James Fetzer: 9/11 Delusional Haranger, Senile Academic & Cultural Illiterate
by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, Judge, 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal
"Jim Fetzer shouted at me on his radio show and would not let me identify Bertrand Russell as a war criminal" Independent scientist Leuren Moret, expert witness for the 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal"
VANCOUVER, BC - This article is in response to a delusional, slanderous rant by James Fetzer, former U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence officer, who in abusing his position at Veteran's Today, penned yet another article attacking the 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal, its judges and witnesses, this article aimed at agent-baiting the undersigned Judge of the 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal with the hackneyed title, set out at the end of my response as Exhibit I:
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD: 9/11 disinfo op?
It appears that Fetzer's new occupation, now that he cannot subvert our 9/11 Tribunal of Conscience by attempting to make conditions on what witnesses we can call, is to write serial prolific "agent-baiting" harangues attempting to demonstrate that Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, done him and the 9/11 movement wrong. The principal logic behind Fetzer;s latest article appears to be: Alfred Lambremont Webre is intelligent, capable, and efficient, therefore he must be an operative. That canard is the refuge of senile ranters who have lost thier grip on reality, as has former U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence officer Fetzer.
Unfortunately for Fetzer's reputation as a rational scholar, and fortunately for the 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal, Judge Alfred Lambremont Webre has performed ethically in all judicial duties.
Objectively speaking, Fetzer's status before the 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal is as a former Tribunal witness who by his own volition withdrew his submissions and organized a walk-out of all but two of the 9/11 Vancouver Hearings speakers as witnesses when the Tribunal refused to vet the affidavit of Andrew D. Basiago and the affidavit of Leuren Moret with Fetzer and his conference cor-organizer and fellow Veteran's Today writer, Kevin Barrett, a vetting which would have violated the principle of judicial independence of the 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal.
FETZER WRITES: "The key question is whether Alfred has been actually been lying by the deliberate dissemination of information that he knows to be false but asserts anyway in order to mislead the public. While there are ample grounds to dismiss the hypothesis that he is demented, the commission of lies counts against delusion and and instead strongly supports the conclusion that he is a 9/11 disinfo op."
Point by point response to Fetzer's diatribe
1. No prior agreement was made to exclude the affidavits of Andrew D. Basiago and Leuren Moret - Whether because of early senility, delusion, artifice, or self-convenience, Fetzer continues to make up the falsehood that I hade made an agreement conference organizers Fetzer, Barrett and Joshua Blakeney to exclude the affidavits of Andrew D. Basiago, Leuren Moret, and any other witnesses the Tribunal chose to call in addition to the conference speakers, from evidence before the Tribunal. This continued fabrication by Fetzer and Barrett that there was a prior "agreement" to my Judgeship is fasle, as demonstrated both in my letters to Fetzer, Barrett and Blakeney released on the 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal Website:
as well as in my Oct. 19, 2012 in-depth interview with host and researcher Vinny Eastwood:
It is clear (1) that I approached Fetzer, Barrett and Blakeney on Feburary 17, 2012, four months in advance of the 9/11 Conference in Vancouver, with a proposal that they invite Andrew D. Basiago as a speaker! (2) Fetzer, Barrett and Blakeney invited me to be a Judge, and asked me to recruit other Judges, and stipulated no conditions; (3) At not time did I make any representations on behalf of the Tribunal as to limitatins on witnesses I would call; (3) Fetzer, Barrett and Blakeney do not have the foggiest notion of what the judicial independence of a Tribunal is.
Fetzer's assertion of this non-existent "agreement" is a convenient fabrication, one that he and Barrett make, we have asserted, in order to cover up the fact that they have wanted to limit the evidence before the Tribunal to "the usual suspects", namely front-men from the governments of the United States and Israel who were used as the "muscle" for 9/11 by the "apex" of the pyramid which organized 9/11, all UK, French and Canadian citizens. To put it plainly, all of the conference speakers that Fetzer organized made submissions as to U.S. and Israeli citizens only, over whom the International Criminal Court does not have jurisdiction.
Moreover, the U.S. and Israeli citizens named by Fetzer, Barrett and Blakeney's speakers as "9/11 principals" are limited to the "usual suspects", the hired guns, the "muscle" for the job: George W. Bush, Richard B. Cheney, Donald H. Rumsfeld, Benjamin Netanyahu - all apparatchiks, none of them principals.
The principals behind 9/11 are UK, French and Canadian citizens, who form an executive of an international war crimes racketeering organization led by City of London bloodline banking families set out in the affidavit of Leuren Moret.
The 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal insisted on the affidavit of Leuren Moret (which names these UK and Canadian citizens), after Fetzer and Barrett stated that Ms. Moret's affidavit could not be admitted by the Tribunal because she has not spoken at the 9/11 Vancouver Hearings conference.
Moreover, the Tribunal called the affidavit of Andrew D. Basiago into evidence because it contains credible eye-witness evidence that Donald H. Rumsfeld, U.S. Secretary of Defense on September 11, 2001, had prior mens rea knowledge of the 9/11 false flag operation as early as 1971. Moreover, the affidavit of Andrew D. Basiago provides probable cause that Donald H. Rumsfeld's fellow cabinet member in the Richard M. Nixon 1971 Presidential cabinet, U.S. National Security Advisor Henry Alfred Kissinger (an intimate to City of London bloodline banking executives behind 9/11), likwise was given access to the quantum access information regarding 9/11 in 1971.
Fetzer, Barrett and Blakeney suffer from 9/11 blindness called "Made in America and Israel", when in fact 9/11 was directed as an executive matter by United Kingdom citizens. The 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal evaluated all of the submissions by Fetzer's, Barrett's and Blakeney's speakers and saw that the core UK-citizen-based executive that directed the false flag operation of 9/11 was not named by their speakers in their submissions (Only half of their speakers bothered to make written submissions, by the way). Hence, the 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal rejected the the improper suggestion of these 3 witnesses co-organizers of the Vancouver 9/11 conference - Fetzer, Barrett and Blakeney - that the Tribunal could not call additional witnesses in the form of the affidavits of Leuren Moret and Andrew D. Basiago.
2. The law of evidence - including (a) five independent whistleblowers from the U.S. government's secret time travel and teleportation program, and (b) documentary evidence including NASA Mars rover photographs containing images of humanoids, animals (including pleisiosaurs), statues and structures on the surface of Mars - all support the truth of the Affidavit of Andrew D. Basiago and Mr. Basiago's credibility as a witness before the 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal.
Witnesses - There are now five independent whisteblowers who have come forth to testify about the U.S secret Time Travel and Teleportation programs, as well as U.S. secret bases on Mars,. These include Andrew D. Basiago, Bernard Mendez, William B. Stillings, Michael Relfe (who has written two books with his wife on his 2 years 1976-96 as a member of the U.S. armed forces detail at a U.S. base on Mars), and former DOD phsicist Arthur Neuman. I personally have interviewed and vetted all of these whistleblowers.
The law of evidence is methodology used by the social science of Exopolitics in evaluating eyewitness and expert witness evidence, as well as documentary evidence regarding the U.S. secret time travel and teleportation program, the secret U.S. bases on Mars, and the issue of life on Mass.
The following article by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, founder of Exopolitics, is judged to be an industry standard reference in this area:
New data, law of evidence support view of Mars having indigenous, intelligent extraterrestrial life
by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
The article points out that "A new generation of data from Mars supporting the existence of indigenous humanoid and animal Martian life has been emerging (1) from the NASA Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity, which have been on the Martian surface photographing it at close range, and (2) from independent whistleblowers who were involved in compartmentalized secret U.S. government Mars programs.
