Live 90% longer with this ESS60 Molecule: Patty Greer & Alfred Lambremont Webre
Live 90% longer with this ESS60 Molecule: Patty Greer & Alfred Lambremont Webre
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How to Access 30% Savings on ESS60 for $75.00/month ESS60 Usage:
STEP #1 – Access this link + USE coupon code: EVALW for 10% off:
STEP #2, Subscription for a 4oz Olive Oil peer MonthC60 Evo Olive Oil – 4 oz Subscription (Monthly) – Sufficient for 1 teaspoon/day in the AM$75.00 / month
Enjoy the highest quality C60EVO, containing 100% ESS60, in organic extra virgin olive oil. Save 20% when you choose monthly subscriptions Launches ESS60, Carbon 60 (C60) That Increases Life-Span Of Mammals By 90%, And Is Safe For Human, has revolutionized the world of the Carbon 60 (C60) molecule – itself awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1996 – that in laboratory experiments almost doubled the life-span of mammals, increasing lab rats life span by 90%, by developing ESS60 that for the first time is a C60 that is safe for human consumption. Life extension in mammals by C60 was demonstrated in the following scientific study in Paris. “The prolongation of the lifespan of rats by repeated oral administration of [60] fullerene May 17, 2020”