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Hi! Thank you for participating in the Model Statute and World Treaty Conference to Ban Anti-Personnel Neuro/Electromagnetic DEW & Mind Control Technologies & Weapons
You have been added as a Contact for the Model Statute and Treaty Conference in your area at the Treaty Conference Secretariat located at
In the meantime, please review the resources at:
World Treaty Conference to Ban Anti-Personnel Neuro/Electromagnetic DEW & Mind Control Technologies Announced
By Ramola D.
World Treaty Conference to Ban Neurotech Mind Control Weapons
Please also consider how you may wish to bring forward and Convene the Model Statute & Treaty Conference in your area, be it in outreach at the local, state, Congressional level, in the media, public education, VIP level, or with fund-raising for the Treaty Conference.
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Petition to Abrogate 1954 Greada Treaty between the USA & the Draco reptilians, the Orion greys & the Anunnaki reptilians
This petition will be delivered to POTUS
Sign Petition to Abrogate 1954 Greada Treaty:
436. Quincy Township & Commonwealth of Massachusetts natural person, mother, journalist & DEW Treaty Conference Township & Commonwealth Coordinator Ramola D/Dharmaraj, criminally harassed by extraconstitutional DEW network
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
PEACE PORTAL ARCH. WA - May 14, 2018 - Quincy Township & Commonwealth of Massachusetts natural person, mother, journalist & DEW Treaty Conference Township & Commonwealth Coordinator Ramola D/Dharmaraj, criminally harassed by DEW network facilitated by employee of General Dynamics, DEW Defense contractee for UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION unconstitutionally & unlawfully infiltrated onto Quincy Township School Committee in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, where the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION has no standing, having defaulted to the united states of America as established in the constitutional convention of 1789, through the Act of 1871 establishing the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA & THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION unconstitutionally.
435. AUSTIN, TX End Of Days Show with Michael Decon
Alfred Lambremont Webre: 2020 & How to create a positive future for America & the World
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¡Hola! Gracias por participar en el Estatuto Modelo y la Conferencia del Tratado Mundial para prohibir armas anti-personal electromagneticas y tecnologías y armas de control mental
Usted ha sido agregado como Contacto para la Conferencia de Tratado y Estatuto Modelo en su área por la Secretaría de la Conferencia de Tratado ubicada en
Mientras tanto, revise los recursos en:
Conferencia del Tratado Mundial para prohibir tecnologías y armas de control mental y anti-humanas y electro-magnéticas
Por Ramola D.
Conferencia del Tratado Mundial para prohibir las armas de control mental
Considere también cómo puede presentar y convocar la Conferencia de Estatuto Modelo y Tratado en su área, ya sea a nivel local, estatal, del Congreso, en los medios, educación pública, nivel VIP o con recaudación de fondos. para la Conferencia del Tratado.
Por favor, no dude en contactarnos para cualquier información, etc.
Petición para abolir el Tratado de Greada de 1954 entre los EEUUA y los reptilianos de Draco, los grises de Orion, y los reptilianos de Anunnaki
Esta petición será entregada a POTUS
Firma Petición para abolir el Tratado de Greada de 1954:
439. El Partido Liberal de Canadá y la de Columbia Británica, que impulsa el oleoducto contraecológico Texas Kinder-Morgan, aprobó la adquisición en 2003 del sistema Canadian Canadian Census & BC Ferries-Highway, por el distribuidor de armas de DEW Lockheed Martin
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
438. Kelly Wallace, persona física, residente del municipio de Lake Grove, condado de Suffolk, estado de Nueva York, presenta pruebas al Secretariado en el Estatuto Modelo y la Conferencia del Tratado Mundial para prohibir las armas DEW y Neurotech
Evidencia de tortura de DEW remota, movilidad de partes del cuerpo, V2K por una red DEW extraconstitucional controlada por Lake Grove, LI, Mayor, empleado de Lockheed Martin por 34 años, DEW contractee
Por Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
436. Quincy Township & Commonwealth of Massachusetts persona física, madre, periodista y DEW Treaty Conference Township & Commonwealth Coordinator Ramola D / Dharmaraj, criminalmente acosado por la red DEW extraconstitucional
Por Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
PORTAL DE PAZ ARCH. WA - 14 de mayo de 2018 - Quincy Township & Commonwealth of Massachusetts persona física, madre, periodista y DEW Treaty Conference Township & Commonwealth Coordinator Ramola D / Dharmaraj, acosada criminalmente por la red DEW facilitada por empleado de General Dynamics, DEW Defense contractee para ESTADOS UNIDOS OF AMERICA CORPORATION se ha infiltrado inconstitucional e ilegalmente en el Comité Escolar del Municipio de Quincy en la Mancomunidad de Massachusetts, donde la Corporación ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMÉRICA no tiene ninguna posición, incumpliendo los Estados Unidos de América según lo establecido en la convención constitucional de 1789, mediante el Acta de 1871 estableciendo el DISTRITO DE COLUMBIA Y LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMÉRICA CORPORATION inconstitucionalmente.