"Application of the law of witness and documentary evidence may be a methodology leading to breakthroughs in evaluating this new generation of data now emerging regarding the existence of indigenous humanoid and animal extraterrestrial life on Mars, our nearest planetary neighbor.
"This article explores the application of the law of evidence to the question of proving the existence of contemporary intelligent life on Mars. Included is an exclusive Examiner.com preview of a PowerPoint presentation entitled 'How to Evaluate The Evidence for Indigenous Martian Intelligent Life'."This article is too lengthy for full inclusion here, and readers are encouraged to study the full article.
The following passages regarding corroboration of Andrew D. Basiago's account are relevant:
"Witness evidence - an intelligent Martian civilization
Whistleblower evidence - Andrew D. Basiago, a Cambridge-trained environmentalist and attorney, has publicly confirmed that in 1970, in the company of his late father, Raymond F. Basiago, an engineer for The Ralph M. Parsons Company who worked on classified aerospace projects, he met three Martian astronauts at the Curtiss-Wright Aeronautical Company facility in Wood Ridge, New Jersey while the Martians were there on a liaison mission to Earth and meeting with US defense-technical personnel.
"Witness evidence - DARPA's Project Pegasus and The Discovery of Life on Mars
"Andrew D. Basiago’s witness evidence reveals the fact that by 1968 the US intelligence community was already aware of aspects of his later Mars work. He tells of seven briefings over 40 years in which he was shown evidence of his destiny involving the discovery of indigenous life on Mars, and explains how the emergence of time travel and this epochal future event were interlinked. As a result of this quantum access, Andy was given a copy of his landmark paper The Discovery of Life on Mars in 1971 and asked to read and remember it, so that when, in 2008, he wrote it, it would contain as much data about Mars as possible.
Corroborating witnesses
"Mr. Basiago’s training, his witness evidence says, culminated in 1981, when, as a 19-year-old, he teleported to Mars, first by himself after being prepared for the trip by CIA officer Courtney M. Hunt, and then a second time in the company of Hunt. Both trips, Mr. Basiago said, were made via a “jump room” located at a CIA facility in El Segundo, CA. The apparent purpose of the trips to Mars was to familiarize him with Mars because the CIA knew of his destiny as the discoverer of life on Mars and deemed it important that he visit Mars and experience it first-hand.
"Mr. Basiago’s involvement in US time-space research as a child, as well as Courtney M. Hunt’s identity as a CIA officer, have been confirmed by Dr. Jean Maria Arrigo, an ethicist who works closely with US military and intelligence agencies, and by US Army Captain Ernest Garcia, whose storied career in US intelligence included both serving as a guard on the Dead Sea Scroll expeditions of Israeli archaeologist Yigal Yadin and as the Army security attaché to DARPA’s Project Pegasus.
"Independent Mars whistleblower witness
"On July 25, 2009, at the European Exopolitics Congress in Barcelona, former DoD scientist Arthur Neumann publicly stated, “There is life on Mars. There are bases on Mars. I have been there.” The following day, Mr. Neumann participated in Futuretalk, a Project Camelot documentary interview, in which he provided details of his teleporting to a base on Mars and participating in a one-hour project meeting, which was also attended by representatives of an intelligent civilization that lives in cities under the surface of Mars. Arthur Neumann has stated that he teleported to Mars in order to participate in a project meeting there at which Martian humanoids were present.
"Presentation of documentary evidence - NASA rover Spirit photos
"Mr. Basiago has indicated that at public presentations of the MARS findings, on average about 75% of the audience can cognize and see the indigenous Martian humanoids, animals, structures, and statues contained in NASA rover photos.
"At the November 2009 Barcelona Science and Spirit Conference presentation by this reporter, 50% of the audience that was polled was able to recognize the indigenous Martian intelligent and animal life forms in the documentary evidence contained in the PowerPoint included in this article. (See video of presentation by clicking here). Therefore, one can say that the probable existence of indigenous intelligent Martian life was proven for 50% of the audience at Barcelona.
"Why not a greater percentage of the audience? Well, there is the matter of NASA interference with its rover images: NASA's seven deadly sins of data distortion."
From: New data, law of evidence support view of Mars having indigenous, intelligent extraterrestrial life by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
"NASA's seven deadly sins of data distortion
"Mr. Basiago, in consultation with Emily Cragg, a former imaging specialist for Xerox, has catalogued seven techniques that NASA is using to distort its own data from the surface of the Red Planet:
1. Scale. Compress vertical and horizontal dimension to make everything look ordinary;2. Contrast. Set light-and-dark ratio to extreme value or invert light and dark aspects altogether;
3. Color. Add false hues and unnatural colors;
4. Skew. Move forms out of vertical alignment;
5. Consistency. Paint over to make a solid color look black, white, or opaque;
6. Integrity. Alter natural forms to look like forms that do not occur naturally;
7. Content. Embed content with altered contrast, non-human data, and strange pixels.
"Documentary evidence from NASA rover Spirit image PIA10214
Click here to download. To view the sample documentary evidence supporting indigenous intelligent life on Mars and go to the PowerPoint “How to Evaluate the Evidence for Indigenous Martian Intelligent Life,” click here.
"Evaluating the evidence for indigenous Martian intelligent life
"The basic standard in evaluating witness and documentary evidence in the common law is the standard of “reasonableness.” This standard can be stated as “what would a reasonable person conclude?” When a jury in a court of common law is determining a question of fact, as to whether contemporary indigenous Martian life exists, the members of the jury resort to the standard of reasonableness in weighing direct and expert witnesses, and documentary evidence.
"Evaluating the Witness Evidence for Indigenous Martian Intelligent Life
"1. Evidence of Andrew D. Basiago – The witness evidence of Andrew D. Basiago as to indigenous Martian intelligent life both on the surface and under the surface of Mars, it seems to me, is highly credible. I have had the opportunity to interview, question and cross-examine Mr. Basiago closely over all aspects of his accounts regarding Project Pegasus and Mars since the year 2000. I have found his verbal and written accounts to be consistent and verified by available witness and documentary evidence, including written versions of his evidence which he has made available to me. As an attorney (member of the District of Columbia bar) myself, I have found Mr. Basiago, who is a lawyer and graduate of UCLA and Cambridge universities, to be extremely conscientious in the execution of his duties as an officer of the court and a member of the bar of the State of Washington. He consistently tells the truth – even punctiliously so – and is a conscientious reporter of his activities. The professional penalties for an officer of the court engaging in public deception or fraud regarding an issue of public importance, such as U.S. secret bases on Mars and personal knowledge of indigenous Martian intelligent life, could be grave.
"There are credible, corroborating scientific, academic, and U.S. intelligence witnesses to Mr. Basiago’s participation in Project Pegasus and his two teleportings to U.S. bases on Mars, where he encountered life forms on the Martian surface (see PowerPoint).
"2. Witness testimony of Arthur Neumann – In Barcelona, Spain (July 25-26, 2009), this reporter personally examined former DoD scientist Arthur Neumann’s official U.S. passport credentials as a former U.S. DoD scientist and National Security Agency retirement pamphlets, and questioned him as to his teleportation experience to Mars and his project meeting with Martian humanoids on Mars. Mr. Neumann is an independent whistleblower who has made his account – of teleporting to Mars and meeting Martian extraterrestrials in a DoD-related project meeting on Mars – public at great personal cost. He is a highly gifted and intelligent scientist, and in my questions of him and his account, I found him to be reasonable and concluded that he is being truthful about his experiences and that the evidence of his account as a genuine experience is reasonable.
