismic trends does not indicate a high
probability that cataclysmic Earth changes will take place in our era.
However, spasm electromagnetic warfare – or global nuclear warfare -
could trigger cataclysmic Earth changes. If the ionosphere or magnetic
bands around the Earth are sufficiently disturbed by electromagnetic
energy from environmental weapons or nuclear warfare, this may in turn
cause shifts in the Earth’s tectonic plates of the Earth.
Environmental weapons could also trigger resonance frequencies within
tectonic and inner Earth crust, creating earthquakes and Earth changes
if sufficiently large. Electromagnetic phenomena resulting from
nuclear warfare could itself set off electromagnetic energy
sufficiently large to trigger earthquakes or Earth changes.
The high psychics and prophets could have been foreseeing Earth changes
caused by human electromagnetic warfare, not by Earth systems acting in
response to natural forces.
Skeptics about electromagnetic warfare provide a valuable service.
Let’s take this question from the Internet, asked by the EM skeptic inside all of us.
“Subj: Re: HAARP capabilities
“Date: 99-02-13 03:36:51 EST
“In a message dated 99-02-12 19:57:12 EST, you write:
> To begin, I haven't researched HAARP extensively but it has been my
> understanding that the applications listed in the second paragraph above
> are ALLEGED applications of HAARP, not confirmed.”
Electromagnetic (EM) weapons, including HAARP are super-secret. So no
definitive conclusions can be reached, for sure. However, each of the
five strategic forms of electromagnetic (EM) warfare - radar, weather,
climate, tectonic, mind-control - are in the literature on design and
application of Environmental weapons.
We'll do our best to urge the reader to a glass half-full reality about
electromagnetic weapons and Earth changes. Maybe we can't. There is an
epistemological issue here – has a full-fledged environmental weapons
capability been deployed; or are there only "alleged" incidents. We
find "alleged" (which is a legal and not a scientific term) to be
hackneyed and used mainly by journalists as a copout.
After all, it was the prophet Michel de Notredame (Nostradamus for
short) who first "alleged" that great earthquakes would be caused by
terrible new machines, with properties that are chillingly close to
electromagnetic weapons.
HAARP is just one of many environmental weapons systems That's
important because the demonstrated or plausible effects we know of are
attributable to environmental weapons other than HAARP.
The mind control capabilities of electromagnetic weapons are in fact
the most fully documented, to the 1970s, with the Soviet “Woodpecker”
series of electromagnetic attacks upon US west coast cities, notably
Eugene, Oregon, and the micro-wave based MKULTRA mind control program
in the United States.
Ironically, up until the application of Electromagnetic (EM) weapons
against Gaia, environmental weapons had been mostly used as a
mind-control weapon, both against foreign targets (the Soviet
Woodpecker signals) and domestic populations (MKULTRA). The purpose of
these mind-control weapons is to destabilize the population's mood and
will. In the case of domestic mind-control, like MKULTRA, the
electromagnetic bombardment of the target was reinforced by
on-the-ground harassment carried out by disinformation security forces.
Those of us who have been affected by environmental weapons in the US
can attest to these tactics. When targeted on a group, environmental
weapons tend to break up group thinking, and induce interpersonal
paranoia and fear. There is more documented information, beginning to
surface, on the mind control aspects of electromagnetic weapons.
Perhaps the most moving are the documented stories of the victims of
electromagnetic mind control.
I have written about my own recovery from electromagnetic-induced mind
control in Recovery: A Personal Journey. Electromagnetic mind control
is truly a stealth weapon. The electromagnetic attack is so designed
that only the target knows that she or he is under electromagnetic
bombardment. The underlying goal of electromagnetic mind control
weapons is to isolate the targeted individual from family, friends,
professional and financial support, and to destroy the target as a
functioning social and economic entity. Electromagnetic weapons are
military-intelligence anti-population weapon.
As you might surmise, electromagnetic weapons are currently a stated
priority component of strategic weapons defense of the United States
military. Environmental weapons are not a figment of conspiracy
theorists. They are built into the design of many current U.S.
military weapons and military equipment.
A good example of the military’s attention to electromagnetic forces
are the design specifications for the E-4B, the U.S. Air Force flying
emergency headquarters. This description is from the manufacturer of
the E-4B:
“The E-4B serves as the National Airborne Operations Center for the
National Command Authorities. In case of national emergency or
destruction of ground command control centers, the aircraft provides a
modern, highly survivable, command, control and communications center
to direct U.S. forces, execute emergency war orders and coordinate
actions by civil authorities….
“The E-4B has electromagnetic pulse protection, an electrical system designed to support advanced electronics and a wide variety of new communications equipment. Other improvements include nuclear and thermal effects shielding, acoustic control, an improved technical control facility and an upgraded air-conditioning system for cooling electrical components. An advanced satellite communications system improves worldwide communications among strategic and tactical satellite systems and the airborne operations center.”
Please notice that “electromagnetic pulse protection” is the first
listed attribute of the E-4B. This may be protection from
electromagnetic pulses resulting from nuclear warfare, or from
electromagnetic (EM) weapons themselves. Why not?