435. AUSTIN, TX Show de fin de dias con Michael Decon
Alfred Lambremont Webre: 2020 y cómo crear un futuro positivo para América y el mundo
430. Molécula C60 "Buckyball" como protección contra cánceres y cataratas de piel con radiación 5G. 5G es el 'asbesto electrónico' con el científico Ken de ken-from-c60purplepower-com /
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429. Patty Greer - "Todo está a la vista pero nadie parece estar mirando"
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Posted at 02:22 PM in America2020 | Permalink | Comments (1)
Investigative Comment Draft
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Re: "CHRISTOPHER STORY" - 3/31/2018
The Perestroika Deception: How the research of assassinated journalist Christopher Story [AKA journalist Edward Harle] is relevant to the Transhumanist Agenda and possible nuclear destruction of Earth
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
VANCOUVER, British Columbia - March 31, 2018 - The Transhumanist Agenda, Scalar, Plasma, Remote DEW directed-energy, neuro-mind control weapons, and even guillotines are part of a NWOO [New World Order Odor] plan to depopulate awakening human Earth citizens around the world.
Perestroika Deception
One physical phase, also known as the Perestroika Deception includes a plan to transport detained Americans to a Russian-Siberia-based Gulag via a Trans-Alaska-Siberia Railroad Bridge & Underground Tunnels DUMB [deep underground military bases] network, according to reliable research by the late Christopher Story [AKA journalist Edward Harle], assassinated in 2010 by an operation of combined Soviet-American black ops Intelligence that is an operating component of the Perestroika Deception.[1]
"The Perestroika Deception [context] explains the devious secret intent behind the Leninist strategy which the 'former' Communists are pursuing under cover of fake 'reform' and 'progress towards democracy'. The immediate strategic objective is 'convergence' with the West - on their terms, not ours. The ultimate objective is Lenin's: replacement of nation states with collective regional governments as building blocks of the 'New World Social Order' - World [Communist] Government."[2]
Download The Perestroika Deception - Memoranda to the Central Intelligence Agency - The World's Slide Towards the Second October Revolution (1995)
Perestroika Deception and possible Planetary Nuclear Destruction
This secret Perestroika Deception- NWOO depopulation plan is a component of the reason why the nation-state entities such as the former Soviet Union-USSR [presently AKA the Russian Federation], the United States of America Corp, the state of Israel, & the People's Republic of China have not ratified the ICC - International Criminal Court Treaty and Rome Statute.[3]
Presently, 118 nations that are not part of the Perestroika Deception have ratified the ICC International Criminal Court Treaty, allowing these 118 Nations to prosecute war crimes, genocide & crimes against humanity in their national courts, thus exposing the four "nuclear" powers involved in the Perestroika Deception- Israel, China, Russian Federation, and United States of America - as covert infiltrators and subverters of the peace of the global commons, a mandated by International Humanitarian Law, including the Geneva Conventions.[4]
Three out of four of the Perestroika Deception nations [China, Russian Federation, the and United States of America] are permanent members of the United Nations Security Council[5], thus facilitating the Perestroika Deception'sfalse flag global destabilization of the global commons and community of nations, as can be currently witnessed in the false flag psyop Nuclear Kabuki Theatre being carried out amongst the Russian, American and North Korean Perestroika Deception regimes in the USA, USSR-Russia, and North Korea.
In its most recent Perestroika Deception Nuclear Kabuki Theatre [a term originated by Livermore Nuclear Labs whistleblower scientist Dr. Leuren Moret MA, PhD, ABD] Russia has deployed its Satan II nuclear tipped-ICBM with enough CEP [circular error probability] to hit even the lap-top in the office of this journalist in Vancouver, British Columbia and trigger a global nuclear conflagration such as may have destroyed our neighboring planet Mars.
Science has preliminarily confirmed what reported several years ago in an interview with a then British elected official[6], that Mars was destroyed in a planetary nuclear war such as that which now threatens Earth through the agency of the Perestroika Deception. Nuclear isotopes similar to those of exploded hydrogen bombs have now been detected on Mars by the NASA Mars Rovers.[7]
As a result of its planetary nuclear war, Mars, once a verdant planet like Earth, is now an obloid pumpkin-like sphere with a thinned atmosphere, devoid of vegetation on its surface, with reptilians that have been witnessed as well as photographed by NASA Mars Rovers at approximately 25-75 feet tall living on the Martian surface, and a Martian human civilization of approximately 1,000,000 that are Homo Sapiens genetic cousins living under the Martian surface.[8] Conflicting research places the date of the Martian nuclear war at either 75,000 years ago or 705,000 years ago.
Historically, there is plausible exopolitical forensic evidence supporting a hypothesis that a similar planetary nuclear war caused the destruction of what once was a verdant Earth-like planet in what is now known as the Asteroid Belt.
