VIDEO - Kevin Annett: Pope Francis, Jesuit Superior General, Archbishop of Canterbury guilty of child genocide - Intl. Common Law Court. Republic of Kanata Convention announced
Vancouver, BC – In an ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, ITCCS field Secretary Kevin Annett announced the final verdict of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels, convicting Pope Francis, Jesuit General General “guilty as charged of aiding and abetting Crimes against Humanity, including murder and human trafficking, and of personal involvement in those crimes.” The Final Judgment of the Common Law Court is below, along with an exclusive report by Kevin Annett on “Who's really behind child trafficking? Following the big money across the globe.”
Republic of Kanata: The Winnipeg Proclamation of Independence establishing the Federated Republic of Kanata and Articles of the Constitution of The Federated Republic of Kanata
In his interview, Kevin Annett also discussed Constitutional Convention planned for October 27-31, 2014 in Winnipeg, Manitoba to establish the Republic of Kanata as one positive outgrowth of the ongoing Common Law Court of Justice trials and verdicts against the Crown of England, Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches, and Government of Canada.
VIDEO - Kevin Annett: Pope Francis, Jesuit Superior General, Archbishop of Canterbury guilty of child genocide - Intl. Common Law Court. Republic of Kanata Convention announced
Republic of Kanata: The Winnipeg Proclamation of Independence and Articles of the Constitution of The Federated Republic of Kanata