Or take the U.S. Army’s concern with electromagnetic pulse shielding for its buildings and structures:
“Dependence on electronic systems for military and other national
security command, communications, control, computing, data processing,
and intelligence continues to increase. The state-of-the-art
electronics components used in most systems are susceptible to upset or
damage from Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), including the
Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) from nuclear weapons. Further, to ensure
communications security (TEMPEST), it is often necessary to prevent
compromising emanations. Many defense-related facilities require EMI,
EMP, or TEMPEST protection. Historically, a metallic liner or shield
has provided protection by completely enclosing the electronics
systems. The conservative designs typically provide more shielding than
required and are very expensive to design, construct, test, and
Again, the U.S. Army’s concern may be protection from electromagnetic
pulse forces resulting from nuclear warfare, or from electromagnetic
(EM) weapons themselves. Why not?
Actually, the destructive effects of electromagnetic pulses produced
by nuclear warfare can be horrific, but they are a full quantum less
devastating than Earth-changing environmental weapons like HAARP. If
the U.S. Army and the U.S. Air Force are concerned about
electromagnetic pulses produced by nuclear explosion, they are
undoubtedly concerned about electromagnetic pulses produced by
environmental weapons themselves.
“High altitude explosions produce EMPs that are dramatically more
destructive. About 3x10^-5 of the bomb's total energy goes into EMP in
this case, 10^11 joules for a 1 Mt bomb. EMP is formed in high altitude
explosions when the downwardly directed gamma rays encounter denser
layers of air below. A pancake shaped ionization region is formed below
the bomb. The zone can extend all the way to the horizon, to 2500 km
for an explosion at an altitude of 500 km. The ionization zone is up to
80 km thick at the center. The Earth's magnetic field causes the
electrons in this layer to spiral as they travel, creating a powerful
downward directed electromagnetic pulse lasting a few microseconds. A
strong vertical electrical field (20-50 KV/m) is also generated between
the Earth's surface and the ionized layer, this field lasts for several
minutes until the electrons are recaptured by the air. Although the
peak EMP field strengths from high altitude bursts are only 1-10% as
intense as the peak ground burst fields, they are nearly constant over
the entire Earth's surface under the ionized region.
“The effects of these field on electronics is difficult to predict, but can be profound. Enormous induced electric currents are generated in wires, antennas, and metal objects (like missiles, airplanes, and building frames). Commercial electrical grids are immense EMP antennas and would be subjected to voltage surges far exceeding those created by lightning, and over vastly greater areas. Modern VLSI chips are extremely sensitive to voltage surges, and would be burned out by even small leakage currents. Military equipment is generally designed to be resistant to EMP, but realistic tests are very difficult to perform and EMP protection rests on attention to detail. Minor changes in design, incorrect maintenance procedures, poorly fitting parts, loose debris, moisture, and ordinary dirt can all cause elaborate EMP protections to be totally circumvented. It can be expected that a single high yield, high altitude explosion over an industrialized area would cause massive disruption for an indeterminable period, and would cause huge economic damages (all those damaged chips add up).
A separate effect is the ability of the ionized fireball to block radio and radar signals. Like EMP, this effect becomes important with high altitude bursts. Fireball blackout can cause radar to be blocked for tens of seconds to minutes over an area tens of kilometers across. High frequency radio can be disrupted over hundreds to thousands of kilometers for minutes to hours depending on exact conditions.”
Historically, tectonic warfare was based on a nuclear-explosion model. Researchers discovered that nuclear weapons tend to trigger off earthquakes, by releasing pent-up stain in tectonic plates. The early 1970s model of tectonic warfare consisted of earthquakes triggered against enemies by means of hidden nuclear weapons.
“Decades earlier, seismographs had been installed at the site after
workers noticed a number of times when earthquakes followed
underground nuclear tests. From the data gathered by the
instruments, geologists determined that the quakes were triggered
because the explosions released natural tectonic stress.
“The U.S., however, wasn't the only country to make this
determination. In the 1970s, the Soviet Union not only understood
this, but took it to heart - by beginning a "tectonics weapon" research
project. Its goal wasn't just to induce tectonic activity, but to attempt
to direct it in a specific direction at a specific land target. In 1987, the
Communist government ordered a major effort to develop such a
weapon, which continued through the country's collapse and by
Russia until 1992. Only the economic crisis reportedly put the
program, first code-named "Mercury" and later "Vulcan", on hold
indefinitely. A few years later, its existence was exposed by 'Moscow
News', in an article titled ''Earthquakes Made to Order''.”
In fact, the explosions from nuclear testing actually doubled the
number of earthquakes above 5.8 Richter (moderate) and above in the
last half of the twentieth century. Moreover, there appears to be long
range damage to the Earth’s magnetosphere resulting from nuclear
explosions in the nuclear testing programs.