"To my knowledge, Mr. Neumann and Mr. Basiago have never met and have had no contact with one another.
"Evaluating the documentary evidence for indigenous Martian intelligent life
"A representative sample of documentary evidence supporting the existence of indigenous Martian intelligent life is set out in the PowerPoint entitled “How to Evaluate The Evidence for Indigenous Martian Intelligent Life”. This documentary evidence consists of images enhanced from selected portions of NASA rover Spirit photo PIA10214, a composite photo taken of the Columbia Basin on Mars (about the equivalent Martian latitude of Columbus, Ohio) in November 2007 and released by NASA onto the Internet in January 2008.
"These enhanced images are documentary evidence of indigenous humanoid and animal life on Mars. This reporter first began examining these images on December 7, 2008, in Portland, OR, when I was invited by Mr. Basiago to examine images he discovered during the course of 2008 in NASA rover Spirit photograph
"As this reporter can attest, viewing and cognizing these often novel and strange Martian life forms requires imagination and persistence by the observing Earthling. The immediate visibility and certainty of this documentary evidence of indigenous Martian humanoid and animal life should improve with advancements in photo-analytic technique.
"Ms. Cragg, who has reportedly analyzed over 4,000 NASA photos, as well as the evidentiary documents in this PowerPoint, states that NASA manipulates scale, contrast, color, skewing, consistency, integrity, content, and up to five levels of image within NASA Rover photos to conceal indigenous intelligent Martian life on Mars’ surface.
"Individual MARS evidentiary documents (see PowerPoint)
"Each sample of the documentary evidence in the PowerPoint (download here), as photographed by the Mars rover Spirit in November 2007 in PIA10214 from the Martian surface, seems to contain reasonable representations of indigenous humanoid or animal life on the surface of Mars.
"Each of these documents falls under the scientific rubric of the evidence of new apparent life forms on a neighboring planet – Mars – using a new, advanced technology – the NASA Mars exploration rover. Unlike the earlier generation of Viking Orbiter satellites, which photographed the Martian surface from orbit around Mars, the Mars rovers can capture photographic close-ups, as well as composite landscapes of Mars, which contain images of apparent indigenous Martian life forms.
NASA/Andrew D. Basiago - Two insect-human hybrids,
scorpion-like body, human-like head, shoulders, arms
An evaluation of each sample of the MARS documentary evidence reveals the following (Please refer to images in PowerPoint):
1. Documentary evidence from NASA PIA10214: Figure of Humanoid Being (in center of photo leaning on rocks with back to rover camera) in the Rock Enclosure on Tsiolkovski Ridge, Columbia Basin, Mars – This is a classic enhancement from NASA rover Spirit photograph PIA10214. One of the documents at www.projectmars.net contains step-by-step instructions as to how to locate this life form using one’s own desktop or laptop computer and a copy of NASA photograph PIA10214. In the PowerPoint image, the figure of a Martian humanoid being has his back facing the rover Spirit camera, and is leaning on the middle rock wall of the three-wall rock enclosure, as though on his knees. The human appears to be masculine and has spindly, flesh-colored arms and legs and a large, oval, flesh-colored head, almost in the shape of some of the Gray extraterrestrial archetypes. He appears to be dressed, to this reporter, in turquoise- colored spandex-type pants. This is a reasonable conclusion this reporter has reached after multiple viewings of this particular image since December 2008.
"2. Documentary evidence from NASA PIA10214: Figure of insect-human hybrid The Scorpion Man (See insert) in the Turquoise Field, Columbia Basin, Mars – This enhancement of an apparent Martian life form found on the Columbia Basin on Mars within NASA rover photo PIA 10214 is a new species, that at first glance may grate our own Earthling sensibilities. The documentary evidence appears to portray an apparent insect – human hybrid that has been dubbed “the Scorpion Man.” In the original evidentiary document containing both images and analysis derived from NASA rover Spirit photograph PIA10214, insect-human hybrids and lizard-human hybrids are among the apparent new species that appear in NASA rover photo PIA10214. In this document, two insect-human hybrids, each with a turquoise scorpion-like body and an apparent flesh colored human-like head, are resting next to each other on the Martian terrain. This reporter takes no position on the biology of an insect-human hybrid, which the new science of exobiology obviously must address. As an observer, this reporter can reasonably conclude that the NASA rover photograph indeed depicts an apparent new species of insect-human hybrid. This is a reasonable conclusion this reporter has reached after multiple viewings of this particular image since December 2008.
"3. Documentary evidence from NASA PIA10214: A second category of animal species on Mars combines elements of animal species that inhabit Earth at this time in its biological history and that, from our perspective, are hybrids of living animal species, such as one animal species on Mars that combines the bodily shape of an octopus with the face of a lion or a dog but which is terrestrial rather than aquatic in nature. This documentary evidence is an image enhanced from NASA rover Spirit photo PIA10214 that depicts an apparent hybrid animal resting on the Martian terrain of the Columbia Basin in November 2007 and looking toward the Spirit’s camera. As in the case of the insect-human hybrid, this Martian hybrid animal is unlike any animal we know on Earth. This reporter can reasonably conclude that the documentary evidence is an exhibit of an octopus-like land animal, perhaps furry, with facial features that may be reptilian, feline, or canine in nature. This is a reasonable conclusion this reporter has reached after multiple viewings of this particular image since December 2008. This reporter takes no position on the biology of this Martian animal hybrid, which the new science of exobiology obviously must address.
"4. Documentary evidence from NASA PIA10214: The third category includes reptile species extinct on Earth. In this category we can place land-based Martian species of the plesiosaur, which has often been proposed as a solution to the Loch Ness, Lake Champlain, and Lake Okanagan mysteries. A reptile with a bulky body like a tortoise and a long neck like a snake, plesiosaurus is quite common on Mars but did not survive the K-T extinction on Earth. The documentary evidence for this Martian reptile species is contained in enhancements of NASA Spirit image PIA10214 of the Columbia Basin, Mars. In the PowerPoint, three evidentiary images of the Martian land-based plesiosaur from PIA10214 are provided. In the left-side image, the plesiosaur has its back facing toward the Spirit’s camera, so that its bulky body is visible from the rear, and one can see its elongated, curved neck and head in front of the animal. In the center photo, the Martian plesiosaur is facing the Spirit’s camera, and its head is tilted slightly towards its left, with its arching neck visible curving down towards it bulky reptilian body. The right-most photo is the image of the carcass of an apparent dead Martian plesiosaur, lying on the Martian terrain in the Columbia Basin, as it was photographed by the Spirit in November 2007. After examination of the documentary evidence, this reporter can reasonably conclude that it accurately represents the image of actual living Martian plesiosaur-like animals in the Columbia Basin in November 2007. The original research paper containing documentary images and photos from NASA image PIA10214 contains some analysis as to the reasons why reptilians like the Martian plesiosaur may have survived on Mars, and not on Earth, which suffered a K-T extinction event. The documentary evidence supporting the existence of a land-based Martian plesiosaur is reinforced by direct witness evidence of Mr. Basiago, who states that he and CIA agent Courtney M. Hunt were chased by a plesiosaur that they encountered on the Martian terrain during Mr. Basiago and Mr. Hunt’s teleportation to Mars in 1981. Mr. Basiago has related that he and Mr. Hunt had to take quick refuge in the surface entrance to a U.S. base on Mars. This is a reasonable conclusion I have reached after multiple viewings of this particular document since December 2008. This reporter also takes no position on the biology of this Martian plesiosaur, which the new science of exobiology obviously must also address.
