My New Life with Fullerines - “Fullerines [C60Evo/ESS60] Slow Aging, Strengthen EyeSight, Focus, & Libido” - C60EvoCEO Patty Greer & Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre, Co-founder of the World Good News Network with Buckminster Fuller, namesake of Fullerine Molecule, Nobel Prize winner 1996.
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How Fullerines helps me Do Wonders, Be in Wellness and Stay Safe
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Testimonial on Fullerines [C60Evo ESS60]
by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, CERT Public Health:
“You are now watching this program on ExopoliticsTV on the World Good News Network, co-founded by Buckminster Fuller, after whom the Fullerine Carbon-60 molecule was named,
"Futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard, and myself, Alfred Lambremont Webre.
"I possess a Certificate in Community Health from the Harvard School of Public Health, and a Counseling Degree from the University Of Texas. On July 30, 2023, I suffered what I term a remote directed energy intrusion and what physicians in Vancouver, BC diagnosed as a stroke that eliminated direct vision in my right eye along with a portion of my eye-brain short-term memory connection. As a result, I enrolled in the Canadian National Institute for the Blind CNIB, was issued a White Cane [which I used to navigate local bus transit in Vancouver, BC], participated in CNIB’s Vision Odyssey with other vision-impaired to learn how to see again.
"All of this while I was taking at least 1 teaspoon of Fullerines [C60Evo-ESS60] per day.
"At this time, I have regained stereo vision in my two eyes, and now have published 23 books on Amazon, having written at least 6 books since 2016. I attribute that my vision gain was facilitated by my daily use of Fullerines [C60Evo-ESS60] and their interaction with my body at the hemoglobin, cellular and DNA level. My evaluation has not been evaluated by the FDA or by Canadian Health authorities, and is a statement of a personal experience. Thank you. Alfred”
July 17, 2023