“At the 2nd Annual Conference on the United Nations and World
Peace, almost a decade ago, Gary Whiteford, Professor of Geology -
University of New Brunswick, presented results of a study that
looked at the long term effect. In his study, Whiteford looked at all
earthquakes in the 20th century with intensities greater than
magnitude-5.8 . He found that in the first half of the century, before
nuclear testing, quakes greater than 5.8 occurred on an average of 68
times per year. Between 1950 and 1988, the rate rose "suddenly and
dramatically" to an average of 127 annually. The U.S. military
chalked it up to "coincidence". Whiteford responded, "The
geographical patterns in the data, with a clustering of Earthquakes in
specific regions matched to specific test dates and sites do not
support the easy and comforting explanation of 'pure coincidence'. It
is a dangerous coincidence." With further analysis, Whiteford found
that, in the case of so-called "killer quakes" - those in which one
thousand or more people died - specifically those occurring between
1953 and 1989, some 62.5% of them struck within a few days after
a nuclear test.
I will state this very slowly. The electromagnetic pulse (EMP) waves
released in these nuclear tests may have been the factor that (1)
triggered the earthquakes, and (2) led to damage to the magnetosphere.
Thus – nuclear weapons may actually have been used as early, primitive
environmental weapons used to trigger earthquakes in tectonic warfare.
Electromagnetic pulse released by nuclear testing may have been an
important causal factor for the resulting damage to the magnetosphere,
and the increase in moderate and large earthquakes on Earth.
We can now discern the impetus among U.S. military planners in the
1970s to expand the performance of electromagnetic (EM) weapons. Read
what two pioneer critics of the HAARP program have to say.
“In 1966, Professor Gordon J. F. MacDonald was Associate Director of
the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at the University of
California, Los Angeles, was a member of the President's Science
Advisory Committee, and later a member of the President's Council on
Environmental Quality. He published papers on the use of environmental
control technologies for military purposes. MacDonald made a revealing
comment: "The key to geophysical warfare is the identification of
environmental instabilities to which the addition of a small amount of
energy would release vastly greater amounts of energy."
World-recognized scientist MacDonald had a number of ideas for using
the environment as a weapon system and he contributed to what was, at
the time, the dream of a futurist. When he wrote his chapter, "How to
Wreck the Environment", for the book “Unless Peace Comes”, he was not
kidding around. In it he describes the use of weather manipulation,
climate modification, polar ice cap melting or destabilization, ozone
depletion techniques, earthquake engineering, ocean wave control and
brainwave manipulation using the planet's energy fields. He also said
that these types of weapons would be developed and, when used, would be
virtually undetectable by their victims.
“Is HAARP that weapon? The military's intention to do environmental engineering is well-documented.”
Environmental weapons can trigger Earth changes, and are effective
weapons for creating weather and climate war, and for tectonic warfare
itself. Ever since modern electromagnetic (EM) weapons have deployed
we can document an increase in Earth seismicity.
Nikola Tesla (1858-1943), a Serbian born naturalized U.S. citizen,
physicist, and electrical engineer discovered the theoretical basis for
electromagnetic weapons. Tesla researcher Tom Bearden describes
Tesla’s status as an original inventor of electromagnetic pulse energy
“By 1914 or so, Tesla had been successfully isolated and was already
nearly a "non-person." Thereafter Tesla lived in nearly total
seclusion, occasionally surfacing (at his annual birthday party for
members of the press) to announce the discovery of an enormous new
source of free energy, the perfection of wireless transmission of
energy without losses, fireball weapons to destroy whole armies and
thousands of aeroplanes at hundreds of miles distance, and a weapon
(the "Tesla Shield," I've dubbed it) that could provide an impenetrable
defense and thus render war obsolete.
“In my pursuit of Tesla's secret, it gradually became apparent to me
that present orthodox electromagnetic theory is seriously flawed in
some fundamental respects. One of these is in the definition and
use of THETA, the scalar electrostatic potential. It is this error
which has hidden the long-sought Unified Field Theory from the
“In the 20`s and 30`s, Tesla announced the final perfection of his
wireless transmission of energy without losses -- even to
interplanetary distances.”
Tesla’s electromagnetic theories laid the foundation for the design of
environmental weapons that trigger Earthquakes as a means of waging
war. “An Earthquake fault zone is such a scalar interferometer. Stresses
and charge pileups exist in the plates on each side adjacent to the
fault, with stress relief existing in the middle in the fault fracture
“Since the rock is locally nonlinear, the mechanical stresses and
electrical currents in it are also locally nonlinear. This results in
the generation of multiple frequencies of THETA-4-waves from
each side of the fault interferometer, yielding two complex Fourier expansion patterns of scalar potential waves.”
Tesla’s theories also provide the foundation for electromagnetic (EM) weapons’ application to weather and climate warfare.
“[Tesla] theorized that 10hz of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) beams
bounced through the Earth and up into the ionosphere would start
electron resonance 50 kilometers above the Earth. This would effect
thunderstorms by causing a dielectric breakdown above the clouds and
forcing them to release their energy and water in a non-natural way.
While the U.S. Navy applied Tesla principles in World War I
communications systems, after the end of the war, Tesla research was
not pursued. Tesla-based devices such as the Moray amplifier, however,
became a central component of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons
developed by the then Soviet Union in the 1970s.
“Today the [Tesla-based] Moray amplifier is a standard component of many of the Soviet secret super weapons and Tesla weapons.”
[Reference: The Tesla Howitzer]
Parapsychologist and Tesla expert Dr. Andrija Puharich reports on the deployment of Soviet Tesla-based electromagnetic weapons.