The Asteroids rotating in a belt around our dual Sun [one of two such Suns which cross in every 12,500 years a Yin-Yang cycle pattern[9]] were once an Earth-like planet that bears various names in pre-history such as Maldek or Tiamat. We can reasonably hypothesize according to interdimensionally-telepathically received information This Earth-like planet Tiamat or Maldek was shattered into becoming the Asteroid belt in a planetary nuclear war about 700,000 years ago.[10]
Awakening Community of Earth Soul Citizens
A recent example of the Perestroika Deception in the Awakening Community includes (1) the New Age media giant corporation, a deep-cover KGB/CIA Perestroika Deception operative agency, and (2) a 1988 immigrant from Communist Apparat Czechoslovakia, apparatchik, founder & CEO Jirka Rysavy, who as a KGB trained paramilitary officer, according to eye-witness reports that has received, has deployed the latest KGB DEW bio-scalar "soul-snatching" technology at
One outcome, evidenced by empirical forensic victim testimony and expert military testimony, is the recent "public health epidemic" of scalar, plasma, DEW directed-energy, chemical-nano-bio-weapons attacks on targeted audiences, staff, vendors, participants, media, and speakers at recent "Extraterrestrial Disclosure", UFOlogy, and Near Death Experiences [NDE] Conferences.
These conferences, which attract multi-dimensionally aware and interested human beings with prime, developing souls for electronic harvesting by the Reptilian interdimensional forces behind the Perestroika Deception that include and are not limited to the Draco and Anunnaki Reptilians and Orion Greys under multiple secret written and Telepathic Treaties with the Russian, American, UK, Israel, Chinese, and Vatican Deep State, NewsInsideOut.comhas learned.
Perestroika Deception Infiltrated U.S. Secret Quantum Access Time-Space Program and groomed U.S. future Presidents from George HW Bush to Donald J. Trump
Following an in-depth investigation of the U.S. secret time travel program, has learned that a merged Russian-American Deep State Intelligence force operating under the Perestroika Deception has taken over the secret former U.S. quantum access time travel and teleportation project formerly known as Project Pegasus.[11]
Our investigation has found that, since at least 1971, a merged Russian-American Deep State Intelligence force operating under the Perestroika Deception has groomed and behaviorally controlled future time-travel pre-identified United States of America Presidents including:
George HW Bush
Bill Clinton
George W. Bush
Barack [Barry Soetoro Soebarkah] Obama
Donald J. Trump[12]
SEE: Ratifying Nations of the ICC-International Criminal Court Treaty & Rome Statute
Investigative Comment Draft: "The Perestroika Deception: How the research of assassinated journalist Christopher Story [AKA journalist Edward Harle] is relevant to the Transhumanist Agenda and possible nuclear destruction of Earth"
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News:
Posted at 05:13 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 11:16 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Dear Mr President
Hay otras opiniones validas. There are other valid opinions about President Drumpf [his real family name], whose grandfather Drumpf deserted the Austrian Army & fled to the Yukon, Canada where he made his family Drump fortune running the Best houses of prostitution in the Yukon. Drump’s Father ran discriminatory housing in NYC that would not Rent to African Americans.
President Donald Drumpf himself fronted for Resorts International, a Mafia, CIA corporation that runs casinos in Las Vegas & Atlantic City & that saved Baby Drumpf from bankruptcy 3 times, all the while Drump built DRUMPF TOWER with illegal immigrant workers and made it a working HQ for the Russian Mafia.
These are the strategies of a service to self Reptilian soul, not the strategies of a St Germain Service to Others Ascended 5-7th Density Master reIncarnate as Drumpf's fans claim.
Alfred Lambremont Weber
Peace Arch, Blaine, WA
March 7, 2018
[NOTE: like DRUMPF, WEBER, my original Last German-American name was changed to WEBRE in the early 1700s by the authorities in Louisiana, when Johann WEBER, my bloodline ancestor, immigrated from Germany to Louisiana and established The Weber Plantation in St. James Parish, south of New Orleans.
A Haitian slave at the Weber Plantation then invented the modern machinery for the industrial manufacture of sugar, a legal carcinogen & poison.
Does President Donald Drumpf repudiate his Deserter, Woman Debaser & Pimp, Racist Real Estate DRUMPF Heritage?
NO! He thrives on exploiting it’s polarizations politically, as a duality consciousness “I win-You Lose” Reptilian-souled individual - not Human-Souled individual
The DRUMPF WALL at the Northern border of Mexico is more evidence of the DRUMPF collective Reptilian Oversoul.
The DRUMPF WALL is being built for 2 covert strategic reasons, relating to Reptilian Agenda 21:
2 hour lecture in Tijuana, free Exopolitical Territory of Mexico on Feb 16, 2018
and recent interview in Mexico:
Reptilian President DRUMPF’s major allies - USA, Israel, China & Russia - have all refused to ratify the ICC Treaty because they too are Reptilian nations, which have committed many War crimes including War crimes in service of their own secret Reptilian Interdimensional partner intelligent civilizations
Do you agree with parts or all of this Open Letter to President Drumpf and want a true White Hat [not a Black Hat or Grey Hat as DRUMPF] in the White House in 2020?
If so, please Contact
[email protected]
With ideas, resources and Candidates to evict DRUMPF in 2020!
Together we can make America Human & Humane once again!
Thank you, Gracias, Obridago,
Posted at 04:49 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 04:33 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 04:21 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)