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Please listen to my archived KEYS TO DETOX EVEN FROM RADIATION radio show at: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/wellnesscocreator
Glutathione enhancing supplements are an excellent decision regarding radiation protection.
Glutathione is the best natural detox tool for all environmental attacks - food - prescription drugs - X rays - CT scans - travelling by air - chemtrails - sun radiation - mercury - heavy metals - fluoride - chlorine
The impact at cellular level produces clear benefits even if you are not exposed at all to radioactive isotopes.
But these days is very important to prepare our bodies to confront the challenge of radiation exposure.
It is key to detox our organism as much as possible as preparation before any radiation. We need to minimize exposure and to cleanse from radiation as fast as possible from any level of radiation.
I am taking it for over a month and I can see many benefits already in my wellness (more envigorated - better sleep)
You can contact me in my group Facebook as The Wellness Cocreator

Sara Macdonald

Leuren, you mention liquid iodine. Do you ingest this or, as I have read, paint it daily on to your navel?
Thanks for this wonderful advice.

R. Dunleavey

Thank you for being on the front lines about this massive coverup. We appreciate you tremendously!

supra shoes

I am not going out at all, and we have lots of kep powder, liquid iodine, and Irish moss (seaweed). 20 people died in first unit explosion. One Japan man went with his geiger counter to Fukushima plant vicinity and readings went offscale. 139 older Tokyo firemen volunteered to take trucks up to Fukushima and do emergency response - Kamikazi firemen now. Team of 70 taken out of plant a few days ago are internal bleeding and sick with rad exposure - they will die soon. its a setup if I ever saw one.


Now everyone want to be healthy for so its very important work done by you,
Nice tips you have point out on health issue.
Now looking your next health related post,

weight loss

I haven't heard of the radiation diet yet. Is it really effective?

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