“On July 4, 1976 the Soviet Union unleashed a new weapon on the world. Nikola Tesla had shown in 1901 that a person could transmit power across the Earth through the ground. The Russians were emitting an 11 Hertz signal (cycles per second) across the world. This powerful signal upset radio communications everywhere. Many nations protested. The U.S. Air Force identified 5 different frequencies in this compound harmonic the Russians were sending through the Earth and the atmosphere. The intention was to affect a change of consciousness in mankind. The Extreme Low Frequency waves will penetrate anything and everything, the specially shielded Faraday cage, the ocean. Nothing stops or weakens these signals….”
“Dr. Puharich and Robert Beck designed receiving equipment which could measure these waves and their effect on the human brain. Their experiments proved that a signal of 6 Hertz easily penetrated the copper walls of a Faraday cage. So could a rate of 6.6 -- one of the rates being used by the Russians. This caused depression.
“Dr. Puharich revealed that the Soviets used ELF waves to experiment with weather control in 1976 and 1977, using an 11 Hertz wave sent round the world; but even when they stopped their transmitters, they couldn't stop the waves!
“It took a year for the 11 Hertz wave to diminish in strength, causing a terrible winter. Since the Russians turned on this signal, they have had three crop failures in a row, as well as great floods. America had great heat and drought.
“About 1980 they began to realize more fully what they were doing; so they built more transmitters, in Siberia and Latvia, to send beams around the world. They created a great arc over Canada to Cape Cod, 42 miles in width. Soviet attaches', from the embassy in Ottawa, were going out to villages to determine the effects.”
O.K., so your “pattern-recognition warning lights” may not have
activated as to the reality of environmental warfare applications,
using the Earth’s system as its weapons. Let us explore a very
suggestive series of milestones, tracking some of the apparent effects
of environmental weapons reported since the 1970s, when mega-power
electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons were first deployed in weather,
climate, and tectonic warfare.
One Environmental weapons researcher has documented this history of
the applications of Environmental weapons since the mid-1970s.
“July 4, 1976 Soviets turn on their Tesla Magnifying transmitters with
a primary [EMP] frequency of 10hz and start Weather Modification
experiments. These are monitored by the U.S. National
Security (NSI) which listens to all radio frequencies that originates in Russia.
“June 5, 1976 The New York Times described the great Earthquake, which
destroyed Tangshan China and killed 650,000 people as: "Just before the
first tremor at 3:42 am the sky lit up like
daylight. The multi hued lights, mainly red and white were seen up to
200 miles away. Leafs on many trees were burned to a crisp and growing
vegetables were scorched on one side as if by a fireball."
These electrical effects are tied to electromagnetic plasma and ball
lightning which result from Tesla style and HAARP like transmissions.
“July 4, 1977 Exactly one year after the start of the Russian
experiments, the U.S. Government conducted an ELF experiment that
created an enormous downburst of rain in six counties of
Northern Wisconsin. Winds of up to 157 mph devastated a wide area and
the ELF generated storm destroyed Phillips, Wisconsin, destroyed
350,000 acres of forest and caused $50 million in damage. The
Planetary Association for Clean Energy (PACE) Newsletter described the
storm: "Downburst activity has been described as occurring when the top
of a thunderstorm cloud topples over bringing with it masses
of wind straight down. The U.S. Government's transmitter sent about 1.2
million watts of energy into the ground. The ground connections are at
each end of the antenna and up the other end, forming an
antenna loop. Signals are sent by shifting the frequency. The antenna
began transmissions at 13:00 hours by shifting from 76 hertz to 72 or
80 pulsed at a rate of 16 times a second. The action of the [EMP]
transmitters in setting up a resonant Circuit duplicates the process
that occurs in nature during thunderstorm activity."
“October 1977 The United Nations Security Council investigates the possibilities of Weather modification and agrees to a ban of utilization. (C.N. 263. 1978 treaties 12)
“November 1977 U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) declassifies a
report describing how vast advances in Soviet psychotronic technology
can create the ultimate Big Brother Society
by using electronic mind control against populations to implant ideas
and thoughts into the heads of unsuspecting victims using ELF
”January 1978 Specula Magazine described the Russian ELF effects: "An
electromagnetic signal of certain frequencies can be transmitted
through the Earth which, depending upon the frequency
used, focusing, wave shape, etc., one can induce a variety of effects
such as earthquakes induced at a distant aiming point, severe
disturbances in the middle and upper atmosphere over the target area
and anomalous weather effects. This is called the 'Tesla Effect' originally discovered by Tesla."
“January 1978 Dr. Andrija Puharich, M.D., LL.D. of Russia issued a
detailed research paper titled, "Global Magnetic Warfare - A layman's
View of Certain Artificially Induced Unusual Effects on the
Planet during 1976 and 1977." Describing early Soviet work with Tesla's
method of "Controlled Earthquakes," he stated "Of the many great
Earthquakes of 1976 there is one that demands special attention -
the July 28, 1976 Tangshan, China Earthquake."