"Reasonable implications deduced from witness & documentary evidence as to indigenous, intelligent Martian life
"In the opinion of this reporter, the witness and documentary evidence meet the standard of reasonability and more probably than not demonstrate the existence of contemporary indigenous Martian humanoid and animal life. To wit:
"1. Mars is – more probably than not – an inhabited planet – The evidence suggests Mars surface has a fragile, post-collapse ecology, inhabited by humanoid and animal life. There is prima facie witness evidence to support a conclusion that a sub-surface contemporary indigenous intelligent Martian civilization exists.
"2. Indigenous Martian intelligent humanoid life exists – more probably than not – The evidence suggests Mars surface is inhabited by humanoid beings like and unlike us and by animals that are like those that exist on Earth at this time, that once existed on Earth in pre-historic times, or that are hybrids with the traits of two or more Earth species.
"3. Hybrid human and animal Martian species exist – more probably than not – The evidence suggests that animal species on the surface of Mars include human-insect hybrids and human-lizard hybrids that do not exist on Earth and that to our knowledge have never existed on Earth.
3. I, Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, member of the bar of the District of Columbia, am not nor never have been an agent, agent of influence, operative, disinformant, or in any way associated or under the influence of any military or intelligence agency whether of the United States of America or any other nation.
Below is my honest current working biography. James Fetzer and Kevin Barrett are cultural illiterates who are not aware of the existence of the discipline and profession of Exopolitics, the science of relations among intelligent civilizations in the multiverse. It is their ignorance and cultural disconnection that fuels their continued, aimless hostility towards the 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal, its Judges and its witnesses.
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd is a futurist and author of Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the Universe (available at www.UniverseBooks.com),
a book that founded the field of Exopolitics – the science of relations
among intelligent civilizations in the multi-verse. Exopolitics
includes a case study of human contact with an advanced civilization on
Alfred’s forthcoming book, Dimensions: The Dimensional Ecology of the Multi-verse,
integrates empirical data from intelligent extraterrestrial
civilizations and intelligent civilizations of souls in the Inter-life
and demonstrates a new hypothesis of a functioning ecology of
intelligence in the dimensions in the multi-verse. Dimensions will be published in the 2013.
Alfred is a journalist, whose Exopolitics.com articles on multiversal research and cooperation are widely read in North America. Webre is the founder of www.exopolitics.com, a leading exopolitical news website, and the host of ExopoliticsTV, a public affairs channel on relations among intelligent civilizations in the multi-verse.
investigative journalism has been featured on TruTV, PressTV, and
mainstream TV networks, and has exposed an international war crimes
racketeering organization using exotic technologies such as the HAARP
aerosol/chemtrails weapons system for tectonic and weather warfare, mind
control and other ecocidal and depopulation programs. Please visit www.exopolitics.com.
Alfred is chairman of the Mars Anomaly Research Society (MARS) www.projectmars.net,
which is spearheading the international effort to research, disclose,
and educate the public about life on Mars. He has proposed a truth-
amnesty process to facilitate the release of the advanced,
extraterrestrial-derived new energy technologies that can be used to
create a sustainable, peaceful space age society.
Alfred is a
graduate of Yale University and Yale Law School in international law and
was a Fulbright Scholar in international economic integration in
Uruguay. He has taught economics at Yale University and constitutional
law at the University of Texas. Alfred was general counsel to the New
York City Environmental Protection Administration, a futurist at
Stanford Research Institute (where he directed the proposed 1977 Carter
White House extraterrestrial communication study), was a NGO delegate to
the United Nations and the UNISPACE conference, and is a judge on the
Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal.
Alfred is currently developing ExoUniversity, an educational entity (www.exouniversity.org)
whose goal is to provide web-based interactive continuing education,
research, information, and policy regarding Exopolitics, PsiSciences and
ExoSciences to individuals and institutions throughout the world.
Exopolitics.com: http://www.exopolitics.com
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 604-733-8134
Skype: peaceinspace
Sunday, October 21st, 2012 | Posted by Jim Fetzer
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD: 9/11 disinfo op?
by Jim Fetzer
“It is wrong always, everywhere, and for everyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence.”–William Clifford
Alfred Lambremont Webre, J.D., doesn’t know when to leave bad enough alone. It is not merely that he broke his promise to me to keep his exotic personal opinions about time travel, foreknowledge, and Martian Pleisiosaurs out of The Vancouver Hearings as a condition for his serving in the capacity of a judge, but he has gone out of his way in attempting to trivialize the matter and cast ridicule and scorn upon those of us who were responsible for organizing the hearings as though he were the innocent victim of a campaign to disgrace him. Kevin satirized the situation as it has evolved since the hearings in “Now It Can Be Told! The REAL Reason Obama Was Nearly Devoured by Carnivorous Plesiosaurs on Mars”, which I substantiated in a more formal piece, “The Vancouver Hearings: Subversion from Within”.
In those articles, we demonstrated that Alfred Webre had betrayed me and the hearings by violating a promise he had made to me, which he had acknowledged to Barbara Honegger during a dinner conversation following the end of the hearings on Sunday, 17 June 2012. She kept copious contemporaneous notes–fourteen (14) pages worth, actually!–which she composed during the dinner, during which Alfred told her in the presence of another dining companion that he was frustrated by a promise he had made to me and asked what he could do to break it, while seeking her support. She and the third party both emphatically asserted that he should keep his promise to me and not violate it–which he proceeded to do in spite of their wise counsel–by admitting as evidence the affidavit of one Andrew Basiago, who has sworn that he was teletransported to Mars as a young man (in the company of Barack Obama) and personally observed prehistoric aquatic dinosaurs.
The issue of whether or not to respond to Alfred has divided us. Barbara and Kevin both believe we ought to ignore him. Kevin submits that, “Taking a loonie seriously makes you look like a loonie.” But what may be obvious to Kevin may not be obvious to the public. As I am going to explain, Vinnie Eastwood, who hosts a radio program, takes him seriously, where listeners to his show may therefore suppose that Alfred is credible. He has a thoughtful and professional demeanor, which may induce the public into believing he is a thoughtful and professional man, even when his claims and accusations are false and inflammatory. Besides, what does it mean to describe someone as “loonie”? Does that mean they are demented? or simply deluded? or perhaps functioning as a 9/11 disinfo operator? Establishing that Alfred Webre does not appear to be demented thereby denies him the kind of “insanity defense” that status would confer. And, as I shall demonstrate here, because Alfred knows some of his allegations are false on the basis of records and submissions that he himself had collected, it becomes evident that, even if he may have been merely deluded in the past, by pursuing these issues and trying to justify his conduct on indefensible grounds, he has turned himself into a 9/11 disinfo op. And there are philosophically interesting issues to address in relation to teleportation and time travel itself.
