Bill Moyers Essay: When Bosses Push Their Politics, October 19, 2012. This segment contains Mitt Romney's "This is a
time for truth" opening stump speech line on Aug. 14, 2012 to Ohio coal
miners in full gear and helmets (At 1:17)
Andy 2016! – Judge Webre’s Blog
Mitt Romney campaign appears to be using the Andy 2016! Campaign slogan in its 2012 campaign against Obama, implying either time travel leaks or political spying by CIA-connected Romney team
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Vancouver, BC – Oct. 23, 2012 – In a late-breaking political and exopolitical twist to the 2012 Presidential campaign between President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, it appears that the GOP campaign of Mitt Romney may be using the central slogan of the Andy 2016! Campaign – “A Time for Truth” – as Romney’s opening line in some of his stump speeches delivered during the 2012 electoral season.
“A Time for Truth” is the central slogan of the truth-oriented independent 2016 U.S. Presidential campaign of crusading lawyer Andrew D. Basiago, a whistleblower who was a participant in the U.S. government’s secret time travel program. Andy is calling for disclosure of the U.S. time travel and teleportation capability and creation of a public global teleportation system to replace our petroleum-driven and polluting transportation system.
Reached for comment at his Vancouver, WA offices, 2016 Presidential candidate Andy Basiago stated, “I have called for a time for truth. They have shown that they believe that it is only a time for ruthlessness.”
U.S. secret time travel program
Among other revelations about the secret U.S. time travel program, Andy has revealed that recent U.S. Presidents, including George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, William J. Clinton, and Barack H. Obama were pre-identified by U.S. time travel and pre-informed by the CIA of their future destinies as President, as many as 20 years in advance. In effect, says Andy, the CIA has captured the U.S. Presidency and made the U.S. elections a charade, as the outcome is known to the winner beforehand.
Romney: “This is A Time for Truth”
I am an Exopolitical author and journalist who has been covering and vetting Andrew D. Basiago since the year 2000. Imagine my utter sense of surprise to hear the Andy 2016! Campaign slogan “A Time for Truth” said by Mitt Romney on the evening of Sunday, October 21, 2012 while I was watching the Moyers & Company’s program “Plutocracy Rising” with Bill Moyers Essay on Seattle’s PBS station. Mr. Moyers’ video Essay features a 2012 campaign stump speech by Mitt Romney on August 14, 2012 to a group of Ohio coal miners, mandated by their employer to attend the Romney rally in their coal mining gear and helmets. Romney walks onto a stage in front of the miners and, completely out of context, states: “This is a time for truth.” Romney’s one-liner was in cognitive dissonance to the reality around him. It seemed to me like a one-liner from some other time and place.
In the video, Romney then continues in his stump speech with a non-sequitur relating to how the coal mine owners know what is best for the coal miners and how the miners should listen to the owners as to their voting preference.
Interestingly, Andy is the son of a Pennsylvania coal miner, Raymond F. Basiago, who after earning a degree in electrical engineering at Lehigh University in 1951, went on to work on several advanced aerospace projects for the US government, including the RAMJET engine, the B-70 strategic bomber, and DARPA’s Project Pegasus, which achieved teleportation by 1967-68. Could the Romney campaign have been tasked to confuse these facts four years before Andy runs for President?
Coincidence or Time Travel/Political Psyops?
The coincidence between Romney’s one-liner and the Andy 2016! Campaign slogan “A Time for Truth” is so uncanny that it leads me to propose the following hypothesis.
Working hypothesis: The CIA’s time travel espionage apparatus is leaking forward intelligence from Andrew D. Basiago’s 2016 Presidential campaign to the Romney team. The result is that Romney is running against Obama using Andy’s campaign material from his successful U.S. Presidential campaigns in 2016 and 2020.
(Full disclosure here: In the summer of 1980, Andy was leaked classified time travel information at a CIA training class for the jump room teleportation program by his father that he – Andy – had a future destiny as a U.S. President, as did Barack Obama, who was his classmate and co-adventurer in the CIA’s 1980 Mars jump room program. This destiny as President was confirmed to Andy in discussions held between him and career CIA officer Courtney M. Hunt in 2000.)
His emerging profile in the Truth Movement placed Andy in an unprecedented quantum dilemma. He could conceal his knowledge of his future Presidency and violate the tenets of public disclosure to which he is committed as a truth activist or he could reveal them with the attendant risk that the revelation might hurt his chances of winning the US Presidency.
Andy decided to tell the truth to the American people that the CIA has been revealing their destinies as President to future presidents, including himself and Obama when they were colleagues in the US secret space program as young men.
Top officials of Andy 2016! were already discussing “A Time for Truth” as his official campaign motto on Facebook and in private emails and phone conversations before the August 14, 2012 date of Romney’s stump speech to the coal miners at which he opened with, “This is a time for truth.” Consequently, ordinary political surveillance of Basiago’s quest for the White House could have led to the slogan being obtained and dropped into the Romney speech via conventional political espionage. Alternatively, the CIA time travel apparatus could be feeding the Romney campaign forward intelligence from successful 2016 and 2020 U.S. Presidential campaigns by the bold independent candidate Andrew D. Basiago. Only time will tell.
1. Andy 2016! A Time for Truth
2. Full Show: Plutocracy Rising
October 19, 2012
Journalists Matt Taibbi and Chrystia Freeland discuss how far America’s super-rich will go to keep the One Percent in charge.
3. Bill Moyers Essay: When Bosses Push Their Politics
October 19, 2012
NOTE: This segment contains Mitt Romney's "This is a time for truth" opening stump speech line on Aug. 14, 2012 to Ohio coal miners in full gear and helmets.
Bill calls out corporate executives strong-arming their employees to vote as they say.
4. VIDEO: Andrew D. Basiago & Alfred Lambremont Webre with host Roxy Lopez on Colbert Report, Romney attacks on Andy 2016! Campaign
Andy 2016! – Judge Webre’s Blog