“January 30, 1981 The WASHINGTON POST reported:
"The world sustained 71 significant Earthquakes during 1980, up from 56
the previous year and the world death toll climbed to 7,140, five times
the 1979 figure, the U.S. Geological Survey said.
Coincidentally with the increase in Soviet and U.S. ELF transmissions
during 1980, there was a sharp increase in Earthquakes around the
“June 1981 P.A.C.E. NEWSLETTER reported that Dr. Ralph Markson of the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Suggests that if a atmospheric
variations do affect the weather, the
appropriate use of ELF and VLF radio waves might do the same trick."
"It is known the VLF radio waves such as those induced by lightning can
destabilize plasma in the magnetosphere. Experiments
to cause such effects have been conducted from the space shuttle."
“August 9, 1983 The Washington Post reports, Lt. Col. Thomas Beardon,
nuclear engineer and leading U.S. Tesla researcher lectured to the U.S.
Psychotronics Association explaining how the
Tesla wave generators worked said, "The U.S. had been working with ELF
generators but found that the foundation of Ground Wave Emergency
Network (GWEN) transmitters were much more
effective than standard ELF transmitters. The GWEN transmitters are
being erected around the United States to continue our communications
during a nuclear war."
“March 1, 1987 The New York Times reported: "Col. Paul Hanson, GWEN
program director for the Air Force said the GWEN towers will not help
wage a nuclear war because they would be
destroyed in any protracted confrontation. Currently 54 GWEN are
operational at a cost of $235 million. The Government is planning to
build 29 more units at a cost of an additional $11 million each.
“August 11 1987 Patent Number 4,686,605 issued to Dr. Bernard J.
Eastlund, a physicist whose design promoted the U.S. government
building on a mammoth electromagnetic weather
engineering system. The patent was assigned to APTI Inc., a subsidiary
of Eastlund’s then employer, the Atlantic Richfield Oil Company
(ARCO).The patent states, “Large regions of the
atmosphere could be lifted to an unexpected high altitude. Weather
modification is possible by for example altering the upper atmosphere
wind patterns and that the Earth’s magnetic field could be decreased or
disrupted at appropriate altitudes to modify or eliminate the magnetic field.”
“March 1988 OMNI Magazine carried an article about Dr. Eastlund’s
invention: “As he did his computations, Eastlund realized that the
amount of energy he was dealing with was enormous. He
calculated that by lifting parts of the atmosphere the charged
particles could reflect sunlight, heat parts of the Earth and
manipulate local weather patterns. Richard Williams, a physicist at
Princeton, stated
that he thinks the Eastlund HAARP device “might become a serious threat
to the Earth’s atmosphere and could cause irreversible damage. Effects
in the atmosphere cannot be localized. The language of the
patent indicates that it is clearly intended to provide effects on a global scale.”
“September 12,1988 The New York Times reported that each GWEN unit utilizes about 2,000 watts of power and are “relaying brief test messages every twenty minutes.”
“November 1988 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists reported that GWEN
involves a network of 299 foot high towers that “uses low frequency
radio waves that hug the ground.”
“September 12, 1989 The Washington Post reported that during 1989,
World Bank President Barber Conable made a speech in Tokyo at a
conference on: “Global Environment” in which he
revealed the long range goals of the international bankers. He said
that “while higher temperatures may cause a number of disasters they
might also warm cold and unproductive lands in the North into
productivity.” This candid admission described the real reason that the
Soviets and the New World Order bankers have secretly promoted
continuous weather engineering over the Northern
hemisphere since the early 1970’s.
“November 1989 The bulletin of the Atomic Scientists listed some of the
GWEN tower locations. Of extreme importance were GWEN units directly in
the middle of the high rainfall area of the
1993 flood in the Upper Mississippi Valley. The operating and planned
GWEN units are at: Ledyard Iowa, Chelsea Wisconsin, Shepard Minnesota,
Curryville and Dudley Missouri and other units
in Colorado and Montana whose range could influence the magnetic fields
in neighboring states. The resulting enhanced constant precipitation
levels killed hundreds and destroyed billions of dollars of
“January 1990 Because of the publicity about the weather engineering
aspects of the Eastlund Arco patent, the U.S. Government suppressed all
further news about the invention’s weather engineering
features and the invention has been disguised as a device for conducting “atmospheric research.
“June 1990 Progressive Magazine reported that each GWEN tower will have
“a hundred copper wires, each 330 feet long, that will fan out from the
tower a foot underground...The major environmental
issue is Electromagnetic radiation...GWEN towers emit ionizing
radiation, and they do so all of the time, with test signals broadcast
every hour.”
“July 1990 CROSS CURRENTS: “The perils of Electropollution,” by Robert
O. Becker, M.D.; “GWEN is a superb system for producing behavioral
alterations in the civilian population.
The average strength of the steady geomagnetic field varies from place
to place across the United States. Therefore if one wished to resonate
a specific ion in living things in a specific locality, one would
require a specific frequency for that location. The spacing of GWEN
transmitters 200 miles apart across the United States would allow such
specific frequencies to be ‘tailored’ to the geomagnetic field
strength in each GWEN area.” In response to the allegations that the
GWEN system was built to enable the Government to continue
communications during a war Dr. Becker countered, “The GWEN
hardware is transistor based; even if placed in hardened bunkers it
would still be vulnerable to electro magnetic pulse. The real purposes
of the GWEN system is being kept secret from the American people.