Alfred’s latest attacks upon us
It was bad enough when Alfred attempted to defend himself in a blog, “9/11 Tribunal under attack for prosecuting 9/11 Accused beyond “The Usual Suspects”, by falsely alleging that the participants in The Vancouver Hearings had only submitted evidence to support indictments of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Dona Rumsfeld as “the usual suspects”, but that we had also maliciously attacked him when he attempted to carry out his duties and responsibilities as the head of a “Tribune of Conscience”, which is entitled to accept submissions from any source it may prefer. Alfred has now gone further and appeared on several radio programs during which he continues his attacks on Kevin and me, most recently “The Vinnie Eastwood Show”, where Andrew Basiago appeared on 11 October 2012 and Alfred on 19 October 2012, as follows:
Even this summary of his appearance contains misleading and false information, insofar as the “recent 9/11 conference” has to have been The Vancouver Hearing. But he cannot possibly have been “persecuted” for his comments there, since Andrew did not speak and Alfred made no mention of him during the hearings. He also claims that a bookkeeping update in sending Barbara copies of early correspondence has “silenced his critics”, which is fanciful, since they were requested to insure that Barbara Honegger had a more complete record of our exchange. Indeed, it was precisely Webre’s advocacy of Basiago’s claims that his childhood experiences –of which he believes he was teletransported to Mars and saw images of 9/11 events in 1971–was “reality” that had led me to insist upon and receive the promise from Webre that he not bring them into the hearings process in any manner. It was his violation of that commitment he had made to me that led to criticism of his conduct, which was unethical and contravened the conditions of his serving as a judge, which Alfred does not share with his audience:
It is because Alfred’s beliefs are so irrational and unwarranted and his behavior so grossly inappropriate and unethical that I am revisiting the question of whether he is demented (actually incapable of reasoning as an individual who is rationally incompetent), or simply deluded (sincere in his beliefs, even though they are not well-founded), or actually a 9/11 disinfo operator (who is neither deluded nor demented but, understanding his avowed beliefs are both irrational and unwarranted, nevertheless persists in promoting them in a deliberate attempt to subvert the 9/11 Truth movement. The key question is whether Alfred has been actually been lying by the deliberate dissemination of information that he knows to be false but asserts anyway in order to mislead the public. While there are ample grounds to dismiss the hypothesis that he is demented, the commission of lies counts against delusion and and instead strongly supports the conclusion that he is a 9/11 disinfo op.
Who is Alfred Lambremont Webre?
To be as fair as possible, here is one of many self-descriptions that Alfred Webre has published about himself, his background and his role. Notice, in particular, that there are multiple indications (especially in relation to his background, education, and training) that suggest that he is fully capable of acting as a rational agent when he so chooses and that, when he is not acting as a rational agent (as with respect to Basiago’s and related claims), it is calculated premeditation. That he is not incapable of reasoning as a rationally competent individual is substantiated by having graduated from Yale and having earned his J.D. at Yale Law School, widely regarded as the best in the nation . He has taught economics at Yale and constitutional law at The University of Texas, which hint that the conjecture that he might be demented cannot be sustained and that, if he is not a rational agent in some of his thought and behavior, it must be relative to very limited domains:
Alfred is chairman of the Mars Anomaly Research Society (MARS) www.projectmars.net, which is spearheading the international effort to research, disclose, and educate the public about life on Mars. He has proposed a truth-amnesty process to facilitate the release of the advanced, extraterrestrial-derived new energy technologies that can be used to create a sustainable, peaceful space age society.
Alfred is a graduate of Yale University and Yale Law School in international law and was a Fulbright Scholar in international economic integration in Uruguay. He has taught economics at Yale University and constitutional law at the University of Texas. Alfred was general counsel to the New York City Environmental Protection Administration, a futurist at Stanford Research Institute (where he directed the proposed 1977 Carter White House extraterrestrial communication study), was a NGO delegate to the United Nations and the UNISPACE conference, and is a judge on the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal.
Alfred is currently developing ExoUniversity, an educational entity (www.exouniversity.org) whose goal is to provide web-based interactive continuing education, research, information, and policy regarding Exopolitics, PsiSciences and ExoSciences to individuals and institutions throughout the world.
In addition, here is Alfred in person via a video published on 30 May 2012 by ExoUniversity, which carries its own introduction, “Preview version of ‘Time Travel, Teleportation, and the Future’ with Alfred Lambremont Webre. This is a preview of the first class, Part I in the Forum ‘An introduction to time travel with an emphasis on teleportation’ with Andrew D. Basiago and Alfred Lambremont Webre”, namely:
YouTube - Veterans Today -
The lack of credibility of Andrew Basiago
Even those who accept Alfred’s professed belief in the Basiago affidavit, which cites DARPA “jump rooms”, time travel and teleportation, his alleged presence on Mars thirty years ago with Barack Obama, observations of prehistoric dinosaurs and acquiring foreknowledge of the events of 9/11, as matters of opinion, where he is entitled to believe what he wants to believe, not all opinions are on a par. The difference between what passes for “knowledge” as opposed to mere “belief” is that, to possess knowledge, we are required to have reasons that justify our beliefs, where there are no reasons that defeat them. But Alfred has clearly either uncritically accepted Basiago’s claims and adopted alternative (h1) or made no effort to weigh it against (h2) and (h3) by any scientific standard, or is guilty of (h4) in collusion with Basiago:
(h1) Basiago was teleported to Mars, where he was in the company of Barack Obama, encountered Pleisiosaurs and foresaw 9/11;
(h2) Basiago was subjected to hypnosis, where these “memories” were embedded, which he himself believes to be totally authentic;
(h3) Basiago has been suffering from false memory syndrome, where he sincerely thinks he had experiences he did not really have; or,
(h4) Basiago knows that these reports are figments of the imagination, but he has reasons of his own for promoting them with Alfred.
The first three alternatives are compatible with Basiago’s sincere belief in what he claims to have experienced. Unless Alfred has tested these propositions and found reasons that justify preferring (h1) to the others, for example, then he is not justified in accepting Basiago’s testimony as veridical (truthful and accurate). Indeed, by any reasonable interpretation of Occam’s Razor, which dictates accepting the explanation that is the simplest, the most economical or the most elegant, provided that it can account for all of the available and relevant evidence, there are surely more reasons to prefer (h2) or (h3) over (h1), even assuming Basiago’s delusional sincerity, as I shall explain.
Three problems with teleportation
If we draw a distinction between “science fiction” and “science fantasy”, where science fiction advances fanciful accounts that are consistent with the principles of logic and the laws of physics, while science fantasy does not, the very idea of time travel to the distant past appears to be as an example of science fantasy. Alfred, no doubt, would claim that I am talking about the known laws of science, while he has moved beyond them to unknown laws of science. But the problem cannot be resolved by drawing that distinction. There are at least three major problems with teleportation theory: first, it is conceptually anomalous; second, it violates the second law of thermodynamics; and third, it encounters problems with indeterministic causation. First, consider the most defensible theory about the nature of time: the causal theory, which posits that time is measured by physical processes of high degrees of periodicity, such as the rotation of Earth on its axis to define a day, the circling of Earth by the moon to define a month, Earth circling the Sun defining a year, and so on, where the most reliable is the rotation of electrons in Cesium atoms, which define “atomic clocks”. Times past can be found counting backwards using appropriate units.
