By Alfred Lambremont Webre
"Astropolitics" is a term that the mainstream scientific and governmental-military industrial complex are developing to describe activities principally in the time-space dimensions of our universe. Astropolitics thus appears to be an alternative term to "Exopolitics" and describes universe and multiverse reality from the "Canonical" point of view. Exopolitics is the study of intelligent civilizations in the multiverse.
Michael E. Salla, PhD has pioneered with a scientific paper on Astropolitics that states: “Astropolitics” is herein defined as the political study of stars, celestial bodies, and activities in outer space. Space activities include those officially acknowledged by national space programs and military forces of different nations through official media releases. However, it is the
activities that are not officially acknowledged that pose the greatest challenge to the comprehensive study of astropolitics. This paper examines three different categories of unacknowledged activities occurring in space. The first is unacknowledged waived “Special Access Programs” run by the U.S. military and intelligence services, and their international equivalents. The second category is corporate programs obliged to follow similar classification security prot ocols for conducting military/intelligence contracts. The final category involves activities related to the unidentified flying object (UFO) phenomenon and the possibility that some of these activities are guided by an extraterrestrial intelligence. “Exopo litics” is defined as a multidisciplinary approach examining evidence of extraterrestrial life and classified military/intelligence/corporate programs possibly related to alien technologies. It is proposed that exopolitics provides a helpful set of conceptual tools that complements astropolitics in the study of outer space activities."
"Astropolitics" is to "Exopolitics" as the Canon is to the Awakened Consciousness