“March 29, 1992 The WASHINGTON TIMES reports the incidence of ELF
signals associated with Earthquakes are continuing. Satellites and
ground sensors detected mysterious radio waves or
related electrical and magnetic activity before major Earthquakes in
Southern California during 1986-87 and Northern California, Armenia and
Japan in 1989.”
How is your “pattern-recognition rate” functioning now? Are you
beginning to discern a pattern of electromagnetic pulse deployment
ranging from Tesla to the 1970s Soviet Union to the 1990s HAARP project
in Alaska?
Does it not seem a reality that electromagnetic (EM) weapons are
developed and deployed? That environmental weapons are deployed for
Earth-systems warfare – weather and climate war, and tectonic
(earthquake) warfare?
What other pattern-recognition would most easily account for all we have reviewed so far?
Some applications of electromagnetic (EM) weapons unleash an
electromagnetic pulse blast (looking like a fireball) which can level a
town or city. Electromagnetic pulse researcher by Harry Mason, B.Sc.,
M.Sc., reports:
“These recent [EMP] fireball and other electrical events are highly
anomalous and appear to pose a considerable danger to the population of
not only Australia but much of the entire planet. Certainly, just one
of the associated explosion/earthquakes could completely flatten a town
the size of Broken Hill, Kalgoorlie, Mt Isa, Alice Springs or
Canberra-with enormous loss of life. It would approximate a nuclear
blast in intensity and "spoil the inhabitants' whole day…."
“Severe high-energy harmonic coupling would occur at the instance of the weapon's microsecond wave release of a concentrated EM energy pulse, and this would probably cause an explosive splitting apart of the inter-atomic-level bonding of the targeted material, e.g., below-ground rock, above-ground building structures, or in the gases of the 'air'. This would create a huge explosion and a 'regular' Earthquake, probably quite indistinguishable from a 'normal' quake; or, in the air, an 'air quake' would result.
“Such an explosion would probably be quite similar to a low-level nuclear fission blast and would involve essentially similar but EM-initiated inter-atomic processes that affect the atomic nucleus and its bonding with neighbouring atomic nuclei. It would probably create some minor residual radioactivity as a by-product of the process, due to the production of a number of exotic isotopes.
“This mechanism is probably the reason for Russian use of the code-word "Ellipton bomb" whilst referring to these types of EM weapons. ("Right-wing KGB presidential candidate" Vladimir Zhirinovsky was quoted using this term whilst apparently threatening Bosnian Muslims with annihilation.) Rapid on-off alternating electrostatic EM field coupling would cause a Mohr stress ellipsoid oscillation in any material by effects on interatomic bonding. If powerful enough, this energy input would ultimately lead to very fast explosive material rupture of the interatomic bonds-i.e., a major explosion of nuclear-force levels and/or the creation of an apparently normal-looking earthquake.”
Researcher Harry Mason also concludes that an electromagnetic (EM)
weapon, in an act of tectonic warfare, may have been used to
intentionally trigger the destructive 1995 earthquake in Kobe, Japan.
Independent scientific evidence may provide some further basis for
corroborating Mason’s conclusions. Because of the unusual nature of
Mason’s analysis, I’ve included his entire report.
“On 17 January 1995, the Japanese city of Kobe was struck by a massive
Earthquake that devastated much of the city, killing over 5,500 people
and injuring many thousands more. Shoko Asahara, the leader of the
Japanese Aum Supreme Truth (Aum Shinrikyo) sect, had surprisingly
predicted, in a Tokyo radio broadcast on 8 January 1995, that a major
quake would soon occur at Kobe. Asahara went even further and stated
that this quake would be initiated by a "a foreign power" utilizing an
electromagnetic (EM) weapons system.
“Aum's Science Minister Hideo Murai later stated at the Foreign Press Correspondents' Club in Tokyo on 7 April 1995 that, "There is a possibility that the great Hanshin [Kobe] Earthquake was activated by electromagnetic power or some device that exerts energy into the ground."
“Asahara would undoubtedly have preferred his great predictive powers to be thought of as due to a highly developed and superior spiritual ability to examine the future time-track (thus attracting more gullible followers after this quake event). It is far more likely that he was fed warning intelligence re Kobe by Aum's Science Minister Murai, and/or Japanese Intelligence operatives who themselves were forewarned by Russian KGB officials.
“In his pre-Aum days, Hideo Murai had worked on highly advanced microwave and gamma/cosmic-ray physics applications for cold moulding of steel at the Kobe Steel laboratories. This laboratory complex was located at the near-exact epicentre of the great Kobe Earthquake. Japanese investigative journalists believe that this Kobe laboratory was one of several research facilities (located at Osaka, Tsukuba and Tokyo universities) engaged in top-secret research and development of EM weapons technology-under the cover of Kobe Steel industrial research and/or environmental "desert-greening" studies.