Specific events in space/time are specifiable, in principle, by means of the totality of relations between those specific events and the state of the universe at the same time. A specific occurrence, such as the sinking of the Titanic, for example, could be located in space/time relative to every other state of the universe at that time (assuming, of course, a specific frame of reference to avoid relativistic considerations). In the case of the Titanic, those would include the relative locations of ships, not just in the vicinity, but world-wide, in every ocean and sea, not to mention the specific locations and activities at the time of every human being and living thing. In order to travel back to a specific date in space/time, therefore, it would be necessary to reconstitute the arrangement of the universe at that time, including the location of the moon in relation to Earth, the distance of Earth from the Sun, and the rest of it. If Mars had been impacted with asteroids in the meanwhile, for example, then to return to that location in space/time, it would be necessary to reconstitute the universe at the time. That is pure fantasy.
Let me refer to the idea of replicating past moments in time as conceptually anomalous, which is a philosophical point. A second problem with teleportation is posed by the second law of thermodynamics, which postulates that the universe displays increasing entropy across time as a statistical phenomenon. While there can be local exceptions of brief duration, times past can no more be reconstituted consistent with this law than can ashes and smoke be reconstituted to create burning a log in a stove. That means reconstituting past events, as the Basigo scenario envisions, would violatesa fundamental law of science. The third is that of indeterministic causation, for which the same complete set of relevant conditions as “the cause” can have more than one possible outcome as “its effect”. In this context, it means that, even if time travel into the past were possible (by reconstituting the universe at a past moment of time), there is no guarantee that the same history of the world would result from that starting point as a complicated set of initial conditions, given the existence of probabilistic laws. That a coin flip (or a die toss or the decay of a radioactive element) came out one way in the past does not guarantee that it would come out the same were history to be repeated. It might be very different. If you could go, then you might be unable to return to a non-existent present.
Barrett, Fetzer, and “Operation Mockingbird”
You don’t have to have published “On the historical explanation of unique events” (1975) or “Transcendent Laws and Empirical Procedures” (1983) to appreciate that Alfred has been careless and irrational in accepting what Andrew Basiago has claimed without at least attempting to ascertain whether the alternatives to (h1) are true. Given the present state of our knowledge of the laws of physics, it is overwhelmingly more likely that (h2) or (h3) is the case. Even (h4) is far more plausible than assuming that Basiago actually teleported to Mars, where he was in the company of Barack Obama, encountered Pleisiosaurs and observed images taken on 9/11 in 1971. And you do not have to be familiar with William Clifford’s “Ethics of Belief”, according to which, “It is wrong always, everywhere, and for everyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence”, to appreciate why claims such as those Basiago has made are literally incredible. The common phrase holds that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Basiago has made extraordinary claims Alfred uncritically accepts, but neither has produced the extraordinary evidence that would be required to render those claims remotely credible. They have no proof.
That is rather extraordinary in itself, given his having graduated from Yale University, having earned his J.D. at Yale Law School, having taught economics at Yale and constitutional law at The University of Texas, which substantiate that he can be a rational agent. But there are circumstances under which it can be rational to pretend to hold beliefs that you know are either false or evidentially unwarranted. When a distinction is drawn between “rationality of belief” and “rationality of action”, where the latter involves adopting methods and means that are effective or reliable in attaining aims and goals, there are many circumstances under which feigning to hold a belief you do not hold may be rational, not as a matter of rationality of belief–since, by hypothesis, you already know better–but as a matter of rationality of action. If Alfred has the objective of promoting Exopolitics as a business enterprise, for example, even though he knows better than to actually believe some of the claims he himself has made about it, that would illustrate rationality of action, a practice that is well-known to advertisers, to politicians, and to used-car salesmen. But are there any other grounds for concluding Alfred is promoting views that he does not believe?
Another case appears to be in relation to his recent blog, where, in a textbook case of (what is known as) projection, he suggests that Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today and I are part of an elaborate disinformation operation to mislead the public about 9/11. Thus has Alfred written,
Veteran’s Today: Operation Mockingbird front?
Barrett and Fetzer are coordinating a vicious ad hominem attack against the 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal and its key witnesses through the pages of Veteran’s Today. The goal of this attack seems to be to discredit the sworn eye-witness testimony of Andrew D. Basiago that arguably provides probable cause for Donald H. Rumsfeld and Henry Alfred Kissinger’s mens rea around the 9/11 attacks as early as 1971. Mr. Kissinger’smens rea, in turn leads to probable cause for the mens rea of his associates who are key individuals in the executive of an international war crimes racketeering organization, composed predominately of UK citizens.
Webre omits that the Basiago affidavit cites DARPA “jump rooms”, time travel and teleportation, his (Basiago’s) presence on Mars thirty years ago with Barack Obama, observing prehistoric dinosaurs and gaining foreknowledge of the events of 9/11! This seems to typify the depths of deceit and deception to which Alfred Webre is willing to sink, where he claims Kevin and I, who have been doing everything we can to expose 9/11 as “an inside job” and to identify the real perpetrators who were responsible, are among those betraying the movement. Anyone can test this proposition for themselves. Just google “Veterans Today, Kevin Barrett” or “Veterans Today, Jim Fetzer”, and survey our recent publications about 9/11 right here at Veterans Today. Then ask yourself whether any honest broker, given abundant evidence, would advance the claim that we, rather than Alfred Webre and Andrew Basiago, are agents of 9/11 disinformation. Just review our work.
What about “The Usual Suspects”?
Alfred goes further by asserting that Kevin and I have been attempting to manage the outcome of The Vancouver Hearings to focus on “the usual suspects”, whom he identifies as George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld, where he tosses Bibi Netanyahu into the mix for good measure. Until we formally parted ways over his acceptance of the Basiago affidavit in violation of our agreement–where Webre no longer has any association with The Vancouver Hearings, which has no affiliation with his “9/11 War Crimes Tribunal”–he had received evidential submissions and sworn affidavits from many of the expert-witness participants at the hearings, naming many additional inductees other than just “the usual suspects” he claims, as detailed below . To hear him tell it, they were all focused on “the usual suspects”:
Veteran’s Today, Barrett, and Fetzer seem to be tasked with keeping the 9/11 movement focused on the “usual suspects” in the U.S. and Israeli governments at the time of 9/11. Their defamatory articles, by attacking important breakthrough 9/11 witnesses such as Andrew D. Basiago, is designed to prevent the 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal from identifying, investigating prosecuting, trying, convicting and sentencing 9/11 Accused who are UK citizens of the Merovingian and banking bloodlines, members of an executive of an international war crimes racketeering organization.
But this is simply absurd. While some of us had submitted evidence appropriate to indict Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld, as I had done myself (“9/11 J’accuse: Zelikow, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush, and O’Brien”, which I have also published here), there are so many others who have been the subjects of our submissions that the enormity of the deception that Alfred Webre is perpetrating here boggles the mind. I had been receiving copies of each of these submissions as they were coming in and Alfred himself was keeping a record of which submissions had been received and of those whom they were directed against as potential candidates for indictments. On 16 October 2012, I sent this to the participants in The Vancouver Hearings to show how brazenly Alfred Webre had misrepresented the contents of his own submission file:
As of 31 August 2012, the list of persons for potential indictment went far beyond “the usual suspects”. And this list does not include those Barbara, Chuck and others may have named, if their submissions are now complete. I would appreciate it if they would share theirs with the rest of us, because the enormity of Webre’s distortions of our work has gone far beyond the boundaries of rationality and represents a grotesque dereliction of duty. I am simply stunned by the dimensions of his deceptions, which has now extended far into the public domain. Dumbfounding!
