Unlawful Lockdown? Judge Seven [UK], Nurse Kate Shemirani, Mark Steele 5G, Allegedly Dave
WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO: https://vimeo.com/406921986
NEWSINSIDEOUT: https://newsinsideout.com/2020/04/unlawful-lockdown-judge-seven-uk-nurse-kate-shemirani-mark-steele-5g-allegedly-dave/
5G & CORONAVIRUS NEWS: https://exopolitics.blogs.com/5g_coronavirus_news/2020/04/unlawful-lockdown-judge-seven-uk-nurse-kate-shemirani-mark-steele-5g-allegedly-dave.html
Unlawful Lockdown? Judge Seven [UK], Nurse Kate Shemirani, Mark Steele 5G, Allegedly Dave
In an outstanding UK Panel discussion, Nurse Kate Shemirani points out (1) that the Coronavirus test yields an 80% false positive and yet now is used to justify home invasion and arrest orders, and (2) that the Coronavirus is now being medically recognized as an exosome [See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exosome_(vesicle), whereas the symptomology ascribed to the "Pandemic" are more akin to 5G and non-ionizing radiation exposure symptoms. The Panel discusses effective participatory Solutions to an apparent attempted Deep State power grab, including grass-roots co-plaintiff National Court actions under the International Criminal Court Act, as discussed here:
Natural & Common Law Tribunal Established to Address Gross Abuse of Power by UK’s Response to COVID-19 (Video)
Posted on March 28, 2020 by State of the Nation
Panel guests, include:
- Mark Steele, a 5G Weapons Expert who can be found on Twitter and FaceBook as Mark Steele 5G, with Youtube Channel as Anthony Steele
- Kate Shemirani, Natural Nurse In a Toxic World on Face Book, with Youtube channel Kate Shemirani
- Allegedly Dave, a Public Speaker and Lecturer, on FaceBook as Dave Moor, whose Youtube Channel is Dave Murphy 25 -
Judge Seven [UK], Seven Starseed on FaceBook, on Twitter as SoulutionariesTV, whose Youtube is Soulutionaries Media Network
Natural And Common Law Tribunal For Public Health And Justice
Natural & Common Law Tribunal Established to Address Gross Abuse of Power by UK’s Response to COVID-19 (Video)
Posted on March 28, 2020 by State of the Nation
Natural And Common Law Tribunal For Public Health And Justice: Judges Seven [UK] & Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO: https://youtu.be/bxNOGKHQusE
Live Facebook Video Feed: http://www.facebook.com/alfred.webre/videos/10163341736715524
Recommended reading
Unlawful Lockdown? Judge Seven [UK], Nurse Kate Shemirani, Mark Steele 5G, Allegedly Dave
Live Facebook Video Feed: http://www.facebook.com/alfred.webre/videos/10163341736715524