“The Aum's deputy leader, Kiyohide Hayakawa, in his pre-Aum days studied at Osaka University in the Landscape Engineering section of the Environmental Engineering department. His thesis is highly confidential and not available to the public, but allegedly contains only landscape engineering studies.
“For several days prior to the great Kobe Earthquake there were reports of glowing orange-red and pink lights and spherical forms hovering over and along the Kobe fault line. Such Earth stress lights have been observed over major quakes in many parts of the globe since the 19th century, but the number and intensity of those that developed in the January 1995 pre-Kobe quake days appear to be highly anomalous.
“The existence of geophysical weapons capable of creating or triggering earthquakes in highly stressed crustal regions has been discussed privately by geophysicists for a decade or more. Rumours have abounded over certain huge earthquakes of the 1970s and 1980s in the Central Asian republics of the former USSR. Some writers have suggested that these were caused by Israeli, French or American EM weapons systems used in retaliation for Soviet EM weapon strikes on the West. US scientist Tom Bearden contends that the Soviets brought into service an intercontinental-range Tesla EM weapon in 1963 during the Khrushchev era.
“The evidence that Kobe was not a natural earthquake is slender and is based primarily upon Asahara's prediction that was later proved so horrifyingly correct. However, one cannot be certain about actual cause, and quite possibly I am totally incorrect in suggesting this event could have been caused by a sentiently controlled and directed EM energy weapon. There would appear to be some supporting evidence of an indirect nature involving political considerations and other more recent events. However, taking into consideration the entire Kobe and Aum Tokyo scenarios together with the earlier, possibly Aum-related, fireball-explosion-earthquake events of 28 May 1993 at Banjawarn, Western Australia, one is left with a very strong impression of a serious fire underlying the visible "dark plume of smoke" that rose over Kobe.
“But what motive could there possibly be for such a major city- busting weapon strike? Why choose an exotic EM weapon system?
“It is quite possible that the EM strike was directed at the secret Kobe Steel EM weapons research laboratory and that the motive was in part to destroy this facility and cause such a resounding blow to the civilian population. Similar in scale to the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, [this EM strike would signal] that the Japanese oligarchic powers behind the scenes [should] think long and hard before attempting to continue their EM weapons project.
“If the USA (or a covert international power group based therein) were the belligerent party that struck down Kobe, then the motive would most likely have included a 'big stick' warning to the Japanese powers. To do what they were told with regard to the New World (economic) Order, or face the consequences.
“It would appear from subsequent events that the Japanese oligarchy did not grovel under this attack but in fact, after some further provocation, went on the offensive with its own (or a friend's) EM weapon system.”
Other scientists have reported animal behavior just prior to the Kobe
Earthquake, apparently induced by electromagnetic fields. These
electromagnetic fields may be associated with the natural processes of
the Earthquake itself. An open question is whether electromagnetic
weapons in any way induced the electromagnetic pulse fields preceding
the Kobe Earthquake.
“Sea lions, hippopotamus and crocodiles in the Kobe-Oji Zoo were
reported to have shown seismic anomalous animal behavior (SAAB) before
the Kobe Earthquake. Crocodiles at the Izu-Atagawa
Banana-Alligator Garden were observed to have cried before volcanic
eruptions and earthquakes in the Izu area. Critical electric field
intensity, which causes a field-avoidance behavior, has been estimated
for these animals and some reptiles. Behavioral responses to seismic
electric pulse stimuli due to the emerged pulsed charges or
electromagnetic waves were tentatively attributed to the cause of SAAB.
Seismic field intensities prior to the Kobe Earthquake were estimated
from the electric field effects and citizen's statements on SAAB are
shown in a geographic map with the number of statements. The anecdotal
reports of significant animal disturbances at the epicenter were
entirely consistent with the electric field effects. An attempt was
made to observe natural electric pulses prior to earthquakes with a
digital storage oscilloscope conforming to geophysical theory, also at
the time of lightning and by electric discharges. Some electric pulses
were detected simultaneously occurring in a laboratory with startled
movements of eels as well as with fighting and grooming of hamsters
known as anomalous behavior caused by electric field effects.
In many ways, HAARP represents a new generation of environmental
weapons systems, following on three decades of electromagnetic weapons
development. HAARP researcher John A. Quinn concludes that HAARP has
multiple agendas:
“The acknowledged, publicized applications for potential applications of HAARP technology are primarily:
Enhancement of or interference with communications, as well as development of new types of radio transmissions
"Investigation" of effects on weather patterns
Earth-penetrating tomography -- an X-ray like function which can reveal, for example, the existence of underground installations as well as oil or mineral deposits
“Some of the other principal yet unpublicized goals [of HAARP] are:
Weapons-related (physical/psychological disablement) and mind control uses
Large scale tampering/modification of global weather patterns via ionospheric disturbances
"Pushing the envelope" in terms of pumping electromagnetic energy into the ionosphere, just to see what happens
“It bears emphasizing here that any such references to HAARP being used for EM mind control come directly from numerous internal documents and repeated references therein to HAARP's capabilities as electromagnetic mind modification/manipulation technology and intentions to so implement HAARP. “
One of the dominant, covert agendas of HAARP is the waging of tectonic
warfare. In this guise, HAAARP may form the basis of an environmental
weapons system, used to trigger destructive earthquakes against a
targeted enemy. Under certain conditions, such as extreme solar
electromagnetic activity, environmental weapons can trigger cataclysmic
Earth changes. These Earth changes would be a cataclysmic scale which
human prophetic traditions have foretold.