1.”Barbara Honegger” <. . .>,
Request sent 6/22/12
2. “Charles Boldwyn” <. . .>,
Request sent 6/22/12
3. “Christopher Holmes” <. . .>,
Request sent 6/22/12
Evidentiary Submission & Affidavit
Rec’d 7/30/2012
1. Theresa Renaud
2. Mike Walter
3. Eric Shawn
4. “Clare Kuehn” <. . .>,
Request sent 6/22/12
5. “Dean T. Hartwell” <. . .>,
Request sent 6/22/12 – Received 6/23/12
Affidavit & submission recd 7/7/2012
1. Theodore (Ted) B. Olson
2. Barbara Olson
7. “Donald Fox” <. . .>,
Request sent 6/22/12
8. “Dwain Deets” <. . .>,
Request sent 6/22/12
Rec’d Aug. 31, 2012
1. John Ashcroft
2. Michael Chertoff
9. “Enver Masud” <. . .>,
Request sent 6/22/12
Rec’d Aug. 31, 2012
1. Richard B. Cheney
2. Theodore Olson
3. Donald Rumsfeld
4. Leonard Downie, Jr.
5. Philip D. Zelikow
6. Victoria Clarke
7. Lee Evey
8. Robert S. Mueller, III
9. Jamie McIntyre
10. Jay Fisette
11. Edward (Ed) P. Plaugher
12. Robert Medairos
13. Dennis Gilroy
10. “Greg Felton ” <. . .>,
Request sent 6/22/12
Recd Aug 28, 2012
1. Ehud Barak
2. State of Israel
11. “Jack Etkin” <. . .>,
Request sent 6/22/12
12. “Jeff Prager” <. . .>,
Request sent 6/22/12
13. “Josh Blakeney” <. . .>,
Request sent 6/22/12
14. “Kevin Barrett” <. . .>,
Request sent 6/22/12
“Nicholas Kollerstrom” <. . .>,
Request sent 6/22/12
Evidentiary submission & affidavit – Aug. 26, 2012
1. Ehud Olmert
2. Larry Silverstein
3. Dov Zakheim
15. “Prof. Jim Fetzer” <. . .>,
Request sent 6/22/12
Submission 1
Rec’d 7/28/2012
Submission 2
Submission 3
Rec’d 8/1/2012
Submission 1-5
1. Philip Zelikow,
2. Richard B. Cheney, 3. Donald Rumsfeld,
4. George W. Bush,
5. Lt. Col. Steve O’Brien, MNANG
16. “Prof. Anthony Hall” <. . .>,
Request sent 6/22/12
17. “Splitting the Sky” <. . .>,
Request sent 6/22/12
18. “John McCarthy” <. . .>,
Request sent 6/22/12
19. “Webster Tarpley” <. . .>,
Request sent 6/22/12
20. “Leuren Moret” <. . .>,
Request sent 6/22/12
21. “Andrew D. Basiago” <. . . >,
Request sent 6/22/12
22. Susan Lindauer
Request sent 6/22/12
Evidentiary Submission & Affidavit Aug. 25, 2012
1. President George Bush, 2. Vice President Richard Cheney,
3. Attorney General John Ashcroft,
4. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales;
5. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and
6. National Security Adviser, Condoleeza Rice.
7. Larry Silverstein
6. “Dennis Cimino” <. . .>,
Request sent 6/22/12
Evidentiary Submission
Rec’d. August 15, 2012
Exhibits A, B, C, D, F
Rec’d 7/13/2012
The individuals holding the following offices on 9/11:
1. George W. Bush, President of the United States,
2. Richard B. Cheney, The Vice President,
3. Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense,
4. The Joint Chiefs of Staff, including Richard C. Myers; and Gen. John Wheeler III, General David Wherley,
5. Attorney General John Ashcroft
6. Acting Director of C.I.A., George Tenet, Central Intelligence agency
7. Director, Defense Intelligence Agency,
8. Director National Security Agency,
9. Acting F.A.A. Administrator Jane Garvey, Federal Aviation Administration
10. Director, Dept. of Transportation
11. National Transportation and Safety Board
12. Agent in Charge, U.S. Secret Service
13. State of Israel & Israeli Mossad
14. Rothschild Family
15. Israeli citizen Dominic Suter, of New Jersey’s URBAN MOVING SYSTEMS,
16. Mayor Rudolf Guiliani
17. Ehud Barack
18. Director of NORAD
20. IN Q TEL – In Q Tel, as well as the other Israeli firms who were involved in
the security of the Boston Logan Airport and the Ronald Reagan
Airport in Washington, D.C. that day, and by virtue of faked and
altered videos of the alleged hijackers with dual time stamps and
other irregularities.
21. Andrew Card
22. Robert S. Mueller, Director Federal Bureau of Investigation
23. Israeli Mossad
24. John Does (1. Ordered USAF Interceptors to orbit over Long Island warning area; 2- Fabricated false communications to aircraft AA11 and AA77)
25. DOD COMPTROLLER, Dov Zackheim
26. Mr. Frank Lowy
27. Mr. Larry Silverstein
28. David Rockefeller
29. PATRIOT ACT PASSAGE – All sitting members of U.S. Senate and House of Rep., except Ms. Cynthia McKinney, Mr. Dennis Kucinich, Mr. Ron Paul
32. John Does 2 thru 150 or more were incarcerated by various
agencies in Federal lock ups after 9/11/2001’s ALL known
Israeli operatives who were either arrested and taken into custody,
or under surveillance and let free to go back to Israel in the
aftermath of 9/11.
33. ‘Buzzy’ or Howard Krongard – PUT Options
34. Acting Solicitor General, Mr. Ted Olson
35. Lewis Liebowitz,
36. Elliott Abrams,
37. David Addington,
38. Daniel Pipes,
39. Stephen Cambone,
40. Philip Zelikow
41. Michael Chertoff
42. Michael Mukasy
43. U.S. Air Force personnel in charge
of the two ‘TROUT’ aircraft hovering as E-4B command centers
over Arlington, VA. and New York, as well as a ‘third’ TROUT
aircraft in position somewhere over W. VA on 9/11;
44. American Airlines Capt. Chic Burlingame, for his ‘overflight’
of the Pentagon, as a fully on board and willing participant in 9/11
45. The pilot of Minnesota Air Guard 133rd. Detachment, in command of a
specially equipped C-130H ‘compass call’ airplane not just used
for ‘wreckage seeding’ but as most likely both the terminal
guidance, and possible jamming and deception machine which
guided the AGM-65J Maverick to it’s target on the wall of the
Pentagon on 9/11.
46. All ‘4’ Aircraft commanders and their TACCO
officers on board the ‘3’ E-4B’s.
47. Dec. 1995 Buga wreckage from an American Airlines aircraft is cited herein, for
the indictment of Cdr. O’Brien.
