1. Judge Fernando Imposimato & Prosecution of 9/11 Accused at the International Criminal Court (ICC) - The Tribunal is in active cooperation with Judge Imposimato for prosecution of 9/11 at the ICC, and had forwarded him our latest update on the Tribunal: "9/11 War Crimes Tribunal expected to issue Indictments of Accused in 9/11 events on January 22, 2013"
Judge Imposimato wrote back on Oct. 1 thanking the Tribunal for legal analysis and information in our article, and indicating that he was meeting at the ICC later this week in exploratory meetings for prosecution of 9/11 Accused by the ICC.
2. 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal Group on Facebook - The Tribunal has started a group on Facebook in addition to its public website:
9/11 War Crimes Tribunal
You are welcome to join this Group on Face book. This is a forum on social media for the posting of news and updates on the 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal and related events, such as 9/11 witness Susan Lindauers Oct 2 public lecture in Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA.
Despite what appear to be mis-guided (and slanderous) public articles and radio interviews by the organizers and specific speakers, there is a great deal of support on Facebook for the 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal. Paradoxically, the irrationality of these articles that border on transparent Cointelpro attacks, have brought a great deal of public support to the Tribunal and our witnesses.
3. 9/11 Tribunal - Public Roles as Witnesses & Judges - The Internet and email lists, etc has paradoxically both facilitated and made more difficult the role of a Tribunal of Conscience, witnesses and Judges. In a "brick and mortar" courtroom, it is easy to tell when a Tribunal is in session; when the Tribunal is adjourned. In the case of the 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal, a Tribunal of Conscience, the issue of when the Tribunal is "in session" is more problematic to define.
Judges of the 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal only speak for the Tribunal in official Notices of Decision, Indictments or other documents that are posted on the Tribunal website at www.911warcrimestribunal.org
Witnesses of the 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal - The Evidentiary Statements and Affidavits of the 9/11 witnesses are their official Tribunal-related statements.
Privileged communications such as this email also are part of official Tribunal statements.
Any other public or private statements by 9/11 Tribunal Judges and/or witnesses, whether on the media, in email lists, social media, emails, etc, are merely statements by individuals in their own private capacity exercising their right of freedom of speech, and do not reflect in any way on the 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal, its evidence, Proceedings and Judgments.
This rule is made to protect Judges and witnesses, for example, from outlandish claims and statements made by organizers and specific speakers of a June 15-17, 2012 9/11 Conference in Vancouver, BC.
Judges and witnesses who feel slandered or mistreated on an email list are perfectly free to wage in on that list and deconstruct the slander in their own rights as individuals if they so wish without in any way affecting the Tribunal. They are also free to ignore these slanders, and or to bring legal action as needed.
4. Update on the Affidavit of 9/11 witness Leuren Moret, MA, PhD ABD - The Tribunal is now working closely to assist Leuren Moret in the timely completion of her submission and affidavit by Oct. 28, 2012, despite the intrusive use of Cointelpro frequency weapons to immobilize her laptop computer, and any new computer she would try to use for this task. The Tribunal has arranged for Ms. Moret to complete here submission by hand in a special notebook, and for transport of Ms. Moret's hand-written and affidavit to Vancouver, BC by the due date.
Thank you.
Oct. 2, 2012