“One of the more covert of HAARP's seemingly countless agendas is that
HAARP transmissions can be used for detecting and monitoring
electromagnetic or "plasma" phenomena which are precursors of seismic
activity and tectonic movement. Indications are that HAARP
transmissions can be (and conceivably are being) used to activate or
trigger exactly these same electromagnetic conditions which can cause
tectonic movement--in other words, HAARP potentially has the ability to
cause earthquakes!
“Certainly such a capability is equally as disturbing as nearly everything else about HAARP, and judging by how other of the technology's capabilities have been applied, it will also likely be applied in a similarly malevolent manner. I don't really even want to follow that line of thinking too far, but the implications are clear--and very frightening. Think we have "a problem" here? Well, I sure do.
“It seems that HAARP signals are being picked up by weather radar systems as referred to above. This has been noted in conjunction with some unusual Earthquake activity as well. Notably at the China Lakes Naval Air Warfare Center in Southern California, where the quakes have been numbering around 100 per day for weeks now and radar images have often shown what seem to be major weather disturbances. Yet concurrently the weather satellite shots of the area and local weather conditions reports prove that the skies at these times have been generally calm and clear!
“Something similar occurred on Easter Sunday in the Carolinas. It looked from the radar shots as though the area was being pounded by massive tornadic activity, yet the skies were clear and the atmospheric conditions generally calm. The next day, however, guess what--a sizable and unarguably rare Earthquake hit this exact region!
“Yet one more item on the list of HAARP's covert agendas and applications:
Detection of electromagnetic seismic activity which may precede Earthquakes -- and triggering of such activity.
It is becoming very apparent that the radar systems are picking up electromagnetic perturbances which not only don't correlate to observed actual weather conditions but display totally unnatural formations like perfect circles (often concentric), perfectly straight lines, etc. This same phenomenon, often in conjunction with tremendous and historically unheard-of rainstorms, has also been observed in Western Australia, where the concentric electromagnetic energy pulses accompanying the fronts have been so severe as to totally knock out the power grids in the region. Exactly what happened in Aukland, New Zealand earlier this year, when the entire heart of the city was without power for months after their electrical grid was literally fried by these EM pulse waves.
“It bears repeating here that some scientists believe that HAARP, especially at it's current extraordinary levels of power, is quite capable of generating such highly advanced, esoteric phenomena as gravity waves; the ability implement interdimensional/time bending, distortion, shifting, rifting and the like would be along the same lines.
“More and more, the emerging picture of HAARP is that of an extremely severe and very disturbing threat to our wellbeing here on Planet Earth; currently perhaps on of the very biggest threats technologically. This really seems to be their Big Gun, capable of being applied in nearly every imaginable and exceptionally undesirable way.
“HAARP technology appears well suited in general to enforcing a host of the more oppressive and malicious goals and agendas of the evolving "New World Order."
“The more complete list of primary intended uses of HAARP now reads:
Enhancement of or interference with communications, as well as development of new types of radio transmissions
Manipulation of weather patterns
Weapons-related (physical/psychological disablement) and mind control uses
Earth-penetrating tomography -- an X-ray like function which can reveal, for example, the existence of underground installations as well as oil or mineral deposits
Detection of electromagnetic seismic activity which may precede Earthquakes -- and triggering of such activity
Generation of [gravity] waves, inter-dimensional/time "portals" and other highly esoteric, relativistic phenomena
"Pushing the envelope" in terms of pumping electromagnetic energy into the ionosphere, just to see what happens.”
Now that we are aware of environmental weapons, the greater challenge
may be the monitor of their hyper-secret tests and demos, and
discerning the intentional environmental weapons attacks.
Accurate information about environmental weapons events will be needed
if we are ever to report on them in terms that a secular audience will
understand. If we are ever to raise a critical mass of public opinion
against environmental weapons, and legislative action to stop the
We need a vocabulary with which to communicate to skeptics of
environmental weapons, as well as to a civilian population that may not
have a clue they are at risk themselves. That is a crucial question,
because the military reality of environmental weapons is that they are
The issue is not HAARP alone, which is one prototype weapons system.
The deeper issue is the whole reality of Environmental warfare itself,
and the perversion of the Earth’s natural systems into instruments of
war, and the possible cataclysmic outcomes of human military folly – as
the prophets have foreseen.
Posted by: KAREN BEATTIE | June 17, 2008 at 10:12 PM
It can't. There are many theories reinadgrg HAARP and mind control/earthquakes/hurricanes/any other natural disaster, and all are completely implausible, and expounded by people who don't understand what it is they are talking about. This guy gets all his facts wrong HAARP transmits 3.2 Million (not billion) watts in the shortwave band (not microwave). Quite why earthquakes in a known tectonically active region should be mysterious is beyond me. Robs (licenced radio amateur).
Posted by: Keishirou | August 30, 2012 at 03:36 AM