48. C.E.O. of American Airlines for aiding and abetting 9/11
49. C.E.O. of United Airlines for aiding and abetting 9/11
50. Mr. Jim Ritter, who signed off on the N.T.S.B. re-creation of
FLT 77, a flight which never was scheduled on 9/11/2001
51. 9/11 Cover-up: U.S. Pres. Barack Obama and VP Joe Biden
52. all forensics personnel who worked at the DoD lab charged with victim
identification of 9/11
53. CEO of all main stream Media organizations for publishing false news about 9/11
54. Acting head of Securacom, Marvin Bush, the President’s brother
55. C.E.O. of Israeli Company with
complicity in the NORAD phone disconnects at Cheyenne
Mountain Complex in Colorado and other NORAD facilities,
56. U.S. Secretary of State, 1997 – 20When you consider the evidence that Alfred Webre has been making ecause Alfred’s beliefs are so irrational and unwarranted and his behavior so grossly inappropriate and unethical that I am revisiting the question of whether he is simply deluded (sincere in his beliefs, even though they are not well-founded), demented (actually incapable of reasoning as an individual who is rationally incompetent), or a 9/11 disinfo op (where he is neither deluded nor demented but understands that his beliefs are irrational and unwarranted, but persists in promoting them nevertheless in a deliberate attempt to subvert the 9/11 Truth movement. The key question is whether Alfred has been actually been lying by the deliberate dissemination of information that he knows to be false but asserts anyway in order to mislead the public. The commission of lies would count strongly against delusion and dementia and strongly support the conclusion that he is a 9/11 disinfo op.
Because Alfred’s professed beliefs are so uncritically irrational and unwarranted and his actions and public claims so grossly inappropriate and unethical, I have revisited the question of whether he is demented (actually incapable of reasoning as an individual who is rationally incompetent), simply deluded (sincere in his beliefs, even though they are not well-founded), or acting as a 9/11 disinfo op (neither deluded nor demented but instead understands that his beliefs are irrational and unwarranted, but persists in promoting them, nevertheless, in a deliberate attempt to subvert the 9/11 Truth movement). The key question is whether Alfred has actually been lying by the deliberate dissemination of disinformation–claims that he knows or believes to be false but asserts anyway in order to mislead the public and discredit the 9/11 Truth movement. Since we have here his own records of the submissions he has received, which go far beyond Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld, there can be no doubt that he knows his assertions about our limiting ourselves to “the usual suspects” are false, because they are refuted by his own records.
When is “a Judge” not a Judge?
As we have seen, Alfred Webre has made false and unwarranted assertions about me and Kevin Barret and Veterans Today. He has accused us of being agents of disinformation. The blatant falsehoods that he has asserted when he knew better, including especially his completely absurd suggestions that we have been attempting to keep the affidavit of Andrew Basiago by focusing on “the usual suspects”, leaves no latitude for doubt that he has been lying. Even if he was sincere in the beginning–merely gullible in his willingness to believe in Andrew Basiago, for example, as a complicated case of irrationality–he has been lying to conceal his duplicity in dealing with me and has become what he accuses us of being, a 9/11 disinfo op. And the circumstances that have arisen here have motivated Greg Felton, who was among the first to conclude that Alfred was acting deceptively and fraudulently as a judge in The Vancouver Hearings, has also uncovered reasons to question whether Alfred Lambremont Webre, J.D., was even properly formally qualified from the beginning to serve in the role of judge:
1. Violation of Terms of Reference.
His participation in the 9/11 Vancouver Hearings (hereinafter “the Hearings”) was contingent upon his not entertaining theories of a speculative, extraterrestrial nature. The fact that he imposed Andrew Basiago’s submission on the Hearings—a submission that included “remote viewing” and Mars jumping—without the consent of Hearings’ organizer Jim Fetzer demonstrates judicial arrogance and usurpation of authority.
2. Mala Fides
In conversation with Barbara Honegger and Ernst Rodin after the hearings, Webre, according to Honegger’s report, expressly regretted his earlier agreement to exclude the above mentioned speculative theories and wanted to find away to introduce them surreptitiously. This admission demonstrates bad faith (mala fides) toward his commitment to abide by the terms of his appointment, thus casting into doubt his motives for acting as judge of the Hearings.
3. Judicial Misconduct I
As a judge, Mr. Webre had a moral and professional duty to remain detached from the specific presentation of each witness. By including Andrew Basiago, Mr. Webre crossed the line from being a judge of evidence to being an advocate for a point of view. As he wrote in an e-mail Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 12:23 AM, Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD MEd <[email protected]> wrote: “Well, sorry to disappoint the critics, but technological and not psychic quantum access was used by DARPA time labs to retrieve 9/11 materials.”
4. Judicial Misconduct II
Mr. Webre failed to disclose to the conference organizers a professional and personal conflict of interest in including Basiago’s submission. Basiago was the editor Webre’s book EXOPOLITICS: POLITICS, GOVERNMENT AND LAW IN THE UNIVERSE (and has been a personal friend of Webre’s for 10 years). This conflict of interest is exacerbated by the fact that Webre’s new 9/11 tribunal website is hosted by his Exopolitics blog: http://exopolitics.blogs.com:911_war_crimes_tribunal
Perhaps even more remarkably, Greg has pursued Alfred’s standing before the bar in Canada and his entitlement to serve in the role of judge:
I placed a call to the Career Development Office at Yale Law School to find out if a Juris Doctor graduate is allowed to practice law in B.C., given that Alfred Webre received his JD from Yale in 1967. Although Webre had practised law in the U.S., I was told that any American lawyer would have to pass the bar in Canada to be legally allowed to practise here. A call to the Law Society of B.C. turned up no record of Alfred Webre as a practising lawyer, meaning he had not passed the bar. In short, Alfred Lambremont Webre was not professionally qualified to act as judge at the Vancouver Hearings, and as such any findings or affidavits filed by him are inadmissible.
The conditions that I introduced for him serving as a judge–keeping his personal views out of it and requiring that I be able to review the Basiago affidavit before it was accepted–were all for naught. He always had his own agenda, which he pursued smoothly right up to the end, when he could not longer conceal it. I hereby accept responsibility for having him involved in this. He had spoken in Madison in 2007. I was impressed by his participation in the Kuala Lumpur Tribunal’s proceedings. He introduced a quasi-judicial dimension that complemented our efforts. I thought that it would work. I was mistaken.
The most charitable interpretation of Alfred has come from Clare Kuehn, who has observed that someone with a personal stake in an issue can appear to be intelligent and, in their calm moments, be truly intelligent and balanced logically, but that when their stakes are on the line, they cannot maintain logically careful but emotionally uncomfortable hypothesis-formation long enough to question what they want to believe. In this case, although he acts like an op, he is not personally consciously in his intentions. We often deal with this when fighting certain persons and groups about 9/11 Truth, where law school, for example, can be an avenue a person pursues as an intelligent (or intellectualized) emotional defense, especially when he cannot cope rationally with criticism and may even lie.
I have been willing to give Alfred the benefit of the doubt and assume that he was either deluded or demented, but when he began attacking Kevin and me during radio programs, I became convinced I had to take the time and effort to reconsider my resistance to concluding that he is a 9/11 disinfo op. To those who still want to urge Alfred’s integrity in spite of a mountain of evidence that contradicts it, I remind them of the saying about things that look like, waddle like, and quack like ducks. If Alfred is not a 9/11 disinfo op, he is a very good simulation. If he did not already exist, the intel agencies would have wanted to invent him.
Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, is a professional philosopher of science who has published widely on the theoretical foundations of scientific knowledge, computer science, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and evolution and mentality.
Jim Fetzer has long been known to (whether purposefully, or not, I have no idea) but a harm to the pursuit of 911 Truth/ J Fetzer, Judy Woods, CIT, and numerous others, fit into this group. One can easily identify them because they never focus on the most damning easily independently verified facts that prove the demolition of three skyscrapers that day. Or couple cogent material with baseless pseudoscientific claims..They talk about no planes at the Pentagon, energy weapons and other such nonsense. It's been said 'the best disinformation is 91% accurate.'
Posted by: winston | 11/30/2012 at 07:27 PM