7@7 COVIDGATE with Alfred Lambremont Webre & Seven [UK]: Rockefeller-Gates LOCKSTEP 2010-2020, June 12, 2020
WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV https://youtu.be/boozuasR_Ls
WATCH ON COVIDGATE https://exopolitics.blogs.com/covidgate/2020/06/77-covidgate-with-alfred-lambremont-webre-seven-uk-rockefeller-gates-lockstep-2010-2020-june-12-2020.html
They keep exposing themselves overwhelmingly; keep it up guys; Yeshua had earlier warned us that you were to be expected; Your criminal race wars would be squashed like bugs by the Most Supreme God. 'nuf done said.
Posted by: elizabeth | 06/12/2020 at 06:51 PM
I have been hunting for information such as this PDF document. I have only recovered bits and pieces of information referred to in this document at best. The general public has no idea this document/script exists. This needs to be spread far and wide. Being a PDF document, I assume, and maybe I'm wrong here, that it can be emailed en mass. I would certainly, upon receiving an emailed copy of this PDF, email it out to those I'm connected with. Bombard Social Media for sure.
Posted by: R. Burn | 06/14/2020 at 06:32 PM